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以我国19支大学高水平篮球队的218名运动员为样本,采用量表测试法,研究认为,篮球运动员间的信任在运动员沟通有效性与合作行为关系中起部分中介作用.  相似文献   

通过对山东省高校高水平篮球队进行调查、观察、试验研究,从生理学的角度论述了篮球运动员的特征、体能训练对篮球运动的作用和我省高水平篮球队体能训练中存在的问题,为我省高校高水平篮球运动水平的提高提供借鉴。  相似文献   

王卫学 《湖北体育科技》2007,26(3):325-326,312
武汉市普通高校试办高水平篮球队有较长的历史,在试办高水平篮球队的实践中也取得了一定的成绩,但是在高水平篮球运动员的培养过程中仍存在着一些问题和不足,尤其缺乏科学的教练员选聘制度,通过详尽研究分析为我国普通高校选拔高水平篮球教练员提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

中美普通大学办高水平篮球队的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陆淳 《体育科学》2002,22(1):48-50
通过查阅文献资料、访问、问卷调查、数理统计、比较分析等方法,对中美两国大学篮球运动员的选材、学业、训练与竞赛管理、待遇及其择业状况和教练员等方面进行对比分析,找出了差距,并借鉴美国对我国大学办高水平篮球队的成功经验,提出建议。  相似文献   

普通高校篮球队运动员来源及其发展探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叶巍  倪欣 《体育与科学》2005,26(3):78-80
本文通过对1994年至2000年各系统的重点业余体校、体育中学、普通业余体校考入高等院校(包含体育院校)的篮球运动员用资料研究法、数据统计法进行分析表明我国在现有篮球后备人才培养体制下,有超过三分之一的后备运动员被输送到了高等院校,并有逐年递增的趋势.他们是高等院校篮球队的重要组成部分,也成为各高校参加CUBA篮球联赛的主力队员.由此得出结论是传统的篮球后备力量培养机制不能够适应市场经济体制下篮球运动发展的要求.高校篮球队在篮球后备力量培养上具有广阔前景.高校办高水平篮球队还需要进一步总结经验,完善各项制度使这些高水平的篮球运动员成为我国篮球运动的后备人才.  相似文献   

对高校高水平篮球队管理现状进行了调查分析,结果表明,高水平篮球运动员对自身文化水平、文化课学习、利益分配方面的满意程度较低,对运动训练、对自我发展期望的满意度呈分散趋势.文章提出拓宽高校高水平篮球运动员选材渠道,跟进完善选材体系,以“以人为本”的管理理念设立运动员目标管理原则,以“民主参与”与“心理平衡”原则设立运动员管理机制,加强教练队伍建设,组建有凝聚力的管理团队.  相似文献   

从管理学角度,对辽宁省高校高水平篮球队管理的现状进行研究,旨在为辽宁省高校创建高水平篮球队、培养全面发展的篮球运动员提供参考。  相似文献   

研究目的:探讨篮球运动员对球队的信任与运动员训练比赛满意度和团队凝聚力之间的相互关系及作用机理.研究方法:量表测试法,将采集到的136名我国大学高水平篮球队运动员的数据运用验证性因子分析、多元线性回归、典型相关等统计方法进行处理.研究结论:篮球运动员对球队的信任能够显著正向预测运动员的训练比赛满意度;篮球运动员对球队的能力信任能够显著正向预测球队任务吸引凝聚力、球队社交吸引凝聚力、球队任务一致性凝聚力、球队社交一致性凝聚力;篮球运动员对球队的公正一致性信任能够显著正向预测球队社交吸引凝聚力、球队社交一致性凝聚力;篮球运动员对球队的信任与球队凝聚力之间具有相互作用的关系,但凝聚力对信任的影响作用更大;团队凝聚力在篮球运动员对球队的信任与运动员训练比赛满意度之间不具有中介作用.  相似文献   

“运动员的构成”含有丰富内容,如运动员来源构成、年龄构成、文化知识构成、运动年限构成、运动成绩构成等。但从研究我国高水平篮球队伍管理主体发展走向的角度进行分析,与之联系最为紧密,同时也最直接反映我国竞技篮球系统中基础体制改革与变化趋势的,则是运动员来源构成及其变化特点。  相似文献   

本文通过06年全国U17男女篮球比赛的现场调研,全面了解了当前我国青少年篮球发展的现状和新动向,用事实说明全国各级中学,尤其是重点中学竞技篮球发展很快,储备了大量有发展前途,优秀的青少年篮球运动员。为高校高水平篮球队在招生、训练等方面提供了依据和相应的对策。  相似文献   


This exploratory study determined if the responses of male varsity basketball players to six factors influencing cohesion were a function of level of competitive intensity and/or the importance of the players to their team. Players on intact teams from five levels of competition – elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, small college and large college–responded to a cohesion questionnaire at the end of the season. Coaches designated five players with the most game playing time as “starters” and five players with the least game playing time as “reserves.” A team factor score for Team Performance Satisfaction, Self Performance Satisfaction, Task Cohesion, Affiliation Cohesion, Desire for Recognition and Value of Membership was calculated. Each team factor score served as the dependent variable in a 2 (player status) × 5 (level of competition) analysis ofcovariance design, with teams nested in the second factor. The won-loss record served as the covariate. Results indicated that “starters” were more satisfied with their own performance, were more task conscious, had a greater affiliation desire, and valued their membership on the team to a greater degree than the “reserves.” The elementary and junior high school team members were significantly more satisfied with the team's performance, were more satisfied with their own self performance, were more affiliation conscious, and valued their team membership to a greater degree than did college team members. The interaction between player status and level of competition was not significant for any of the factor scores.  相似文献   


