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“回归本体”是高校学术评价的核心价值目标。其基本要义是回归学术活动的本质,回归到立德树人之上,以评价对象的发展为宗旨。当前,高校学术评价过分注重刚性指标,学术评价的实质性不足;无视学科差异、岗位特点,学术评价呈现“标准化”“一刀切”问题;学术评价结果使用功利化,注重学术内涵发展的过程评价长期被忽视。“回归本体”高校学术评价的改革要建立健全量化评价和同行评议相结合的综合评价模式;构建以学科、岗位特点为依据的分类评价体系;改进问责导向的结果评价,强化发展导向的过程评价。  相似文献   

学术是大学的本质与灵魂。我国在现代大学的建设中,由于行政思维、历史传统与功利主义价值取向等原因的影响,导致大学灵魂的迷失与学术本质的异化,因此亟需通过构建合理的大学学术评价体系来引导学术本质的回归。本文分析了学术评价存在的问题,提出建造一个合理的评价体系,这个合理的体系应是在指导思想上以学术为本,在评价管理上以民主为重,在评价原则上以公正为基,在指标体系设计上注重系统性、全面性、科学性和可操作性。  相似文献   

学术评价是学术同仁立足相应学科要求,凭借精深的学术素养、宽阔的学术视野、高尚的学术良知对学术活动或学术成果的学术价值、研究不足以及学术伦理等进行的学术评判。学术评价具有五个方面的重要特点:由学术同行所开展的评价;对学术活动或学术成果所开展的评价;对学术活动或学术成果的创新价值所开展的评价;依靠评价者的学术水平与学术良知所开展的评价;以推进学术创新和学术繁荣为根本价值追求所开展的评价。当下国内学术权力的扭曲和异化可以概括为八种形式:工分式评价、应付式评价、吹捧式评价、自说自话式评价、压制式评价、一刀切式评价、外在式评价以及身份式评价。学术评价是学术活动的根本目的,是通过对相应学术成果或学术活动的学术评判,肯定高水平学术成果或学术活动的学术价值或应用价值,激发学者发奋探究的学术激情和志趣,促进学术活动高质量开展和学术事业蓬勃兴旺。实现学术评价的根本价值追求,回归学术评价本真,必须为其创造社会条件,重塑学术评价的健康环境:明晰行政权力与学术权力的各自边界,为学术评价回归本真提供首要前提;加强学术道德建设,增强学者自律意识,为学术评价回归本真提供内在保证;注重学术制度建设,将权力关进制度"笼子",为学术评价回归本真提供重要的规范支撑。  相似文献   

高校教师的学术水平直接关系到高等教育人才培养质量,科学、合理的学术评价能够对学术领域的发展和教师的个人专业发展起到积极的导向作用。本文从理念、制度、方法三个维度对中美两国高校教师学术评价进行比较和分析,试图从中得到些许启示,为完善我国高校教师学术评价制度助力。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代末以来,美国建立了完善的高等学校学术评价制度,促使美国在科学技术领域取得了巨大的成就。相比之下,我国高校的学术评价制度却存在诸多问题,因此,我国要加快学术规范管理机制建设,加强高校师生学术规范意识的培养;充分发挥学术批评的作用,建立严厉的学术惩戒机制;尊重学术自由,减少行政权力对高校学术评价的干涉;建立健全科学的学术评价体系。  相似文献   

大学归根结底是进行学术生产的机构。因此,从经济学角度出发,提出大学学术生产力决定大学办学水平的观点。本文针对我国当前大学学术生产存在的问题,探讨制约大学学术生产力发展的主要因素,包括学术生产产权制度、学术资源配置方式、学术评价制度、学术管理制度、学术竞争和激励机制等方面。提升大学学术生产力的关键在于明晰学术生产产权制度,改善学术资源配置方式,构建合乎学术逻辑的学术评价机制,构建具有学术道德伦理约束的学术管理制度、构建科学的学术竞争和激励机制等。  相似文献   

学术环境与归国意愿 ——对留美博士生的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张东海 《复旦教育论坛》2014,12(5):45-49,102
我国的海外留学生具有较高的滞留率。相关研究表明,个人学术发展前景是留学生是否回归最重要的影响因素。本文对在美国顶尖大学留学的中国籍学生的调查表明,留学生对中美两国的学术环境评价具有非常大的差异,中国学术环境不佳是影响留学生归国意愿的重要因素。要优化我国的学术环境,仰赖于发育成熟的学术共同体。  相似文献   

