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目的:研究30-50岁男女超重人群每周减脂0.5㎏、采用不同走跑方式运动的减肥运动处方。方法:32名受试按年龄和性别分组,分别采用慢跑、快走、走跑交替的方式运动,每次运动的能耗为500kcal,采用气体代谢的方法进行能量消耗测定,同步记录运动强度和运动量参数。结果:1、如果采用走跑交替的方式运动,30-40岁(41-50岁)男女每次运动的时间分别为53min、58min(60、72),距离为6210m、6063m(6808、7201),总步数为7417步、8189步(8235、9764);若以慢跑方式运动,则30-40岁男女每次运动的时间分别为43min、50min,距离为5903m、5899m,总步数为6798步、7875步;如果以快走的方式运动,则41-50岁男女每次运动时间分别为73min、87min,距离为7472m、7457m,总步数为9180步、11580步。2、步频、每分能耗与脂肪供能比例呈负相关,运动时间与脂肪供能比例、步频与每分能耗呈正相关。3、不同性别、不同走跑方式下的每分能耗不同,减肥人群可据此安排自己个性化的减肥运动处方。结论:本研究制定了30-50岁超重男女的走跑减肥运动处方,并能依照个体情况制定个性化的减肥运动方案。  相似文献   

步行和日常体力活动能量消耗的推算   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
戴剑松  李靖  顾忠科  孙飙 《体育科学》2006,26(11):91-95
目的:研究不同步速下行走时的能量消耗水平,进而推导出根据计步器参数推算步行能耗和一日总能耗的方程,以期为进一步开发计步器功能提供参考依据。方法:研究对象为在校大学生共计30名(男性15名,女性15名)。受试者身体右侧平肚脐锁骨中线处和腋前线交点处分别佩带计步器,在跑台上分别以3.2、4.8、6.4、8.1、9.7 km/h 5种速度步行800 m,记录计步器计数和实际步数,通过间接热量法测试步行代谢情况。佩带计步器一周,记录每日计步器计数,每日填写Bouchard体力活动日记。结论:以不低于正常步速行走时,计步器可以精确记录步数,放置位置不同对步数记录无影响。随着速度加快,步频加快,步幅加大,单位能耗增加。但在完成相同距离步行时,运动强度(速度)不同,总热量消耗不完全一致,能量消耗不仅与单位能耗有关,运动时间也是重要的因素。根据计步器参数推算步行能量消耗和一日总能量消耗的公式分别为:步行能量消耗(kca l)=0.43×身高(cm) 0.57×体重(kg) 0.26×步频(步/m in) 0.92×时间(m in)-108.44。一日能量消耗(kca l)=0.05×一日计步器计数(步) 2213.09×体表面积(m2)-1993.57。  相似文献   

通过对苏州市城市社区41名老年2型糖尿病患者16周有氧运动干预前后身体形态及血液相关指标的检测及其变化的研究,探讨有氧运动对2型糖尿病的代谢调节作用。运用运动处方干预法,将41名受试者随机分为运动组(21人)和对照组(20人)。运动组予以16周运动处方干预,对照组不组织运动。得出结果与运动前比较,经16周有氧运动干预,受试者BMI、WHR明显下降;血清LDL—c水平明显降低、HD【/LDL值明显升高;血清FPG、FINS、及HOMA—IR显著性降低。得到结论,16周的有氧运动对老年糖尿病患者的体型具有修饰作用;对血脂、血糖代谢有良好的调节作用;可使胰岛素抵抗水平得到有效改善。  相似文献   

通过实验法、 问卷调查法、 数理统计法、 文献资料法等研究方法,以华南师范大学文学院、 法学院、体育科学学院等8个学院的本科男生128人,女生154人,共282名学生为研究对象,对其佩戴日本产OM-RON(HJA-400)型号计步器基于日步行量进行试验.研究发现:大学生平均每日步行步数为8808步,平均消耗293.73Kcal热量,其中男生平均为9013步,女生平均为8661步,此数值与维持成年人正常健康水平的每日行走"万步",消耗300Kcal的水平基本持平但略有差距;双休日中男女生的步行量可能由于周末活动增多而均有所增加;由于专业性质等原因,理工类专业学生平均日步行步数小于体育专业学生,但大于文史类的学生;大四学生由于面试等活动增多的原因,比其它学年学生的每日步行量大.  相似文献   

