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基于项目的在线协作学习过程中,学习者面临学习任务、协作过程以及在线环境所带来的认知负荷,支架是降低认知负荷、促进认知发展的有效手段。本研究基于认知图式和认知负荷理论,对基于项目的在线协作学习过程中的四个问题解决环节(问题表征、问题解决方案论证与生成、方案实施、监督与评价)和三类认知活动(同伴交互、个体反思、建模)中学习者面临的认知负荷进行分析。研究发现,学习者在问题解决环节中存在由于问题复杂性、任务高交互性以及自身领域知识不足和问题解决策略缺乏带来的内部认知负荷,以及对学习过程的组织、协调等管理所带来的外部认知负荷。在认知活动中存在因缺乏表达策略与技巧、元认知知识与策略、理解与迁移困难而带来的内部认知负荷,以及协商沟通导致的外部认知负荷。在此基础上,提出基于项目的在线协作学习的四种主要学习支架策略:结构化支架、模型化支架、问题化支架和知识化支架,并对其应用方式及来源进行了阐述。  相似文献   

如何确保在线学习的效果,帮助学习者形成面向问题解决和认知迁移的能力,实现有意义的学习,是一个重要的研究问题。本研究分析借鉴了同类研究成果,吸纳了情境认知、认知弹性和问题解决等理念,进而构建一种促进认知迁移的在线学习框架;依据该框架,同时融入三维学习目标设计、学习过程即时指导评价、三级课程内容导航结构、创设有意义的在线环境、丰富学习体验等策略开发了在线课程实例概念图教学应用,并进行了实证测试,数据分析表明学员的课程学业成效和学习满意度都取得了理想效果,证明依据CSTOL框架开发的课程实例能够有效地促进在线学习的认知迁移,具有实用推广价值。  相似文献   

如何确保在线学习的效果,帮助学习者形成面向问题解决和认知迁移的能力,实现有意义的学习,是一个重要的研究问题。本研究分析借鉴了同类研究成果,吸纳了情境认知、认知弹性和问题解决等理念,进而构建一种促进认知迁移的在线学习框架;依据该框架,同时融入三维学习目标设计、学习过程即时指导评价、三级课程内容导航结构、创设有意义的在线环境、丰富学习体验等策略开发了在线课程实例"概念图教学应用",并进行了实证测试,数据分析表明学员的课程学业成效和学习满意度都取得了理想效果,证明依据CSTOL框架开发的课程实例能够有效地促进在线学习的认知迁移,具有实用推广价值。  相似文献   

远程学习中社会性交互策略和方法   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
如何通过社会性交互有效提高远程学习的质量,已经成为现代远程教育实践的新课题。论文广泛调研国内外关于远程学习中社会性交互策略研究的最新成果,结合国内现代远程教育中社会性交互的实践方法,通过归纳和演绎,提出了远程学习中社会性交互的策略框架。该框架按照远程学习阶段和交互主体两个维度,对社会性交互策略进行了分类。在此基础上,论文针对学习者与教师,以及学习者与学习者之间社会性交互策略的特点进行了深入的讨论。  相似文献   

数字化学习环境下,为学习者创造一个有利于交互的语言环境是开展国际汉语教学的前提,而交互性学习环境的设计离不开学习活动的设计。现阶段,虽然汉语教学者们已经意识到设计良好的学习活动能够更好地培养学习者的汉语交际能力和文化领悟力,但在具体设计中依然存在诸如学习者视角缺失、学习活动设计过程不完整、未充分发挥技术优势等问题。数字布鲁姆为国际汉语在线学习活动设计提供了学习目标分类框架和技术工具运用指南,为解决上述问题提供了理论和技术支撑。本研究从数字布鲁姆的视角出发,首先从已有的在线学习活动设计相关研究中梳理出国际汉语远程学习活动的构成要素;然后在对国际汉语学习内容和远程学习者特征进行综合考虑的基础上,提出了一个系统化的国际汉语在线学习活动设计过程框架;最后在对该框架下设计的国际汉语在线学习活动的实施效果进行了考察,以期为数字化学习环境下国际汉语在线学习活动的设计提供一个有效的理论指南和参考案例。  相似文献   

