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运用文献资料、录像解析、数理统计等方法,对国家男子足球队与比赛对手相同位置运动员的跑动距离进行了比较分析,结果发现:1)与比赛对手相同位置运动员相比,国家男子足球运动员在跑动总距离上均少于比赛对手。2)在各级跑速的跑动距离上,守门员中速跑的跑动能力显著优于比赛对手;边后卫高速跑的跑动能力显著优于比赛对手;中前卫慢跑以下的跑动能力明显多于比赛对手,而低速跑的跑动能力明显少于比赛对手。3)高强度的跑动能力,尤其是冲刺跑的跑动能力较差,是国家男子足球运动员与比赛对手体能水平的差距所在。  相似文献   

采取GPS全球定位系统和心率监测系统对14名大学足球专项学生在3场课堂教学比赛中的内、外部运动负荷进行量化,采用数据级数推断法对比其上、下半场比赛负荷的差异性。结果显示:(1)足球专项课堂教学比赛中,大学足球专项学生平均跑动距离为8 319 m,平均跑动速度为5.59 km/h,平均完成19次高速跑和7.6次冲刺跑。学生在上半场的跑动总距离,平均跑动速度,慢速跑、低速跑、中低速跑、中速跑、中高速跑和高速跑跑动距离、跑动时间与次数,高强度减速跑跑动距离和时间,低强度减速跑跑动距离、时间和次数,低强度加速跑跑动距离和次数,加速度负荷、反复高强度跑动次数都明显高于下半场(ES介于0.35~1.22,可能性>75%),上半场的步行移动时间(ES=0.94,可能性>99.5%)和反复高强度跑动的平均恢复时间(ES=1.60,可能性>99.9%)则明显低于下半场;(2)大学足球专项学生的课堂教学赛的比赛时的平均心率为165 次/分钟,约占最大心率的82.8%,大学足球专项学生在整场课堂教学比赛59.5%的时间中处于中高强度和高强度心率区间,学生在下半场处在中高强度心率区间的时间明显多于上半场(ES=0.5,可能性介于75%~95%),而上、下半场处在高强度心率区间的时间只存在微小无意义的差异(ES=0.15,可能性介于75%~95%)。  相似文献   

采取数据级数推断与广义混合线性模型的统计方法,对2018年俄罗斯世界杯正赛阶段381名非门将位置足球运动员在829次打满全场的比赛中的跑动特征进行量化分析。结果显示:(1)在本届世界杯中,所有外场球员场均跑动距离(9 872±956) m,其中,高强度跑动(速度>20 km/h)距离约占7.2%,场均高强度跑动次数(31±11)次;(2)中场球员的场均跑动距离最多(10 608±759) m,其次是前锋球员(9 622±900) m,最少的是后卫球员(9 484±807) m,其中,前锋球员完成最多的冲刺跑动[速度>25 km/h,(259±113) m]和慢跑[速度<7 km/h,(3 827±324) m],中场球员完成最多的是低速跑[速度7~15 km/h,(4 705±685) m]和中速跑[速度15~20 km/h,(1 596±333) m];(3)本届世界杯中,所有球员上、下半场的跑动距离[(4 940±507) m 与(4 933±516) m]、最大跑动速度[(27.5±2.7) km/h与(27.5±2.5) km/h]、高强度跑动次数[(15.5±6.2)次与(15.1±6.0)次] 都只体现出极其可能的微小无意义变化(ES=-0.04、-0.06、-0.03,可能性皆大于99.5%),而下半场的慢跑距离(1 917±186) m相对于上半场的慢跑距离(1 771±176) m,则出现了极其可能的中等程度的升高(ES=0.82,可能性大于99.5%)。  相似文献   

