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自从手机媒介诞生以来,技术创新始终是推进移动通信的中坚力量,手机媒介成为人们获取资讯越来越重要的一种方式,手机在被人们拿来听音乐、看小说、读新闻、看电视的时候,早已超越“通信”的基本功能,开始扮演着传播信息和文化娱乐的新角色.立足手机阅读的实际,回顾过去,展望未来,分析手机阅读特点,从其特点结合现今社会的发展情况,可以预见手机阅读将引领未来阅读发展的新方向.  相似文献   

批注式阅读在中国古已有之,现在成了语文教学的又一个新宠。笔者认为,批准式阅读有自身的优越性,但是在使用中也存在着一个适度的问题。一、年级要合适当批注式阅读开始被引用到小学时,很多教师如获至宝,  相似文献   

贾卉 《江西教育》2011,(10):31-31
<正>批注式阅读在中国古已有之,现在成了语文教学的又一个新宠。笔者认为,批准式阅读有自身的优越性,但是在使用中也存在着一个适度的问题。一、年级要合适当批注式阅读开始被引用到小学时,很多教师如获至宝,  相似文献   

甘莹 《教育教学论坛》2020,(11):297-298
语料库媒介构建的数据驱动的英语阅读范式使用原始语料或通过语料库工具软件得出的数据进行英语阅读的探索式学习,是一种将语料库语言学研究成果和认知理论相结合并应用于英语阅读活动的新实践。文章将从语料库媒介下的英语阅读资源、阅读策略和技能、阅读分析和阅读练习等方面探讨阅读过程中各环节的新变化,并提出这一阅读范式的优势和目前的局限性。  相似文献   

韩兴凤 《考试周刊》2012,(36):33-33
小学语文主题式阅读即通过"主题"整合阅读教学内容,零散的语言形式因为主题获得内在意义上的链接,学习目的是让学生在学习语言的同时获得对主题全面和深入的认识。小学主题式语文阅读教学是对阅读教学语言形式孤立、学习内容零散的交际阅读教学法的改进。主题及其相关内容作为发展语言能力的媒介被重点呈现,学在情景中,  相似文献   

电子媒介时代的到来,削弱了经典文本的阅读特权,重组了语文阅读教学秩序。在这个流行阅读取代经典阅读的时代,伴随着人们对视听盛筵的充分享受,高中生阅读也被裹挟在其中。本文着重探讨电子时代如何将高中语文阅读教学有机地融合到电子设备中,解决传统阅读教学与高中生阅读现状脱节的问题,引导师生利用电子设备进行审美式阅读教学的尝试。  相似文献   

幼儿开始学习的媒介就是通过阅读,在激发幼儿阅读兴趣教育的过程当中,能够提升幼儿的阅读水平。现在,越来越多的幼儿园通过营造绘本阅读的良好氛围等措施,激发与提升幼儿的阅读兴趣爱好。  相似文献   

以学生为本的公共课教育学的教学改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文重点阐述了依照“生本“教育理念对公共课教育学的教学方法的一些改革尝试.具体的方法有:一、以学生的文本阅读为基础,实施讲听式与读答式结合的教学;二、以学生的扩展性阅读为基础,实施讲听式与讲评式相结合的教学;三、以网络为媒介,加强师生、生生间的互动、交流.  相似文献   

手机阅读已经成为大学生的重要阅读方式,通过SWTO分析显示,大学生手机阅读具有高度便捷性,能够充分的利用碎片化的时间。技术的不断发展使得手机阅读内容越来越丰富,但是大学生手机阅读有娱乐化的趋势,大学生对阅读内容缺少深层次的思考,随着技术的发展有被异化的危险。媒介素养教育的要求是大学生能够主动利用媒介,摆脱技术的控制,从学校媒介素养教育角度,应该鼓励大学生主动接触手机阅读。高校图书馆在当中要发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

语文阅读的本质为教师、学生和文本之间的交流对话,本文主要以多媒体在高中语文"跨媒介阅读"中的运用为重点进行阐述,结合当下高中语文"跨媒介阅读"实际教学情况为依据,首先分析"跨媒介阅读"基本概述,其次介绍多媒体在高中语文"跨媒介阅读"中的运用价值,最后从"跨媒介阅读"的教学模式、在高中语文"跨媒介阅读"引进多媒体的有效方式几个方面深入说明并探讨多媒体在高中语文"跨媒介阅读"中的巧妙运用,旨意在为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Examining how readers choose books when reading for pleasure is an important step towards understanding literacy practices that occur outside of the traditional domain of the education system. This article explores the possibilities that literary blogs offer as a form of reader guidance. It analyzes the content of seven literary blogs and three library‐run blogs (all focusing on adult fiction), and identifies features of these blogs that may be valuable to avid readers and to those who serve as advisors to readers, such as librarians and educators.  相似文献   

In recent years, the concept of public pedagogy has increasingly influenced the study of continuing education, drawing attention to ways in which adults access resources from popular culture and learn without the involvement of educational institutions. Reading relationship self-help books has become a prominent component of popular culture. There are two predominant scholarly interpretations of relationship books for women. One argues that such books have ‘abducted’ feminism, because, while cloaked in egalitarian rhetoric about relationships between men and women, they actually encourage women to adopt characteristically male approaches to relationships. The other claims that such books are ‘anti-feminist,’ because they encourage women to nurture satisfying relationships by adopting traditional feminine roles. We explore these interpretations through reporting the results of twenty-four qualitative interviews. Only a minority of readers reported experiences consistent with existing interpretations of the genre. Most readers displayed complex combinations of learning experiences – some of which were consistent with feminist principles, while others reflected a subtle normalization of gender inequalities. We conclude that understanding the impact of self-help books, among other forms of public pedagogy, requires moving beyond textual analysis, to engaging readers in conversation about how reading has influenced their sense of themselves and their relationships.  相似文献   

