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Automated summary evaluation is proposed as an alternative to rubrics and multiple-choice tests in knowledge assessment. Inbuilt rubric is a recent Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) method that implements rubrics in an artificially-generated semantic space. It was compared with classical LSA’s cosine-based methods assessing knowledge in a within-subjects design regarding two validation sources: a comparison with the results of rubric scores and multiple-choice tests, and the sensitivity of predicting the academic level of the test-taker. Results showed a higher reliability for inbuilt rubric (from Pearson correlation coefficient .81 to .49) over the classical LSA method (from .61 to .34), and a higher sensitivity using binary logistic regressions and effect sizes to predict academic level. It is concluded that inbuilt rubric has a qualitatively higher reliability and validity than classical LSA methods in a way that is complementary to models based on semantic networks. Thus, it is concluded that new automated summary evaluation approaches such as the inbuilt rubric method can be practical in terms of reliability and efficiency, and, thus, they can offer an affordable and valuable form of knowledge assessment in different educational levels.  相似文献   

科学发现中的内在机制一直是吸引科学哲学家的一个重要的领域,许多的科学哲学家对此寄予了极大的关注,无论是早期的哲学家休谟、波普尔、还是近代的西蒙、纽厄尔等人都着迷于科学发现的领域。从S-Q—S模型的提出到问题求解的启发式模型的提出,在科学发现的领域中引导人们逐渐步入了认识科学发现的殿堂。  相似文献   

教学用的数学知识是教师在数学教学中用到的数学知识。它含有七种要素:数学知识(概念与过程)、数学方法、数学信念、内容组织的知识、学生理解的知识、效果反馈的知识、教学策略的知识。这七种要素紧密联系、互相支撑,构成三层嵌套结构。  相似文献   

A spreadsheet system is briefly described, that enables students, teachers and curriculum developers to rapidly and easily make use of Microsoft Excel's unique database and graphics capabilities in the Science classroom. This system (known as the Warwick Spreadsheet System) uses Excel's inbuilt macro language to provide a range of facilities that are tailor-made for science applications (rather than the business applications for which Excel was originally designed). These include the automatic drawing of graphs of various sorts and the ability to rapidly write mathematical models of scientific phenomena, using (if desired) ordinary words rather than algebraic symbols. Examples of applications in physics, biology meteorology and astronomy are given. These examples are chosen to illustrate different types of application (e.g. data exploration, simulation, modelling, interactive diagrams). Educational advantages of the system are discussed, particularly as they relate to the possibilities of more open-ended investigations, more problem-oriented activities and a more active learning situation. On one year exchange at Victoria College Toorak Campus, 336 Glenferrie Road, Malvern, Victoria 3144 until July 1991.Specializations: computer aided learning in science, secondary physics teacher education.  相似文献   

基于Solidworks软件的机械产品参数化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Solidworks是世界上第一套基于Windows系统开发的三维机械设计CAD软件,是继Autocad之后出现并迅速推广应用的三维设计软件,它自身有着在机械产品设计中的别具一格的特点和优势,即可采用参数化的三维模型快速生成同一类型不同规格的系列产品。  相似文献   

大学的本质是一种精神性的存在,历史与现代的交融、古典与现实的同构,构成大学独到的精神气象.全球化与重商主义对大学精神的守护构成挑战,大学必须认清自身发展的方向,才能避免裹挟其中,随波逐流,使大学成为经济社会的附庸.由此,提出守护古典大学的余韵,以必要的保守姿态来建设我们的大学作为文化-生命有机体存在的内在尊严.  相似文献   

德育情感的德育功能是指,德育传导者的德育情感在德育过程中,具有促进德育对象接受德育传导者所传导的政治思想和道德观念的作用。德育情感的德育功能具有内在的机制,表现为人格导向、动机激励和环境感染等作用。德育工作者应通过培育自身德育情感,充分展示德育情感,巩固德育情感的德育功效等途径去发挥德育情感的德育功能。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to address connections between the Chinese model for development or the “Beijing Consensus” and Chinese universities. Chinese universities seem to be caught between serving governmental agendas and pursuing their own goals as an academic community. Up until recently, they had become used to following the lead of the government, which often comes with rationales and approaches featuring pragmatism and utilitarianism. Drawing on the perspectives of social embeddedness and external control of organizations in higher education, we argue that the lack of dynamism and innovation that is hindering Chinese higher education’s development is largely owing to the political, social, and cultural factors prevailing in the environment in which the universities operate. Put in another way, Chinese universities are confronting a crisis, owing to the inbuilt constraints of China’s development model.  相似文献   