根据糖尿病运动疗法机理,论述了糖尿病量化运动处方(详见光盘,发行号:Isrc cn-s11-07-0006-0/v.r)的制定原则、"适当"运动的制定及糖尿病量化运动处方的系统化设计方案,让临床医生能根据以上的内容,为患者选择正确的运动处方及患者在实施运动处方中的注意事项。  相似文献   

运动处方对糖尿病高危人群血糖、血脂与体质指标的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用跟踪实验法观察24周运动处方锻炼对糖尿病高危人群血糖、血脂与体质指标的影响。结果,糖尿病高危患者锻炼后,体重、体重指数(BMI)、腰臀比、收缩压和静态心率均显著减少(P<0.05),肺活量、握力、座位体前屈显著增加(P<0.05);空腹血糖、葡萄糖负荷试验2h后血糖、糖化血红蛋白(GHbA1c)、血清甘油三酯、血清总胆固醇(TC)和血清低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)均显著降低(P<0.05),血清高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)却显著升高(P<0.05)。结论:长期、系统、有针对性的运动处方锻炼可显著改善糖尿病高危人群的血糖、血脂和体质指标,对患者增强体质和预防糖尿病的发生有重要作用。  相似文献   

糖尿病已经成为影响发达及发展中国家重大的公共卫生问题,运动疗法在Ⅱ型糖尿病治疗过程中占有重要的地位。国内外学者针对Ⅱ型糖尿病患者的运动处方展开了大量的研究。文章通过文献法,综述、分析Ⅱ型糖尿病运动处方中运动强度、运动持续时间、运动方式的研究进展,为制定Ⅱ型糖尿病运动处方提供科学依据。  相似文献   

运动处方是Ⅱ型糖尿病综合治疗中的重要方法之一,但在治疗过程中,患者往往对饮食控制和药物治疗的依从性较好,对运动疗法缺乏足够的重视.针对不同阶段Ⅱ型糖尿病患者的状态、特征,通过临床研究,制定出临床医师及患者均易理解的可操作性强的运动处方,通过运动治疗后测试糖尿病患者血液的某些生化指标,探讨运动对Ⅱ型糖尿病疗效的影响.运动处方实施6个月后发现,患者体质量、体质量指数、腰围、腰臀比、收缩压、空腹血糖、葡萄糖负荷2h血糖均出现显著性变化.因此,对Ⅱ型糖尿病患者辅以运动处方治疗,可以改善与腹部肥胖综合症有关的异常脂代谢,从根本上解决由于肥胖诱发糖尿病的原因,改善血糖及血脂代谢.  相似文献   

糖尿病量化运动处方的设计及创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运动疗法对糖尿病的重要性及有效性已经得到了公认,但由于糖尿病病情复杂.患者个体差异大,目前运动疗法又没有统一的标准,没有系统化的运动处方供临床医生做精细化指导,运动疗法还存在运动量难以监控及量化等问题,这些都使运动治疗糖尿病的作用受到限制.由广西糖尿病量化运动处方研究组设计开发的糖尿病量化运动处方(已拍摄成光盘,发行号:Isrc cn-s11-07-0006-0/v.r),从运动处方的设计特点、设计规律、内容结构的设计等方面都考虑到了糖尿病的特点、患者的个体差异,并以光盘的形式表达了五个等级15个运动处方,在很大程度上解决了上述问题,具有临床实用价值和创新性.  相似文献   

量化运动处方对2型糖尿病患者康复治疗的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察量化运动对2型糖尿病患者血糖、血脂和体质指标的影响.方法:将80例诊断为2型糖尿病的患者按年龄分为A组(20~40岁)和B组(41~60岁),并根据体重指数(BMI)再各分为两个亚组(BMI<25,为A1、B1组,BMI≥25,为A2、B2组)进行研究.结果:3个月运动后,与运动前比较,各组的空腹血糖、餐后2 h血糖、糖化血红蛋白均明显降低(P<0.01),总胆固醇除B2组外均明显下降(P<0.01),甘油三酯仅B1组有明显降低(P<0.05),腰围、臀围、体重在BMI≥25组均显著降低(P<0.01或0.05),但在BMI<25组差异均不显著(P>0.05).结论:量化运动处方可显著改善2型糖尿病患者的血糖、血脂和体质指标,对糖尿病的治疗有较好疗效,该系列量化运动处方为不同病情糖尿病患者选择合适自身的运动处方提供了较大的空间,可作为糖尿病常规运动治疗方案在临床中推广.  相似文献   

