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电话口译作为一种新兴的社区口译形式,在为各国间的沟通提供便利。而电话口译中视觉信息的缺失使得掌握听觉信息即副语言在电话口译话轮转换中的作用显得尤为重要。笔者对副语言在电话口译话轮转换中的角色进行研究,通过实际试验与理论探讨相结合的方式推断出三种副语言可以为电话口译者提供重要借鉴。话轮转换停顿持续时间可以推测说话者个人情感状态,语音标志能够表明说话者继续话题的意愿,语调传达出说话者的言外之意。因此,掌握好这三种副语言能够为电话口译员在缺失视觉信息条件下更好实现恰当的话轮转换提供帮助。  相似文献   

一、电话口译的发展现状 电话口译(Over—the—Phone Interpreting)因其无与伦比的优势,经常被应用于不同的口译场合。与传统的口译形式不同,电话口译主要依靠电子传声设备,使工作地点可以远离事发场合。由于电子传声设备的帮助。译员可以克服空间距离,使远隔两地的语言不同的交流双方联系在一起,实现实时沟通交流。电话口译属于远程口译,最早出现在20世纪50年代的欧洲,70年代末到80年代初开始在美国兴起。  相似文献   

口译者的心理环境指以口译者的认知系统为中心,口译的现场气氛压力和外在突变环境对口译者认知过程产生调节和影响的心理系统。口译者的心理环境适应性包括语言信息处理、口译现场气氛压力和突变生态环境适应三方面。首先,口译者须不断适应说话者意图,根据自身语言和非语言知识不断做出适应并选择最佳候选词语来翻译,以达到语言信息处理的适应性;其次,口译者应掌握双语知识和口译的技巧与策略,熟悉口译环境、积极自我暗示,树立信心,以达到现场气氛压力的适应性;最后,口译者应冷静,尽可能调节现场气氛,避免口译中断,由此达到突变生态环境的适应性。口译者心理环境适应性的研究架起了口译者宏观与微观心理层面研究的桥梁。  相似文献   

科技的发展和国际交往的频繁使口译出现了电话口译等多种新形式。针对国内译界关注会议口译而忽视其他口译的现状,本文主要讨论电话口译灵活、高效和节约成本的优点和其他一些局限性,并对其发展潜力进行了展望,提出了一些应对策略,希望国内译界对这种新兴口译形式能予以重视,进行必要的研究,以推动其发展和质量的提高。  相似文献   

方琪 《培训与研究》2014,(4):123-125
以中国电话口译服务商“同译宝”为例,分析了解国内电话口译现状,指出了电话口译在中国一些大型活动上的成功应用,最后,对如何在中国发展和提升电话口译服务提出看法.  相似文献   

本文以口译的基本研究模式:达妮卡口译模式、图式翻译模式和文化互动模式为依据,从心理语言学和认知心理学方面分析英语口译的理解过程,探讨商务英语口译的技巧,提高商务口译工作人员的能力。  相似文献   

随着EI研究的不断深入,在认知心理和脑科学研究领域以元认知和元意识为依据的元情绪理论也逐渐受到研究者的重视,出现了不少元情绪与其他领域交叉学科的研究,但是对元情绪与口译关系的研究至今尚未涉猎。元情绪作为EI的核心,是学生译员不可或缺的能力,是做好口译的必要条件。本研究采用理论研究法对学生译员口译行为的元情绪做了系统考察研究。随之对学生译员口译元情绪(IMEs)研究的理论基础、口译元情绪的理论建构、口译元情绪的研究范畴以及口译元情绪的研究展望做了较为详尽的诠释。本研究对口译元情绪概念的正式提出将会受到该领域研究者的关注。口译元情绪对学生译员的口译行为影响颇深,积极的口译元情绪对其口译元情绪管理具有良好效应,能够提高口译效果。  相似文献   

心理语言学的研究不但丰富了语言学研究的内容,还有效地充实了我国口语翻译研究理论,提升了口译工作的质量。本文从心理语言学的角度阐述译者在进行口译工作时的理解过程,以供参考。  相似文献   

本文从对Bachman交际语言能力模式的深入研究引申出口译交际能力模式:知识能力、口译技能与心理能力,结合不断涌现的中国特色表达的特点及口译原则,从充分发挥口译交际能力三要素的角度探讨了相关的口译策略及具体技巧。  相似文献   

从认知心理学的角度谈口译中的短时记忆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,口译市场需求愈来愈大,伴随着口译爱好者数量的增多,口译研究也广泛开展。目前口译界除了运用翻译学、语言学等的一些知识来解释口译活动外,还把目光转向其它新兴学科,试图运用这些新兴学科的研究成果来解释口译过程,指导口译实践活动。语言习得和应用是一种心理行为,应用认知心理学中的记忆特征,可以换一个角度诠释口译活动中信息的处理和贮存。本文从短时记忆的特征出发,提出口译中策略的认知依据。  相似文献   

Access to postsecondary education through sign language interpreting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the importance of sign language interpreting for many deaf students, there is surprisingly little research concerning its effectiveness in the classroom. The limited research in this area is reviewed, and a new study is presented that included 23 interpreters, 105 deaf students, and 22 hearing students. Students saw two interpreted university-level lectures, each preceded by a test of prior content knowledge and followed by a post-lecture assessment of learning. A variety of demographic and qualitative data also were collected. Variables of primary interest included the effects of a match or mismatch between student interpreting preferences (interpreting vs. transliteration) and the actual mode of interpreting, student-interpreter familiarity, and interpreter experience. Results clarify previous contradictory findings concerning the importance of student interpreting preferences and extend earlier studies indicating that deaf students acquire less than hearing peers from interpreted college-level lectures. Issues relating to access and success in integrated academic settings are discussed as they relate to relations among student characteristics, interpreter characteristics, and educational settings.  相似文献   