分析厘清知识管理、Web2.0和个人学习环境三者间关系的基础上,结合建构主义、情境认知、教学交互理论,给出了基于知识管理的Web2.0个人学习环境的设计原则,并据此运用Web2.0技术设计开发了在线个人学习环境系统平台,以促进学习者个体发展。  相似文献   

在线学习活动设计直接影响远程学习者的学习效果。本研究基于国内外学习活动领域相关项目的研究成果,结合我国目前在网络课程设计开发方面的案例分析,以建构在线学习活动设计模型为研究目标。研究中综合采用了多种研究方法,首先明确了在线学习活动的交互本质和理论基础,在此基础上通过分析网络课程中的学习活动案例,梳理了构成在线学习活动的若干因素,并就在线学习活动框架和设计策略进行了归纳,建构形成了在线学习活动框架和设计模型,以期对完善网络教学的设计理论、指导在线学习活动设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

受全球疫情影响,在线学习成为新常态,在线学习服务师是在线学习服务提供者,是保障在线学习质量的关键。研究基于联通主义理论,初步构建了在线学习服务师的能力框架,面向512名在线学习者开展在线学习服务师能力需求调研,对框架进行修订和验证,最终形成了包含操作交互支持、社会网络支持、知识网络支持及认知发展支持四个能力和23个具体能力项构成理论模型。研究构建的在线学习服务师能力模型以互联网时代在线学习规律为出发点,以促进学习交互为导向,目标是促进个体在在线学习过程中的认知发展,构建的理论模型具有一定的信度和效度,对提升在线学习服务质量具有指导意义。  相似文献   

学习者与在线内容的交互被认为是决定网络教学和学习有效性的重要因素之一.学习环境中的任何事情总是一触即发,支持学习者与在线内容进行交互.当学习者与内容交互时,内部的反思性思考与对话发生了.本研究试图比较在线学习管理系统中研究生课程和本科课程中学习者交互之间的差别.基于所提出的研究学习者与在线内容交互的框架,研究者收集了学习管理系统日志和学习活动数据库中的相关数据;基于学习者与在线课程内容的交互模式和行为对收集到的数据进行了分析;并对教师和学习者在在线论坛中的讨论和交流的内容进行分析,尤其调查了已发生的交流的维度、深度和分类.基于上述研究成果.研究者认为应该加强网络内容的设计和传输,从而提升开放远程学习中在线学习环境的有效性.  相似文献   

在线小组学习是在线学习环境下最重要的一种学习模式。文章首先分析了因学习环境改变而导致的在线小组学习出现的新特征,提出了在线小组学习的基本教学组织形式是在线学习小组;然后,在参考了Misanchuk和Anderson模型标准的基础上,提出了在线学习小组的三种互动类型,即在线互助小组、在线合作小组和在线协同小组;接着,讨论了在线小组学习协同策略问题的实质,即为实现"创新"的学习目的所采取的一切手段和谋略——有利于促进在线协同小组成员"协同"互动;最后,探讨了在线协同小组的分组策略、组织策略和共识达成策略。  相似文献   

This article reports on a case of participatory self-directed online learning within the context of a graduate-level instructional technology course. The course was about online learning environments and relied on both asynchronous and synchronous technologies. In this case, the instructor and students engaged in collaborative course design through one of the assignments where student teams and the instructor led one week’s worth of course activities and discussions. This article begins with a discussion of the literature on participatory self-directed online learning. Then, the article presents an overview of the course design, detailed discussion of the assignment that framed student participatory self-directed learning and two examples of student assignments. The framing question for organising this case was as follows: What lessons can a team of graduate students and the instructor learn about self-directed participatory online learning from a collaborative design project? The article ends with the overall lessons learned from the case and implications to future design of online activities.  相似文献   

