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The equity effects of public subsidization of private schools in Côte d’Ivoire are analyzed. The subsidy per student in private (and public) schools increases as one goes to higher household per capita expenditure groups. Students from families in the highest expenditure quartile receive twice the subsidy received by students from families in the lowest quartile, compared to four times more in the case of students attending public schools. However, the subsidy system is relatively progressive in the case of private school attendance as there is a clear tendency for the share of family education expenditure covered by subsidies to decline as one goes to higher quartiles.  相似文献   

The social background of Makerere students was analysed in order to gain some insight in the distribution of scarce higher education opportunities in Uganda and assess the ability of the students to finance part of their education cost in the process of massifying higher education without diluting the quality of instruction. The findings were that students from well to-do learned families in the more prosperous districts were enjoying the existing performance based subsidies (PBS) and the privately sponsored places and programs (PSPP) which Makerere University had introduced. The interaction of the social and school system acted to reinforce the inequalities at all stages starting from family background, the primary and secondary schools as well as the universities under the present PBS system of admission.The study recommends that while government must remain with the primary responsibility to fund higher education, the public subsidy should become more sensitive to equity and if need be introduced to cost sharing with capacity for positive discrimination. In order to implement this, the existing PBS should gradually be replaced by an equity based subsidy (EBS) starting with 50% of the funds. The funds for EBS should be allocated to the districts which should develop capacity for identification of the most needy students to get the EBS awards. Students from low income families should compete for both PBS at national level and EBS at their district levels. A loan scheme is also recommended for students who may not be sponsored under PBS and EBS as well as for living expenses which should be assumed by the beneficiaries.  相似文献   

The federal child‐care subsidy program represents one of the government’s largest investments in early care and education, but little is known about whether it increases low‐income children’s access to higher quality child care. This study used newly available nationally representative data on 4‐year‐old children (N = 750) to investigate whether subsidy receipt elevates child‐care quality. Results indicate that subsidy recipients use higher quality care compared to nonrecipients who use no other publicly funded care, but lower quality care compared to nonrecipients who instead use Head Start or public pre‐k. Findings suggest that subsidies may have the potential to enhance care quality but that parents who use subsidies are not accessing the highest quality care available to low‐income families.  相似文献   

Higher education participation in Ethiopia is very low (about 1.5 per cent) and is the major source of the critical shortage of educated and skilled human resource. The higher education system in Ethiopia is moving away from exclusive and dismally low enrolments towards increasing participation. To expand access, to redress inequitable subsidies by taxpayers to a small proportion of the age cohort and to diversify revenue the introduction of cost sharing is necessitated to supplement public finance. Cost sharing serves as an alternative non‐governmental source supplementing revenue opening more opportunities and making students responsible citizens and customers. It also has a profound effect on improving the management and academic efficiency of the higher education institutions. In the expanding system, covering the full tuition and food and room cost for a small proportion of the age cohort from the taxpayers’ money is inappropriate and inequitable distribution of resources. A significant number of students are enrolled in fee‐paying programs in public and private institutions. A modified model of the Australian type Graduate Tax, as a more attractive, simple and manageable scheme is adopted in the Ethiopian higher education landscape. The scheme is expected to ensure equitable access to students of any background, as there is no need to stipulate income of parents to arrive at the repayment amounts. Immediate removal of all subsidies to food and room, calculating appropriate tuition fees and costs, provision of every citizen a tax identification number (TIN) and decentralization and strengthening the tax collection and information system are essential for successful implementation of cost sharing in Ethiopia. These improvements enhance the confidence of both public and university community and improves cost recovery.  相似文献   

A recent shift in the allocation of public expenditure towards higher education prompts several questions: Is this allocation economically justified? Are these resources well utilized? Is there significant cost recovery of these expenditures? If not, who benefits from the subsidy these expenditures represent? Are there alternative means of financing higher education? This paper attempts to provide answers to these questions, which can be briefly summarized as follows: Estimates of social rates of returns do not support the reallocation of public expenditures away from primary towards higher education; low retention rates and high failure rates suggest that the internal efficiency in the utilization of these expenditures is low; currently, almost all public expenditures on higher education represent a subsidy; given the tax burden and enrollment ratios by income group, the lower income groups seem to be gaining most from these subsidies; a start has been made at private sector higher education with the opening of two professional universities, but the prospects of general universities currently opening appears to be dim. Pakistan has a well designed loan program in operation although its quantitative impact is currently limited.  相似文献   

Data from NCES indicate that it is two to three times more expensive to educate a student at a public four-year college than at a community college. These figures exaggerate the difference between the two when you calculate the costs of the first two years of education for students working on a bachelor's degree. Using modified Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data from the recently released Delta Project, this study shows that the cost per full-time equivalent (FTE) and the public subsidy per FTE are lower at public master's level colleges than at the community college. Trend data from 1987–2005 are examined along with appropriate cautions for interpreting the results.  相似文献   

