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传统的虚拟智能计算机辅助教学系统(ICAI)未考虑学习者在学习过程中的情感和教学过程中的交互。针对这个问题,提出一种基于情感识别的自适应多Agent虚拟ICAI系统,并给出了其模型框架图,用多Agent技术实现各模块的主要功能,结合微表情识别技术和适应性教学理论,提出识别学习者的微表情来诊断情感状态,并对学习者的情感状态做出适应性的反应,从而实现辅助虚拟教学中的情感交流和自动交互。  相似文献   

文章基于大数据的一般处理流程,综合视频监控、可穿戴设备、网络爬虫、情感识别、文本挖掘等技术,构建在线学习情绪测量模型,包括数据层、技术层和应用层,并按其功能划分为四个模块——用户数据模块、分析诊断模块、情绪集成模块和反馈交互模块,旨在解决在线学习中情感交流匮乏的问题。最后,文章就模型构建的关键问题进行了探讨,提出了相关建议,以期为在线学习的建设与发展提供参考。  相似文献   

随着人工智能的发展,技术与教育的融合更加深入。在教学实践过程中,利用人工智能技术,对现有职业教育在线学习平台进行整合创新,搭建基于人工智能的职业教育精准教学系统,针对学生提供个性化教学方案,实现精准教学,促进师生、学生之间的互动,分析职业教育学生学习情况、学习过程中的情感状态,更精准地制定个性化的教育内容,创新教育内容的推送形式,构建虚拟教学场景,丰富学生的实践体验,实现“知行合一”的教学理念,可以促进职业教育达到最优效果。同时,引入情感分析模块,对学生学习情况进行多元评价,解决现有课程评价单一的问题,并针对学习评价发现的问题及时反馈给教师,可以为教学提供决策支持。  相似文献   

在线考试系统是精品课程中学习评价模块的重要组成部分。在对在线考试系统功能需求分析的基础上,给出了系统用例,设计了面向MS SQL Server 2000的后台数据库表,基于B/S模式,运用ASP编程技术,开发了程序设计精品课程在线考试系统。该系统实现了考生在线注册、在线考试、自动评分、考生管理、试题管理和成绩管理等基本功能。本系统的应用开发完善了课程教学评价体系,推动了其他课程的网络化考试。  相似文献   

在线考试模块是网络课程的重要组成部分,有助于完善网络课程功能,为学习者提供实时科学的学习评价.因此,如何设计在线考试模块是网络教育系统中需要关注的一个重要问题.文章在调研已有网络课程功能的基础上,结合计算机网络技术的发展和素质教育的要求,提出了基于ASP.NET2.0技术在线考试的方式,为学习者提供全面灵活的服务和有效的学习评价.  相似文献   

本系统利用现有的计算机辅助设计及协同设计技术,针对<机械设计基础课程设计>中以图形为主的设计方式而开发设计.本系统主要包括三大功能模块,分别是交互学习模块,教师管理模块和系统管理模块,并在交互学习模块的设计中重点实现了机械图形在线交互功能和远程协助功能,在保证资源共享的基础上提高了师生间的网络交互能力.  相似文献   

以模块化动态学习环境Moodle为研究对象,选择内蒙古电大自建省开课程《环境与草原保护法学》作为研究样本,尝试将案例教学与模块活动设计相结合,基于Moodle环境进行在线课程教学及评价设计,在实现课程网络(移动设备)访问、在线学习和资源支持的基础上,初步探索适合内蒙古电大自身教育特点的、基于Moodle环境的在线课程设计一般流程以及实现学习建构、活动设计和效果评价的新模式,为省开课程实现完全在线学习和评价考核改革提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

通过分析目前嵌入式系统课程教学中存在的问题,基于流程再造(BPR)思想对嵌入式系统教学进行了改革与创新,设计了嵌入式系统教学流程再造模型,根据该模型提出了流程再造方案,并在教学中进行了应用。实践表明,该教学模型和再造的教学方案能提高学生的主体地位和学习的积极性,有利于培养学生的创新意识。  相似文献   

如何利用在线教学实现"停课不停教、停课不停学",同时保证教学效果是新学期学校教学面临的主要问题.文章通过学习通平台和QQ群构建在线教学模式,重组教学内容、重构教学流程、重设教学活动、创新教学评价,并以《PHP程序设计》课程为例,详述了在线教学的实施流程.最后,结合实际对在线教学存在的问题进行论述,从在线学习氛围、在线学习活动、学生学习态度三方面提出提升在线教学效果的建议,以期为在线教学实施提供参考.  相似文献   

