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新时期以来安徽乡土小说与城市小说的叙事地位不断变迁,乡土小说与城市小说出现了各自的叙事困境,乡土叙事与城市叙事的融合成为提升叙事品质的重要选择。文章阐释了安徽乡土叙事与城市叙事地位的变迁、叙事的困境,并从叙事视角、叙事艺术、叙事结构和叙事题旨等方面,论述乡土叙事与城市叙事融合的实践与思考。  相似文献   

当前的旅游解说研究过于偏重"实证主义",用跨界学科视角进行旅游解说的研究非常少。叙事是人的一种本能,旅游解说实质上也是一种叙事媒介或叙事形式,旅游解说的叙事维度应得到重视。从修辞叙事学角度来说,旅游解说是多元叙事、全知叙事、聚焦叙事、在场叙事、审美叙事、宣导叙事。  相似文献   

中国文学史叙事模式是不断累积史学叙事模式、文学叙事模式和学科交叉叙事模式形成的,中国文学史叙事模式始终存在精英叙事模式和市民叙事模式的对抗、交融,中国文学史叙事模式有鲜明的经典叙事模式情结。读者在促成中国文学史累积型叙事模式、孕育推动市民叙事模式的成熟、保持经典叙事模式的流动性等方面发挥着重要的建构作用,同时会继续扮演突破任何业已僵化的叙事模式的角色。  相似文献   

思想政治教育叙事以叙事理论为指导,借鉴教育叙事、道德叙事、叙事心理学的理论与方法,针对语言教育性的向度,为改变思想政治教育理念、探讨和创新思想政治教育方法而提出。在思想政治教育叙事过程中,思想政治教育叙事结构要素是其顺利进行和实现价值的基础。叙事主体、叙事文本、叙事语言是思想政治教育叙事三个紧密相关、不可缺少的结构要素。研究思想政治教育叙事结构要素,是确保思想政治教育叙事取得实效的关键。  相似文献   

本文从叙事、德育叙事和叙事教育的基本内涵出发,着重探讨了高职德育采用叙事教育方法的意义,提出了在高职德育中运用教师叙事、家长叙事、学生叙事、典型叙事等叙事教育的方法,为提高高职德育的实效提供了新的解决方法.  相似文献   

自“新写实小说”拉开生存叙事的序幕以来,八九十年代文坛兴起多元的生存叙事。生存叙事题材选择的日常化和生存主题表达的琐屑化,形成了多元的生存叙事结构:“生活流式叙事”、“枝桠式叙事”、“亲历性顺时序叙事”、“线形叙事”、“个人叙事”、“个人碎片化叙事”等结构。这些叙事结构的展开呈现出日常化、琐屑化的特点。  相似文献   

近几年叙事研究在我国教育研究领域兴起 ,引起了学者们的关注。学者们主要从教育叙事研究兴起的背景、叙事及叙事研究的内涵、叙事研究的理论基础、叙事研究的特点、叙事研究的分类、叙事研究的过程、叙事研究的反思等方面进行了研究。  相似文献   

基于叙事哲学的视角,检视西方行政思想史,将公共行政学的叙事模式划分为现代性叙事和后现代叙事两种模式。公共行政学的现代性叙事模式,采取主客二分、元叙事、理性主义叙事的方式。公共行政学的后现代叙事模式,具有主体性叙事、反元叙事、非理性主义叙事的特征。公共行政学的此两种叙事模式,既对立又统一,在它们之间存在过渡状态,并且后者是对前者的扬弃。中国行政学需要兼容并蓄,并主要基于后现代叙事的立场,吸收现代行政学和后现代行政学的精粹。  相似文献   

赋的内容与形式都表现出叙事特征,内容方面的叙事特征表现在赋序叙事、典故叙事与喻事、写人纪行,形式方面的叙事特征表现在客主问答的叙事框架、虚构想象的叙事模式以及描写与叙述相结合的叙事方式.  相似文献   

"三言"作为中国古代叙事作品的杰出代表,深深地刻下了"史传叙事模式"的烙印,呈现出独特的叙事风貌,具体体现为叙事题材的真实性、叙事内容的宏富性、叙事方式的客观性、叙事情节的完整性和叙事倾向的鲜明性。  相似文献   