21世纪以来,为破除"唯论文",德国科学基金会和科学理事会牵头,倡导"质量而非数量"学术评价机制转型。在改进"评价方法"上,注重发挥同行评议基础性作用;针对量化指标,建立专属性认知与应用体系,明确其对同行评议的支持性作用。在拓展"评价内容"上,强调学术能力综合评价,尤其注重科研领导与合作能力,兼顾个体学术职业发展状况。德国学术评价机制转型对我国的启示是:加强对不同评价方法功能与问题的认识,是学术评价机制转型的基本前提;在操作层面实现"统计有度"和"比较有方",是学术评价机制良性运转的重要保障;基于学术系统复杂性和多元性特点,学术评价机制的完善要以健全学术系统为总体目标。  相似文献   

介绍了在教育综合改革和“双一流”建设过程中,部分高校对学术评价体系和人才培养体系进行的相关改革,认为此类探索客观上将学术评价和创新人才培养等重要议题正式引入了实质性的操作环节。指出了应科学评价并有效提升博士生教育和科研工作的质量的看法,认为在全球化时代,中国高校正面临着新的形势和使命,我国博士生教育在思路上需要进行战略性调整,应切实突出质量导向,推动高等教育及学术建设走上内涵式高质量发展的正轨。  相似文献   

我国高校学术评价暴露出重数量轻质量、重形式轻内容、重结果轻过程等问题.唯有在尊重科学研究规律的基础上,扭转片面的学术评价导向,确立科学的学术评价标准,建立并完善分类评价体系,才能有效解决问题,优化学术生态环境,进而促进知识创新、推动社会进步.  相似文献   

新文科建设要求大学的发展转换视角,不能仅关注论文、项目、科研经费等“智商型GDP数值”,更须夯实与唤醒诸如大学精神特质凝练、软实力提升、内涵建设等“情商型指标构成”。在新文科建设视野下,大学应是基于“学府、学人、学业、学术、学统”有机组成的“智商-情商双馨”共同体。“大学的情商”可彰显“五新”:凝练大学精神,建构“特质学府”,呈现传统经典文化现代传承的“新格局”;引育“卓越学人”,优化人力资源“分类分层发展”的“新功能”;提供“优质学业”,推进人才培养的“新模式”;营造浓厚“学术氛围”,形成科研评价的“新路径”;锻造“深层学统”,强化回应国家战略与地方发展需求的“新范式”,在“开新局觅新机”中,积极回应时代大变局下的新文科建设时势诉求。  相似文献   

行政化倾向使我国大学权力结构呈现出一元化的特征,它不符合学术组织本质的要求,不利于大学学术的良性发展.推行“去行政化”改革,建立基于科学理性的多元共享治理体制,调整大学权力结构与关系,不但是建设现代大学制度、加强大学科学管理的需要,更是重塑大学精神、回归学术本质的需要.调整行政权力关系,要求调整行政权力的内部关系,转变行政工作性质,建立专业化的行政团队;调整学术权力关系,重在落实教授治学,建立多元学术主体共担权力、共治学术的结构体系.  相似文献   

This article examines academic administrators’ attitudes towards the academic evaluation process in the US and those factors that are utilised to improve teaching. We use path regressions to examine satisfaction with evaluation procedures, as well as the direct and indirect effects of these factors on perceptions of whether the evaluation process facilitates quality instruction. With increased pressure for accountability being placed on higher education, it is important to ensure that we are meeting both public and academic expectations. The evaluation process is an important tool to ensure the university’s goals and values are articulated and that academics can be successful in their individual career paths. The problem is most research finds flaws with the current method of evaluation, and academics and academic administrators are sceptical about the process and results. We find there are environmental factors that influence academic administrators’ perceptions of academic evaluations and the ability to improve classroom instruction.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):187-207

The academic workplace is experiencing numerous changes in South Africa and around the world, including increasing managerialism, declining governmental funding and massification of university systems. Global trends have impacted South Africa, and additional local contextual factors combine to create a situation in which the pool of prospective academics is limited, particularly with regard to individuals from diverse backgrounds, at the same time as vacancies for academic staff are expected to increase. In order to address the question of who will become the next generation of academics in South Africa, the author investigates potential barriers to developing academics through qualitative research conducted with postgraduate students, academic staff and administrators at two higher education institutions. Two central thematic categories are explored—induction into postgraduate studies and induction into the academic profession. The author posits that systematic socialization, both into postgraduate studies and into the academic profession, is a vital link toward cultivating emerging academics to fill academic positions for an equitable workplace in South African higher education institutions.  相似文献   

