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Previous work has presented both a theoretical foundation for designing terrain park jumps that control landing impact and computer software to accomplish this task. US ski resorts have been reluctant to adopt this more engineered approach to jump design, in part due to questions of feasibility. The present study demonstrates this feasibility. It describes the design, construction, measurement, and experimental testing of such a jump. It improves on the previous efforts with more complete instrumentation, a larger range of jump distances, and a new method for combining jumper- and board-mounted accelerometer data to estimate equivalent fall height, a measure of impact severity. It unequivocally demonstrates the efficacy of the engineering design approach, namely that it is possible and practical to design and build free style terrain park jumps with landing surface shapes that control for landing impact as predicted by the theory.  相似文献   

Designing tomorrow’s snow park jump   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Recent epidemiological studies of injuries at ski resorts have found that snow park jumps pose a significantly greater risk for certain classes of injury to resort patrons than other normal skiing activities. Today, most recreational jumps are built by skilled groomers without an engineering design process, but the Snow Skiing Committee (F-27) of the American Society for Testing and Materials is considering the inclusion of recreational jumps in their purview which may lead to a greater role for engineering jump designs in the US in the future. Similar efforts are underway in Europe as well. The purpose of this work is to review the current state of the science of snow park jumps, describe the jump design process, and outline the role that modelling will play in designing tomorrow’s snow park jumps.  相似文献   

我国冬奥雪上竞速类项目的竞技水平与世界优势国家存在较大差距。拟基于冬奥雪上竞速类项目的国际文献,探究世界级运动员的关键竞技特征及其训练策略,为我国雪上项目2022年冬奥备战冲刺年的精准训练明晰目标导向。研究显示:世界级雪上竞速类项目运动员核心技术动作的经济性更高,表现为越野滑雪平地双杖推撑的周期更长、周期速度降低更少,高山滑雪卡宾转弯的半径更短;各单项的能量代谢类型差异显著,但均具备高度发展的有氧、无氧及相互转换能力;快速推蹬时的下肢爆发力、控制姿态时的平衡能力以及持续高速时的速度耐力等运动素质表现更为突出。世界级雪上竞速类项目运动员的关键训练策略在于注重可穿戴等前沿技术多源采集并反馈动作参数,强调高原训练和间歇训练突出有氧代谢能力提升,加大移植引进及创新等多种路径融合发展训练方法,从而有力促进竞训水平的提升。  相似文献   

作为中国第一个体育公园,虹口公园曾经的主旋律就是举办体育活动,但自从被改建为鲁迅公园后,其体育功能逐渐被人遗忘。在虹口公园中体育场地和设施划分出去之后,公园内举办体育活动的盛况已被人淡忘。因此,本文试图从方志资料、政府公文、新闻报刊等历史文献中搜集相关资料,拼合重绘虹口公园作为体育公园在各个时期举办体育活动的热闹景象,感受在近现代的变迁过程中,体育对这座公园的影响。  相似文献   

This longitudinal study described park usage and assessed the contribution of parks to moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) among adolescent girls. High school girls from California (n = 131) and Minnesota (n = 134) wore a global positioning system (GPS) monitor and accelerometer for 6 consecutive days at two time points, one year apart. Park visits were classified by linking the GPS, accelerometer, and park and built environment data around home and school locations into a geographic information system. At baseline, 20% of girls visited a park at least once (mean 0.1 times/day), which was similar one year later (19%, mean 0.1 times/day). Girls lived a mean Euclidean distance of 0.2 miles to the nearest park at both times. Among all park visits, the mean Euclidean distance of the park visited was 4.1 (baseline) and 3.9 miles (follow-up). The average duration of park visits was higher at baseline (63.9 minutes) compared to follow-up (38.4 minutes). On days when a park was visited, MVPA was higher than on days when a park was not visited. On average, 1.9% (baseline) and 2.8% (follow-up) of MVPA occurred in parks. In this study, parks were an under-used resource for adolescent girls, particularly for MVPA.  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、实地考察法和问卷调查等方法,以太原市政公园的双休日健身人群作为研究对象,对参与双休日公园健身的锻炼人群进行调查,了解双休日公园健身的现状,对其中的若干现状加以分析。结果显示:以公园为中心来说,公园逐渐成为附近社区居民健身锻炼的重要场所;锻炼人群以中老年人为主;多数健身者已经保持了多年“花小钱,强身体”的室外场地健身习惯等。建议:重视引进公园体育的管理与指导型人才;双休日要开展以健身为主题的文化活动;增加健身器械安置数量及管理与维护。  相似文献   

