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【目的】 探讨我国学术期刊实现有效同行评议的策略。【方法】 针对我国期刊同行评议的现状和存在的问题,参考国外期刊的先进经验和方法,从顶层设计出发,探讨我国学术期刊在改善同行评议制度中可采取的措施。【结果】 提出加强政策的支持和鼓励,完善评审专家队伍,优化审稿方式和健全评价与反馈制度,提高学术出版质量的具体方法。【结论】 上述四步措施有助于实现同行评议在学术监督与把关中的有效作用。  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨学术期刊编辑在防范同行评审造假方面可采取的措施。【方法】 回顾总结多家国际学术出版机构的大规模集中撤稿事件,分析同行评审造假现象的特征及类型,结合中国大陆唯一一本被SCI/SSCI同时收录的学术期刊《运动与健康科学(英文)》的工作实践,讨论期刊编辑在相关方面的角色及作用。【结果】 根据造假主体与方式不同,同行评审造假可分为E-mail造假、第三方造假、特刊造假。期刊编辑可以在日常工作中从审稿流程、识别工具、特刊组织、增加初筛等角度防范同行评审造假。【结论】 作为科学共同体的重要组成部分,期刊编辑应发挥主体意识,配合政府主管部门、科研院所、资助机构、出版商等,在防范同行评审造假方面承担责任、作出贡献。  相似文献   

防范学术不端论文出版的立体策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【目的】 为了更有效地防范学术不端论文的出版,提出防范学术不端行为的立体策略。【方法】 利用逻辑推理法、举例法及综合分析法,分析学术期刊中存在的学术不端行为,从作者、责任编辑、审稿专家、主编四个维度分析不端文献出版的原因。【结果】 构建了立体防范学术不端论文出版的策略:初审前把关作者提供的基本信息;审稿时严格把关学术不端行为;加强主编监督机制;出版后建立问责制度;重视总结经验教训。【结论】 立体防范策略能够更全面地防范学术不端论文的出版。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨学术期刊的学术不端行为防治策略,为期刊完善学术不端防治体系提供参考。【方法】运用管理控制理论分析学术期刊的学术不端防治体系,按照管理控制时机,从期刊出版的前期、中期和后期三个维度进行分析。通过网络调研和文献分析法,对《图书情报工作》的“三期治理”策略进行总结和提炼。【结果】《图书情报工作》的“三期治理”策略体现在:前期防控——坚持正面教育引导,强化学术诚信自律;中期管控——严控编辑出版过程,规范相关主体行为;后期治理——查处学术不端行为,加大违规惩处力度。【结论】可通过强化联盟化防控机制、优化稿件全流程管控机制、细化编辑职业发展机制和深化技术辅助研判机制等策略,完善期刊的学术不端行为防治体系。  相似文献   

【目的】构建基于区块链技术的开放式同行评议系统框架,为学术评价提供有益的思路,探索高质量学术评价的实践方式,拓展区块链的应用场景。【方法】通过分析开放式同行评议应用区块链技术的内在逻辑,构建基于区块链技术的开放式同行评议系统框架。【结果】形成基于区块链的开放式同行评议系统框架及功能模块,解决身份认证与学术声誉问题、匿名评审问题、学术优先权的确权问题、公开评审的激励问题及有效监管问题。【结论】区块链技术与开放式同行评议的融合能够确保同行评议公平、公正、真实、可靠,保证学术出版质量,但仍存在一些挑战,如互操作性、系统内外学术互认规则等。  相似文献   

【目的】总结部分“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”入选期刊的创新评审方式、存在问题,并提出应对策略,以期为我国科技期刊从整体上完善评审方式提供借鉴,助力我国科技期刊整体提升并创世界一流。【方法】通过文献调研、案例分析的方法,提炼科技期刊创新评审方式概念,梳理和总结现有科技期刊创新评审实践特征及现存问题。【结果】部分“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”入选期刊开展多种创新评审尝试,但目前多数科技期刊在创新意识、创新实践方式以及创新内在激励机制方面仍面临困境,致使创新评审发展受阻。可通过强化编辑队伍对评审环节的认知、提升从业人员创新服务意识,重视关键资源要素积累、强化合作互通共营创新环境,建立健全评价激励机制、激发创新评审实践内在动力等,推动科技期刊创新评审实践发展。【结论】多元主体需要共同参与评审方式创新,在交流与碰撞中提升科技期刊评审水平与效率,推进科技出版产业不断向前发展。  相似文献   