Purpose: Some adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have comorbidities and mobility impairments that limit their exercise capacity. In consideration of this, we developed and piloted a program called Active Steps for Diabetes for people with T2DM, comorbidities, and mobility impairments. The purpose of this paper was to report outcomes for the pilot program. Methods: Active Steps for Diabetes, an 8-week program, included instruction on diabetes self-care andgroup and home exercise programs. Twenty-two females (62.7 ± 6.1yrs) with T2DM and self-reported mobility impairments completed the program. Six participants used a walking aid. Outcome measures included two risk factors for coronary artery disease [daily physical activity and body mass index (BMI)], cardiovascular fitness (6-minute walk distance), and knowledge of diabetes-specific exercise guidelines. A two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare outcomes before and after the program and between participants who did and did not use a walking aid. Results: Active Steps for Diabetes was effective in increasing daily physical activity in both groups of subjects (walking aid group: 2.6 days/week [95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.1 to 3.3]; no walking aid group: 1.9 days/week [95% CI=1.2 to 2.5]). This was accompanied by increases in 6-minute walk distances (walking aid group: 54.0 m [95% CI = 36.4 to 71.6]; no walking aid group: 62.6 m [95% CI=55.7 to 69.4]). Changes in BMI were not significant (walking aid group: −0.4 [95% CI = −1.2 to 0.4]; no walking aid group: −.24[95% CI = −.91 to .44]). Increases in knowledge of diabetes-specific exercise guidelines were observed in both groups (walking aid group: 18.8% [95% CI = 11.3 to 26.4]; no walking aid group: 19.3% [95% CI = 16.1 to 22.5]). Discussion:: Physical inactivity and low cardiovascular fitness are predictors of CAD morbidity and mortality in adults with T2DM. This pilot program suggests that a model for diabetes education, incorporating exercise programs developed by a physical therapist, may increase physical activity, improve endurance, and thereby potentially reduce CAD risk in people with T2DM and mobility impairments from comorbidities.Key Words: type 2 diabetes, physical activity  相似文献   


In this study, we examined the effects of a supervised, heart rate intensity prescribed walking training programme on cardiorespiratory fitness and glycaemic control in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. After receiving local ethics approval, 27 individuals (21 males, 6 females) with type 2 diabetes were randomly assigned to an experimental (“walking”) or control group. Participants completed a Balke-Ware test to determine peak heart rate, peak oxygen consumption ([Vdot]O2peak), and peak gradient. The walking group then completed a 7-week (four sessions a week) supervised, heart rate prescribed walking training programme, whereas the control group continued daily life. After training, participants completed another Balke-Ware test. Fasting blood glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin were measured at rest. The results showed that walking training elicited 80% (s = 2) of peak heart rate and a rating of perceived exertion of 11 (s = 1). Peak heart rate and [Vdot]O2peak were higher in the walking than in the control group after training (P < 0.05). Based on the peak gradient before training, the respiratory exchange ratio was significantly lower (P < 0.05) and there was a strong trend for [Vdot]O2 (P = 0.09) and heart rate (P = 0.09) to be lower after training at the same gradient in the walking compared with the control group. These improvements increased walking peak gradient by 5 min (s = 4 min) compared with the control (P < 0.05). There was no change in fasting blood glucose or glycosylated haemoglobin after training. Despite no change in glycaemic control, heart rate prescribed walking improved peak and sub-maximal cardiorespiratory responses. The beneficial adaptations support the use of heart rate monitoring during walking in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

