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清末赴美日留学生教育绩效归因比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晚清政府为了振衰起微,向美国和日本派出了大量留学生。短短几年,向日本派出了近八千名,向美国派出了七百多名。然而,留美学生归国后取得的绩效远远超过日本。其原因主要是美国和日本民众对中国留学生的态度大异其趣:美国各类名牌大学、名牌专业向中国留学生敞开大门,日本提供的则是大量的临时搭建起的“创收”性的“学店”。留美和留日学生的家境、动机及抱负的大相径庭,决定了绩效的范围、领域和程度。  相似文献   

王凡 《留学生》2011,(2):54-55
新中国成立后,从1950年起,陆续成批地派出留学生,到国外的高等院校留学。但在20世纪60年代之前,留学生的派往地,都是属于当时社会主义阵营的苏联及东欧诸国。直到1964年,中国才第一次成批地向西方发达国家派出留学生。  相似文献   

改革开放以后,在邓小平的直接指导下,中国政府决定从1978年开始恢复向国外大量派出留学生。在对中国政府派出留学生政策的研究基础上,对1980年向日本派出的第一批97名本科留学生进行了一年多的追踪调查,已确定了其中67名的现居住及工作场所,并和35名学生见了面,与28名学生进行了较详细的访谈。对这些调查结果的分析表明,学生们取得的成就,达到了当时政府派出的目的。但由于回国后工作环境不适应、子女教育和外籍配偶等原因。又造成一部分回流或滞留不归。  相似文献   

英国设有哪些奖学金和资助?由哪些部门负责?哪些奖学金可以向我国留学生、学者提供?为回答这一问题,自1996年11月以来,我们一面查阅资料,一面走访及调查研究,现将英国奖学金、资助简要综合整理如下,供参阅。一、政府奖学金此项奖学金面对各国来英学习的留学生,列入政府文化教育交流计划,由英文化委员会、外交部文化关系司负责,经费由财政部拨款,具体事务由文化委员会及其派出国外的机构——文化处或代表处执行。  相似文献   

大约有20万名海外留学生在英国学习。他们来自180个国家,占了学生总数的11%,其中,40%的留学生来自欧洲共同体国家。英国在109个国家设立了办事处(英国大使馆文化教育处),向驻在国的潜在留学生提供内容广泛的服务,英国国际教育委员会向海外留学生和从事于高等教育的顾问  相似文献   

近代以来,随着资本主义列强的对外扩张,中国的门户被打开了。中国人民面临着越来越深重的民族灾难,清王朝不能再照旧统治下去,先进的中国人遂开始向西方寻求真理,以挽救祖国的命运,其中派遣留学生问题也就被提到日程上来。 中国最早派出留学生是在19世纪70年代,去美国学习。接着,为了适应洋务运功的进行,曾派一百数十名留学生赴欧美各国学习。中国向日本派遣留学生是在甲午战争失败、洋务运动破产后,中国寻找新的强国之路时开始的。  相似文献   

1872年清政府向美国派出了首批留学生,这是近代中国第一次由政府正式向海外派出留学生。这一举动从此开启了中国近代留学生运动之先河。但令人遗憾的是,原计划15年的留学期在刚进行到第10个年头时,却被清政府突然终止了,留美学生被全部召回。本文拟从清政府当时内政外交各方面入手,对此事件做初步分析与探究,以期能从这一事件中更好的了解和认识当时的历史。  相似文献   

中国成人才流失最大国百万精英滞留海外 截至2008年.中国已经派出接近140万留学生,居世界之最。目前,中国派出留学生累积总数达到了150万人。2010年的数据显示,归国留学人员却只有39万,滞留海外的留学生已经超过百万,无论数量还是比例都是世界罕见。  相似文献   

1865年萨摩藩派遣留学生前往英国留学。留学生们途经的各国,其文化、生活方式不仅给留学生们留下深刻印象,也展现了其对待西洋文明的态度从此前的鄙夷、排斥向接纳、吸收的方向改变。  相似文献   