【目的】通过建立开放存取(OA)出版的收入模式,归纳分析现有的商业模式,总结OA期刊IJABE办刊经验,为国内外同行和相关主体提供参考借鉴。【方法】 主要采用案例分析法对OA出版收入模式、现有商业模式以及IJABE可持续商业模式进行分析和探讨。【结果】 从供应方和需求方两方面建立了能够全面描述OA期刊出版收入来源的收入模式;全面归纳总结了现阶段OA期刊出版常用的商业模式和典型案例;IJABE期刊的最佳商业模式具体描述为基于科研经费转移支付的作者付费商业模式,以论文发表费为主,综合采用多元化收入来源。【结论】 中国OA期刊学术出版主体应立足稿件质量,顺应时代潮流,不断探索其可持续发展道路。  相似文献   

【目的】 探索智能集体评审的流程、特征及对我国同行评审的启示。【方法】 介绍智能集体评审实验,概括智能集体评审的特征,分析其对我国学术期刊同行评审的启示。【结果】 智能集体评审是一种限时的在线开放同行评审,采取专家匿名评审方式。评审过程中,评审人之间可进行学术交流。评审意见快速而全面,有利于提高论文的学术质量,是一种可行的同行评审方式。【结论】 作为一种全新的同行评审方式,智能集体评审全面推行尚需时日,但其给当前同行评审以重要启示:一是加快信息技术的应用;二是为评审专家提供交流机会。  相似文献   

【目的】聚焦开放同行评议中“内容公开”这个方面,提出实施同行评议内容公开的具体建议及优化策略,以期为我国科技期刊开放同行评议出版实践提供参考。【方法】利用文献梳理、数据库检索、网络查询方法掌握国际开放同行评议期刊现状,并通过案例法对已经实施同行评议内容公开的几种典型期刊进行案例分析。通过问卷调查、个别访谈方法了解磁共振学科领域学者对同行评议内容公开的态度和见解,以及对各种措施的认可程度和倾向性。【结果】基于调研分析结果,归纳对比同行评议内容公开不同实施细节上的优势、劣势;针对同行评议内容公开的科技期刊出版实践,分别从公开要素、呈现方式和内容选择性以及解决“审稿人压力大”和“稿件处理周期延迟”问题这4个具体方面,梳理总结出一系列可供借鉴的实施方案并提出若干条具体的策略建议。【结论】我国科技期刊开放同行评议无论是体量还是创新模式都落后于国外大型出版集团。我国相关领域期刊推行同行评议内容公开具备领域内学者意愿基础,是有必要并完全可行的。基于所提出的同行评议内容公开实施策略建议,我国科技期刊可积极地、逐步地探索开放同行评议的创新实践,促进我国期刊学术出版中的同行评议向着更加开放、透明、高效的方向发展。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨审稿人行使学术话语权过程中存在的问题与障碍,探索审稿人学术话语权的提升策略,为优化同行评议机制提供参考。【方法】系统梳理审稿流程,厘清各主体权利与义务,建立审稿人学术话语权运行机制模型,针对审稿人学术话语权行使现状提出优化策略。【结果】所提模型可有效模拟理想状态下的同行评议流程,为深入考察不同参与者争取学术话语权的博弈过程提供清晰视角,也为寻找提升审稿人学术话语权的策略提供契机。【结论】规范的同行评议流程和完善的激励机制可为审稿人行使学术话语权提供更好的保障,推动形成良好的学术生态,促进学术繁荣。  相似文献   

