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首先厘清受众的中心地位与受众主体性之间的关系,并论证了受众勿庸置疑的主体地位其次从新闻的本质、新闻本、新闻价值、新闻的真实性和客观性原则等新闻学基本范畴的角度,考察隐含其中的受众主体性;第三分析了受众主体性迷失的几种原因和表现,作认为,“使用与满足”理论对受众主体性的要求是不切实际的,怎样提高受众在新闻传播活动中的主体性,是一个应该引起我们重视的问题。  相似文献   

随着媒介文化环境的变化,新媒介对农村出版传播发生了显著影响,特别是使农民受众的媒介需求与内容需求呈现出诸多新的特点。对此,出版传播主体必须予以正确认识和把握,从农民受众的真实需要出发开展有效的出版传播活动:以政府为主导,加快农村信息化步伐;融合传统出版和新媒介出版,建立农村立体化、复合化出版传播体系;建立多层次、多途径的动态信息反馈系统,充分发挥农民群众在新农村建设中的主体性作用。  相似文献   

随着网络媒体的快速发展,受众的主体地位逐渐增强,进行受众调查对媒介和受众群体都有重要意义。对网络媒体受众的基本特征、媒介趋向和媒介接触行为的调查有助于网络媒体传播策略的选择,网络媒体的优越性有助于受众调查的开展。  相似文献   

文章以北京奥运会为事件传播个案,分析比照了报纸、广播、电视等传统媒体和网络、手机电视等众多新媒体在媒介传播过程当中各自的特点以及不同各媒介受众的特点,还分析了在信息社会当中受众不同媒体组合选择和不同媒介整合传播的效果。  相似文献   

所谓受众心理,主要指媒介所传播信息接受者的心理规律和态度倾向,它是影响和制约传播活动的重要因素之一.  相似文献   

首先厘清受众的中心地位与受众主体性之间的关系,并论证了受众勿庸置疑的主体地位;其次从新闻的本质、新闻文本、新闻价值、新闻的真实性和客观性原则等新闻学基本范畴的角度,考察隐含其中的受众主体性;第三分析了受众主体性迷失的几种原因和表现,作者认为,“使用与满足”理论对受众主体性的要求是不切实际的,怎样提高受众在新闻传播活动中的主体性,是一个应该引起我们重视的问题。*  相似文献   

公共政策传播是政策运行过程中的重要环节,政策传播有效与否直接影响政策目标的实现以及政策的成败。政策传播机制是政策主体与政策对象之间传递、交流和共享政策信息的互动方式以及行为过程。它包括硬件和软件两大部分:硬件由政策传播主体、政策传播内容、政策传播媒介和政策传播受众等要素组成;软件包括制度构建、互动平台、政府—媒介—受众的合作、以及效果评估等。  相似文献   

媒介环境是由大众传媒构成的影响人的发展和社会发展的外部条件,其实质是信息丰富、变化迅速的现代信息环境。随着大众传媒的飞速发展,媒介环境以其信息容量大、传播路径宽、传播速度快、受众范围广等优势对创造性人才的成长产生了广泛而深刻的影响。在媒介环境的影响下,创造主体应提高其接收信息、鉴别信息、选择信息与处理信息的能力,排除消极信息的干扰,有效利用各类积极信息,促进其创造力的发展。  相似文献   

对信息时代媒介文化的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对正在全球范围内蓬勃发展的信息高速公路作出文化性思考已迫在眉睫,信息高速公路作为信息时的媒介文化已渗透到人类社会各个领域,它带来人类社会经济的一体化、政治文化的多元化、信息文化的增值及受众主体性的弘扬;同时,它也使人类社会人际关系淡化、传播失控等等。研究和探索这些前所未有的巨大变化。从媒介文化的角度来考察网络传播给人类社会带来的新问题,无疑具有重要的意义。.  相似文献   

