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潮人蹈海异邦,将其所赚金钱如何通过银行以外而白成系统的侨批行业,用“批”寄回家乡赡养家眷;侨批行业怎样分作潮帮、闽帮、粤帮;潮批于战时前后寄回潮汕地区有何不同;战时前后如何由不与银行汇通而结合为侨汇流通之发展;侨批汇款对潮汕贸易平衡有何作用,素来少人关注,该文就此而综合资料,一一予以初探,将其发展历史重现。  相似文献   

How does a testing component function in an integrated learning system? How can you customize computerized tests to meet local specifications? How are computerized tests implemented and evaluated? Is the pay-off of computerized testing justified?  相似文献   

循证教学具有求真(以最佳证据支持最佳实践)、民主(研究者、管理者、教育者和受教育者的共同参与和协调)、共享(证据的无边界传播)、高效(以最低成本获取最大利益)等积极价值,但同时也存在着证据拒斥经验、技术僭越艺术、规范腐蚀创新、科学凌驾于价值之上的局限及风险。循证主体只有致力于平衡与弥合循证教学过程中出现的多重张力,循证教学才会走得更稳、更远。  相似文献   

This subject was at first one of the topics selected for my assignment "Gender and Education." After the teacher told us in class about some of the gender problems that exist in teaching materials, a light seemingly lit up before our eyes: How was it that there were such problems in the language teaching materials that had commanded so much "respect"? We had never noticed or suspected such problems. At the time, the teacher did not say what direct effects these problems had on children, but examined teaching materials from the perspective of feminism supported by many theoretical backgrounds. Since I have always loved children, I like to listen to their voices, am highly interested in their ways of thinking, and am often curious about such things. On top of that, the qualitative (zhi xing) research methods I had once learned gave me confidence that I could convincingly present these interesting things; they were not absurd, and perhaps people could find value in them. Hence, I had a strong desire to know how children saw their language teaching materials. How far from or how close are the children to their textbooks? What do they see in them? Have the gender issues in the teaching materials come to the attention of children? How do these affect elementary school students? We wished to bring attention to the ways teaching materials affected children's gender concepts.  相似文献   

How can you align instruction, learning, and assessment in an educationally sound way? How can you define and measure competence in mathematics? What areas of competence do you need to specify and how? How can one evaluate the validity and consequences of using a particular assessment instrument or technique?  相似文献   

美国高中课程的标准、设置、开发与管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要探究和回答以下问题 :美国高中课程的标准由谁制定 ?美国高中现开设哪些课程 ?美国高中如何开发校本课程 ?美国高中课程是如何进行管理的 ?  相似文献   

何谓价值?它是怎样产生的?它有什么意义和作用?什么是价值理论?怎么认识价值理论的哲学意义、经济学意义以及现实意义?这是人们最想弄清楚的概念。因为在现实生活中,价值是一个复合型的概念,它既包含了最本质的哲学意义,也包含了经济学的意义。人们有时候是从哲学的意义来探讨价值问题,比如“人生价值”;有时候是从经济学的意义来探讨价值问题,比如“商品价值”。所以探讨价值问题涉及三个方面的问题:一是价值的本质、属性和构成;二是价值经济意义;三是现代意义的价值评价和运用。这就是文章所要探讨的问题。  相似文献   

新时期高等院校面临满足未来社会发展人才需求与传统人才培养模式形成制约瓶颈的矛盾,如何适应高素质创新人才培养需求,如何对传统的高等院校进行深层次意义上的改革,必须更新高等院校人才观,突破教与学的范围、模式和内容局限,适应未来社会发展.  相似文献   

How are entrance examinations for college used in Sweden? What is measured by these examinations? What kinds of research have been conducted? Have gender differences been found on the tests?  相似文献   

This article addresses key components of posthumanism and maker literacies by reporting on empirical data from two makerspace research sites. Using posthuman methodologies, we suggest practical considerations of the relational autonomy of materials through entanglements between humans, non‐humans and more‐than‐humans in makerspace classroom settings. We propose answers to the following research questions: How do materials manifest their relational autonomy in makerspaces? How could the relational autonomy of materials impact maker literacies pedagogy? With this article, our contribution warrants researchers to think about the unpredictability of maker work through posthuman methodologies and how maker projects can help speak against the failing student rhetoric in literacy education.  相似文献   

How can we help people get better at what they do? What might motivate people to want to get better? What do individuals need in order to maximize their learning? What would be the most effective delivery strategies for professional development events?  相似文献   

信息时代的到来给旅游业的经营和管理带来新的思路。旅游业的信息密集性、旅游业的全球 体化发展趋势及其个性化特点决定了旅游业要走信息化发展道路。我国旅游业将在接待模式、旅行社职能和商务模式等方面发生改变。  相似文献   

蒙绍权  李桂芬 《高教论坛》2006,(6):57-59,96
教材的选用关系到教育目标的实现,怎样才能做好教材的选用工作,保证教材的选用质量呢?本文从哲学角度寻找做好教材选用工作,提高教材选用质量的理论依据。  相似文献   

21世纪高等教育的扩展:开放学习的角色   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在最近的将来,发展中国家高等教育的入学人数会继续飞速扩张,这将改变作为公立机构的高等教育的院校结构并导致牟取盈利的私立院校的数量激增,它们将更多地运用以技术为媒介的学习。远程学习是否真的会使学习更开放?如何能让开放大学保证更多地运用网络学习(eLearning)而不会造成参与的阻碍?开放教育资源(OERs:Open Educational Resources)运动能够在扩大学习材料共享的同时保证质量并降低成本吗?院校应如何革新自己的组织机构以适应这个新的世界?  相似文献   

How important are supplementary materials in instruction? This study suggests that such an approach contributes significantly to the development of critical thinking and science understanding.  相似文献   

英语教学过程是一个复杂的过程。在这一过程中教师要扮演多种角色。教会学生用英语进行交际是英语教学的根本目的所在。那么如何使每节课上得生动有效,使课堂形成语言学习的环境,使师生之间、学生之间能很好地产生互动,相互之间能很好地配合,顺利完成每一节课的教学任务,这些都与课堂管理有直接的关系。教师作为教学的核心,在课堂上自始至终起着主导作用。  相似文献   

科学发展观是不是一个思想理论的新的科学体系?为什么说科学发展观是一个完整的科学理论新体系?科学发展观的新的科学体系究竟是怎样的?这是当前人们学习贯彻科学发展观需要着力回答的三个重大认识问题,本文就此谈了一些自身的看法。  相似文献   

MIT 开放课件在国际社会引起积极的反响与回应,欧洲与北美各国积极行动起来,亚洲各国在推进开放教育资源运动中如何发展和促进开放教育资源的共建共享,有效地应用并创建具有多元文化特征的开放教育资源,推进教育公平和终身学习目标的实现,如何在政府政策支持下采取联合行动,扫除阻碍OER开发与应用的屏障,并尝试在本国发展各类OER项目,将有助于我们思考中国OER发展的方向,并从国外OER实践探索中得到启示.  相似文献   

新疆农业高校与西部大开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西部大开发是立体开发、综合开发,农业产业开发是其重要的组成部分,它需要新疆农业高校做些什么?新疆农业高校怎样深化教育改革、在西部大开发中有所作为呢?本从农业高校可为农业产业开发提供所需智力支持、二相互促进、共同发展这一角度来进行阐述。  相似文献   

What assessment tasks do administrators perform? What knowledge and skills do they need for these tasks? How is this information useful for professional development?  相似文献   

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