五体球是一项集足球和篮球玩法于一体的新型球类运动,因其较高的场地利用率和观赏性而具备广阔的推广前景,目前广东省已成功举办 4.届大学生五体球联赛。采取心率监测系统和GPS全球定位系统对5 1.名大学生运动员在第三届大学生五体球联赛中 7.场比赛的心率数据与跑动相关数据进行监测,用以量化评估五体球比赛运动负荷特征,并采用数据级数推断法对比了不同阶段比赛负荷的差异性。结果显示:(1)运动员比赛平均心率为(164.5±13.4)次/分钟,约占最大心率的82.5%±6.9%,在比赛时间内运动员每分钟跑动(67.6±14.0) m,其中低强度跑动(速度<1 2.km/h)距离约占93.1%,高强度跑动(速度≥1 5.km/h)距离仅占2.1%,最大跑动速度为(18.4±3.8) km/h ;(2)五体球联赛省赛阶段的平均心率占最大心率百分比、跑动总距离、加速度负荷、中低强度加速和减速次数、中高强度变向次数、身体冲撞次数和爆发性活动次数皆清晰高于市赛,而最大跑动速度和冲刺跑距离占比则清晰低于市赛(ES为0.95~1.12,可能性75%~95%)。研究结果说明大学生五体球比赛的总体比赛负荷要低于足球和篮球,加速、急停和变向等灵敏性素质是区分五体球比赛水平的显著性指标  相似文献   

手球比赛属于集体球类对抗性项目,比赛跑动能力体现出技术、战术、体能等诸多因素,是比赛制胜的重要因素。对我国男子手球运动员在男子手球联赛、十一届全运会以及第16届亚运会等大型赛事的备战和系列比赛展开研究,结果表明:1)不同位置运动员全场跑动总距离在3 951~4 552m之间,平均为4 249m,跑动距离最多的是边锋,最少的是内锋。2)冲刺跑和高速跑动距离最多的是边锋,最少的是中锋;中速跑动距离最多的是边锋,最少的是中锋;低速跑动距离最多的是中锋,最少的是边锋;慢跑距离最多的是组织,最少的是边锋;走动距离最多的是边锋,最少的是组织。3)手球运动员的全场跑动轨迹是以各位置运动员在两个进攻区域之间以近似直线式的轨迹活动。4)全场进攻和防守的跑动次数分别为70次和78次,平均每25s会有一次跑动,不分速度的情况下平均每次移动的距离为28.71m。  相似文献   

<正>一、篮球运动的特点与机体生理生化指标的变化篮球是跑、跳、投结合的持续时间较长的高强度对抗性运动,需要球员快速跑动、突然或连续跳起、拼抢等反复转换的一项运动。一场高水平比赛时长可达2.53h,投篮可达200多次,篮板球可达120多次,抢断可达20多次,跑动可达53h,投篮可达200多次,篮板球可达120多次,抢断可达20多次,跑动可达510km,是速度、力量、耐力的抗衡。这种间歇性冲刺伴有爆发式跳跃和投掷的无氧运动,要求机体有高水平的无氧代谢供能,包括  相似文献   

目的:构建男子越野滑雪运动员选材指标体系,研制选材标准的评价模型。方法:问卷调查、专家访谈、实验测试、数理统计等。结果:(1)构建了11~12岁、13~14岁、15~16岁、17~18岁四个年龄组的男子越野滑雪运动员选材指标体系,其中4项身体形态指标包括下肢长B/身高、体脂百分比、年龄-骨龄、指间距-身高;2项身体机能指标为最大摄氧量相对值、血红蛋白;5项运动心理指标包括反应时、速度知觉、意志品质量表、注意力测试、操作思维;10项运动素质指标包括上肢爆发力、纵跳、3 000 m跑、立位体前屈、闭眼单脚站立、立定跳远、20 m冲刺、引体向上、六边形跳、功能动作筛查(FMS);3项专项成绩指标包括雪上计时1.2 km、5 km、10 km。(2)选材评价模型集成于Web端自动化评估软件,基于越野滑雪运动员选材指标体系与评价标准表,通过百分位数法建立的“P60入围”与“P90精英”两条临界线,评价模型回代检验结果客观有效。结论:我国男子越野滑雪运动员选材指标体系涵盖4个年龄组,包括5项一级指标、15项二级指标、24项三级指标,并依据不同指标权重研制评价模型,为创新越野滑雪项目的精英运动员选拔方法提供理论依据。  相似文献   