有一位在英国某著名大学攻读硕士学位的中国留学生,与一日本留学生合租了套房子。这位日本留学生家住日本东京,却和很多外国人一样钟爱中国美食。一开始,日本留学生就向中国留学生讨教美食烹饪方法,常常鼓动中国留学生下厨弄两盘小菜吃。中国留学生只好答应给他做炒面。面条下锅后,一阵爆炒,香味四溢,日本留学生一根根地把炒面吃完,像个矜持的女子,吃完后,还象征性地舔了舔碟子,大赞中国人都是美食家。此后,日本留学生多次哀求中国留学生再下厨房,中国留学生都没答应,一来没时间,二来担心把厨房弄脏,不好跟房东交代。一天晚上,中国留学生正…  相似文献   

The attainment and experiences of disabled students in distance education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In an earlier study of disabled graduates from campus‐based institutions in the UK, students who had previously declared that they had an unseen disability were less likely to obtain good degrees (with first‐class or upper second‐class honours). The present study investigated the role of disability as a factor in the attainment and experiences of 2351 distance‐learning students awarded first degrees by the UK’s Open University in 2002–2003. In contrast to the earlier study, students who had previously declared that they were dyslexic, were deaf or hard of hearing, or had multiple disabilities were also less likely to obtain good degrees. In a self‐report questionnaire, graduates with multiple disabilities provided lower ratings of the quality of their courses and their personal development. Nevertheless, the attainment and overall experience of graduates who reported disabilities that they had not previously declared to the University were similar to those of graduates with no disability.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was firstly to describe the experiences of international students living and studying in a UK university, to understand and explain their responses to those experiences and to make recommendations to stakeholders in the light of the findings. The research found that international students’ two biggest concerns are their English language skills and their detachment from domestic students. International students were surprised at the size of the challenges they faced and worked hard to bridge the gap between their academic and sociocultural skills and those needed in the UK. International students provided emotional, practical and academic support to each other, but the academic support they offered to each other was not always reliable. International students engaged in a process of identity change during which they gained the skills they needed to be academically successful. Recommendations in regard to the academic and pastoral support of international students are made.  相似文献   

The term ‘applied track’ in UK further education has been used to refer to the applied A level, the vocational, coursework-based version of the traditional academic A level. Vocational and coursework-based courses are often criticised for being easier than academic courses, for only attracting students who do not satisfy the requirements to take academic courses and for not developing in students the skills they need to be successful in higher education. This paper considers the extent to which these criticisms may be justified and explores the reasons why students chose to take an applied A level. The study involved 666 students at a large, mixed sex sixth form college in the UK, who were taking both applied and academic A levels. Although statistical analysis showed that students on the applied course performed worse than students on two academic courses once their different GCSE scores had been accounted for, it was also found that the applied students were relatively well qualified, that they were generally well motivated and hard working, and that they were extremely satisfied with the course. Finally, it is suggested that perhaps universities are misguided in assuming that applied courses do not develop in students the skills that they need to be successful in higher education.  相似文献   

1992年英国设立第一个工程博士项目,此后发展较为迅速,对行业、企业、大学和博士生都产生了正面的影响。英国工程博士项目不同于通常意义上的专业博士项目,具有自己的一些特征,为此英国工程博士协会不支持一些机构将工程博士项目归类为专业博士学位,并一直为其再定位而努力。英国工程博士项目的优点为:产学研合作共同培养博士生、严格的标准和项目的整合性。我们应学习和借鉴英国工程博士项目的成功经验,改革和完善工程博士项目。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to ascertain methods of identification used by teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing who were working with students with learning disabilities, the training these teachers had received, and the accommodations and modifications they had implemented for their students. A 10-item survey was designed to solicit opinions and implementation procedures. Surveys went to teachers in a four-state region of the Midwest; 91 responded. Teachers indicated the use of various criteria to identify deaf and hard of hearing students with learning disabilities, and indicted that they incorporated a variety of accommodations to meet these students' needs. The survey showed that 50% of respondents did not feel adequately prepared to teach deaf and hard of hearing students with learning disabilities. Teachers expressed a desire for more training in identification, assessment, and intervention.  相似文献   

