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非洲高等教育一体化与非洲一体化的使命、非洲高等教育系统面临的困难以及与其他地区高等教育一体化进程有密切联系.历经独立前至独立初期的萌芽、20世纪80年代至90年代的兴起、新世纪初的蓬勃发展,近年来非洲高等教育又出现了新动向:重修一体化公约;建立非洲学历资格和学分框架;构建非洲教育质量保障框架;推进ICT建设;促进科研发展等.虽然非洲高等教育一体化初显成效,但它仍面临教育体制难“协调”、质量“标准”难保障、信息资源“分享”不畅、行动“联合”不强等问题.我国可考虑采取多个方案参与推进非洲高等教育一体化进程.  相似文献   

《非洲职业技术教育与培训振兴战略》之评析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
进入21世纪,非洲一体化进程加快,严峻的社会经济形势要求非洲加强职业技术教育;但现有的非洲职业技术教育和培训机构种类繁杂,分布不均衡,收费混乱,资金匮乏,难以保障教学质量。为此,非盟提出了《非洲职业技术教育与培训振兴战略》,以加强职业技术教育与培训项目的吸引力,推行高质量的非洲职业教育和培训项目,整合现有资源、实行一体化管理,保障学员的就业。该战略的出台引领了非洲教育一体化改革和治理,所提倡的分权和多样化的职业技术教育和培训体系结合了非洲实际,体现了非洲特色。不过,该战略的执行存在明显的障碍。  相似文献   

基于“非洲复兴”的共同愿景,自20世纪60年代以来,非盟按照一体化进程路线图,以“非洲个性”认同,引领非洲一体化发展,推动高等教育区域合作,创建高等教育空间,极大提升了非洲高等教育内生动力及国际竞争力.探析非盟高等教育空间建设的成功经验,转变单一地区发展模式,建立高等教育区域合作联盟;制定区域合作发展规划,搭建人才资源共治共享平台;推进多方联动协调合作,构建协同创新绿色发展机制,对深化中非发展理念、发展模式、发展道路全方位合作,强化我国高校与非洲大学间的良性互动,不断推进中非高等教育交流互鉴,做强与国家“一带一路”战略相适应、相协调的区域高等教育,共同构建“中非命运共同体”,具有突出的现实意义.  相似文献   

《非洲教育"二·十"行动计划(2006~2015)》评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在非洲教育一体化进程中,非盟出台了《非洲教育"二·十"行动计划(2006~2015)》。该计划主要目的在于开发各国教育管理信息系统,建构区域教育一体化的有效机制,使教育完全成为非盟和区域经济共同体的主要议题,大力提高教育绩效,充分实现两性平等。为此,该计划将性别和文化、教育管理信息系统、教师发展、高等教育、职业技术教育、课程开发及质量管理确定为优先发展领域。该计划是非洲教育一体化进程中的重要里程碑,推动了非洲各级各类教育后续行动计划的产生,体现了当今国际先进的教育理念和诉求,强调和设想了非洲教育的本土化。这些对于非洲教育实践无疑产生了影响,但目前其影响还不够深入。不过,该计划本身处在动态发展过程之中。  相似文献   

非洲大学联盟(AAU)是由非盟建立的一个区域性的大学协作组织。为了有效整合非洲高等教育资源、扩大人才培养规模和提高人才培养质量,非洲大学联盟于2003年制定了第一个《战略计划(2003~2010)》。2010年在总结第一个战略计划实施的基础上,又制定了第二个《战略计划(2011~2015)》。该计划针对非洲高等教育发展的现实需求,以促进非洲高等教育本土化与全球化为目标,提出了一系列的改革措施。该计划的实施将对非洲地区高等教育的发展产生深刻的影响。  相似文献   

英国高等教育资格框架(FHEQ)是一个以学习成果为基础、将所有高等教育资格分为5个级别的框架。该框架在保障高等教育质量、促进教育系统内部的沟通与衔接、加强高等教育与利益相关者的联系以及促进国际交流等方面起到了重要的作用。我国要建立高等教育资格框架,既需要制定详细的资格指标体系,又需要提高高等教育质量保障的透明度。  相似文献   

通过对非洲来华留学研究生教育现状的分析,发现了在非洲来华留学研究生教育培养方面存在着认识高度不够,品牌、特色不明显、经费资助渠道单一和宣传力度不够等问题。分析问题成因,提出了配合国家发展战略,实施非洲留学生计划;明确目标定位,选择重点国家和关键领域;打造高水平特色项目,培养高端国际人才;发挥奖学金的杠杆和引领作用,吸引自费来华留学生;加大宣传投入力度,提高中国高等教育影响力;加强中非教育合作交流,培养"中国通"和"非洲通"人才等发展非洲来华留学研究生教育的对策。  相似文献   