The development of social networking sites (SNSs) has given rise to a new e-commerce paradigm called social commerce (s-commerce). S-commerce is a subset of e-commerce and uses SNSs for social interactions and user contributions to facilitate the online buying and selling of various products and services. Recent years have witnessed the rapid growth of s-commerce in Korea, but this growth has involved a number of transaction-related issues such as no delivery and the delivery of wrong items. In particular, consumers’ trust has become a crucial factor in the success of s-commerce firms, requiring these firms to make more effort to gain this trust. In this regard, this study identifies the key factors in s-commerce [reputation, size, information quality, transaction safety, communication, economic feasibility, and word-of-mouth (WOM) referrals], that is, the characteristics of s-commerce influencing Korean consumers’ trust in s-commerce. In addition, the study assesses the effects of trust on trust performance (purchase intentions and WOM intentions). The results of an empirical analysis based on a sample of 371 s-commerce users indicate that all the characteristics of s-commerce (except for economic feasibility) had significant effects on trust and that trust had significant effects on purchase and WOM intentions. The results have important implications for s-commerce firms wishing to develop a successful business model for providing their customers with trustworthy services.  相似文献   

Vendors and clients collaborate on outsourcing projects through virtual teams. Trust is an important indicator of mutual relationships that lead to successful projects. This study’s objective is to investigate the determinants of trust in different stages of collaboration during offshore software-development outsourcing. Using a case study approach to collect data, we find that reputation, a cognition-based trust factor, influences clients’ trust in vendors in the team-forming stage. Responsible team climate, a knowledge-based trust factor, impacts clients’ trust in vendors in the team-storming and norming stages of software design and development. Structural assurance, an institutional trust factor, encourages vendors’ trust in clients in the same team-storming and norming stages of software design and development. Benefit, a calculative-based trust factor, influences vendors’ trust in clients in the team-performing stage of software delivery and implementation. Our research findings have implications for software-outsourcing collaboration theories and practices and may have implications beyond that sphere, including team building in multiple contexts and environments.  相似文献   

The evolution of trust in information technology alliances   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As strategic alliances become an increasingly important weapon for companies in achieving a competitive advantage, an important subject of investigation has become those factors that contribute to the success of the alliance. Trust between the alliance partners has been proposed to be one of those critical success factors. The high levels of uncertainty and interdependence that characterizes high technology alliances make trust particularly important in these contexts. Very little is known, however, about the process of trust creation or erosion in strategic alliances. This study addresses this shortcoming in cross-sectional trust research by utilizing a longitudinal survey design to examine the antecedents and outcomes of trust formation between strategic alliance partners. We contrast a transaction cost economics view of trust with a social exchange perspective to more fully explore what may influence changes in the level of trust between partners. Results suggest that the development of trust was not a function of the formal incentive systems that transaction cost economists deem necessary to prevent opportunistic behavior. Conversely, factors from social exchange theory – communication, shared values, and relationship equity – provide a more thorough explanation of what contributes to the development of higher levels of organizational trust. Finally, this study provides evidence that as trust increases between partners, the alliance benefits by displaying higher levels of dependence, higher levels of partner learning, and higher levels of performance.  相似文献   

In recent decades, more information has become increasingly available on the Web. Every user can actively participate in the generation and exchange of information. Investigating the quality of user-generated content (UGC) has therefore become a necessity and an ever-increasing challenge. In collaborative environments where users collect, share and build a knowledge base, trust is an important factor. If, for example, we as users trust UGC on the Web, this influences our interaction with this content. The aim of our research is to propose a model for the evaluation of trust in UGC. Based on the available research results, we define a model for measuring trust in collaborative environments. Our approach is based on three dimensions: stability, credibility and quality. These three concerns are combined to create a trusted translator. We use a real-world data set of the social annotation platform Genius to calculate the value of our trust in an annotation. Based on this case study, we show which insights can be gained by calculating the trust in such an environment. When information has specific qualities, our approach will enable the user to better determine which information offers the highest level of trust.  相似文献   

Trust has been shown to play an important role in the adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) on an individual and firm level, but has received relatively little attention on a national level. In this paper we examine the impact of generalized trust, as measured by the World Value Survey, on the adoption of ICT products and related phenomena (e.g., such issues as Telecommuting and services such as E-Government Readiness), at a national level, while controlling for a nation's wealth. Because national trust levels having changed over time, we also examine how the rate of change in trust has impacted the adoption of ICT and ICT related phenomenon. Our findings provide strong empirical support for the argument that trust impacts national level adoption. The results are robust as we consider multiple variables and data sources. We also show that changes in trust rates are generally associated with corresponding changes in ICT adoptions.  相似文献   