报网互动,媒介融合,远不止于内容的融合,而应是媒介形态、结构、技术、功能、流程乃至传播方式等方面的融合。受众的需求是推动这种变化的根本动力。信息接收渠道的多样化、受众活动和受众需求的多元化,决定了媒体应该以更丰富的内容和方式为受众提供个性服务。因此,不断探索传统报纸和新媒体的有机结合,通过报纸原创内容优势和新媒体数字化传播优势的结合,推进数字报业发展,开展与其他媒介融合,既是报业创新发展的重大战略选择,也是报业历史发展过程中的必然趋势。  相似文献   

手机短信作为第五传媒的雏形,对人们的社会生活产生了很大的影响,它通过定制、转发、群发、保存和回复等方式传播了丰富的短信新闻、短信广告,参与了广电传媒的节目互动,也制造了大量的短信陷阱,短信在以自由选择性、交互性、便捷性进入大众文化空间的同时,也扩大了低俗信息的传播,助长了狂热的消费欲望,怂恿了更加隐蔽的诈骗行为。  相似文献   

Conclusions A fundamental assumption of the research presented above was that attitude change is an important concern of the educator, and that if attitudes are important, information on how attitudes might be formed or changed with media is needed. Four studies were conducted to examine the use of media to deliver persuasive messages. The results of the four studies presented in this article tended to support the following conclusions. First, attitudes toward educationally relevant topics, such as conservation, smoking, and disabled persons, can be modified by using persuasive messages delivered by media. Next, it appeared that some types of media may be more effective than others at delivering information designed to change attitudes. Motion pictures seem to be more effective than slides. There also seems to be sufficient evidence to warrant further investigation into the relationship between the content of persuasive messages, the media used to deliver those messages, and the learning styles of the target audience. In short, attitudes can be modified by mediated messages, and the degree of modification may be related to the characteristics of the students who view the message and to the way the message is mediated.  相似文献   

教学信息的隐性损失   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对学校中的教学信息沟通环节进行了研究 ,认为教学信息在传递过程中有隐性损失 ,分析导致教学信息隐性损失的原因 ,提出提高教学效率的对策  相似文献   

This study aimed to understand the environmental knowledge (EK) of the residents of Hong Kong. A territory-wide survey was administered to investigate the subjective and objective EK of the respondents as well as their means of receiving information about the environment. The results indicated that Hong Kong’s residents have a comparatively low level of EK, with a mean environmental knowledge score of 3.35 out of 8. The youngster (15–24?years old), students, and employed individuals reported more extensive EK than the older and unemployed respondents, thus suggesting that the younger generation and employed individuals have increased opportunities to receive EK through various channels. A weak positive correlation was identified between subjective and objective EK, thus implying that the residents of Hong Kong could not accurately evaluate their own level of EK. The results indicate that traditional media plays a significant role in disseminating EK. Digital media, such as websites and digital social networks, were also determined to be influencing factors in disseminating environmental messages to the younger generation.  相似文献   

Although comparative advertising accounts for nearly half of all television commercial messages, much remains to be learned about its use and effectiveness. This investigation probed the role and impact of receiver involvement in product class, comparative message format, and receiver sex on the relative effectiveness of comparative advertising messages. The results indicate that females and males respond uniquely to comparative advertising, revealing consistent patterns regarding both circumstances and approaches. The findings of this study suggest important nuances for advertising professionals in their efforts to design and to target comparative messages.  相似文献   

Self-efficacy is a predictor of behavioral performance across a range of health domains, and research suggests that media messages can effectively boost efficacy; however, much is unknown regarding determinants of self-efficacy, and the message features with the greatest potential to alter efficacy perceptions. The authors of this article examined skill and motivation as determinants of efficacy and tested their effectiveness as message variables. Study 1 identified health behaviors that young adults felt unable to perform, as well as behavior barriers and facilitators. Study 2 isolated one behavior, exercise, and tested messages targeting either skill or motivation as a determinant of self-efficacy to exercise. Matched messages engendered greater general self-efficacy than unmatched messages, though no differences emerged on self-efficacy magnitude and strength measures. Follow-up data indicated that participants low in motivation exercised more than those low in skill regardless of message condition. Implications of these findings for health promotion efforts are discussed.  相似文献   