为了研究运动员形态与竞技表现特征之间的关系,运用文献资料法、数理统计法等方法对30届奥运会50公里竞走项目运动员从身体形态特征、年龄特征、地域分布特征、速度分配特征、战术应用特征等方面进行分析,结果表明:50公里竞走项目运动员身高、体重以及克托莱指数均处于增长的趋势;30岁以上年龄运动员数量增多;世界优秀50公里运动员主要分布在欧洲,其次是亚洲与美洲,50公里前8名竞走运动员平均速度曲线呈V型,跟走和领走是50公里竞走项目主要的战术特点.建议今后对此项目运动员进行科学选材,日常训练主要进行速度强化训练.  相似文献   

This study examined whether differences in waist circumference (WC) and pedometer placement (anterior vs. midaxillary vs. posterior) affect the agreement between pedometer and observed steps during treadmill and self-paced walking. Participants included 19 pairs of youth (9–15 years old) who were matched for sex, race, and height and stratified by WC (high WC: HWC; low WC: LWC). Participants performed 3-min treadmill-walking trials at speeds of 59, 72, and 86 m·min-1 and a 400-m self-paced walking trial on level ground. Bland-Altman plots were used to assess the agreement between pedometer and observed steps of spring-levered pedometers by WC, pedometer placement, and walking speed. In the HWC group, the posterior pedometer placement consistently agreed most closely with observed steps at all treadmill speeds and during self-paced walking. In the LWC group, no single pedometer placement consistently agreed most closely with observed steps at all treadmill speeds and during self-paced walking. We conclude that a posterior pedometer placement improves step-count accuracy in most youth with an HWC at a range of walking speeds on level ground.  相似文献   

This study examined the validity of the Actical accelerometer step count and energy expenditure (EE) functions in healthy young adults. Forty-three participants participated in study 1. Actical step counts were compared to actual steps taken during a 200 m walk around an indoor track at self-selected pace and during treadmill walking at different speeds (0.894, 1.56 and 2.01 m · s–1) for 5 min. The Actical was also compared to three pedometers. For study 2, 15 participants from study 1 walked on a treadmill at their predetermined self-selected pace for 15 min. Actical EE was compared to EE measured by indirect calorimetry. One-way analysis of variance and t-tests were used to examine differences. There were no statistical difference between Actical steps and actual steps in self-selected pace walking and during treadmill walking at moderate and fast speeds. During treadmill walking at slow speed, the Actical step counts significantly under predicted actual steps taken. For study 2, there was no statistical difference between measured EE and Actical-recorded EE. The Actical provides valid estimates of step counts at self-selected pace and walking at constant speeds of 1.56 and 2.01 m · s–1. The Actical underestimates EE of walking at constants speeds ≥1.38 m · s–1.  相似文献   

Walking is one of the preferred exercises among elderly, but could a prolonged walking increase gait variability, a risk factor for a fall in the elderly? Here we determine whether 30 min of treadmill walking increases coefficient of variation of gait in elderly. Because gait responses to exercise depend on fitness level, we included 15 sedentary and 15 active elderly. Sedentary participants preferred a lower gait speed and made smaller steps than the actives. Step length coefficient of variation decreased ~16.9% by the end of the exercise in both the groups. Stride length coefficient of variation decreased ~9% after 10 minutes of walking, and sedentary elderly showed a slightly larger step width coefficient of variation (~2%) at 10 min than active elderly. Active elderly showed higher walk ratio (step length/cadence) than sedentary in all times of walking, but the times did not differ in both the groups. In conclusion, treadmill gait kinematics differ between sedentary and active elderly, but changes over time are similar in sedentary and active elderly. As a practical implication, 30 min of walking might be a good strategy of exercise for elderly, independently of the fitness level, because it did not increase variability in step and stride kinematics, which is considered a risk of fall in this population.  相似文献   