Financial stringency and neo-liberal influences in higher education are impacting upon relationships and academic values in higher education. The aim of the present paper was to analyse how these forces operate differentially in the UK and Germany. The British students were significantly more satisfied than were their German counterparts with the intellectual and personal relationships that they had with their university teachers; this could, however, be attributed more to country-specific factors, predating marketization, than to the effects of globalisation. Students in both countries clamoured for more practical experience during their university courses; but a number of UK students and almost half the UK staff thought that that insufficient justice was being done to theory in the HE programmes. Though ‘the market’ might be assumed conducive to efficiency, the British respondents (both staff and students) were especially dissatisfied with organisational aspects of their institutions. Many of the German staff believed that the old order of the university as they had known it was passing away and this awareness was painful to them. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

In UK higher education, the attainment of ethnic minority students is lower than that of white students, and this remains the case when differences in entry qualifications have been taken into account. The present study investigated whether the under-attainment of ethnic minority students might be due to the nature of the feedback that they received for their assignments. The assignments submitted by 470 ethnic minority and 470 matched white students taking a distance-learning course were compared using a computer system, Open Mentor, to categorise the feedback given by tutors based on a scheme devised by Bales. Asian and black students and students of mixed ethnicity obtained lower marks for their assignments than did the white students. However, there were only small differences between the ethnic minority students and the white students in terms of the pattern of feedback that they received, and these disappeared when the marks that they had received for their assignments had been taken into account. It is concluded that students from all ethnic groups received feedback that was commensurate with their marks, and that the origins of the attainment gap in ethnic minority students in UK higher education must be sought elsewhere.  相似文献   

This article analyses the university experiences of 44 students with disabilities. The voices of Spanish students describe the reasons that lead them to choose a given university degree, their transition in the university, the perception they have of themselves as students and how they evaluate their academic results. This study was done with the biographical-narrative methodology using several different data collection techniques, such as narrative interviews, lifelines and photographs. Data analysis was based on an inductive coding system. The results of this study have enabled us to conclude that most of the students chose their degree course because they had a vocation for it, although their disability also influenced their decision. Some students had such a hard time during their first year that they had to change their course of studies. They thought they had to make a stronger effort than the rest of their fellow students, defined themselves as fighters and survivors, and valued this willpower as their main personal asset, above the outcome achieved.  相似文献   

To survey the work of itinerant teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing in Australia a mail survey of most of those teachers in four Australian states was conducted. The survey sought information about the professional and personal demographics and work characteristics of the teachers and their roles in working with integrated deaf and hard of hearing students. Teachers also reported on the characteristics and level of inclusion of a “sample student” randomly chosen from their caseloads. Information about the distribution of these students' characteristics and the types of services delivered in each state indicated that there were few differences among the states. It was found that Australian itinerant teachers generally reported that they were satisfied with their work and the placement of deaf and hard of hearing students in regular classes. The teachers generally used a “pull-out/ direct tutorial” mode of working rather than one of “consultation only” with regular teachers and reported that schools and teachers were generally cooperative and understanding of the needs of deaf and hard of hearing students. The students in most cases were well integrated socially and academically in their regular classes.  相似文献   

Research in the UK has shown that students start their university career with the goal of mastering their subject, but this focus shifts as they progress through their degree program. Studies have suggested that unlike students in the UK, Russian students continue to take a strong mastery approach to their work. The main aim of this study was to assess whether the effects observed in UK studies could be found in a Russian context. In a cross‐sectional study, 618 students across four years of a degree program in a Russian university completed an achievement‐goal questionnaire. Results revealed patterns similar to the studies in the UK; Russian students’ levels of mastery were significantly lower after Year 1. The results are discussed in terms of potential changes in Russian culture. Methodological issues relating to the relative failure of some questionnaire items to validate fully within their hypothesised constructs are also discussed.  相似文献   

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