This article analyzes patterns of expenditure on higher education in Jordan, explores the current system??s adequacy, efficiency, and equity, and identifies its strengths and weaknesses in light of current constraints and future challenges. Among the constraints are the relatively low public expenditure on higher education, leaving households to compensate through private expenditure. Moreover, despite more spending on university education, the quickly rising volume of students has required compromises in quality. Meanwhile, gradually falling subsidies have pressured public universities to reconsider their financing mechanisms and become more efficient. Cost-sharing mechanisms have been introduced through commercial private universities and ??parallel programmes?? at public universities. This generates much-needed income, but raises two critical issues. Students from poorer backgrounds find it even more difficult to enter university, and quality is constrained because universities must compromise on tasks that are essential but not profitable such as research and development. Among the suggested solutions are promoting the culture of charitable endowments, perhaps through a revision of the Islamic awqaf system, and developing innovative financial mechanisms to tap private savings without incurring the hazards of profit maximization.  相似文献   

民办教育政策的经济学分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用经济学的基本原理和分析方法对我国民办教育政策进行初步分析, 可以看出,要发挥公共政策对于民办教育的积极影响,政府应该站在更高层面上制定民办教育政策,要兼顾教育选择、效率和公平。教育目标是使受教育者得到全面的发展,而公立教育和民办教育只是实现教育目标的两种手段,因此,制定民办教育政策时,首先要考虑受教育者的需求和利益。除了管制这个政策工具外,政府应该注重使用财政、公共设施建设等其他政策工具,对民办教育系统进行有效的调节和干预。  相似文献   

This paper studies the importance of dynamic earnings modeling for the design of income contingent student loans (ICLs). ICLs have been shown to be theoretically optimal in terms of efficiency in the presence of risk aversion, adverse selection and moral hazard, and have attractive equity properties. Recognition of their benefits has led to their adoption for tertiary education tuition fees in countries including Australia, New Zealand, and the UK. Since the design of ICLs relies on the prediction of the underlying costs, we explore the extent to which the complexity of earnings modeling affects the estimation of loan subsidies. The use of Australian data allows us to compare our simulated debt repayments to actual repayments under the Australian Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS). Our findings reveal that the complexity of earnings modeling has considerable implications for the calculation of loan subsidies.  相似文献   

关于我国教育个人收益的实证证据支持教育属于准公共产品的论断,政府对教育具有财政投资责任.公共产品理论并不能论证一定要通过政府举办公立学校来实施教育.类似“教育券”的方式可将资助与办学分开.政府对教育的财政责任是由教育的产品属性决定的,并不因组织实施教育机构的体制不同而不同.营利性机构与非营利性学校在体制方面各有利弊.历史上营利性教育总是以弥补传统教育供给与社会需求之间出现的真空的角色出现.国外营利性高等教育近二十年来获得较快的发展,但目前与非营利性高校在服务对象和教育内容方面重合不多.我国民办教育发展中存在营利动机和营利可能性,但现行的非营利政策使这种可能性被夸大.允许营利性学校和营利性教育正在成为政策的改革方向.  相似文献   

We investigate how the benefits of publicly financed higher education in Turkey are distributed among students with different socioeconomic backgrounds. We use a dataset from a nationally representative sample of university entrance exam takers together with data on government subsidies to public universities. We compare the characteristics of students who succeed in the exam to those who do not and those who enter public universities to those who go to private ones. Our econometric analyses based on a three-stage selection model reveal that students from wealthier and more educated families are more likely to be successful at university entrance. Unlike the findings in other countries, students who enroll in private universities come from higher income and more educated families. Among those who enter public universities, students from higher income and better educated families are more likely to go to universities that receive larger subsidies from the government.  相似文献   

To examine whether state child care subsidy policies can combine goals of increasing maternal employment and increasing access to quality child care for children in low-income families, we studied one state's comprehensive policy, through a cross-sectional survey of 665 randomly selected families using centers, Head Starts, family child care homes, public school preschools or informal care, including a sample of families on the waitlist for child care subsidies. We found that, in Massachusetts, families receiving child care subsidies report greater access to child care, more affordable child care, and higher quality child care, than do similar families not receiving subsidies. Lower-income families not receiving subsidies can sometimes access affordable, quality child care through Head Start programs and public preschools, but, when they have to pay for care, they pay a significantly greater proportion of their income than do families receiving subsidies. We also found that families on the subsidy waitlist are at a particular disadvantage. Waitlist families have the greatest difficulty paying for care, the least access, and the poorest quality child care. While the child care subsidy policies benefited those families receiving subsidies, families outside the system still struggled to find and afford child care.  相似文献   

高等教育成本回收对公平的影响   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
本文简述了中国实行高等教育成本回收政策的发展历程 ,并讨论了这一政策对公平的影响。结果表明 :第一 ,招生并轨使社会经济地位低的学生获得了更公平的接受高等教育的机会 ,但成本回收在一定程度上抵消了并轨所带来的公平效应 ;第二 ,在实行成本回收的条件下 ,由于不同收入家庭学生选择高校与专业的倾向性不同 ,使低收入家庭学生在高等教育公共资助的分配中处于更为不利的地位 ;第三 ,实行高等教育成本回收能够促进整个教育系统中公共资源配置的结构公平  相似文献   