Kinetics and kinematics analysis of incremental cycling to exhaustion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Technique changes in cyclists are not well described during exhaustive exercise. Therefore the aim of the present study was to analyze pedaling technique during an incremental cycling test to exhaustion. Eleven cyclists performed an incremental cycling test to exhaustion. Pedal force and joint kinematics were acquired during the last three stages of the test (75%, 90% and 100% of the maximal power output). Inverse dynamics was conducted to calculate the net joint moments at the hip, knee and ankle joints. Knee joint had an increased contribution to the total net joint moments with the increase of workload (5-8% increase, p < 0.01). Total average absolute joint moment and knee joint moment increased during the test (25% and 39%, for p < 0.01, respectively). Increases in plantar flexor moment (32%, p < 0.01), knee (54%, p < 0.01) and hip flexor moments (42%, p = 0.02) were found. Higher dorsiflexion (2%, for p = 0.03) and increased range of motion (19%, for p = 0.02) were observed for the ankle joint. The hip joint had an increased flexion angle (2%, for p < 0.01) and a reduced range of motion (3%, for p = 0.04) with the increase of workload. Differences in joint kinetics and kinematics indicate that pedaling technique was affected by the combined fatigue and workload effects.  相似文献   

孙泊  刘宇  李海鹏 《体育科学》2012,32(9):17-22
目的:研究走、跑模式下健康成年男子单位时间单位体重的能量消耗与运动速度的相关关系以及单位距离单位体重的能量消耗与运动速度的相关关系;探讨相同速度走、跑两种不同的运动模式下能量消耗特征;方法:19名男性大学生作为研究对象。使用跑台控制速度,采用走、跑两种运动模式,每一速度至少测试6min,以速度递增的方式进行测试,走、跑模式转换时休息至安静状态。使用VO2000测试安静以及运动中的气体代谢参数,PO-LAR表测试心率;结果:建立走模式以及跑模式下的能量消耗与速度之间的拟合方程;单位时间单位体重的能耗与走速二次曲线拟合方程的复相关系数r2=0.88;单位时间单位体重的能耗与跑速线性拟合方程的复相关系数r2=0.72;两条拟合曲线的交点坐标为(2.35m/s,141.7cal/kg/min);在测试速度范围之内,同等速度下走与跑的单位时间的能耗具有显著性差异(P<0.01),跑的能耗显著大于走的能耗。单位距离单位体重的能耗与走速的2次拟合曲线的复相关系数r2=0.98,曲线最低点的坐标为(1.14m/s,0.553cal/kg/m),单位距离单位体重的平均能耗与跑速拟合曲线的复相关系数r2=0.68;结论:1)单位时间单位体重的能耗与走速呈二次曲线关系,单位时间单位体重的能耗与跑速呈线性递增关系;2)单位距离单位体重的能耗与走速呈"U"型曲线关系;单位距离单位体重的能耗与跑速呈线性递减趋势,说明在一定速度范围内随着跑速的增加单位距离单位体重的能耗降低。  相似文献   


The purposes of this study were to assess the TRITRAC® and CSA® for: (a) interaccelerometer agreement; (b) agreement in detecting patterns of moderate-intensity physical activity; and (c) agreement in detecting walking patterns recorded in a diary. Thirty-one women wore both the TRITRAC® and CSA® accelerometers for three consecutive days. Interaccelerometer agreement (measured with generalizability coefficients) ranged from .88 to .99. In total, 71.3% of the accelerometers' patterns agreed in length, with CSA® patterns being on average significantly longer. Interaccelerometer agreement in detecting patterns of brisk walking, as recorded in a diary, was comparable (69.4%). Interaccelerometer discrepancies may be related in part to the threshold employed by each instrument for classifying moderate intensity patterns.  相似文献   


This study was designed to identify correlates of change in walking for exercise. Respondents to a random sample mailed exercise survey were asked to complete a follow-up questionnaire 24 months after the first. Responses were obtained from 1,739 adults, reflecting an 86.6% return rate. Nonrespondents did not differ from respondents for baseline level of walking for exercise. Respondents overrepresented Caucasian and middle to high education (or income) adults. Residualized measures of change in walking for exercise served as the dependent variable, adjusted for baseline walking. Similarly, key independent variables, subject to change over time, were included after residualization. At both baseline and 24 months follow-up, adults walked for exercise an average of just under 1 hour per week, and 23.5% of the initially active adults ceased walking for exercise at 2 years. Multiple regression analyses explained more variance in walking for exercise among women than men. Change in dynamic variables such as friend's support and vigorous physical activity accounted for most of the explained variance. Results suggest that dynamic variables may need to be sustained to maintain walking for exercise. The limited explained variance suggests that more precise measures and additional determinants of walking for exercise need to be identified.  相似文献   

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