Researchers have identified three approaches to learning—surface, strategic, and deep. These approaches are influenced by various contextual and student factors, including teaching methods, assessments, and relevance to future career. The global objective of this study was to explore the influence of course elements and students’ emotional connection to section content on students’ approaches to learning in an introductory Food Science and Human Nutrition course. Students completed two questionnaires for the Nutrition and Health (NH) and Composition and Chemistry (CC) course sections: (a) Entwistle's ASSIST Inventory and (b) a questionnaire developed to assess students’ perceived usefulness of assignments, learning resources, and emotional connection to section content. Students’ approaches to learning did not significantly differ between NH and CC sections, with the majority reporting use of strategic or deep approaches. Generally, positive correlations were obtained for learners who used the deep and strategic approaches and their perceived usefulness of assignments and learning resources. In stark contrast, negative correlations were identified for learners who used the surface approach and their perceived usefulness of learning resources and assignments. Regarding emotional connection to section content, compared to learners who used the deep and strategic approaches, learners who used the surface approach did not enjoy and felt anxious about learning the content in both sections. Furthermore, based on regression analysis, the surface learning approach was a predictor for low exam scores in both sections. Based on these findings, instructors should implement practices in course design, instructional methods, and assessment strategies that help students choose deep and strategic approaches to learning, while minimizing surface approaches.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of online learning platforms, learners have more access to various kinds of courses. However, they may find it difficult to make choices due to the massive number of courses. The main contribution of our research is the design of a course recommendation framework which extracts multimodal course features based on deep learning models. In this framework, different kinds of information of course, such as course title, and course audio and course comments, are used to make proper recommendation in online learning platforms. Moreover, we utilize both explicit and implicit feedback to infer learner’s preference. Based on real-world datasets, our empirical results show that the proposed framework performs well in course recommendation, achieving an AUC score of 79.03%. This framework can provide technical support for course video recommendation, thus helping online learning platforms to manage course resources and optimize user learning experience.  相似文献   

A synchronous blend of online learning and “face-to-face” teaching is becoming a feasible instructional approach in higher education with the advent of technology. Although this learning mode is not new in higher education, little research has been done to contextualise social presence experiences in which effects of interactions were explored for enhancing learning. A qualitative approach was adopted using the case study method to examine the instructor and students’ pedagogic interactions in the social presence of a blended synchronous learning environment. This paper reports an exploration of the blended learning with an online group of students at a remote site attending a computer-aided engineering drawing course synchronously with a face-to-face group taught by an instructor in a laboratory. The process of interaction was visually and verbally mediated by videoconference as if in an online face-to-face learning community. The findings show that the online and face-to-face groups had different social presence experiences in which interaction emerged. Emotional adaptation and practice is needed for the students and the instructor in such a complex environment. Based on the interaction patterns, a framework of interactions in the blended synchronous learning environment is conceptualised to inform course development and instructional design. Implications for further study are also discussed.  相似文献   


The current shift to mediated and WWW-based teaching and learning requires both teachers and learners to adapt established classroom practice to the new online environment. Many of the electronic systems currently on offer fail to support the complexity of interaction necessary to facilitate deep learning. This paper identifies the instructional strategies or “micro-genres” that form the essence of successful classroom teaching, and describes an online system, WebTeach(tm), that attempts to provide structured teacher-learner interactions that build on the familiar activities and strategies of the classroom. Through access to these “micro-genres” in an online classroom, both teacher and learner can reduce the cognitive demands of learning new processes while focusing on strategies for deep learning related to the content of the course.  相似文献   