Many strategies used to induce the occurrence of desirable science-related beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors involve the use of persuasive messages. Science educators need to become acquainted with persuasion in the context of social influence and learning theory to be able to evaluate its usefulness in the science education milieu. Persuasion is the conscious attempt to bring about a jointly developed mental state common to both source and receiver through the use of symbolic cues, and it can be distinguished from other forms of social influence. Propaganda is a type of persuasion directed toward a mass audience. Coercion relies on reinforcement control, whereas persuasion is prompted by information. Brainwashing involves coercive techniques used to obtain cooperation and compliance. Persuasion and instruction are much alike; both require conscious cognitive activity by the recipient and involve communication which includes giving arguments and evidence for the purpose of getting someone to do something or to believe something. Persuasion research is anchored in learning theory. Early efforts were based on information processing. Studies following an information process approach focused on the effect of the variables harbored within the question “Who says what in which channel to whom with what effect?” on belief and attitude change. Cognitive processing and social exchange approaches to persuasion represent extensions to information process. Cognitive processing is concerned specifically with how people personally process the arguments presented in a persuasive message. Social exchange emphasizes the interchange that takes place between the message source and recipient. These approaches seem to be fruitful areas for future persuasion research in science education. Science educators' unfamiliarity with persuasion research stems from the fact that it is largely reported in the social psychology literature and has not been integrated into a framework familiar to educators.  相似文献   

短信语言既是信息时代发展的产物,又是一种新的语言文化样式,它不同于熟语、谚语、俗语、俚语、格言和歇后语,而是将这些语言进行了信息化的处理使其更加简洁、生动、活泼,更能表现时代的特征。许多短信语言蕴藏着深厚的修辞魅力,尤其是辞格的运用,使表达者和接受者双方充分感受到短信的无限乐趣。本文从语言修辞的角度着重分析了短信语言中的设疑。根据笔者搜集的短信语料,以设喻的对象来分,设疑短信主要有动物设疑、事物设疑、人物设疑、话语设疑四种。  相似文献   

This investigation attempted to provide further understanding of the inoculation model of resistance to influence. It examined the efficacy of inoculation treatments designed to promote central versus peripheral message processing in instilling resistance to influence, taking into account message processing disposition. The study also tested the potential of social judgment theory to explain the cognitive process which occurs in inoculation. A total of 790 participants took part in the investigation. The study employed three issues that represented low, moderate, and high involvement, and featured multiple inoculation and attack messages. The results indicate that inoculation treatments, using central and peripheral approaches, confer resistance to influence and, thus, imply that threat is more prominent than refutational preemption in the process of resistance. Further, the pattern of results suggest that greater receiver need for cognition enhances resistance, but only with highly involving issues. Finally, the results of the investigation rule out assimilation and contrast as a potential explanation of the cognitive process triggered via threat, but suggest that receiver ego‐involvement facilitates threat.  相似文献   

在言语交际过程中,话语参与者拥有最基本的两个话语角色:话语信息的生产者和接收者.接收者为了理解生产者所传递的信息,就需要对所接收的内容进行解码.在这一阶段,接收者往往具有另外一个被忽视的隐藏身份——“旁白者”.“旁白者”借助语境,对字面信息进行背景交代或拓展性阐释,帮助“观众”(信息接收者的另一身份)缩小语义范围,理解话语意义,并在此基础上构建反馈信息.因此,“旁白者”这一隐藏角色同样对言语交际的过程和结果有着重大的影响.优秀的“旁白者”能够利用功能语境理论,对交际信息进行必要的补充性说明,从而促进交流的顺利进行.  相似文献   

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