In our research and teaching we explore the value and the place of rhetoric in education. From a theoretical perspective we situate our work in different disciplines, inspired by major ‘turns’: linguistic, cultural, anthropological/ethnographic, interpretive, semiotic, narrative, literary, rhetorical etc. In this article we engage in the discussion about what all these turns might entail for education by elaborating on what it implies to read the world as a ‘text'—as is central in a semiotic approach—and by introducing new rhetoric in general, and the work of the literary critic and rhetorician Kenneth Burke in particular, as a possible theoretical and methodological resource. We illustrate its application in the analysis of a fictional narrative. Our aim is to explore how an understanding of education as rhetoric can be integrated into the teacher education curriculum.  相似文献   

汤亭亭的《中国佬》采用改写中国的传奇故事和西方的文学经典、呈现有关过去的自相矛盾的版本、抵抗事实和想像的对立等叙事策略,整合传记与诗学,进行跨文类书写,颠覆统一叙事的观念,质疑并颠覆美国主流社会言说历史的权威,以不带权威的口吻建构有异于美国主流社会的另一个版本的美国历史,使不同版本的历史得以呈现,引发人们对历史的重新思考。  相似文献   

鲁迅的小说不仅思想博大精深,在形式上更是大胆革新,极具开创性。多种叙述视角的尝试,不同视角间的形式转换,使他的小说摆脱了传统小说视角相对单一、叙述不够直接深入的缺点,建立起中国现代小说的新形式,开创了中国小说艺术的崭新时代。  相似文献   

The number of studies on how the process of identity work takes place in pre- and in-service teacher training contexts has recently increased. This narrative study contributes to this body of work by examining one elementary teacher’s identity work in the context of teaching mathematics at two points in time—the present, as an experienced teacher, and two decades prior, as a pre-service teacher. As part of our narrative approach, this study introduces a biography-stimulated recall method and exemplifies its use. The findings account for continuity and change in a teacher’s identity over time and broaden understanding of influences on identity in pre- and in-service teaching stages. The central role of crisis in teachers’ identity development, particularly when initiated within teacher education contexts, is highlighted. Methodological considerations in narrative follow-up studies are discussed.  相似文献   

运用女性主义批评理论分析《简·萨默斯的日记》,从父权制下传统女性的处境、新时代独立女性的特质和新女性对女性气质的回归等三方面剖析莱辛的女性书写,指出多丽丝.莱辛对于女性解放独到的见解。  相似文献   

Philip Roth employs a twining narrative method in The Ghost Writer for the purpose of seeking a possible outlet for the narrative dilemma of Jewish writing.While embedding several story lines into one major plot, the author finally finds a way to express himself in his "Lonovian—as—Zuckermanian" tale via the "Zuckerman—as—Amy—as—Anne Frank" impersonation, which is the key for the interpretation of this novella.  相似文献   

徐刚是一位专注于生态报告文学创作的作家。其作品植根于敬畏大地和守望家园精神背景,显示出强烈的现实救赎意识和文化批判愿景。恢宏壮阔的生态视野,构筑起有别于此前以及他人的生态伦理观,而宏大的叙事结构、海量的生态信息以及诗意化的言语表达则成为徐刚生态报告文学独特的审美诉求。这一切,铸就了徐刚生态报告文学不可替代的文学史意义。  相似文献   

杰·戴·塞林格在《麦田里的守望者》中,采用非正式的、口语化的“霍尔顿式语言”和第一人称的叙事视角与多变的叙事时间等叙事技巧,并将两者巧妙地进行结合。这种结合使该小说在内容与形式上达到完美统一,是其取得成功的重要因素。  相似文献   

通过对余华新作<兄弟>及其他小说的比较分析,揭示余华小说的暴力叙事倾向及其背后隐含的苦难意识.并探讨圆形叙事结构在暴力叙事中的作用.  相似文献   


Preservice teachers enter professional teacher education programs with personally constructed (but often implicit and unexamined) knowledge of what good teaching is and what kind of teachers they wish to become. If they are unable to connect new and/or expanded professional knowledge of teaching with their own unexamined narrative knowledge of teaching, professional knowledge presented in courses remains decontextualized theory; their personal narrative knowledge of teaching remains implicit and unexamined; and they teach as they believe they were taught. Here the use of four versions of narrative inquiry with preservice teachers are examined. Each one—Response to Practicum Experiences, Responses to Readings, Small and Large Group Discussions, and Reflection Papers—is intended to enable students to explore narrative assumptions that contribute to their images of teaching. Each form of narrative inquiry enables students to explore unexamined parts of their personal and professional knowledge of teaching and link these in explicit ways.  相似文献   

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