在当前文学名著阅读中,读者作为阅读主体有自由阅读的民主权利。作者、读者有着不同的生命体验和情感世界,在名著阅读中,将他们联系起来的是名著,如何更好地理解名著,体验名著的情感?该文运用自我认同理论从文学自我认同的角度体验名著情感,丰富自我的感情体验。  相似文献   

纵向来看,阅读文化和阅读介质一样,都是一脉相承的。传统阅读文化中对知识和文化的追求和对传统社会伦理关系的规范,能给电纸书在营销概念上带来两点启示:其一,电纸书是一种文化商品,电纸书相关企业要以电纸书和消费者为范畴建立核心价值观;其二,利用传统阅读文化对伦理关系的规范作用,注重开拓培育家庭市场。  相似文献   

考察了时下高校读者图书借阅情况,发现高校读者图书借阅量不及美国、俄罗斯、以色列等国家一般公民的平均借阅量。探讨了影响高校读者阅读热情的原因,考察分析了网络因素、高校读者的读书心理因素以及外围的一些相关因素。提出激发读者阅读热情的策略和新途径,包括介绍先贤读书史,启发厌读者提升阅读热情;提倡研制书药,针对不同厌读者的厌读原因用药;推荐阅读疗法著作,帮助厌读者寻医问药,根治厌读症等。  相似文献   

作为一种新的文学艺术形式的绘本具有特殊的性质和特征。大部分绘本将儿童预设为主要读者,反映和表现儿童生活与心理,成人绘本内容形式的儿童化,令绘本普遍具有鲜明的儿童性;绘本作为图文合一的艺术整体,以简明之文和形象之图协同讲解故事,在具象与抽象、表象与意象的矛盾统一中呈现丰富性和多义性;具有思想艺术独创性的绘本,同时为读者预留了广阔的阅读理解空间,让绘本的阅读具有开放互动的特质。  相似文献   

雕版印刷作为图书传播之媒介,崛起繁荣于右文崇儒之宋代。印刷传媒挟其"易成、难毁、节费、便藏",化身千万,无远弗届之优势,初与抄本、写本竞奇争辉,终则印本取代写本,成为知识传媒之新宠,促使宋代士人之阅读接受更加多元与丰富。印刷术在两宋之传媒效应,传世文献征存不多,笔者拟借镜谷登堡发明活字版印刷术,在中古欧洲改变了阅读环境,影响了接受反应,同时加速古老变革,重组文学领域,征存传统典籍,催生创新体类。凡此,两相对照,皆攸关印刷文化史之探索,堪称创新研究之课题,值得开发讨论。  相似文献   

In this study, we examine various aspects of BookTubers' literacy practices, regarding the personal and social factors that lead readers to devote themselves to the BookTube community, the elements that BookTubers consider as they create and publish video book reviews and the sort of literary learning this digital literacy practice entails. For this purpose, narrative interviews were conducted with six BookTubers, five of them from Latin America and one from Spain. Their answers offer insights into the motivations and unique types of learning that come together in this literary practice. A qualitative analysis of the interviews shows that affective engagement with books is a singular feature of BookTubers' understanding of reading culture and that literary video reviews are created in a complex bricolage process where resources, skills and knowledge are mobilised and develop, both aspects also being associated with the development of an online social reading identity. In addition, an ecological approach to analysing literacy and literary learning in the BookTuber culture points to the importance of framing video book reviews as a didactic resource with considerable potential to bring new learning practices to in-school literary education.  相似文献   

Picture books, as both sophisticated aesthetic objects and literary texts, provide the ideal site for critically examining how values and ideology are transmitted to children. How the child reader might be affected by the process of reading a picture book—that is, how he or she might be moved emotionally and potentially gain new insights about the world—is of interest to scholars and educators alike. This article draws upon cognitive literary theory as a conceptual frame through which to explore the cognitive and emotional affect that reading may have upon children. “Reader response” and “cultural criticism” are approaches to literature that seek to understand how readers interact with texts. Cognitive theory, when applied to literature, builds on these discourses by focusing on why reading fiction might cause the brain to produce emotional and cognitive responses in readers. As metaphors are a feature of language and of thought, a study of the metaphorical in picture books aptly lends itself to the theoretical framework offered by cognitive literary theory. Drawing on examples from four picture books produced for children, broadly correlating to different developmental stages, this article examines the role of metaphor in encouraging skills in decoding and creative thinking. Talking to children about visual metaphor or metaphorical expression introduces them to a feature of language and thought that provides a conceptual frame for richer understanding and expression of ideas. Examining how the metaphorical operates in picture books thus takes us a step closer to understanding how the process of reading affects children and enriches their lives.  相似文献   

New media and technologies operate in polysemic formats that make complex demands on readers. During a time of constant change in ways of communicating, the familiar form of the picture book offers readers of all ages a route into sophisticated polysemic reading. Contemporary picture books provide both the comfort of the known and the potential of the new. As texts that use multiple semiotic systems, picture books also manifest the chief virtue of print on paper: they are 'a resting place for words' in Derrick de Kerckhove's phrase. Unlike online readers, picture book readers are literally able to get their hands on key words or pictures, literally able to trace the flow of the story. Within this well-known form, many contemporary picture books subvert literary conventions and explore challenging aesthetic and social questions.  相似文献   

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