参与式学习和网络教学法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们对新学习机会的需求持续增长以及新的信息系统和通讯技术不断涌现,使得在线学习成为了教育实践中的中心话题。我们有必要建立一个框架,使那些有着不同文化、语言背景的远程学生产生有意义参与学习的经验。我们使用新术语“Cybergogy“来描述建立在线参与式学习所采用的策略,描述了为不同背景的远程学生创设认知、社会和情感三方面的学习经验。Cybergogy的核心是参与式学习,在参与式学习中学生自己确立学习目标、探索适当的资源、与其他人进行小组协作并以有意义的方式建构知识。我们所建立的“参与式学习的cybergogy模型“包括三个相互重叠/交叉的域:认知域、情感域和社会域。这一模型综合了当前的思想、观念和理论框架,它们是关于学生参与在线学习的这三个域上的程度和性质的。教师可以利用这一模型来描述每个学习者,然后设计针对每个人的策略,我们称这一过程为“customized engagement“。这样,学生不仅有机会实现自己的学习目标,而且将积极地参与学习过程。  相似文献   

The rapid growth of online courses in higher education has led to developments in the field of e-assessment. This paper presents a study, which examined the quality of online academic courses using a multidimensional assessment of students' activities and perceptions, using educational data mining and an online questionnaire. The assessment focused on four aspects: instructional, communication, course workload and overall learning experience. The course instructional model was found well-structured. The video lectures, assignments and materials designed for the online course were the most used and contributing learning resources. However, the number of students who entered the video lectures decreased as the course progressed. Low activity was found in the discussion forums. Students perceived the course workload as low. Overall, the learning experience was high and the students were highly satisfied. These findings provide insights that may assist in improving the quality of future online courses.  相似文献   

情境认知理论和体验式学习理论强调知识在实际情境中的迁移,重视学习者在学习中的情境体验和经验对学习的重要作用。基于这一理论,可以建立面向情境体验的在线学习课程框架。该框架采用“主题一专题一体验圈”的组织形式,强调导学情境、交流研讨、多媒体呈现、拟真任务设计、反思与总结等策略。将这一设计框架应用到《多元智能教学应用》在线学习课程实例的设计与开发中,可以得出两点主要结论:一是在情境体验学习理论的指导下,学习者的整体学业成绩高于平均水平;二是学习者对该在线课程的总体框架和学习体验的满意度均较高。  相似文献   

As online education continues to grow, instructors from traditional classrooms are being asked to design online courses. In this study, data from interviews with thirty-three public four-year college and university instructors, who had experience designing online courses, were used to understand the instructor’s perspective on online course design. Using grounded theory, data were analyzed, sorted, and coded to uncover the strategies instructors use to design online courses. Results revealed instructors adapt to the online environment by using strategies to mimic elements of face-to-face courses: in essence, adaption comes through assimilation. Instructors expressed interest in helping students navigate online to encourage active participation in courses. They described using technology and learning management system (LMS) features (e.g., videos, discussion forums) to “hear” and “see” students, as a way to increase interaction and presence, familiar elements from face-to-face education. They spoke of creating authentic assignments to increase student engagement. The implications of this study include effective design and instructional strategies for online courses, as well as understanding the motivation of instructors who design online courses. The study results are relevant to a broad audience including online instructors, instructional designers, LMS organizations, and administrators.  相似文献   


Massive open online courses (MOOCs) offer opportunities for professional development of environmental educators globally, yet we lack understanding of participants? cognitive and social learning processes and of how instructors can enhance these processes. Based on the Community of Inquiry framework, we used a survey and coded participant discussion board and Facebook posts to examine the cognitive, social, and teaching presence in the Environmental Education: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Addressing Wicked Problems MOOC, offered by Cornell University. Rather than train educators in a specific curriculum, the goal of the MOOC is to expand educators? critical and transdisciplinary thinking about the field of environmental education and to enhance social interactions to support learning, educators, and knowledge co-creation. Results indicate that cognitive presence is higher on the discussion board whereas social presence is higher on Facebook. Over half of cognitive posts focused on exploration, a lower level of learning, whereas just less than a fifth reflected higher level integration, suggesting room for enhancing cognitive learning. Our results suggest strategies to encourage higher levels of thinking and more meaningful social interactions to foster learning, educator support, and co-creation of knowledge, thereby improving online professional development.  相似文献   

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