The present study examines the utility of several objective measures to predict which girls were selected for one of six junior high school basketball teams. One purpose of this research was to examine the extent to which differences between coaches' selection strategies might have contributed to the apparently contradictory results among previous attempts to identify correlates of coaches' ratings or team selections. Linear discriminant models of six coaches' team selections were constructed from measures of basketball and athletic skills, strength, physical measures, and competition anxiety obtained during the first week of practice. These models provided greater-than-chance agreement with coaches' player selection for each team (87%–93% correct classification). A cross-modeling procedure revealed that the six coaches' selections could be modeled in terms of one of three approaches to selection: a) Select the aspirants who possess the best basketball skills (three teams), b) select the aspirants with greatest size and strength and least competition anxiety (two teams), and c) select only the aspirants with both types of attributes (one team). The results indicate that it may be difficult to identify a single set of measures to select skillful or potentially skillful basketball players, because of differences in how coaches might choose to define these terms  相似文献   

通过观看代表我国高校篮球最高水平的全国大学生篮球联赛(CUBA)的多场比赛录像以及查看CUBA历年的技术统计,发现我国高校篮球队的体能水平是不容乐观的。在比赛中两支球队在篮下的对抗场面较少,进攻节奏较慢,整场比赛的比分较低,尤其是在比赛的最后阶段,由于球员们体能的严重下降,而使得有些球员技术动作开始变形,投篮命中率开始下降,全队及个人的失误开始增多,大大降低了比赛的观赏性。因此说体能水平的不足已经成为我国高校篮球运动向高水平发展的一块绊脚石。初步探索了适合我国高校篮球队体能训练的方法,希望能够为今后我国高校篮球队的体能训练提供理论上的依据。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、观察记录、数理统计、比较分析等方法对第25届男篮亚锦标赛中国男篮及其对手的比赛数据进行对比分析,发现中国队进攻得分能力差,防守不够凶悍、角色球员掌控比赛的能力不足等问题,并针对第16届男篮世锦赛中国男篮的备战提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

The present study aims (i) to compare the maturational, morphological and fitness attributes of young basketball players of primary and secondary teams of an elite basketball academy, and (ii) to identify the set of morphological and fitness attributes which better discriminate the players from the two teams. A total of 116 male basketball players of an elite basketball academy were divided into primary (team A) and secondary (team B) teams in two age groups (U-14 and U-16). All the players were evaluated during two consecutive seasons and data related to players’ practice experience, maturational, morphological and fitness attributes were collected at the beginning of the competition period. The results of the study suggest that: (i) in both age categories, team A players were older, more mature, bigger in size and had greater fitness profiles than team B players; (ii) stature and abdominal resistance were identified as discriminant attributes for youth basketball player performance; (iii) aerobic capacity for U-14 and agility for U-16 were identified as specific discriminant attributes for performance in youth basketball. Coaches are recommended to avoid premature talent identification and provide players with opportunities to progress through the talent pathway, at least until U-16 age category.  相似文献   

2010年男篮世锦赛前后,世界男子篮球竞争格局发生了微妙的变化。文章采用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,对第16届世界男子篮球锦标赛前后呈现出的目前世界男子篮球格局变化以及中国男子篮球队与世界各国男子篮球队的比赛情况进行了分析,结果表明,目前世界男子篮球竞争格局已形成欧美抗衡、群雄纷争的局面,美国队虽以年轻队员为主但优势显赫,霸主地位难以动摇,西欧和阿根廷男篮成绩不佳,东欧球队成功崛起。强调速度与对抗、注重整体攻防成为世界篮坛的发展趋势。中国男篮在世锦赛过后能够认真总结,应在体能训练、抢篮板球的意识、高水平对抗中技战术的应用能力以及年轻运动员的培养等方面多下功夫。  相似文献   

目前中国女篮面临新老人才断层的严重危机,其始因有:发展战略缺陷导致中国女篮囊备人才资源严重不足;职业女篮球员的经济待遇欠佳;整体落后的教练水平缩短球员的运动生命;大众传媒对中国女篮的支持力度不够。为加强中国女篮人才队伍建设,可采取如下策略:调整发展战略,完善“体教结合”机制;大力发展WCBA联赛;提升基层篮球教练员的综合素质;争取大众传媒对中国女篮的更大支持;努力改善女子篮球的文化环境。  相似文献   

本研究运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、逻辑分析法、数据统计法,对太原市中学男子篮球队做翔实的研究分析,结果显示:中学生男子篮球球队的建设和发展过程中,教练员认为政府主管部门的政策、校级领导的重视、训练环境、校内篮球氛围、运动员基础差和训练质量、时间及比赛数量是制约太原市中学生男子篮球队发展主要因素。  相似文献   

第14届世界女篮锦标赛中国队与前8名队防守的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对第14届世界女篮锦标赛中国队与前8名队比赛防守的技术统计,分析了中国女篮与世界强队在防守能力上的差距,旨在为提高我国女篮运动技术水平提供参考。  相似文献   

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