Despite rapid growth in the field of educational interpreting little is known about the formal training of educational interpreters. This gap in the research is the focus of this study. A questionnaire was sent to the directors of 50 interpreter training programs nationwide asking for information about their course work in educational interpreting and related areas; instruction in signed English systems; and the directors' opinions on certain ethical and professional questions facing the educational interpreter. The results suggest that graduates of interpreter training programs who obtain employment as public school interpreters are not adequately prepared. Training programs provide few courses on the education of deaf children, on the language systems used, and on issues specific to classroom interpreting. The directors of these programs overwhelmingly support the development of guidelines on the educational interpreter's role. They show some support for the "interpreter as tutor" role but are equivocal about the development of a special certification for educational interpreters.  相似文献   

运用格莱斯会话合作原则,探讨在口译中如何处理原话语所包含的习语,旨在说明口译员作为原话语的信息发送者(说话人)与接收者(听话人)之问的桥梁,在口译这一特殊口语交际活动中起着重要的纽带作用。在处理原话语中出现的习语时,口译员应考虑口译的特殊性,积极遵守合作四准则,这对于习语口译实践具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

The study examined the extent to which a highly qualified interpreter remained parallel with or diverged from the original classroom discourse in her interpreting for a 3rd-grade deaf student in science, social studies, and resource room. The interpreter's signed and verbalized expressions were compared to the class participants' expressions for meaning equivalence. Parallel interpreting, occurring 33.2% of the time, closely matched the content of the speaker's message. Divergent interpreting, whereby the interpreter added or dropped elements of meaning, occurred 66.8% of the time. Qualitative analyses of classroom footage as well as interviews with the interpreter and the teachers revealed how, when, and why the interpreter diverged from the message. While the interpreter often made intentional reductions and additions to the discourse to achieve greater student understanding of language and course content, there was little awareness of these changes among individualized educational program team members.  相似文献   

The translation work of sign language interpreters involves much more than language. The characteristics and goings-on in the physical environment, the dynamics and interactions between the people who are present, and even the "inner noise" of the interpreter contribute to the accuracy, or lack thereof, of the resulting translation. The competent interpreter must understand and respond appropriately to the language and nonlanguage aspects of each interpreting assignment. We use the framework of demand-control theory (Karasek, 1979) to examine the complex occupation of sign language interpreting. Demand-control theory is a job analysis method useful in studies of occupational stress and reduction of stress-related illness, injury, and burnout. We describe sources of demand in the interpreting profession, including demands that arise from factors other than those associated with languages (linguistic demands). These include environmental, interpersonal, and intrapersonal demands. Karasek's concept of control, or decision latitude, is also explored in relation to the interpreting profession. We discuss the prevalence of cumulative trauma disorders (CTD), turnover, and burnout in the interpreting profession in light of demand-control theory and data from interpreter surveys, including a new survey study described herein. We conclude that nonlinguistic demand factors in particular and perceived restrictions in decision latitude likely contribute to stress, CTD, burnout, and the resulting shortage of sign language interpreters. We make suggestions for improvements in interpreter education and professional development, including the institution of an advanced, supervised professional training period, modeled after internships common in other high demand professional occupations.  相似文献   

本文通过解释记者招待会口译过程中译员显身和隐身的必要性,并通过详细案例,指出在记者招待会的口译过程中译员是即是忠实的"传话筒",也是对话的共建者和协调者。  相似文献   

张韦 《海外英语》2012,(4):280-282
释意理论是上世纪70年代由法国翻译家达尼卡提出并确立。完善的理论结构和独特的理论视角使该理论一度成为西方口译理论的主导理论,并引领着西方口译研究进入了以译员为研究对象的新阶段。该文选用专业性较强的外贸领域为题材,以释意学派的理论为基础,结合日常贸易的具体实例,阐述释意学在外贸口译中的应用,以期对外贸口译发挥指导和促进作用。  相似文献   

The article explores sign language interpreter training, testing, and accreditation in three major English-speaking countries, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, by providing an overview of the training and assessment of sign language interpreters in each country. The article highlights the reasons these countries can be considered leaders in the profession and compares similarities and differences among them. Key similarities include the provision of university interpreter training, approval for training courses, license "maintenance" systems, and educational interpreting guidelines. Differences are noted in relation to training prerequisites, types and levels of accreditation, administration of the testing system, and accreditation of deaf interpreters. The article concludes with predictions about future developments related to the establishment of the World Association of Sign Language Interpreters and the development of sign language interpreting research as a research discipline.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the verbal and non - verbal features of interpretation from Chinese into English . On the one hand the language of interpretation belongs to the category of oral language, So It determines the path an interpreter should follow while interpreting . On the other hand it is suggested that the non - verbal approach plays an important role in interpretation. Therefore an interpreter can not be a qualified interpreter unless he is, in addition to language techniques, skilled in the application of paralanguage.  相似文献   

对口译员的职业资格进行统一的、科学的、权威的、持续的认证是口译职业化的必由之路。基于职业资格认证的基本原则和国内外口译资格认证的现状分析,本文分别从认证的主体性、科学性、权威性和可持续性四个方面具体论述了口译职业资格认证的基本原则。  相似文献   

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