"教育是公共产品"吗?--对一个流行观点的质疑   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
作者从界定外部性这一基本的经济学概念出发 ,探讨了公共产品的判断标准及其与外部性的关系。教育的产品属性依赖于它被提供的方式 ,同一层次的教育既可能是公共产品 ,又可能是准公共产品 ,还可能是私人产品。教育作为公共产品只是政府补贴教育的一种特殊制度安排。在市场日益介入教育的情况下 ,政府应该积极探索新的教育补贴方式  相似文献   

This study estimates the value of the private and public benefits that accrue to Minnesota residents from state government subsidies to higher education. In 2005, the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system received $832 million from Minnesota's state government to support educational programs. These subsidies allow these institutions to offer lower tuition rates, increasing the number of Minnesotans with bachelor and graduate degrees. We calculate that removing these subsidies would eventually lead to 14,000 fewer graduate degree holders in Minnesota, and reduce those with bachelor's degrees or “some college” by 42,000. The annual economic cost of these subsidies is about $326 million; this is less than annual state appropriations because most of those appropriations are income transfers from taxpayers to students, not an economic cost. We estimate that the annual value of the benefits of these subsidies is between $531 and $786 million ($381 and $570 million) when a 3% (5%) discount rate is used. We also discuss some of the income distribution consequences.  相似文献   

论高等教育学生资助的思想根源及方式选择   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
政府,社会组织和个人不同利益主体资助大学生各有相应的思想基础,在我国不同历史阶段学生资助理念呈现出不同的特点,在现阶段,政府在高等教育学生资助中具有重要意义。在学生直接资助中,“赠予性资助”,“推迟付费性资助”是两种常用的资助概念,包含了各自不同的资助方式,各有其利弊,结合国际大学生资助的发展趋势和我国的实际情况,在我国应选择以贷学金为主的混合资助方式。  相似文献   

千呼万唤始出来:俄罗斯大学生资助系统一瞥   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
转轨以来,俄罗斯高等教育的巨大增长伴随的是政府高等教育拨款的大幅削减.从1996年至2000年,俄罗斯大学生资助计划几经波折,在经历了学生商业贷款的流产、政府资助计划的夭折后,国家统一考试和高等教育券终于付诸实施,该计划对于减少招生过程中的腐败行为,缓解学生财政压力以及促进高等教育公平都取得了较好效果.  相似文献   

Far less is known about predictors of quality for family child care homes than for child care centers. The current study of 120 randomly-selected family child care providers in four Midwestern states examined distal, state policy-level variables (family child care regulations and the concentration of children cared for who received public child care subsidies, referred to as subsidy density), and proximal, provider-level variables (providers’ level of education and reported annual training hours) as influences on global quality and caregiver sensitivity. More regulation, lower subsidy density, higher levels of provider education and more training hours were associated with higher global quality in family child care homes. Lower subsidy density and higher provider education were associated with more sensitive caregiving, but no effects on sensitivity were observed for regulation and training hours. An interaction effect indicated that regulation moderated the relation between education and sensitivity; education was especially important for sensitive caregiving among providers low in regulation. In addition, after including all predictor variables in the model, significant mean differences between states were noted. Findings demonstrate that both policy-level variables and provider characteristics influence quality in family child care homes, and further, that they may interact to affect observed child care quality. Implications for state child care policies are discussed with emphasis on implications for quality of care for low-income children whose tuition is paid by public child care subsidies.  相似文献   

Whether or not disadvantaged students are realising the same benefits from higher education as their peers is of fundamental importance to equity practitioners and policymakers. Despite this, equity policy has focused on access to higher education and little attention has been paid to graduate outcomes. The Australian study reported here used national data to investigate relationships between disadvantage and graduate outcomes. The study provides critical insights into how access to higher education does, or does not, lead to improvements in post-graduation equity. The study reveals that outcomes are not equal for all students and that higher education disadvantage persists for many students after they have completed their studies. Whilst the specific findings relate to the Australian university sector the broader discussion of the article is relevant to higher education policy more generally, especially in terms of how governments align institutional processes to measure and scrutinise achievement in relation to public policy objectives.  相似文献   

Remediation in postsecondary education continues to be an issue that is hotly debated by institutional leaders and state policymakers. The National Center for Education Statistics [The National Center for Education Statistics. (2003). Remedial education at higher education institutions in fall 2000. PEQIS. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education.] estimates that 98% of public 2-year and 80% of public 4-year institutions offered at least one remedial course. The need for remedial courses is also demonstrated by the growing number of students who enroll each year. Studies that examine students and placement are found in the literature, but few examine the faculty who teach in remedial programs [Boylan, H., Bonham, B. S., Jackson, J., & Saxon, D. P. (1995). Research in Developmental Education, 12(1), 42–52.]. The purpose of this study was to examine faculty who teach remedial courses. In particular, we were interested in faculty workload and the assessment techniques employed by faculty based upon type and level of institution. More specifically, data was analyzed using the NSOPF: 99 database on faculty at 2-year and 4-year institutions as well as faculty at private and public institutions. Some comparisons between faculty teaching remedial courses and nonremedial courses are presented.  相似文献   

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