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本文运用文献资料法,对全纳教育视野下普通高校体育教学改革的问题进行研究,并提出全纳教育视野下的普通高校体育教学改革要树立公平意识;促进学生个性发展;加强体育教师培训,转变体育教师观念;建立完善的高校体育全纳教育支持系统。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法,对全纳教育的发展、概念及其内涵进行研究。认为全纳教育背景下的高校体育课程改革,要树立"人人参与"的体育教育权利观,注重差异,促进学生个性发展;要倡导合作学习理念,培养全纳教育型高校体育教师,建立完善的高校体育课程全纳教育支持系统。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法,对全纳教育的产生、发展及其内涵进行了研究;认为全纳教育视角下的高校体育教学改革,要强调公平意识,树立人人参与的体育权利观;尊重个体差异,促进学生个性发展;倡导小班化教学,促进合作学习;加强体育教师培训,拓展专业知识技能及提升教育智慧;建立完善的高校体育全纳教育支持系统。  相似文献   

本研究以自行编制的调查问卷和访谈提纲作为研究工具,对捷克奥洛穆茨州的全纳教育支持系统现状进行了调查研究。结果发现:通过实施全纳导向的教育政策,为全纳教育提供必要的支持、规定参与全纳教育教师的任职资格和培训、转变特殊教育学校角色等方面的努力,一个相对系统和健全的全纳教育支持系统已经建立和运转起来了。但是,传统的社会观念、政府经费支持、普通教师的专业成长、对特殊儿童家庭的财政和培训支持以及特殊儿童家长在全纳教育中的参与等问题仍然是捷克奥洛穆茨州全纳教育发展过程中亟需解决的问题。  相似文献   

残疾人高等教育是高等教育的重要组成部分,也是特殊教育体系中不可或缺的一部分.在全纳教育理念和终身学习理念的支持下,越来越多的残疾人将进入普通高等院校接受教育,因此,加快发展高等融合教育成为一种趋势.分析我国高等融合教育在发展过程中取得的若干成果和面临的一些挑战,指出发展的困境源于支持系统的不完备,进而立足于生态系统理论,对我国高等融合教育支持系统的建构进行探讨,指出高等融合教育支持系统的建构应朝着全面性、整体性方向发展,形成生态化的格局.  相似文献   

全纳教育是目前国际教育领域中倍受关注的教育思潮之一。全纳教育呼吁全社会重视多样性,主张学校、社区以及社会欢迎、重视每个个体。实践全纳教育理念的学校被称之为"全纳学校"。从国外关于"全纳学校特征"的研究成果中,可以概括出全纳学校的基本特征,这种研究可以帮助我国正在实践全纳教育理念的学校进一步走向完善。  相似文献   

文章对意大利、土耳其、匈牙利和罗马尼亚四国的早期儿童特殊教育制度进行了比较研究。四国都制定了早期儿童特殊教育的教育法规,并实施了相应的教育方案。四国都采用了全纳教育制度。四国的特色之处在于,意大利的全纳教育包含了教师支持系统,土耳其采用了个性化学前教育和全纳教育相结合的体系,罗马尼亚经历了融合教育向全纳教育的转变,匈牙利采用了融合教育和全纳教育相结合的体系。  相似文献   

从全纳教育来看,聋人高等教育培养复合型人才既是和谐社会的体现,也是当今社会对人才的需求,又是扩展聋人大学生知识结构的积极有效途径.通过对参加辅修专业学习的聋生其学习情况进行跟踪、调查和研究,分析结果表明,聋生有成为复合型人才的迫切需求,同时学有余力的聋生有能力通过全纳教育模式参加辅修专业的学习,并获取学位.但如果没有外界的支持和帮助,聋生通过全纳学习形式完成第二学历的学习,难度很大.为此根据聋人的思维特征、认知结构,通过校内资源整合,制定接受教育的特殊方法和教学策略,提供必要的助学措施,以建立完善的学习支持系统,为将聋人大学生培养成"厚基础、宽口径、高素质"的复合型人才提供强有力的保证,也为实现我国聋人高等教育全纳教育模式奠定基础,从而进一步完善聋人高等教育人才培养模式.  相似文献   

幼儿园在实践融合教育的过程中存在理念指导缺位、环境配套滞后、课程建构不适宜、师资培养不完善、社会支持不系统等问题。为提高幼儿园融合教育的质量,应加强“全纳、公平、质量”的融合教育理念,营造“全开放、无障碍”的融合教育环境,架构“科学、专业、个性”的融合教育课程,建设“有层次、分步骤”的融合师资培训机制,建立“整合资源、紧密协作”的社会支持系统。  相似文献   

全纳教育理念的提出得益于社会民主运动的发展,其中又以美国社会民主运动的影响关系最为密切。文章从社会学视角对全纳教育理念的提出、发展和完善,以及全纳教育在儿童观、学校组织范式等方面的变迁进行阐述,以期对我国全纳教育的发展有所启示。  相似文献   