作者介绍了美国高等教育的认可和评估体系,包括对大学或学院整体资格的认可、对专业或学科的资格认可、大学排名、对研究型博士学科的评估等;归纳了美国高等教育认可评估的特点,即认可和评估组织多元化、专业化、民营化,认可评估工作周期性进行,严格执行标准,强调科学性和实践性相结合,鼓励多样化、特色化发展等。  相似文献   

魏杰 《比较教育研究》2006,27(12):25-29
新世纪之初的非洲高等教育面临诸多问题;非洲各国减贫战略曾一度忽视高等教育对缓解贫困的重要性,随着全球性变化,各国加大了减贫战略中高等教育发展力度,并进行了相应的改革;知识经济时代,非洲高等教育由边缘走向中心,高等教育对非洲各国经济发展和缓解贫困具有特殊意义;高等教育与经济发展是双向多维的互动关系,它应与经济发展保持适度弹性,并要防止对经济发展的抑制可能.  相似文献   

印度自独立以来就开展与非洲的高等教育合作,合作的基本路径有提供奖学金、远程教育、积极参与非洲高等教育的机构建设、建立卓越中心等。发展至今,印度已经对非建立了多层面的合作网络,合作中突出高等教育能力建设,非洲高等教育的印度模式逐渐显现,高校教师的专业发展日益得到重视。基于印度对非高等教育合作的思考,我国对非高等教育合作应该把来华留学与在非洲建立实体机构结合起来,院校之间的合作应尽量领域集中,合作中可利用我国的信息通信技术优势,鼓励中国的智慧教育走出去。此外,人文社会科学领域必须加强中国知识体系的建构,避免西方化。  相似文献   

The paper explores the incidence of over and under education and the effect on earnings for immigrants and natives who hold UK qualifications, drawn from the Quarterly Labour Force Survey 1993–2003. The paper also compares earnings penalties associated with over and under education across immigrant and minority ethnic groups for men and women. The results show that compared to Whites, Black African, Other Non-White and Indian men are more likely to be over-educated, whilst for women it is Indian and Pakistani/Bangladeshi's who are more likely to be over-educated. Estimating earnings equations shows significantly large over-education penalties for South Asian immigrant and native men, as well as White immigrant men, Black women and White UK born women. However, there are large returns to occupational skills for some minority ethnic and immigrant groups, over and above the returns to qualifications. It is suggested that these groups may therefore find it easier to find a suitable job for their UK education level if higher or further education programmes for immigrants were combined with occupational specific training.  相似文献   

This article examines the South African National Qualifications Framework as a case study of a particular approach to the design of qualifications frameworks, which revolves around the specification of learning outcomes separate from educational institutions or programmes. It shows how an outcomes-led qualifications framework was seen as a desirable policy intervention by educationalists and reformers across the political spectrum, as outcomes were thought to be a mechanism for improving the quality and quantity of education as well as its relevance to the economy and society, for increasing access to education, and for democratising education. All these claims are based on the idea that outcomes statements are transparent. The article demonstrates that outcomes-based qualifications cannot provide the clear, unambiguous, and explicit statements of competence that would be required for everyone to know what it is that the bearer of a qualification can do. This lack of transparency leads to a further specification of outcomes. This in turn leads to a downward spiral of specification, which never reaches transparency, and an upward spiral of regulations, which is also caught in the logical problem of the downward spiral of specification. This model is not just unnecessary, but could in fact undermine the provision of education. The article suggests that while this type of model appears attractive particularly to poor countries, it is in these countries that it is likely to do the most damage.  相似文献   

Teachers in South Africa are under great pressure from the state to improve their qualifications, one of the state's strategies for improving education standards. The pressure is felt more acutely by black teachers who were previously allowed to teach with lower qualifications than their white counterparts. In‐service teachers, irrespective of their age or length of experience, are required to obtain the school leavers’ certificate post hoc to earn a salary commensurate with their duties. Their duties are heavy: the pupil‐teacher ratio is about 45:1, and teachers teach between 42 and 50 periods a week, without many basic facilities. Consequently, many teachers are neglecting their pupils to concentrate on their studies. The call for qualifications can be viewed as a component of the South African state's reform initiative, and, as such, is yet another cosmetic amelioration of black people's status because it does not address their needs.  相似文献   

