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We investigated antecedents of mastery-approach, mastery-avoidance, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance goals in sport. University athletes (n = 230) aged 18-25 years (mean 20.3 years, s = 1.5) completed measures of approach-avoidance goals, perceived parental motivational climate, perceived team motivational climate, perceived competence, and demographics. Multiple regression analyses revealed that mastery-approach goals were positively predicted by perceived competence, mastery team climate, learning/enjoyment parental climate, and gender, with males being higher on these goals than females. Mastery-avoidance goals were predicted positively by learning/enjoyment parental climate and negatively by gender, with females being higher on these goals than males. Performance-approach goals were positively predicted by perceived competence, performance team climate, and gender, with males being higher on these goals than females. Finally, performance-avoidance goals were predicted positively by worry-conducive parental climate. These findings suggest that a mastery or performance climate is related to whether athletes adopt a mastery or performance goal, whereas the perception of competence is associated with whether athletes adopt approach-focused goals. Gender should be considered in future examinations of the approach-avoidance achievement goals in sport.  相似文献   

This study aimed at determining the amount of Italian television coverage dedicated to men's and women's sport and the number of male and female viewers during the 2004 Summer Olympic Games. AUDITEL-AGB Nielsen Media Research Italia provided the TV airtime data for the sport events broadcast, which were classified into three categories: men-only, women-only, and mixed-gender. The viewer sample was divided by age and gender and included three audience parameters: mean audience, share, and appreciation index. The last item is calculated from the program duration, audience permanence, and the share related to programs broadcast by other Italian channels. In particular, the appreciation index was used to investigate the relationship between (a) the viewer's and sport participants' gender and (b) the effect of Italian participation and expectations for sport achievement. The data showed that Italian male athletes outnumbered their female counterparts. Women's sport was allotted significantly less airtime than men's sport, but this imbalance was not proportional to the gender difference in the overall athletes' participation in the Games. Although the female audience represented 45% of the total, a significantly higher male mean audience and share were found. On the other hand, the appreciation of men's and women's sport events was balanced after equating for differences in media coverage. Moreover, sport achievement might have a positive effect on the trend toward equality of gender coverage, indicating that a global multisport event such as the Olympic Games is central to communicating a national image and identity independently of the athletes' gender.  相似文献   


We investigated athletes' responses to organisational stressors. Ten sport performers (five males and five females) were interviewed with regard to the organisational-related demands they had encountered and their responses to these stressors. The main emotional responses that were revealed were anger, anxiety, disappointment, distress, happiness, hope, relief, reproach and resentment. The main attitudinal responses were beliefs, motivation and satisfaction. The main behavioural responses were categorised as verbal and physical. The data indicate that performers generally respond to organisational stressors with a wide range of emotions, attitudes and behaviours. The findings are discussed in relation to the extant literature and in terms of their implications for applied practice and future research. Consultants should employ reactive strategies alongside proactive approaches to ensure that performers are psychologically prepared to manage and cope with any demands that are not eliminated. Future research should focus on performers' cognitive appraisals of the organisational stressors they encounter.  相似文献   

In general, women are well represented among sport participants and sport audiences but not in the media. Data show that women's sport is greatly underreported and trivialized in newspapers. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to measure press coverage during the 2000 Summer Olympic Games in the largest circulating Belgian, Danish, French, and Italian daily newspapers by: (a) number of articles, (b) size, (c) page placement, (d) accompanying photographs, and (e) photograph size. For each sport covered, the athletes' nationality and the gender were recorded. Compared to the 1996 Atlanta Games, there was an increase of 326 female athletes (+4%), and women competed in 25 sports and 132 events (44%) of the total 300 events. Although only 29.3% of the articles and 38% of photos were on women's sports, the newspaper coverage was similar to the distribution of participating athletes and events. No significant gender differences were found with respect to article size, page placement, accompanying photographs, or photograph size. The most covered sport was track and field, independent of national achievement. Other sports received different coverage in relation to national expectations, achievement, and participation. In conclusion, there was a trend to overcome gender inequities in media coverage during the Olympic Games, which may be due to the International Olympic Committee's actions to promote increased participation of women in sport activities and to publicize their achievements. Moreover, during the Olympic Games, a nationalistic fervor might affect the equality of gender coverage.  相似文献   


