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The aim of this article is to explore the structure of social capital in peer networks and its relation to the unequal access of educational resources within mathematics classrooms. We hypothesise that learners can gain access to mathematics through friendship networks which provide more or less help from peers that might sustain (or curtail) their mathematics learning based on a Bourdieusian framework. We report a social network analysis of mutually-recognised helping within friendship groups. This is complemented by observation and interviews that illustrate how different classrooms have different network structures, positioning learners of different ethnic minorities and genders in significantly different ways regarding access to learning. We argue that friendship networks mediate social capital and access to further cultural capital, and that this may help explain structural differences in attainment. Because ethnicity and gender, inter alia, mediate friendship networks, they also mediate access to capital in the classroom.  相似文献   

Human capital theorists perceive of educational expansion as beneficial to individuals, corporations and national economies, while social closure theorists have claimed that inflation of credential requirements maintains traditional status inequalities. In this paper I argue that status inequalities are not only maintained by credential inflation, but also the inflation of extra‐credential experiences. As undergraduate degrees become more common, access to employment and further education opportunities increasingly depend on extra‐curricular and ‘enriching’ educational experiences. Using qualitative data from a longitudinal study of working‐class university students in Canada, I will address the mechanisms by which they have gained or were denied access to such experiences. The data suggest that working‐class students’ relative lack of financial resources and social networks are barriers to the development of extra‐credential experiences, which in turn leads to the change of educational and career plans for some.  相似文献   


University participation has increased in many countries in recent years in response to the requirement for a strong knowledge economy. While this has provided additional access opportunities, not all students enter university with the same transferrable social capital. To counter this, educational institutions could play a strategic role in the development of networks and connections that provide students with valuable information, support and a sense of belonging. This research project explored the development of social capital, and its impact upon university life satisfaction and wellbeing, within an Australian university course undertaken by all first-year students regardless of programme or discipline. A survey of students was conducted three times over one semester. The results suggested that peer-level social capital indicators of trust, social support and relatedness changed over the semester, while other social capital indicators begin high and remain stable. Bridging social capital and peer social support predicted university life satisfaction. The relationship between social capital and wellbeing was found to be more complex. In a competitive, global tertiary environment, institutions could maximise the satisfaction and success of increasingly diverse student cohorts through strategies that facilitate social capital development.  相似文献   

The ‘accordion effect’ is an effect of language which allows us to describe one and the same thing more or less narrowly. Social capital has been conceived in terms of our access to institutional resources, but also in terms that extend to the levels of trust and related resources found in the social networks we are embedded in. The former conception is narrower, favoured for its specificity and analytical utility. The latter conception is broader, favoured for its acknowledgement of context, including the qualitative features of relations between individuals and within communities. These conceptions appear incompatible, but both have numerous adherents in educational research, and it is unclear whether either can be eliminated without some threat to the intelligibility and explanatory promise of social capital theory in an educational context. This raises hard questions about the domains, questions and methods that the social capital concept is best applied to. Should the concept prove resistant to any defensible specification, this will require a significant revision to the stock of conceptual resources available for understanding and explaining educational progress.  相似文献   

The conceptualizations of educational inclusion, previously restricted to securing access to formal education, recently highlight the promotion of equitable social and academic relations as well. This study investigates the inclusion of students with immigrant background within their class’ teacher-student interaction networks, while distinguishing by the initiator and content of interactions. Data from 38 Chilean mathematics teachers/classrooms and 933 seventh graders were collected and analyzed using systematic observation, social network visualization and multilevel models. Results show that the inclusion of students depends significantly on their country of origin. There is also significant variation in teacher-immigrant student interactions across classrooms.  相似文献   

This article draws on an ethnographic study that consisted of in-depth case studies of eight Sudanese young people of refugee background living in rural Australia. Prompted by concern over deficit views of young refugees that pervade educational literature, we aimed to understand what facilitates their successful resettlement into Australian rural communities. We were particularly interested in understanding the strengths, resources and capital they draw upon and generate through their participation in out-of-school social and learning contexts, as well as within family and community networks. Here, we focus on one of the study's participants, Samir. We highlight how his mother was instrumental in providing a safe and secure home environment where significant bonding capital was generated, as well as how she facilitated her son's participation in community and ethnic networks, thus enabling him to acquire bridging and linking social capital. We conclude by discussing the implications for schools and for research.  相似文献   

Drawing on the theory of social capital, this paper explores how difference in mothers' social networks might impact on low‐SES' children's literacy development at home. A cross‐case analysis of the influence of two low‐SES single‐mothers' social networks on their children's home literacy practices suggests that difference in mother's social capital has a disparate impact on their access to literacy resources, their home literacy engagement with their children, and their interaction/connection with school teachers and contributes to their children's differential school literacy achievement. The findings suggest that for low‐SES children to achieve school success, parents must be able to access resources that support their ability to engage in literacy activities that align with those valued in the school. Therefore, there is a need for schools and teachers to provide not only services that allow more networking opportunities but also support to understand school‐literacy practices and expectations for low‐SES families, especially single‐parents who might be more socially isolated.  相似文献   