Academic mobility has existed since ancient times. Recently, however, academic mobility—the crossing of international borders by academics who then work ‘overseas’—has increased. Academics and the careers of academics have been affected by governments and institutions that have an interest in coordinating and accelerating knowledge production. This article reflects on the relations between academic mobility and knowledge and identity capital and their mutual entanglement as academics move, internationally. It argues that the contemporary movement of academics takes place within old hierarchies among nation states, but such old hierarchies intersect with new academic stratifications which will be described and analysed. These analytical themes in the article are supplemented by excerpts from interviews of mobile academics in the UK, USA, New Zealand, Korea and Hong Kong as selected examples of different locales of academic capitalism.  相似文献   

In this article we examine issues of academic identity through the lens of academics’ everyday workplace writing, offering a complementary perspective to those already evident in the higher education research literature. Motivated by an interest in the relationship between routine writing and aspects of professional practice, we draw on data from interviews with 30 academics across three different universities. Our discussion is illustrated with excerpts from interview data, and is organised around three emerging themes: ‘reconstructing academic identities in a shifting academic workplace’, ‘considering new articulations of disciplinarity’, and ‘moving on from the golden age’. We conclude that the reconstruction of academic identities, through engagement with established and emerging workplace documents, may well be enabling academics to build new identities within the changing university.  相似文献   

在我国当前学术界学术主体人格缺失和学术行为不规范已成了不争的事实.通过分析学术主体人格的现存问题,提出从建立和健全学术制度、强化学术道德建设、提高学术工作者的自身素质、完善学术评价体系等方面建立学术规范,以塑造与时代相匹配的学术主体人格.  相似文献   


How should academic staff engage in outreach with communities outside of the university? The need of academics to answer this question has intensified in the UK given the changing priorities of academic job roles, shaped by increasing institutional concern for widening participation, graduate employability and research impact in an era of austerity and high tuition fees. While university outreach professionals, such as those in widening participation, have access to a range of networks, resources and support mechanisms for outreach activity, academics often face a series of profession-specific pressures that make engagement in outreach complex and contingent. This article draws upon the experience of 25 academics from 18 different subject areas and 18 institutions to examine and provide responses to key challenges faced by academics involved in outreach in the UK. We examine such issues as: the conceptualisation of outreach; funding; recognition and management of workload; nurturing relationships with internal and external partners; capacity-building; commercial interests, payment and responsibility; pedagogical style and content; integration of outreach into curricula, and evaluation of programmes. The examination offered is not all encompassing, but acts as a series of reference points to consider the challenges faced by UK academics in an evolving outreach sector.  相似文献   

Combating corruption is an important condition for bringing about the flourishing of academic research. There are many reasons for the emergence and proliferation of academic corruption today. These are closely related to the long-term lack of training among our country's scholars in modern academic standards and the absence of an academic spirit as well as the nonseparation of academics and politics in terms of academics administration, the politization and ideologization of academics, and flaws in the academic system. To extirpate academic corruption, we should on the one hand vigorously encourage a scientific spirit and enhance academic ethics among scholars while restricting excessive interference by political power in academic research and creating a relaxed and free academic research atmosphere and, on the other hand, perfect the systems of supervision, sanctions, and evaluation for academics and ensure the standard conduct of academic research.  相似文献   

清代是个学术的时代,尽管经有古今之分,学有汉宋之异,但追求学术的独创性、实证学风和学术吏视野,始终是清代学术最显豁的特征,也是清代诗学的学术精神和方法论背景。清代诗学虽不以原创性为突出特征,但力求突破前人藩篱的创新意识与实证学风相结合,却带来理论阐释、诗人评论及作品分析上空前的深刘和细致,对学术史研究的重视更赋予它善于总结前代理论遗产、推源溯流、包容古今的集大成色彩。清代诗学家评论当代诗歌的历史感、讨论理论问题的学术史意识和诗歌史研究的热情,无不显出其学术精神与当代学术的相通。本有鉴于此,试图从清代诗学的学术精神入手,探讨清代诗学的学术史特征,从清代诗学述的丰富性、专门性和实证性来看清代诗学的学术性,从历代诗学献整理、传统诗学阐释和诗歌史研究三个方面论述清代诗学整体上的集大成意义。  相似文献   

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