We tested a hypothetical model that examined both the effects of implicit theories of ability on the judgement of cheating acceptability in a physical education context and the mediating role of the achievement goals defined in the social-cognitive model of achievement motivation. Data were collected from 477 middle-school students, who completed measures of implicit theories of ability, achievement goals, and judgement of cheating acceptability in team sports within a cross-sectional design. The results indicated that performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals mediated the relationships between entity theory and the judgement of cheating acceptability, and mastery-approach and mastery-avoidance goals mediated the relationships between incremental theory and the judgement of cheating acceptability. Further research is needed to determine whether these results would be replicated with other moral variables and other contexts.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine whether demographic characteristics and perceptions regarding sport-ability and sport-league affect one’s moral competence. A total of 685 athletes from five different sports participated in the study. The moral competence test was used, in order to assess players’ moral competence. Also, players’ sport-related perceptions and demographic data were reported. The ANOVAs revealed that athletes of individual sports and sports with no and/or low physical contact scored significantly higher in moral competence compared to team sport athletes who compete in high-contact sports. Moreover, players’ age, education, sport experience and perceived sport ability were found to play a significant role in moral development, while their level of competition, and gender did not have a significant effect on their morality. Overall, results demonstrated that several demographic characteristics and sport-related perceptions should be taken into account when interpreting ones’ moral profile.  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to identify the mental toughness profiles of adolescent Australian footballers and to explore the relations between the mental toughness clusters and achievement goals and sport motivation. A total of 214 non-elite, male Australian footballers aged 16–18 years (mean = 16.8, s = 0.7) provided self-reports of mental toughness, achievement goals, and sport motivation. Cluster analysis supported the presence of two-groups in which players evidenced moderate and high levels of all four mental toughness subscales. Significant multivariate effects were observed for achievement goals and sport motivation with the high mental toughness group favouring both mastery- and performance-approach goals and self-determined as well as extrinsic motivational tendencies. The results suggest that adolescent Australian footballers' self-perceptions of mental toughness fall within two clusters involving high and moderate forms of all four components, and that these profiles show varying relations with achievement goals (particularly mastery-approach) and sport motivation.  相似文献   


The present study investigated the interplay among athletes' sport imagery ability, trait confidence, and tendency to appraise situations as a challenge and threat. The potential mediating role of trait confidence was also tested. A total of 207 athletes (M age =19.44; s=1.26; 90 female, 117 male) completed the Sport Imagery Ability Questionnaire to assess ease of imaging skill, strategy, goal, affect and mastery imagery, the confidence subscale of the Competitive Trait Anxiety Inventory to measure trait confidence, and the Cognitive Appraisal Scale to assess tendencies to appraise sport situations as a challenge and as a threat. Structural equation modelling supported a model wherein mastery and goal imagery ability both positively predicted confidence, which in sequence positively predicted challenge appraisal and negatively predicted threat appraisal tendency. Partial support was found for confidence mediating the relationship between mastery imagery ability and appraisal tendencies. In addition, ease of imaging mastery and affect imagery directly predicted challenge appraisal tendency (positive direction), and ease of imaging mastery imagery directly predicted threat appraisal tendency (negative direction). Results highlight the importance of motivational imagery ability and the need to assess athletes' ability to image different content.  相似文献   


We explored the cognitive and affective components of the Theory of Challenge and Threat States in Athletes (TCTSA) using a cross-sectional design. One hundred and seventy-seven collegiate athletes indicated how they typically approached an important competition on measures of self-efficacy, perceived control, achievement goals, emotional states and interpretation of emotional states. Participants also indicated to what extent they typically perceived the important competition as a challenge and/or a threat. The results suggest that a perception of challenge was not predicted by any of the cognitive components. A perception of threat was positively predicted by avoidance goals and negatively predicted by self-efficacy and approach goals. Both challenge and threat had a positive relationship with anxiety. Practical implications of this study are that an avoidance orientation appeared to be related to potentially negative constructs such as anxiety, threat and dejection. The findings may suggest that practitioners and researchers should focus on reducing an avoidance orientation, however the results should be treated with caution in applied settings, as this study did not examine how the combination of constructs exactly influences sport performance. The results provided partial support for the TCTSA with stronger support for proposed relationships with threat rather than challenge states.  相似文献   