从女子足球运动员形态学特征、生理学特征、女性三联征、女足比赛的运动学特征和生理学特征五个方面对女子足球运动生物学特征进行研究综述。研究显示:(1)世界精英级女足球员近20年身体形态特征变化不大,总体呈现身材高、体重大、体脂率低的特点;(2)足球作为间歇性运动项目,日益激烈的对抗对女足球员的速度、耐力及下肢爆发力提出了更高要求,对女子足球运动员的训练应重视三联征对其运动表现的影响;(3)女足球员总跑动距离在7.68~10.44 km,高速跑动距离在0.35~2.46 km,冲刺距离在28.8~460 m,高强度跑动能力是衡量球员专项成绩的关键指标;(4)比赛过程中的生理学特征研究较少,有限的结果因球员的竞技水平和位置角色不同而有所差异。未来研究应加强对女子足球的运动生物学特征研究,提高女子足球科学化训练竞赛水平。  相似文献   

<正>一、听音乐节奏跑游戏目标:发展学生速度、耐力素质。游戏方法:全班学生分成若干组。以小组为单位,随着音乐的不同节奏,进行慢跑、中速跑、快跑,在3~5分钟内交替进行。游戏规则:根据音乐节奏变换跑。教学建议:所选音乐节奏变化明显;所选音乐可以剪辑后进行组合;最好以小组为单位,可以在跑中互助;每首曲子时间以3~5分钟为宜。二、折返跑游戏目标:发展学生身体的灵敏、协  相似文献   

运用“简极-茵战K1”智能足球运动表现分析系统采集12名大学生运动员在8场正式足球比赛中的跑动和心率相关指标,量化运动员的外部和内部比赛负荷。结果显示:(1)在外部负荷方面,大学生足球运动员在正式的足球比赛中场均跑动距离(8 464±822) m,其中,慢速跑跑动距离约占39.8%,低速跑跑动距离约占30.2%,高强度跑动距离约占5.1%,场均高强度跑动次数(30±14)次;在内部负荷方面,运动员在比赛中的平均心率为(160±11) 次/分钟,52%的比赛时间处于80%最大心率以上区间,仅有14.5%的比赛时间内处于70%最大心率以下区间。(2)后卫球员的跑动总距离大程度地低于中场(ES=1.2,可能性>95%)和前锋(ES=1.4,可能性>95%),高强度跑平均间歇时间则中等程度地高于中场(ES=0.6,可能性>75%)和前锋(ES=0.9,可能性>75%),后卫球员在比赛处于中高强度心率区间的时间比例中等程度地低于中场(ES=1.0,可能性>95%)和前锋(ES=1.1,可能性>75%)。前锋球员在比赛中的最大跑动速度(ES=0.7,可能性>75%)、步行距离(ES=0.8,可能性>75%)、慢速跑跑动距离(ES=0.6,可能性>75%)和中等强度心率区间占比(ES=0.7,可能性>75%)皆中等程度地高于中场球员,而低速跑跑动距离(ES=0.8,可能性>75%)、平均心率(ES=0.6,可能性>75%)和高强度心率区间占比(ES=0.6,可能性>95%)则都中等程度的低于中场球员。  相似文献   