Biomechanical aspects of new techniques in alpine skiing and ski-jumping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There have been considerable changes in equipment design and movement patterns in the past few years both in alpine skiing and ski-jumping. These developments have been matched by methods of analysing movements in field conditions. They have yielded new insights into the skills of these specific winter sports. Analytical techniques have included electromyography, kinetic and kinematic methods and computer simulations. Our aim here is to review biomechanical research in alpine skiing and ski-jumping. We present in detail the techniques currently used in alpine skiing (carving technique) and ski-jumping (V-technique), primarily using data from the authors' own research. Finally, we present a summary of the most important results in biomechanical research both in alpine skiing and ski-jumping. This includes an analysis of specific conditions in alpine skiing (type of turn, terrain, snow, speed, etc.) and the effects of equipment, materials and individual-specific abilities on performance, safety and joint loading in ski-jumping.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,我国各地相继建立不同规模、不同类别的高教园区,园区区域丰富的体育资源为区域体育赛事的开发提供了良好的平台。通过对宁波、杭州、温州三大高教园区体育资源和体育赛事现状的调查,从经济学、政冶学、管理学的角度选择了非政府主导的大学生区域体育赛事这一主题进行研究,试图建立一套大学生区域体育赛事有效的运行机制和模式,使其向着积极、规范、高效的方向发展。  相似文献   

通过文献资料查阅、专家访谈、网络文本分析、数理统计等方法,对上海目前体育公园的现状进行了调查和分析。结果发现,上海现已建有40座体育公园,分布在12个区,这些公园多位于黄浦江以西,整体呈现北多南少、西多东少的分布特征;数量排在前三位的运动场地和设施是健身步道、篮球场及健身苑点;游客对公园的运动设施种类、公园位置及周围环境、到达公园的交通方式及便利程度关注度较高,总体对上海体育公园的满意度较高,但也提出了一些需要改进的方面。针对上海体育公园的现状,对于上海今后体育公园的建设也提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

龙江 《体育科技》2007,28(1):4-7
民族体育类旅游主题公园作为民族体育旅游开发的一种重要形式,将对地区旅游经济发展起重要促进作用。就桂林民族体育旅游类主题公园的旅游产品特点、开发原则进行阐述,并在此基础上提出其旅游产品的开发策略及营销策略。  相似文献   


There have been considerable changes in equipment design and movement patterns in the past few years both in alpine skiing and ski-jumping. These developments have been matched by methods of analysing movements in field conditions. They have yielded new insights into the skills of these specific winter sports. Analytical techniques have included electromyography, kinetic and kinematic methods and computer simulations. Our aim here is to review biomechanical research in alpine skiing and ski-jumping. We present in detail the techniques currently used in alpine skiing (carving technique) and ski-jumping (V-technique), primarily using data from the authors’ own research. Finally, we present a summary of the most important results in biomechanical research both in alpine skiing and ski-jumping. This includes an analysis of specific conditions in alpine skiing (type of turn, terrain, snow, speed, etc.) and the effects of equipment, materials and individual-specific abilities on performance, safety and joint loading in ski-jumping.  相似文献   

本文通过文献资料法、实地考察法等方法对2018天府半马展开研究,分析2018天府半马对成都市构建"公园城市"品牌形象产生的政治、经济、文化、生态等方面的巨大价值,为城市管理者借助创新型马拉松赛事来推动成都市实现"公园城市"建设目标提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

We used data from international cycle stage races to examine a rule for cyclists that is similar to Naismith's rule. Naismith's rule is used by walkers to estimate travel times for routes involving climb (i.e. the vertical distance component of a route). The rule is also used in route choice decision-making to compare differing, competing routes. We developed such a rule for use in cycling events, and also considered an extension of the climb-distance rule to take account of the effect of type of terrain or rideability. A simple analysis of the data suggests that 1?m of vertical travel on a bicycle can be considered to be equivalent to approximately 8?m of horizontal travel. Thus the equivalent distance of a route may be calculated by taking its horizontal distance component and adding eight times its vertical distance component. The result obtained was shown to be in accord with mathematical models that relate cycling power to speed and gradient. An index that considers the effect of terrain is also reported, and incorporated into an equivalent distance model. Tentative values for the terrain or rideability index are suggested, and we argue that a distance of 1?km over good off-road terrain is equivalent to a distance of 2?km on-road, and that a distance of 1?km over poor off-road terrain is equivalent to a distance of 4?km on-road.  相似文献   