本系统利用现有的计算机辅助设计及协同设计技术,针对《机械设计基础课程设计》中以图形为主的设计方式而开发设计。本系统主要包括三大功能模块,分别是交互学习模块、教师管理模块和系统管理模块,并在交互学习模块的设计中重点实现了机械图形在线交互功能和远程协助功能,在保证资源共享的基础上提高了师生间的网络交互能力。  相似文献   

There is a resurgence of interest in the powerful concept of emotion in current educational policy and practice. This article calls for the recognition and conceptualisation of a triadic schema for theorising the location of emotion within a creative educational experience. The schema represents emotion within three domains within current practice: Person, Process and Product. The principal focus of the article is pupils aged 5‐16 and consideration is given to the application of the conceptualised schema within art and design education as represented by the national curriculum statement of importance. The central hypothesis of the work is that greater recognition of an emotional dimension within a triadic schema ‐ developing emotional capacity in students to engage in a creative process (person); stimulating emotional engagement through appropriate learning contexts (process) and facilitating the emotional interfacing with outcomes (product) ‐ will help conceptualise the powerful interrelationship between emotion, creativity and learning. Based upon an extensive synthesised literature review a schema, developed through abductive reasoning and grounded theory, ultimately conceptualises the overarching theme of emotion within a creative, learning and product‐orientated experience within the primary and secondary stages of England's education system.  相似文献   

在线讨论作为在线学习的重要组成部分,其产生的文本数据可以反映学习者的认知水平、互动质量以及情绪状态。学习情绪影响认知行为,从而影响学习成效,研究学习情绪和认知行为之间的关系非常重要。文章基于Harris等人的情绪分类法和蔡今中的认知分类体系,使用内容分析法和滞后序列分析法研究学习者的动态学习情绪、认知行为序列模式以及学习情绪和认知行为之间的关系。研究表明:困惑情绪和消极情绪会转化为积极情绪,但是中性情绪不会转化为积极情绪;学习者倾向于呈现描述行为和推断或解释行为,且认知行为序列模式具有渐进性特征;描述行为会引发消极情绪,比较行为、推断或解释行为会引发积极情绪。教师可根据学习者的行为转换情况进行适当的指导和干预,以提升学习者的学习效果。  相似文献   

e‐Learning is becoming an increasingly popular educational paradigm because of the rapid growth of the Internet. Recent studies have argued that affective modelling (ie, considering a learner's emotional or motivational state) should also be considered while designing learning activities. Many studies indicated that various learning emotions markedly impact learning outcomes. In the language education field, many studies have investigated anxiety associated with learning a second language, noting that anxiety has an adverse effect on the performance of those speaking English as a second language. Therefore, how to reduce anxiety associated with learning a second language to increase learning performance is an important research issue in the language education field. Accordingly, this study employed a sensor, signal processing, wireless communication, system‐on‐chip and machine‐learning techniques in developing an embedded human emotion recognition system based on human pulse signals for detecting three human emotions—nervousness, peace and joy—to help teachers reduce language‐learning anxiety of individual learners in a web‐based one‐to‐one synchronous learning environment. The accuracy rate of the proposed emotion recognition model evaluated by cross‐validation is as high as 79.7136% when filtering out human pulse signals that have bias. Moreover, this study applied the embedded emotion recognition system to assist instructor's teaching in a synchronous English conversation environment by immediately reporting variations in individual learner emotions to the teacher during learning. In this instructional experiment, the teacher can give appropriate learning assistance or guidance based on the emotion states of individual learners. Experimental results indicate that the proposed embedded human emotion recognition system is helpful in reducing language‐based anxiety, thus promoting instruction effectiveness in English conversation classes.  相似文献   

一切普惠性、公益性、福利性的终身教育文化制度,其本质就是对人个体和社会尊严文化价值的认同和确认。开放大学组织各办学单位共同签订能相互认可的"终身学习互认书",有助于打造"社区课程超市",实现"学习资历的统一文化认可";全面建设"体系学分银行",实现"学习质量的相互文化认定";发展完善"优势专业菜单",实现"学习水平的相互文化认证",逐步建构并完善其社区发展认证文化;促进其打造自身的"优势型在线课程云",形成一个多触角、兼容式、立体化的社区远程开放终身学习支持服务体系,培育出具有开放大学校本特色的社区发展服务文化。  相似文献   

远程教育学习者往往通过同各种课程产品、支持服务、信息系统以及与教师或同学之间的不断互动来完成知识构建。文章认为,远程教育领域的情感化交互设计就是始终关注这些互动情境中学习者复杂的内心体验与思考,关注影响学习者情绪和行为的每一个互动环节,以提升学习者体验为中心,不断引导课程设计、服务设计和系统设计,从而使远程教育学习充满情感化、人性化的美好体验。  相似文献   

