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本研究基于社会信息加工模型理论,运用问卷调查和个别访谈技术,对幼儿攻击行为的一般特征及其社会信息加工过程进行研究,以探讨身体攻击幼儿和关系攻击幼儿的社会信息加工特点。研究表明,3~6岁幼儿的攻击行为存在显著的性别差异,男孩的攻击行为多于女孩。身体攻击幼儿和关系攻击幼儿存在一定程度的社会信息加工缺陷。  相似文献   

该文以313名北京普通中学初中生为被试,采用问卷调查法,考察了初中生的移情(移情关注和观点采择)、攻击态度与攻击行为(主动性攻击和反应性攻击)的关系。主要结果表明:初中女生移情关注显著高于男生,攻击态度和主动性攻击显著低于男生。初二学生的观点采择显著低于初一,反应性攻击显著高于初一。观点采择和攻击态度对主动性攻击和反应性攻击均有显著的预测性。采用聚类分析,将初中生分成4种攻击亚类型:无卷入组、反应性攻击组、主动性攻击组和主动性/反应性攻击组。无卷入组和反应性攻击组的移情关注显著高于主动性攻击组和主动性/反应性攻击组;无卷入组的观点采择显著高于其他三组,攻击态度显著低于其他三组。  相似文献   

父母教养方式作为儿童发展中最重要的背景因素如何影响与塑造儿童的行为方式一直是儿童发展心理学研究的重点。文章选取了中国内陆843名初中儿童(12.66±1.34)为被试,考察了不同的教养方式与不同亚类型攻击的关系。结果显示,儿童反应性主动性攻击行为受不同类型的教养方式的影响方式显著不同。权威型的教养方式下儿童无论是反应性攻击还足主动性攻击都显著低于其他三种不利的教养方式;而三种不利的教养方式在反应性攻击上没有显著差异,但在主动性攻击上差异显著。  相似文献   

攻击性行为是常见的幼儿行为问题,不仅是孩子亚健康心理状况的反应,更折射出家庭教育的诸多缺失。正确及时的引导是矫正幼儿攻击性行为并帮助其掌握正确的同伴交往方式的关键。对案例中的一名小班幼儿的攻击性行为进行教育观察,并深入家庭分析攻击性行为产生的原因,包括缺失的亲子陪伴、专制的家庭教育、二胎出生的影响、沟通交流的无效等。对于攻击性幼儿园的教育,应立足"家园合作"的视角,要理解孩子的情绪、多陪伴多鼓励、给予孩子充分的关注和支持,才能较好地削减幼儿的攻击性行为。  相似文献   

一直以来,对具有攻击性的幼儿研究较多,被攻击幼儿则处于被忽视地位,本文主要从个案入手,采用参与式观察法和开放式访谈法,对被攻击幼儿遭受攻击的原因进行分析,并提出相应的解决策略,以期改善被攻击儿童的境遇。  相似文献   

提出一种自动生成攻击树的攻击模型。首先给出模型框架,着重阐述自动生成攻击树算法,然后定义攻击场景完成攻击模型的实验室模拟测试。在测试中,充分考虑到安全工作人员的技术评估,保证了整个攻击过程可以被实时监控。经实验结果表明,提出的模型能自动生成攻击树,极大地提高了攻击树生成效率,丰富了攻击场景,扩展了攻击过程研究的广度和深度。  相似文献   

文章通过两则案例,分析了目前家长在对幼儿出现攻击性行为时的不当处理及幼儿出现攻击性行为的原因,进而提出纠正策略。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的飞速发展和普及,我们每一个人都有可能面临着计算机网络安全威胁。都有必要对网络安全有所了解.并能够处理一些安全方面的问题。本文通过对计算机网络攻击的一般步骤、方法与原理的分析。使读者了解攻击者是怎么对计算机网络进行攻击的.以及面对计算机网络攻击的一般防护方法。  相似文献   

攻击性行为是幼儿成长过程中表现出来的典型的外化行为问题,已成为严重影响未成年人身心发展的社会顽疾。其早期形态主要体现在年龄与性别、攻击方式、指向对象、攻击诱因的差异性上。家庭生态系统作为幼儿身心发展最初的场所,对攻击性行为的发生、发展影响甚大,主要表现在教养风格、夫妻关系、亲子关系、隔代教养模式上。有效地预防和矫正幼儿的攻击性行为,必须以家庭为蓝本,充分重视对家庭风险因素的控制和处理,并给予科学的教育关怀对策。  相似文献   

移动IP在给人们带来方便的同时,由于它的环境和特点使其面临更多的安全威胁.目前移动IP所面临的攻击主要有拒绝服务攻击、信息窃取攻击、假冒攻击和重放攻击,其主要解决方案分别为入口过滤、端到端加密、注册信息认证和使用时间标签.  相似文献   