We used data from international cycle stage races to examine a rule for cyclists that is similar to Naismith's rule. Naismith's rule is used by walkers to estimate travel times for routes involving climb (i.e. the vertical distance component of a route). The rule is also used in route choice decision-making to compare differing, competing routes. We developed such a rule for use in cycling events, and also considered an extension of the climb-distance rule to take account of the effect of type of terrain or rideability. A simple analysis of the data suggests that 1 m of vertical travel on a bicycle can be considered to be equivalent to approximately 8 m of horizontal travel. Thus the equivalent distance of a route may be calculated by taking its horizontal distance component and adding eight times its vertical distance component. The result obtained was shown to be in accord with mathematical models that relate cycling power to speed and gradient. An index that considers the effect of terrain is also reported, and incorporated into an equivalent distance model. Tentative values for the terrain or rideability index are suggested, and we argue that a distance of 1 km over good off-road terrain is equivalent to a distance of 2 km on-road, and that a distance of 1 km over poor off-road terrain is equivalent to a distance of 4 km on-road.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法和调查研究法,从全民健身的视角,对广州体育公园建设及运行机制进行了研究,并对体育公园的“福利性”和“经营性”之间的功能定位进行了论证。  相似文献   

大冬会高校体育场馆管理与经营的思考   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
赵宁 《冰雪运动》2008,30(2):51-54
第24届世界大学生冬季运动会比赛结束后,高校体育场馆如何管理、经营是一个迫切需要解决的问题。认为高校大冬会体育场馆的管理机制应以体育部门为主、后勤部门为辅,以协作式管理机构设置为佳;资产经营制、风险抵押和抵押租赁等承包制应成为其管理与经营的模式。提出场馆人员的工作职责与要求,体育场馆的收费、风险管理和使用者管理等制度建设,以及体育场馆管理与经营的评价方式与内容。  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查,统计分析等方法,通过建立开放式的大学园区体育资源共享模式,最大限度地挖掘有限的体育资源,解决体育资源有限性与高校体育需求无限性之间存在的矛盾,推动大学园区体育实现跨越式发展.  相似文献   

舟山市开发“海洋体育旅游类”主题公园的可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料等方法,从政策环境、区域条件、交通、客源市场、海洋体育旅游氛围对舟山开发海洋体育旅游类主题公园进行可行性分析与研究,并从经济效益、社会效益、环境效益进行了阐述和论证;提出了舟山开发海洋体育旅游类主题公园的原则和功能定位。  相似文献   

李军晓  王旭光  蒋在昆 《精武》2012,(35):13-15
本文以山西钢铁靳流园区园区内员工为调查对象,以健康促进理论为指导,通过问卷调查、访谈等方珐了解园区内园区内员工的健康状况和体育生活方式的现状,分析员工健康水平与体育生活方式之间的联系,最后在健康促进理论和相关应用模式的指导下,探索以园区内为主导,以体育活动为核心的受工健康促进对策,为相关园区内群体员工的健康促进提供一个个案参考。  相似文献   

为探讨奥林匹克体育中心公园游憩涉入与地方感知之间因果关系及其是否影响游客满意度,以南京奥林匹克体育中心公园游客为研究对象,采用随机抽样加以调查分析,取得410份有效问卷。研究结果显示:1)游憩涉入中"吸引力"与"自我表达"对地方感知与游客满意度皆呈现正相关,游憩涉入中"核心休闲"则对地方感知与游客满意度皆为负相关。2)地方感知中"地方"依赖与"地方认同"对游客满意度皆为负相关,而"地方依附"对"服务质量、环境景观"满意度呈现皆为正相关,对运动设施满意度为负相关。最后,建议南京奥林匹克体育中心公园管理单位,举办体育比赛活动应融入游客"自我表达",重视游客"地方依附"情感层面藉以增加奥林匹克体育中心公园对中轻年人吸引力进而提高游客满意度和美好回忆。  相似文献   

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