目的:揭示体育学习中内隐观念对自我妨碍的影响,考察成就目标在上述关系中的中介作用。方法:采用问卷调查法对1 236名大学生在体育学习中运动能力信念、成就目标与自我妨碍进行测量。结果显示:(1)在体育学习中,学生的内隐观念对自我妨碍具有显著的预测效应,其中,能力增长观具有负向预测效应,能力实体观则具有正向预测效应;(2)掌握目标可以对自我妨碍产生负向预测效应,成绩回避目标则产生正向影响效应,但成绩趋近目标对学生自我妨碍的影响效应并不显著。(3)在学生的内隐观念与自我妨碍之间的关系中,成就目标存在着显著部分中介效应。能力增长观可通过掌握目标间接减少学生的自我妨碍,能力实体观可通过成绩回避目标间接增加学生的自我妨碍。结论:体育学习中应改变学生动机气氛知觉,避免评价学生的能力,有助于直接或间接减少学生的自我妨碍。  相似文献   

综合运用问卷调查法、文献资料法、数理统计法及以访谈法等方法,分析讨论了成就目标、心理健康与运动成绩的关系。结果表明:掌握目标与躯体化因子的相关达到显著水平;成绩目标与人际关系敏感因子、焦虑因子、敌对因子的相关达到显著水平;掌握目标与运动成绩存在显著的正相关;高成就目标定向组和高掌握目标定向组运动成绩的得分分别与低成就目标定向组存在非常显著差异,高成就目标定向组和高掌握目标定向组运动成绩的均分较高;心理健康总分,高掌握目标定向组与高成就目标定向组、高成绩目标定向组、低成就目标定向组均存在显著差异,高掌握目标定向组得分最低。因此认为,高掌握目标定向最有利于运动员的全面发展。建议在培养少年田径运动员的成就目标定向时,应帮助运动员树立能力增长观,在运动训练过程中多设置掌握定向氛.围。  相似文献   


Positive values for fairness in competition are supposed to undergird the behavior of athletes engaged in sport. Whether athletes' values actually develop over 4 years in a college that emphasizes character development is the focus of this study. Athletes' (N = 631) use of deontological ethics (Hahm, Beller &; Stoll, 1989) in 21 sports value dilemmas were evaluated. At entrance, as well as near graduation, intercollegiate athletes' value scores were lower than intramural athletes' scores. Both groups' scores declined while they were in college. Individual-sport athletes had higher scores than team-sport athletes but manifested a greater decline over 4 years. The findings are consistent with other studies that show decreases in “sportsmanship orientation” and an increase in “professional” attitudes associated with participation in sport.  相似文献   

目的:对我国自由式滑雪空中技巧队运动员姿势控制能力进行训练和评价,为后期的专项训练实践提供指导和参考。方法:对13名国家运动员(男性6名,女性7名)进行3种不同的姿势控制能力训练,利用METITUR平衡能力测试系统在训练前后对13名国家运动员进行平衡能力测试,一个训练周期后,对2017年和2018年两个赛季运动员的技术动作进行对比分析。结果:通过METITUR平衡能力测试,13名运动员静态平衡能力在前后方向上(Y轴向)的稳定性升高,说明运动员在控制重心能力上有所提高。通过训练前后运动员的动态平衡能力测试人体重心曲线图,运动员训练后在支撑面左右方向的自动态平衡能力有所有提高。技术动作对比分析的结果显示,运动员的着陆成功率也有了较大幅度的提高。结论:通过为期6个月的姿势控制能力的训练,运动员的静态平衡能力在支撑面前后方向上明显提高,动态平衡能力在支撑面后的左右方向上有显著提升。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine stressors, coping, and coping effectiveness as a function of gender, type of sport, and skill. The sample consisted of 749 undergraduate athletes (455 males, 294 females) aged 18-38 years (mean= 19.8 years). Skill was classified as international/national, county, university, and club standard. Participants completed a stressor and coping concept map (Novak & Gowin, 1984). The results revealed gender, type of sport, and skill differences in relation to stressor frequencies, coping strategy deployment, and coping effectiveness. In contrast to previous research, females used a variety of problem-focused (e.g. planning, communication, technique-orientated coping) strategies more frequently than males. Team sport athletes reported a variety of sport-specific stressors relating to the demands of playing in a team environment. The group of national/international athletes reported using more planning, blocking, and visualization, and also reported that their coping was more effective than that of less-skilled athletes.  相似文献   


Most research on the correlates of sport involvement has utilized male samples. The present study focuses on a sample of high school girl gymnasts, basketball players, track participants, and a control group of nonathletes. The correlates of participation investigated include familial factors, peers, teachers and coaches' encouragement to participate in sports, and the social psychological variables of perceived femininity, self-reported athletic ability, and body image. The findings indicate that socialization into sport begins in childhood and continues into high school with considerable encouragement from significant others. The basketball players reported somewhat less encouragement and tend to see themselves as less feminine than the other athletes. Athletes had higher self-perceptions of athletic ability than the nonathletes. The athletes' perceptions of their body image were generally more positive than the nonathletes. This latter finding suggests a reduction of stigma formerly associated with female involvement in sport.  相似文献   