This paper argues that, despite evidence of widespread disaffection, school is often regarded as the default position for educational provision, a given good. If there is disaffection with, and resistance to, schooling, then it is pupils and parents that are the problem, not school itself. Yet there is considerable evidence that schooling does not necessarily or automatically benefit either society as a whole or the individuals who attend and that, as a result, it creates disaffection with itself. Rejection of schooling is therefore very far from being an irrational or ill‐considered act. The paper reviews evidence supporting this argument including both the failure of schools to protect young people from danger and violence and also their direct role in actively perpetrating violence and threatening the safety of those they are there to protect. The paper ends by arguing that disaffection with schooling stems from its fundamental nature and purposes which have been shaped by its historical origins. While schooling remains as it is, disaffection and resistance will continue to be an inbuilt and often logical response.  相似文献   

The central aim of this paper is to explore a kind of rationality that seeks to do justice to educational practice: to our understanding of its complexities and to its actual conduct. The enquiry begins with a review of the limits of standardising procedures, including their inbuilt technicist bias, which are increasingly dominant in educational policymaking internationally. Secondly, the classical Aristotelian idea of practical rationality is invoked (with the central virtue phronesis) because it offers a genuine moral point of view in conceiving educational activity, even if it is acknowledged that it is insufficient in describing the complexity of educational activity itself. Thirdly, the argument then proceeds by introducing two bi-dimensional concepts; concepts, it is argued, that can give a fuller account of and a more adequate rationale for educational action. The first bi-dimensional concept draws on Aristotelian argument to elucidate a notion of educational action (not just moral action) with the couple epimeleia-phronesis (care-wisdom). The second bi-dimensional concept recasts our understanding of temporality in education as an interplay of Kronos and Kairos—of chronological time and kairological time.  相似文献   

对科学的哲学思考是科学技术哲学的夙愿和主旨.科学史、科学哲学、科学社会学都对这一问题提出了各自的见解和主张.然而,科学知识社会学却对之进行了社会学的解构.那么,应怎样对待科学知识社会学呢?文章认为,正确的态度应该是既理解又拒斥,并且应在二者之间保持"必要的张力".  相似文献   

Overarching tasks faced by initial teacher education (ITE) students comprise a multitude of factors, not least learning to marry theoretical learning with practical application. Part of this learning is the gradual construction of relationships with learners and colleagues. Another, less exposed, challenge arises from a disparity of outlook that can extend to differences in beliefs, values and openness to others. This study focussed on failing final year pre-service teachers. Using a phenomenological method, these student voices were interpreted to reveal instances of discrimination and silencing that emerged during their mandated professional experience. Accounts of inequity, bias and injustice illuminated some contradictions inbuilt into this period as poor relationships and inappropriate power relations became counterproductive in what is presumed to be a developmental and non-negotiable ITE activity. Results highlight some of the unspoken and unquestioned practices in schools and the corresponding agency employed by pre-service teachers as they seek acknowledgement and inclusion.  相似文献   

实施科教兴国战略是全面推进建设有中国特色社会主义事业的重要举措。邓小平科技思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分,其“科学技术是第一生产力”、“尊重知识、尊重人才”、“善于创新”以及科技与经济结合的思想,为我国全面实施科教兴国战略奠定了坚实的理论基础。认识学习、全面把握邓小平科技思想,对于加强和促进我国科教兴国战略的实施,迎接21世纪知识经济的挑战,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Staff employment is a key element in a complex code, which constitutes academic conduct. Staff and, indeed, individual persons stand at the interface between the three relevant systems of science (knowledge production), the university (institution), and the market. The conduct of all member‐groups in academia is highly determined by internal and external expectations and traditions that form the patterns of behaviour, which were protected by traditions and institutional privileges in the past. Today, all academic conduct is being challenged by external competition and the imperatives to perform within a rigid set of rules. They all are placed at the interface between academic freedom, institutional autonomy and quality standards. Individual misconduct has become only one dimension in a systemic temptation to malpractice, corruption and fraud, which are inbuilt attacks on the noble ideals of the university.  相似文献   