终身教育资历框架的建立为各级各类教育的纵向衔接和横向沟通提供了可能,为保证资历衔接的公平、公正和透明,严格的质量保证机制是基础。欧盟建立了基于资历框架下的高等教育质量保证标准和职业教育与培训质量保证参照框架,东盟构建了资历参照框架下的东盟质量保证框架并推动了东盟国家的资历衔接,通过对欧盟和东盟资历框架下的质量保证机制进行剖析,提出我国资历框架质量保证体系建立的策略性建议,以期为我国终身教育资历框架和配套质量保证体系的构建提供参考。  相似文献   

Both students and employers, the main users of the higher education system, need to have confidence that qualifications attest accurately to past achievement and current ability. The standards represented by higher education qualifications need to be explicit and, in an employment market that is increasingly global, qualifications must have a universal currency. The frameworks of higher education qualifications published recently in the United Kingdom provide explicit benchmarks, and do so in a manner that enables international comparisons to be drawn.
Users need assurance that the programmes of study leading to qualifications are effective in enabling the learner both to achieve, and to demonstrate achievement of, the standards embodied in intended learning outcomes. Students in particular want to know that the education in which they are investing will meet their expectations. However, proposed changes in quality assurance of higher education suggest an unwillingness on the part of institutions to demonstrate that the standards embodied in the qualifications framework are being delivered. The interests of the providers appear to be given supremacy over those of the users.  相似文献   

Greater transparency improves the understanding and interpretation of qualifications and competences. This article asks whether transparency of qualifications has become a reality in Europe. It begins by outlining the three main strategies that were adopted at Community level between 1957 and 1999 to address the problem of transferring qualifications from one country to another. It then describes recent Community action on transparency and recognition of qualifications at both VET and higher education levels. The outcomes of the European Forum on Transparency of Vocational Qualifications are outlined, and in particular the new Europass framework for transparency of qualifications is described, and issues about its implementation are discussed. Some of the main tensions that are observed between the approaches to transparency in VET and in higher education are highlighted. Finally, there is a brief case study on the approaches that have been adopted in recent years to achieve transparency of qualifications in Ireland, against a background of extensive reform of the national qualifications system. In summary, the article is primarily a reflection on the practical aspects of making transparency of qualifications a reality.  相似文献   

Cross-border higher education (CBHE) has taken centre stage in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC). There has been increased trade in higher education services among member states of the SADC. This has necessitated regional regulatory cooperation in quality assurance and accreditation. SADC has established the Southern African Quality Assurance Network as a regional network of external quality assurance agencies. This paper presents a framework that can be used to enhance regulatory cooperation within the Network on quality assurance in higher education with special focus on CBHE. The paper identifies the main areas of focus as people mobility, institutional and programme mobility, accreditation and registration and recognition of academic credentials. Proposed mechanisms for regulatory cooperation include regional credit accumulation and transfer system, regional qualifications framework, framework for accreditation and registration of foreign providers and framework for recognition of academic credentials.  相似文献   

资格证书框架体系在二十世纪后期的欧洲发端发展,日臻走向成熟。它向人们描绘出新世纪义务教育后教育的发展方向,即政府通过政策和投资,强力介入教育;资格标准实现全社会统一;注重创新能力和就业能力;职教普教彼此互通;学习成果学分化和证书化,学分和证书实行累积并互认互换等。本文拟通过简要回顾该体系建构的过程,对其实质内容进行剖析,从而揭示其背后所展现的这种教育发展趋势。  相似文献   

中国的职业资格认证制度与高等职业教育之间存在着一定的失衡。借鉴发达国家职业资格认证制度的经验建立中国职业资格框架体系,健全就业准入制度和职业资格认证制度,发挥高等职业教育在职业资格认证制度实施中的作用,以实现职业资格认证制度与高等职业教育之间的有效衔接。  相似文献   

英国社会历来"重学轻术",高校招生录取的主要依据是被称为英国教育"黄金标准"的普通教育证书高级水平(A-levels)考试成绩,职业教育并没有得到应有地位。为了改变这种状况,英国政府鼓励高校在招生录取时使用"高校招生分数转换系统",逐步代替之前只涵盖普通教育证书补充水平(AS)和普通教育证书高级水平的计分体系,现已成为整个高校招生录取的重要一环。它以总分的形式综合反映学生的学业成绩,从而更加客观、有效地评价各类学生的学业成绩,使学生获得的不同证书成为可比的学业分值。该转换系统有利于高等院校在招生录取时平等地对待各类学生的入学申请。这对我国高校招生录取制度改革有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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