Fear of failure can have negative effects on children in achievement settings, affecting many aspects of their lives. Perceiving the consequences of failure to be aversive provides the basis for fear of failure, and the anticipation of a threatening outcome elicits fear. Problems attributed to fear of failure in achievement settings are prevalent. Sport is a popular and significant achievement domain for children and adolescents and there is a lack of research on fear of failure in sport among this age group. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate fear of failure in the sport domain among young elite athletes, and to explore their perceptions of the consequences of failure. Interviews were conducted individually with nine athletes aged 14 – 17 years (5 males, 4 females). Analysis identified and organized perceived consequences of failure into themes and categories. Results revealed that the most commonly perceived aversive consequences of failure were diminished perception of self, no sense of achievement, and the emotional cost of failure. These findings are consistent with those reported in adult population, suggesting the potential for generalizing existing results to young elite athletes.  相似文献   

Three studies are reported of children and youth aged 11–19 years (n?=?3478) examining the nature of beliefs about athletic ability. Drawing on related research in academic, moral and stereotyping domains, development of a psychometric instrument assessing athletic ability beliefs is detailed. Support was found for a multidimensional hierarchical structure that is invariant across age and gender. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a structure comprising two higher-order factors of entity and incremental beliefs underpinned by beliefs that athletic ability is stable and a gift (entity), and is open to improvement and can be developed through learning (incremental). Incremental beliefs, indirectly through a task goal orientation, and entity beliefs directly, predicted self-reported amotivation towards physical education and sport. On the other hand, enjoyment of physical activity in youth was predicted directly by task orientation and incremental beliefs. Predictions concerning the moderating role of perceived competence were not supported. Our findings highlight the importance of ability beliefs and goals in understanding the determinants of physical activity in children and youth.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore beliefs and attitudes of students studying exercise science in Australia towards sports concussion. A secondary objective explored differences between gender and previous experience of concussion. A total of 312 participants (m = 217; f = 95) responded to a series of statements ranging across a number of areas including personal attitudes and beliefs towards concussion: if they would risk playing with a concussion; their views on elite/professional athletes who continue to play after a concussion; and attitudes towards rehabilitation. Overall, attitudes revealed that it was not safe to play with a concussion, and it was believed that those who have had repeated concussions would be likely to suffer problems later in life. However, responses also indicated that they would risk playing with a concussion, and admired elite athletes who continued to play. When controlling for gender and previous concussions, males and those who sustained a previous concussion/s were more likely to continue playing. Conversely, females were more likely to complete rehabilitation prior to returning to sport. This study demonstrates in an Australian student cohort studying for a career in exercise and sports science, disparity between beliefs and attitudes regarding sports concussion.  相似文献   


In this paper, I present data from two studies that sought to examine multiple achievement goals in the context of children's physical education (PE). Study 1 examined the links that multiple-goal profiles (i.e. mastery/performance-approach/performance-avoidance goals) for PE had with self-determined motivation, affective patterns and levels of extracurricular sporting activity in a sample of 193 Year 7 pupils. Results suggested that children endorsing high mastery/high performance-approach/high performance-avoidance, high mastery/high performance-approach/low performance-avoidance, or high mastery/ low performance-approach/low performance-avoidance profiles typically exhibited the most adaptive motivational responses. In contrast, children endorsing a low mastery/high performance-approach/high performance-avoidance profile typically experienced more maladaptive motivational outcomes. Study 2 examined the development of multiple achievement goals over two terms of PE in conjunction with retrospective perceptions of the motivational climate in the sample. The results of analysis of variance suggested that children exposed to a consistent high mastery/low performance climate experienced decreased performance-avoidance goals and maintained high levels of mastery goals for PE. In contrast, children exposed to a consistent low mastery/high performance climate experienced increased performance-avoidance goals and decreased mastery goals for PE.  相似文献   

通过对不同竞技水平的女子散打运动员进行心理问卷调查,并进行心理学和统计学分析得出结论,国家队运动员在意志力、认知特质焦虑和成就目标方面同省队队员存在差异。结果表明,运动员个性心理是随着竞技水平的不断提高而越发表现良好。建议教练员在技能形成的过程中加以对心理训练的内容,以完善运动员心理素质,更好的发挥技战术水平。  相似文献   

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