科学社会学脱胎于科学哲学。科学社会学经历了两大发展时期:一为默顿的传统范式,一为科学知识社会学的范式。前者主要研究科学的外围社会文化,后者则转向研究科学知识本身。二者整合起来形成了内外互补的研究局面。作为一种元研究的科学社会学既具有条分缕析、逻辑周密的特点,也具有科学史那样的历史感和丰富性,是科学元研究中内部研究和外部研究的典范。科学社会学的作用突出地表现在对科学的祛魅方面——对常识科学观的社会学颠覆,展示了另一幅科学的景象。  相似文献   

Hindu responses to Darwinism, like Christian, have run the gamut from outright rejection to fairly robust but limited accommodations of the Darwinian perspective. Despite certain features of Hindu thought such as the enormous time-scales of traditional cosmogonies that may suggest considerable affinity with modern notions of organic evolution, more often than not traditional assumptions have worked against deep engagement with Darwinism, allowing only for superficial assimilation at best. Three fundamental factors have affected Hindu responses to Darwinism: the great diversity within the tradition spanning evolutionist and creationist perspectives, the encounter with Darwinism in the late nineteenth century as part of an alien culture, and the fact that this encounter occurred within a colonial context. This essay explores the complex interactions of these three factors, beginning with the diversity within the ancient and classical cosmological traditions, followed by consideration of colonial developments and the emergence of four representative Hindu approaches to Darwinism: Modern Vedic Evolutionism, Anthropic Vedic Evolutionism, Reactionary Vedic Evolutionism, and Modern Vedic Creationism. The essay concludes by discussing various epistemological issues in the attempts of modern Hindu apologists to legitimize Vedic world views. These issues include the appeal to modern science to confirm traditional ideals and values, while simultaneously subordinating scientific method to spiritual means of knowledge, or rejecting scientific methodology with its inbuilt skepticism entirely.  相似文献   

近代以来,自然科学在各个领域获得的巨大成功使其本身成为"科学标准"的裁量者。人文社会学科研究中自身的科学性是按照自然科学的标准由自然科学赋予和认可的。进入19世纪末20世纪初,社会危机和自然科学的新发现使得自然学科自身的"科学性"面临挑战。本质主义、理性主义受到质疑,人的能动性、非理性主义、相对主义受到追捧。这为人文社会学科研究摆脱对自然科学的依附,建立自己的科学性提供了契机。  相似文献   

people pay more attention to the evaluation and research on Big Science. However, Little Science is the most suitable and inno vative science system that can produce original innovation. University-based research was studied as an example. It was proposed that Little Science should receive more attention. Several measures were also suggested to optimize the system of Little Science.  相似文献   

赵元任不但是中国现代著名的语言学家,也是中国最早、当时最有影响的综合性民间科学团体———中国科学社的主要发起人之一。1914年,他在康奈尔大学留学期间,与几位中国留学生一起创立中国科学社,创办《科学》月刊。作为社团领导者之一,他克服资金不足等困难,长期积极参与中国科学社的社务,是中国科学社多项活动的积极推动者和国际学术活动中科学社的主要代言人。作为《科学》早期主要的撰稿人之一,他在《科学》上的作品涉及科学、音乐、语言学、哲学等领域,为以自然科学为主的《科学》月刊增添了许多人文色彩。在赵元任等人的积极推动下,中国科学社在中国现代科学贫瘠的土地上播下了希望的种子,与中国数学、物理、化学、天文、生物、农学、工程等学科的建立和发展均有不可分割的联系;它的活动使科学学术交流机制日趋形成,中国科学日益走向国际学界。  相似文献   

Shelagh Ross, Staff Tutor in Science in the Open University's East Anglian Region, and Eileen Scanlon, Lecturer in the Open University's Institute of Educational Technology, have conducted a study of course choice for Science Faculty students. They asked the question as to whether Science Foundation course students select fairly traditional degree profiles of an ‘all Science’ tendency, or whether they range more freely across a range of subjects, and secondly, what role taking one or two Foundation courses played in contributing to success.  相似文献   

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