This research examines the effects of type and displaying phase of trust assurances on consumers’ initial trust in an online retailer. We propose a two-stage formation process of initial online trust. The main effects of trust assurances on initial trust and the interaction between type and displaying phase of trust assurances are explored. We conducted a laboratory experiment to test our hypotheses. The results demonstrate that there exist positive effects of displaying trust assurances on initial trust. In particular, general trust assurances perform better when displayed in the information-searching stage, while specific trust assurances lead to higher initial trust when displayed in the choice stage. In the context of providing trust assurances, consumers’ knowledge of trust assurances exerts a direct and positive effect on initial trust. High knowledge level of trust assurances helps to generate the advantage of displaying assurances in the right stage. These findings have several important implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the challenge of striking a balance between, on one hand, mitigating uncertainty through the existence of systematic processes and structures and, on the other, stimulating creativity through allowable variation in work processes and structures. Both objectives are fundamental aspects of product development work. Our main finding is that both objectives can be achieved simultaneously. We introduce trust as a mediating variable. We show first, that being systematic in the processes for obtaining information and applying explicit organizational rules and structures in product development work creates an atmosphere of trust in the organization. Second, we show that trust increases creativity. The paper contributes to an understanding of how and why trust is important in product development organizations and of how trust can be actively managed. Above all, the paper contributes to the understanding of how uncertainty and creativity should be managed in organizations conducting product development.  相似文献   

Information theorists often construe new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as leveling mechanisms, regulating power relations at a distance by arming stakeholders with information and enhanced agency. Management theorists have claimed that transparency cultivates stakeholder trust, distinguishes a business from its competition, and attracts new clients, investors, and employees, making it key to future growth and prosperity. Synthesizing these claims, we encounter an increasingly common view: If corporations voluntarily adopted new ICTs in order to foster transparency, trust, and growth, while embracing the redistributions of power they bring about, both corporations and stakeholders would benefit. The common view is short-sighted, however. In order to realize mutual benefit, transparency can not be conceived merely as efficient or economical. The implementation and use of new ICTs will be morally unsatisfactory unless they stably protect stakeholders. Moreover, without such protections, transparency is unlikely to produce lasting trust and growth. More specifically, corporate disclosures ought to be guided by a theory of stakeholder rights to know about threats or risks to stakeholders’ basic interests. Such rights are necessary moral protections for stakeholders in any business environment. Respect for transparency rights is not simply value added to a corporation’s line of goods and services, but a condition of a corporation’s justifiable claim to create value rather than harm, wrong, or injustice in its dealings.  相似文献   

Regulation of clinical practice is a characteristic aspect of the medical profession. Regardless of whether this regulation derives from government-sourced guidelines or materials from government-sponsored institutions, it results in a high production of information resources (institutional information resources), which are disseminated to the clinical stuff in order to ensure compliance. In that case, the issue of credibility of these information resources might arise, since medical practice is characterized by a high frequency of change. The latter involves a continuous effort on the part of the clinical staff, which is motivated by work-related factors (e.g., need for compliance) or personal motivation (e.g., need for self-improvement). In this study we consider a simple trust model, according to which we assume that perceived trust is a direct antecedent of perceived credibility. We evaluate whether work-related or personal motivating factors influence the relation between perceived credibility and trust toward institutional information sources and how the effect of each factor affects this relation. Findings suggest that work-related factors have a higher impact on the relation between credibility and trust than personal motivation factors, while they are stressing the important role of hospital libraries as a dissemination point for government-sponsored information resources.  相似文献   

Awareness of antecedents and consequences of trust in m-commerce can enable m-commerce service providers to design suitable marketing strategies. Present study conducted a meta-analysis of 118 related empirical studies. The results indicate that antecedents namely perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, system quality, information quality, service quality, user interface, perceived risk, perceived security, structural assurance, ubiquity, and disposition to trust, while consequences namely attitude, user satisfaction, behavioral intention, and loyalty have significant relationship with trust in m-commerce. Further, all the relationships were found to be moderated by culture except perceived ease of use, disposition to trust, and attitude.  相似文献   

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