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受众与主流媒体合作,借助飞速发展的新媒体技术参与大众新闻传播是融媒体时代新闻传播的一大特色.通过历史分析的角度,总结了受众参与大众新闻传播的三个阶段:“点缀”、“收编”和“共谋”,并指出吸引受众更广泛更深入地参与大众新闻传播的发展空间在于媒介技术的发展和新闻报道内容的准确定位.  相似文献   

传播是传播者与传播对象之间相互交流、沟通和影响的双向过程,反馈是受众参与传播活动的主要方式,凸显了受众的主动性的一面.新闻传播在中国是充满政治宣传意味的严肃活动,而在当代新闻传播之中却出现了富有博彩意味的一个新现象:新闻反馈与有奖参与、抽奖等博彩活动结合在一起.  相似文献   

随着媒体在社会舆论上的地位越来越重要,新闻也开始随着从媒体本位论转变为受众本位论,新闻的重点从传播者的角度为中心逐渐变成受众怎样利用媒体信息,从而在媒体的传播现象中获得信息满足,并根据这种媒体新闻来源确定大众传媒的成效,以及之后传媒的走向。基于对受众参与新闻源传播的重要性的了解,继而提出了受众参与新闻源传播的特色现象,最后总结出受众参与新闻源传播的问题。目的在于通过对受众参与新闻源传播的一系列理论性的介绍,能够对我国目前新闻传媒种种现实能够有更深层次的剖析,对日后研究受众参与媒体的理论上起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

伴随着新媒体技术的飞速发展和公民参与意识的日渐增强,公民新闻、公民记者成为新闻领域一种全新的尝试,由此催生的公民新闻学有着独特的价值理念和操作手段,它在新闻传播的主体与受众、传播内容、传播载体、传播模式和新闻管理模式等方面给传统新闻传播理念带来了挑战,并日益形成一种比较规范的新闻传播范式。  相似文献   

新闻传播是一项特殊的信息传播活动,它除了要遵循真实、客观、公正、全面、迅速的原则之外,必须充分尊重和体现受众的意愿和心理,以期达到有效的传播。受众心理是指新闻信息接受者的各种心理活动及心理特征,它是影响和制约新闻传播活动的重要因素之一。受众需求的产生与变化,受众对新闻信息的接受过程,受众对新闻信息的反馈等,都与受众心理密切相关。  相似文献   

随着政务的公开,网络语境下公文传播载体呈现公众化、社会化、直接化的特点.公文传播与新闻传播不同,公文传播受众参与形式的特殊性,带来了公文受众参与途径和参与方式的多样性.本文试对这种特点进行描述和论述.  相似文献   

陆军 《视听纵横》2009,(5):63-64
随着传媒的迅速发展,以受众即时参与为形式的互动元素,也随着受众的需求和传媒硬件条件的成熟,逐步渗透到广播电视新闻传播中来。这种加入了受众即时互动的新闻传播,形成了一种新的广播电视新闻形式——互动式新闻。  相似文献   

名传播学施拉姆曾指出,受众参与传播,犹如在自助餐厅里就餐,媒介只是在为受众提供尽可能多的信息饭菜,至于受众吃不吃、吃什么、吃多少,媒介无能为力。这里所反映的使用与满足的关系,折射出受众作为新闻传播活动的接受和参与,受众本位意识在新闻传播事业中的重要作用。  相似文献   

任孟山  王琳 《中国编辑》2023,(11):77-83
伴随社交媒体的迅速发展和智能手机的普及,普通受众有机会通过短视频参与新闻生产。短视频技术的发展既在一定程度上弥合了知识鸿沟,让受众更加快速便捷地获取并理解信息;也赋予了受众“可见性”的权力,使其能够积极参与信息的生产与传播。但受众生产与传播的新闻短视频也存在模糊新闻公共属性、加剧后真相风险、信息侵权和信息虚假等问题。因此,需要监管部门、行业协会、新闻机构、短视频平台、受众等多元主体共同规范新闻短视频的生产与传播,从赋权到规约,形成良性的信息生产与传播秩序。  相似文献   

朱佳蓉 《新闻世界》2014,(7):326-327
媒介融合背景下的融合新闻是当前新闻传播学领域的热门话题,而受众作为传播活动的起始点与最终归宿在这一新的新闻传播方式的发展中起到了重要作用。本文探讨受众在融合新闻发展各阶段中的参与,以期受众的能动性在融合新闻浪潮中得到更多的重视。  相似文献   

电视民生新闻:在故事化的叙述中坚守新闻的真实性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
故事化的叙事方式广泛运用在电视民生新闻中,这种叙述方式可以拉近媒体和受众之间的距离,使民生新闻特有的亲民效果得到延伸。随着这种叙述方式的广泛应用,电视民生新闻中出现了一些因故事化而导致新闻失真的种种现象。本文试澄清电视民生新闻中故事化叙述方式的界定,并分析故事化的叙述方式在电视民生新闻的运用中存在的问题,探讨了电视民生新闻如何在故事化的叙述方式中坚守新闻的真实性问题。  相似文献   

新媒体环境下的突发事件报道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着新媒体技术的发展,突发事件报道的信息来源系统发生大的改变。在全世界范围内.“草根记者”在重大突发现场发布的新闻一次次产生了全球性的轰动效应。本文通过分析新的传播环境对我国现有突发事件报道机制的挑战,提出了一些加强和改进突发事件报道对策和建议。  相似文献   