The current paper highlights the few studies that examine the role of early care and education on the developmental and early academic outcomes of children who experience maltreatment. First, we argue that children who experience maltreatment are at significant risk for poor developmental outcomes as a result of the chronic exposure to stress that is typical of this population. Recent evidence emphasizing the effects of stress on brain development is discussed. Next, the role of quality early care and education (ECE) experiences for children receiving services from child protective agencies are explored, underscoring three particular studies that examine the early educational experiences of children who receive child protective services as a result of maltreatment or exposure to violence. Finally, we focus on current approaches to improve the outcomes of children who experience maltreatment, within the context of ECE, and the implications for future research. Overall, this review serves as a call for international research efforts to explore the role of ECE on the developmental and early educational outcomes of this vulnerable population of children.  相似文献   

The Scottish Low Birth weight Study was set up to follow the developmental progress of all children born in Scotland in 1984 weighing less than 1750 g. At 4.5 years, 636 children (71%) of the original cohort were still alive and 611 (96%) of these were assessed by a team of community child health doctors. Some children were found by them to be impossible to test using the standardised tests selected for the project. This paper describes adaptations which were made to the standardised tests to render them more accessible to children with specific difficulties. The modifications made enabled 27 children who could not initially be tested to complete some or all of the assessment procedure. It is suggested that inclusion of the assessments of children who retain intact skills despite being constrained in specific areas affords a more accurate measure of long‐term developmental handicap.  相似文献   

The focus of this article is on articulating the importance of teacher development of constructs about homeless children and families and examining factors that influence teachers’ perceptions of children and families who are homeless or at high-risk of becoming homeless. The article also explores some strategies to support teachers in transforming their perceptions of homeless children and provides case examples of how this process can work. Three case studies explore how teacher educators and practicing teachers can work together to reflect on their own perceptions of homeless children from high-poverty backgrounds and how educators were able to transform their own perceptions in being able to better serve their students.  相似文献   

由于隔绝于城市和艰难的生活状态,外来务工人员家庭尚未意识到其子女的学前教育需求。外来务工人员在城市居住多呈聚落状态,能不能以非正规形式为这些儿童提供一定的学前教育呢?本文以在北京四环市场创办一个非正规的游戏小组的实践及体验,探讨非正规形式学前教育的可能与意义。  相似文献   

Beliefs and attitudes of teachers in Mumbai, India, towards children who stutter were investigated using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Questionnaires were completed by 58 teachers, four of whom were subsequently interviewed. Results from the questionnaires showed that teachers believed that a child’s environment influenced stuttering and that children who stuttered had the potential to overcome the condition. They did not agree that children who stuttered were quiet and shy. Two global themes emerged from the interviews. These were teachers’ philosophies about stuttering, and their perceived roles in supporting children who stutter. All teachers reported limited experience of children who stutter, but their responses indicated a desire to do their best to support such children in the classroom. Stuttering was, however, considered to be less important to teachers’ working lives than dyslexia.  相似文献   

攻击行为是儿童发展过程中表现出来的一种社会行为。分析儿童攻击行为的发展模式、特点及影响因素,从根本上防止和矫正儿童的攻击行为,有利于促进儿童社会性的健康发展。  相似文献   

在中国的传统家庭观念中,基于养儿防老和传宗接代的考虑,孩子不仅是血脉的延续,也是父母精神的寄托。然而对于我国如今数量庞大的失独家庭来说,他们的情感依赖和养老保障自然就成了一个越发凸显的社会问题。本文旨在探讨失独家庭存在的心理问题,进而提出有针对性的建议,呼吁社会更多地去关注失独家庭,让他们在失去孩子之后能够更好地走出阴影,安度晚年。  相似文献   

While partnerships including meaningful, two-way, parent–teacher dialogue about young children during early childhood program and school meetings are critical, linguistic differences between bilingual parents who are immigrants and early educators can impede communication and lead to inequitable services. In this article, we focus on one aspect of linguistic differences for educators and bilingual parents: English-language adjectives used by teachers to describe young children. We highlight aspects of adjectives, their uses, and cultural contexts to illustrate potential misunderstandings that may lead to not only miscommunication but also challenges to partnerships and equitable early childhood service provision. Subsequently, we present recommendations to foster meaningful dialogue and greater understanding between educators and bilingual parents who are immigrants when dialoguing about young children.  相似文献   

学业不良儿童家庭教育资源研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用自编问卷,考察130名学业不良儿童与788名一般儿童在家庭主客观教育资源上的异同。结果表明,学业不良儿童的家庭教育资源在家长受教育水平、家长期望值、家庭学习氛围方面显著低于一般儿童,学业不良儿童家长提供的学业支持存在不同于一般儿童的特点。文章分析了造成学业不良儿童家庭教育资源不足的可能成因并提出了相应的教育建议。  相似文献   

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