英国全纳教育研究的现状   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
英国是开展全纳教育化较早的国家。尽管如此,对全纳教育的研究仍是目前英国教育争论最大的一个领域,例如在对全纳教育的理念,全纳教育与人权观的研究以及全纳教育实践中各界人士看法上都存在一些不同的观点,争论虽存在,实践仍持续,研究更深入,英国的全纳教育研究趋势表明,全纳教育的开展还有许多问题和困难的有待解决。  相似文献   

融合教育是当前教育发展的趋势.在具体的国情面前,中国大陆的融合教育在学校管理上面临许多挑战:校长功能发挥不足、教师参与融合积极性不高、资源教师角色不清、班级规模过大是融合教育学校普遍面临的管理难题.文章对这些问题产生的原因、表现、以及应对策略进行了探讨.  相似文献   

The education of students with special needs in an inclusive environment is becoming more widespread throughout the world. Similarly, in Turkey, the inclusion of students with disabilities has also improved. However, current statistical trends and developments within inclusive education are not well known. The purpose of this study is to provide a statistical analysis of special education data, which were obtained from the Ministry of National Education of Turkey. The findings indicate that some statistical components of special education are missing from most official publications of educational statistics and the number of students and the proportions of special education categories in inclusive education vary from year to year. However, in Turkey, the percentage of students in inclusive education, of all students with special needs, is higher than many European countries. The results show that the number of students with special needs, as well as students in inclusive education, has rapidly increased. Turkey needs to focus on improving the schooling rate of students with special needs, and the quality and variety of special education services within inclusive education.  相似文献   

This special paper provides a critical overview of wicked problems in special and inclusive education. Practically, this paper provides a strategic framework for future special issues in the Journal of Special Educational Needs. Critical attention is also given to the concept of a wicked problem when applied to research in special and inclusive education: the suggestion is made this focus can stimulate innovations necessary for educational change and begin the process through which key problems in the field are addressed. A final observation made is that tangible change is unlikely to occur in special and inclusive education without addressing the underpinning beliefs and behavioural motivations which sustain today's wicked problems. Systematic transformation is therefore unlikely to be sustained without disruptive attention to the psychological, cultural and political aspects of ‘the way things are’.  相似文献   

特殊儿童教育是全纳教育的一个重要组成部分,也是教育公平的一个重要体现。20世纪90年代兴起的全新的教育理念——全纳教育已经得到了公众的认可:呼唤建立一种平等的全纳社会。文章通过对国内外特殊儿童教育现状和问题的分析,针对国内特殊儿童教育过程中出现的问题,提出建设性的意见和对策,以期为特殊儿童的健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Muna Amr 《Prospects》2011,41(3):399-413
This article examines teacher education programmes in the Arab region and the extent to which teachers are prepared to work in inclusive education settings. In the Arab world, the emerging area of inclusive education faces various challenges, among them a teaching force that is not adequately prepared to teach all children. This challenge arises partly because, without content on inclusive education, current pre-service and in-service programmes produce teachers who lack the skills to work with children with special needs in mainstream classrooms. This article focuses on teacher education in Jordan, where the problems and challenges surrounding teacher education programmes for inclusive education mirror those in other Arab countries. In Jordan, training for inclusive education is very limited at both pre-service and in-service levels, both because the idea has only recently been introduced and because of limited financial resources in the country. Still, the growing interest in adopting an inclusive education system has raised awareness about the importance of providing teachers with education that enables them to work with children with special needs in inclusive settings.  相似文献   

Massimo Amadio 《Prospects》2009,39(3):293-305
This exploratory analysis of inclusive education issues in Latin America and the Caribbean is based on a series of documents produced in the framework of the organization of the 48th session of the International Conference on Education, in particular the National Reports presented at the Conference as well as country reports presented at preparatory meetings. The content analysis of the materials focused on the following topics: (a) the legal and normative framework; (b) the current educational policies; (c) the proposed or adopted approach in terms of inclusive education; (d) the main target groups; (e) inclusive education and the curriculum; (f) the kind of indicators most frequently mentioned; and (g) problems and challenges for inclusive education. One of the main challenges for the countries in the region is the appreciable gap between the stated principles and vision on one side, and the actual practices of inclusive education, on the other. Thus, there is an urgent need to ensure that policies and strategies translate into concrete actions aimed at changing the institutional practices and pedagogical approaches in the school and the classroom.  相似文献   

随迁农民工子女的社会融合教育是一个热点话题。要使学校的融合教育更富有成效,应重视课程问题。学校应调查并根据随迁农民工子女的教育需求、社会生活需要来确定融合教育课程目标、构建融合教育内容,根据随迁农民工子女的特点在课程实施时贯彻渗透性、活动性、合作性原则,并根据随迁农民工子女社会融合的指标体系来评价融合教育的效果。  相似文献   

全纳教育的核心内涵就是教育公平.特殊儿童作为弱势群体中一个规模较大的群体,在其接受教育时,用全纳教育的思想指导,更有利于特殊儿童享受公平的教育权利.本文基于全纳教育视角,试图从受教育权利平等、教育过程的公平及教育结果的公平三个方面论述教育公平理念,并在此基础上提出促进全纳教育的发展是促进特殊儿童教育公平的有效途径.  相似文献   

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