The introduction of Information and Communication Technologies in the print media industry has changed considerable the work process but it has also offered new paths for delivering its content. But trends in the worldwide media industry have clearly shown that in order to guarantee long-term success with audience in the future, it will be vital to change from a single product oriented to a multimedia content and user-oriented approach. This paper examines the use of transmedia reporting in news articles.  相似文献   

吴锋 《编辑之友》2018,(5):48-54
算法新闻是运用智能算法工具自动生产新闻并实现商业化运营的过程、方法或系统.它是21世纪新闻传播领域一场全新的范式革命,不仅是对传统新闻传播方式的颠覆,更是新闻传播观念的重要突破.算法新闻的发展经历了理论孕育、技术探索和初步应用三个阶段.目前发达国家的算法新闻正从窄领域转向宽领域应用、从格式化转向个性化应用、从个案转向规模化应用、从低层次转向高质量应用、从低难度转向高难度应用、从机械传播转向交互体验应用.算法新闻的崛起将在受众认可度、媒体接受度、新闻传播业态及新闻伦理与法规等方面带来新课题.  相似文献   

随着互联网上博客世界的出现,由博客从事的“自媒体”(we media)信息传播,与专业媒体的报道之间形成了密切的互动关系。本文着重分析两种常见于博客传播中的、由博客展开的基于专业媒体报道的后续报道形式,从一个侧面探究博客传播对新闻报道循环链可能带来的影响。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):438-453
International development agencies and charities often have a major focus on highlighting and attempting to alleviate health problems in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). In these objectives, they rely strongly on news media reporting of these problems and their solutions. This paper examines the experiences of communication staff from eight large non-governmental organisations (NGOs) of trying to secure coverage of LMIC health stories in the Australian news media. It reports on how these NGOs perceive current Australian news coverage of LMIC health, how they negotiate its “media logic” and their attempts to work within and beyond it for better coverage of LMIC health news. Their impressions of LMIC health reporting are broadly consistent with existing literature on the coverage of humanitarian and foreign news. In endeavouring to maximise exposure for their work, the agencies also sought to benefit journalists and news outlets by providing content that matched with existing notions of mainstream news. However, these NGOs are also in the process of working out how to move beyond these outlets and create news content on their own terms. Possible new avenues for the creation of such content are explored.  相似文献   

Still the Same?     
《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):373-389
This article analyses whether a specific news event is reported differently online compared to print newspapers. The question is hardly new but has increased in importance as more readers pass from print newspapers to online news. The conditions of news selection and production are discussed departing from the theories of market-driven journalism and media logic, and are related to aspects of audience needs and gratifications, as well as professional norms and standards. A content analysis of news reporting during the 2010 Swedish election campaign reveals no significant differences between how major newspapers reported the aspects, issues and actors online compared to in print. Individuals using online news received the same information about the election campaign as those reading the print paper, which indicates a displacing rather than complementary effect of online journalism on print journalism.  相似文献   

刘坚 《传媒观察》2020,(5):5-11,F0002
在新闻智能化传播的环境下,传统媒介的新闻信息资源理念发生变化,智能算法成为新闻信息资源获取和开发的重要手段。智能化传播的新闻信息价值判断,建构了新闻事实信息-社会数据信息-用户需求信息三位一体的新闻信息价值确认系统,体现了智能化新闻信息价值理念的特殊追求。新闻信息生产流程中人工智能系统与新闻传播者形成特殊的生产关系,新闻信息生产理念强调人机协作与共处,由此产生新闻报道视野和新闻产品形态的变化。智能化的新闻发布机制,促进了新闻信息的多渠道推送和分散化传播,也有力推动了传统媒介新闻信息传播理念的智能化转变。  相似文献   

The internet and social media sites are used extensively by violent extremist actors, providing new areas of inquiry for journalists reporting violent extremism. Based on 26 in-depth interviews with Norwegian media professionals, the present article describes how journalists monitor, assess, and make use of online information in investigative reporting of violent extremist groups in today’s networked media environment, characterized by complex interaction patterns, a plurality of voices, and blurred boundaries between private and public communication. While existing research on journalists’ use of social media as a source has tended to emphasize breaking news, the present article focuses on longer-term investigative efforts of journalists. The article gives insights into journalistic investigative practices in the networked media environment, in general, and in reporting violent extremism, in particular.  相似文献   

Background: Health authorities, hospitals, commercial enterprises, and mass media all deliver health and medical communication in different forms. With such a vast amount of biomedical and clinical information available, any action to ensure the spread of clinically relevant news items is welcome. Objectives: This paper tries to define a new role for health science librarians in improving medical communication and reporting. Methods: Literature relating to the health and medical reporting is analysed to identify major difficulties encountered by health communicators. Results: There are two areas where health science librarians can develop new roles in health communication: (i) supporting journalists and health communicators in selecting sources and understanding scientific papers, and (ii) directly translating scientific information into news items, supplying a list of products in this direction (i.e. targeted newsletters, media releases, news items). New skills and competencies needed to cope with the new roles are described in detail in a suggested academic curriculum for health communicators. Conclusions: A better understanding of the mass media's needs can provide much needed support in the field of health communication.  相似文献   

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