Abstract The aim of this study was to determine sprint profiles of professional female soccer players and evaluate how various speed thresholds impact those outcomes. Seventy-one professional players competing in full matches were assessed repeatedly during 12 regular season matches using a Global Positioning System (GPS). Locomotion ≥18?km?·?h(-1) was defined as sprinting and each event was classified into: Zone 1: 18.0-20.9?km· h(-1); Zone 2: 21.0-22.9?km?·?h(-1); Zone 3: 23.0-24.9?km?·?h(-1) and Zone 4: >25?km?·?h(-1). Outcomes included: duration (s), distance (m), maximum speed (km?·?h(-1)), duration since previous sprint (min) and proportion of total sprint distance. In total 5,019 events were analysed from 139 player-matches. Mean sprint duration, distance, maximum speed and time between sprints were 2.3?±?1.5?s, 15.1?±?9.4?m, 21.8?±?2.3?km· h(-1), and 2.5?±?2.5?min, respectively. Mean sprint distances were 657?±?157, 447?±?185, and 545?±?217?m for forwards, midfielders and defenders, respectively (P?≤?0.046). Midfielders had shorter sprint duration (P = 0.023), distance (P?≤?0.003) and maximum speed (P?相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between several measures of lower-body stiffness and physical performance variables in 22 sub-elite male football players (mean ± SD; 21.9 ± 1.5 yr; 1.79 ± 0.06 m; 72.2 ± 7.2 kg). The participants were assessed for individual muscle stiffness of the Rectus Femoris (RF), Biceps Femoris (BF) and Medial Gastrocnemius (MG) muscles and vertical stiffness (Kvert) was also assessed assessed running acceleration, maximal sprint speed, agility, vertical jumping and muscular strength. Pearson’s correlations quantified the relationships and participants were also separated into relatively stiff (SG) and compliant groups (CG) for each variable. When ranked by Kvert the SG exhibited superior performance during sprinting, agility, jumping and strength (p ≤ 0.05) and when ranked by RF stiffness, SG exhibited superior sprint, agility and drop jump performance (p ≤ 0.05), while MG and BF stiffness were not related to performance. Higher stiffness appears to be beneficial to athletic performance for football players and therefore it may be beneficial for practitioners working with athletes that are required to perform dynamic activities to consider the contribution of stiffness to athletic performance.  相似文献   


The speed performance is involved not only in linear sprints, but also in a wide spectrum of multi-directional movements, such as curve sprinting. Curved sprint can be defined as sprint with gradual and continuous change of direction (COD). Although ~85% of the actions performed at maximum velocity in a professional soccer league are curvilinear sprints, there is not any specific test to assess this ability. This study aimed to analyse the reliability of a new curve sprint test, and compare its results with those obtained by soccer players in linear sprint. Forty experienced soccer players performed 3 attempts of curve sprint (using the penalty arc) to right and left side (17 m), and 3 linear sprints (17 m) in two different days. The ICCs (inter-session reliability) were 0.93 for sprint curve right side (CSRS) and 0.89 for sprint curve left side (CSLS), considered “acceptable”. The CVs (intra-session reliability) were 0.87% in CSRS and 1.15% in CSLS. The coefficient of determination (R2) between linear and curve sprinting was ~35%. The association between curve sides was “very large” (r = 0.878; p < 0.01). In summary, we showed that “curve sprint test” is highly reliable, and that curvilinear and linear sprints are different and independent actions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of age and spa treatment (i.e. combined sauna, cold water immersion, and jacuzzi) on match running performance over two consecutive matches in highly trained young soccer players. Fifteen pre- (age 12.8 ± 0.6 years) and 13 post- (15.9 ± 1 y) peak height velocity (PHV) players played two matches (Matches 1 and 2) within 48 h against the same opposition, with no specific between-match recovery intervention (control). Five post-PHV players also completed another set of two consecutive matches, with spa treatment implemented after the first match. Match running performance was assessed using a global positioning system with very-high-intensity running (> 16.1-19.0 km · h(-1)), sprinting distance (>19 km · h(-1)), and peak match speed determined. Match 2 very-high-intensity running was "possibly" impaired in post-PHV players (-9 ± 33%; ± 90% confidence limits), whereas it was "very likely" improved for the pre-PHV players (+27 ± 22%). The spa treatment had a beneficial impact on Match 2 running performance, with a "likely" rating for sprinting distance (+30 ± 67%) and "almost certain" for peak match speed (+6.4 ± 3%). The results suggest that spa treatment is an effective recovery intervention for post-PHV players, while its value in pre-PHV players is questionable.  相似文献   