情感是影响学习者认知和行为的关键性非智力因素。准确分析、识别学习者的情感状态,对教育的个性化、智能化发展尤为重要,它是情感计算的重要内容,已经成为人工智能和教育领域的交叉研究热点。学习体验文本是学习者情感分析的主要数据来源。面向学习体验文本,是在完善基础词典和情感词典的基础上,提出一种融合情感词典和机器学习的学习者情感分析模型,能够实现对段落级/篇章级学习体验文本的多级情感分类,从而挖掘学习者内隐的情绪状态。为了检验模型的有效性,采用宏平均指标全面评估情感分析模型的整体分类性能。研究结果表明:选择情感词特征和句子构成特征、采用SVM分类器时,该模型能够准确识别学习体验文本中的学习者情感;模型不仅为学习者多级情感分析提供新的研究思路,而且也为深入挖掘学习行为、改善在线教育的学情分析等,提供了技术支撑。这一研究结果,有助于进一步把握模型的应用前景、面临的问题和挑战等,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

教学活动既是一个认识过程,也是一个情感过程。教学论研究者不仅要关注与研究“教学认识”,同样也应关注与研究“教学情感”。教学无时无刻不渗透着教师与学生特定情境中的特殊情感,师生在情感上的共同介入、相互作用,是教学活动的一个重要品性。“教学情感”对于教学而言,具有“本体性”意义。“教学情感”不同于“教师情感”、“学生情感”、“教育情感”以及“在教学中的情感”。视“教学情感”为教学论研究的一个重要范畴而进行专门研究,将为教学论研究提供新的理论生长点,从而丰富和拓展教学论的研究空间。  相似文献   

To test the suitability of an automatic system for emotional management in the classroom following the control-value theory of achievement emotions (CVT) framework, the performance of an emotional expression recognition software of our creation is evaluated in an online synchronous context. Sixty students from the Faculty of Education at the University of Alicante participated in 16 educational activities recording close-ups of their faces and completing the AEQ emotional self-report, as well as detailed reports from the subsequent review of their videos. In addition, they completed the VCQ-36 test to measure their volitional competencies and relate their influence on their emotional response. The results indicate a high coherence between the emotional expressions detected by the automatic system and the detailed emotional self-reports, but insufficient precision to meet the CVT requirements. On the other hand, both the AEQ test results and the emotion expression recognition software suggest students' preference for participative activities as opposed to passive ones. Meanwhile, statistical analysis results indicate that volitional competencies seem to influence the emotional response of students in the educational context, although the AI system does not show sufficient sensitivity in this field. Implications and limitations of this study for future work are discussed.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic

  • Student motivation and involvement in the learning process are highly related to appropriate emotional regulation, which can be associated with particular educational activities, strategies and methodologies.
  • Deep learning technology based on convolutional neural networks feeds automatic systems focused on facial expression recognition from image analysis.

What this paper adds

  • There is high coherence between the emotional expressions detected by the AI system and the students' emotional self-reports, but the AI system provides just emotional valences, insufficient to meet the CVT framework.
  • Both emotional self-reports and the emotion recognition software suggest students' preference for active educational activities as opposed to passive ones.
  • Volitional competencies seem to influence the emotional response of students in the educational context.

Implications for practice and/or policy

  • It is possible to use automatic systems to effectively monitor the emotional response of students in the learning process.
  • Only if sensitivity improved, a real-time, easy-to-interpret emotional expression recognition software interface could be implemented to assist teachers with the emotional management of their classes within the CVT framework, maximizing their motivation and engagement.

先秦儒家认为,道德教育是一个动态的过程,是“情”“文”在碰撞中实现的统一。“情”是指人们发自内心的真情实感,“文”主要指礼仪文化。礼仪规范缘依人的内在情感生活而制定,同时又有人文化的提升,能够对民众包括情感在内的生活起规范引导作用。“情与文的结构性平衡”的道德教育模式不仅是个人道德成就的过程,也是一个历史性的动态过程。  相似文献   


For the purpose of improving the quality in Elearning process and overcoming the limitations of the current online educational environments, we propose to take into consideration the emotional states of students during Elearning sessions. Our objective is to ensure the ability of emotional intelligence: Emotion Recognition, in an eLearning environment. Thus, we present an architecture of Emotionally Intelligent Elearning System (EIES). Within the development of a computational probabilistic model of emotions, we proposed a Bayesian Network (BN) model to deal with emotions in Elearning environments and handle the uncertain nature of emotion recognition process. In a second phase, we focus on the incorporation of the emotion recognition in the Elearning systems by developing a simulation of EIES based on the BN model, able to predict the students’ affects. Consequently, we reached positive and promising results related to the fact that simulated EIES based on the BN model of emotions predicts correctly the student’s emotion when an event occurs during an Elearning session.  相似文献   

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