目的:通过对上海女足2012年联赛中比赛活动特征的分析,了解上海女足比赛中的跑动特点及体能状况;通过与国内最高水平比赛、国家队及其他世界强队的对比分析,了解与高水平运动队之间的差距,寻找到上海女足训练的突破点,为上海女足在第12届全运会中夺取金牌提供有效的科技支撑.方法:通过已取得专利的自主研发的足球训练负荷监控系统对上海女足2012年联赛上海赛区上海—大连、上海—长春的两场比赛进行跑动负荷的测试.结果:(1) 2012年联赛期间上海赛区的比赛与国外高水平运动队相比,上海女足运动员高速跑和冲刺跑的距离及所比重偏少.(2)上海女足在2012年联赛中不同位置运动员在比赛中整体跑动能力存在差异,边后卫和中场球员总跑动距离最多,而边前卫和边后卫的高强度及以上跑动距离最多,前锋高强度以上跑动距离最少.(3)上海女足在2012年联赛前准备期高强度的有氧间歇训练不足,导致联赛期间体能贮备不足.结论:我国女足联赛水平较低、对抗性不强,上海女足运动员联赛期间的跑动能力与国内最高水平比赛及世界强队相比存在一定的差距,今后的训练必须加强高强度的有氧间歇训练.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between intensities of exercise during match-play of elite-standard soccer referees with those of the players from the same match. Match analysis data were collected (Prozone? Leeds, UK) for 18 elite-standard soccer referees (age 26-49 years) on FA Premier League matches during the 2008/09 English FA Premier League season (236 observations). Running categories for referees and players were as follows: total distance covered (m); high-speed running distance (speed >19.8 km · h(-1)); and sprinting distance (speed >25.2 km · h(-1)). Analysis of the distance-time regression coefficients revealed no differences between the referees' and players' within-match rates of change for total distance covered (-0.594 ± 0.394 vs. -0.713 ± 0.269 m · min(-1); P = 0.104), high-speed running (-0.039 ± 0.077 vs. -0.059 ± 0.030 m · min(-1); P = 0.199), and sprinting (-0.003 ± 0.039 vs. -0.021 ± 0.017 m · min(-1); P = 0.114). In addition, there were no differences between across-season rates of change for total distance (-26.756 ± 40.434 vs. -20.031 ± 25.502 m per match day; P = 0.439) and sprinting (-9.662 ± 7.564 vs. -8.589 ± 4.351 m per match day; P = 0.542). These results show that elite-standard soccer referees' intensities of exercise during match-play are interrelated with those of the players and thus demonstrate that referees are able to keep pace with the players during FA Premier League matches.  相似文献   

Different methods of ball carrying can be used when a player runs with the ball in rugby union. We examined how three methods of ball carrying influenced sprinting speed: using both hands, under the left arm and under the right arm. These methods were compared with running without the ball. Our aim was to determine which method of ball carrying optimizes sprinting speed. Altogether, 48 rugby union players (age 21 +/- 2 years, height 1.83 +/- 0.1 m, body mass 85.3 +/- 12 kg, body fat 14 +/- 5%; mean +/- s) were recruited. The players performed twelve 30-m sprints in total (each player performed three trials under each of three methods of carrying the ball and sprinting without the ball). The design of the study was a form of Latin rectangle, balanced across the trial order for each of the methods and for pairwise combinations of the methods in blocks of four per trial. Each sprint consisted of a 10-m rolling start, followed by a 20-m timed section using electronic timing gates. Compared with sprinting 20 m without the ball (2.58 +/- 0.16 s), using both hands (2.62 +/- 0.16 s) led to a significantly slower time (P < 0.05). Sprinting 20 m with the ball under the left arm (2.61 +/- 0.15 s) or under the right arm (2.60 +/- 0.17 s) was significantly quicker than when using 'both hands' (P < 0.05), and both these methods were significantly slower than when running without the ball (P < 0.05). Accordingly, running with the ball in both hands led to the greatest decrement in sprinting performance, although carrying the ball under one arm also reduced the players' sprinting ability. Our results indicate that to gain a speed advantage players should carry the ball under one arm.  相似文献   

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