Capital‐embedded parental involvement in education is essential in enhancing university enrolment and maximising the educational potentials for equality and excellence. Previous studies in this field have mainly utilised Perna's ( 2000 , 2006 ) model, which defines parental involvement as social capital and identifies the additive influences of different types of capital (including social, economic and cultural capital) on university access and choice. Yet, little research to date theorises and disaggregates the interplay among various types of capital as well as the multiplicative capital effects on enrolment. This study addressed this gap. We proposed an ‘interacting multiple capitals’ (IMC) model and hypothesised that parental social capital could moderate the effects of cultural and economic capital on entry to university. To validate the model, a pilot survey was administered to 216 university students of Korean ethnicity in China and investigated the models of involvement adopted by Korean parents in the context of the increasing labour mobility of the Korean adult population. Moderated multiple regression analysis was employed and the results confirmed the hypothesis that capital effects upon university access and choice were multiplicative in nature, with social capital moderating the cultural capital influence on students’ educational aspirations. The study findings show that the interaction of various types of capital variables is sufficiently statistically significant to warrant future research and policy and practical discussion of how to promote parental involvement in university preparation and planning.  相似文献   

Inequalities in health and well-being are important contemporary public health issues. This article is the first to investigate the institutional causes of inequality in well-being among youth in a comparative perspective. Data from the European Social Survey are used to analyse how educational policies moderate the association between social background and well-being. Multilevel techniques are used to investigate cross-level interactions between social background and educational policies on life satisfaction. Four indicators of inclusive educational policies are analysed: age of tracking, costs of education, enrolment rates, and second-chance opportunities in the educational system. The results show that educational policies indeed moderate the association between social background and well-being: inequalities as measured by the father’s social class are smaller in countries where educational policies are more inclusive. Moreover, the analysis shows that the moderating impact of education policies is mediated by individual-level education, activity status, and income.  相似文献   

This paper draws on social capital theory to discuss the way social class plays out in the friendships of teenage students. Based on data from individual interviews and focus groups with 75 students in four London secondary schools, it is suggested that students tend to form friendships with people who belong to the same social-class background as them. Social-class ‘sameness’ is considered to be an element that importantly exemplifies the quality of their friendships, and hence close, inter-class friendships were significantly less common than close, intra-class ones. In addition, class differentials were evident and often reproduced by students, even in the context of the rarer inter-class friendships. This paper concludes that social class is of continuous importance in teenagers’ lives and despite some agentic negotiation of class boundaries, as in the case of omnivorousness, students’ friendship networks are dynamically informed by class inequalities.  相似文献   

This study seeks to investigate the importance of life course capital on the educational aspirations of 40 social work undergraduates who were predominantly visible ethnic minority, immigrant descendants or non-traditional students in the mainstream US. Applying the resource perspective in this context, minority students’ academic successes hinge on their ability to acquire valuable resources needed for academic success over their life course (e.g. economic capital such as parental financial investment, scholarship and financial aids; cultural capital such as educational aspirations and values; and social capital such as parents’ involvement and social networks). Overall, minority social work students in this study face a multifaceted array of challenges associated with family financial strain, poor quality of early education, work obligations and economic constraints. Despite the fact that the participants exhibited a remarkable range of educational resilience, the diversities in their journeys to social work were influenced by a number of life course resources and varied systematically by personal experience as well as age cohort.  相似文献   

This paper reports on selective findings from a larger qualitative PhD study of 30 adult herders in Lesotho. It uses theories of identity and social capital to examine their life histories and educational needs in order to inform the national Non-Formal Education (NFE) policy. The key findings of the study were that the herders demonstrated two distinct identities – public and private. Their public identities were reflected through themes of culture which included notions of masculinity and negative experiences of being ‘othered’. This negative public perception of the herders influenced how they related to wider society and their ambitions to learn. However the findings revealed private identity characteristics which reflected a more positive inner sense of self and freedom to be who they are, supported by strong social capital networks and significant others. The study suggests that NFE should consider including these positive herder identities in a targeted curriculum that would facilitate more harmonious inclusion of the herders into the wider Lesotho society but also address issues of power relations that potentially impact on their access to education. The study also suggests that NFE should further explore the added value of significant others in supporting the provision of learning for the herders.  相似文献   

This paper explores whether and in what ways young people's perceptions and experiences of higher education (HE) can facilitate the transmission within their social networks of social capital both upwardly (from child to parent) and horizontally (from sibling to sibling), and thus can potentially provide bridging capital to family members, especially in families with little or no prior experience of HE. It utilises data from a project that explored the embedded nature of decision‐making about HE amongst a group of ‘potentially recruitable’ adults and their wider networks. The study researched 16 networks, and the resultant sample of 107 individuals included six teenagers and 15 young people in their twenties. The paper concludes that, despite the general emphasis within existing theoretical approaches to network capital on the downward transmission of social capital, the educational experiences of younger generations can be critical in shaping the perceptions of other (including older) network members, albeit not always in ways that encourage formal educational participation.  相似文献   

影响高校毕业生就业的社会资本因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会资本是近年来学术界研究较多的一个问题。本文在对社会资本及大学生就业相关文献进行梳理的基础上,利用北京大学教育学院"高等教育规模扩展与劳动力市场"课题组于2005年6月对全国34所高校调查的数据,对大学生社会资本状况,社会资本对大学生毕业去向、就业落实率、起薪及工作满意度的影响,进行了实证分析。本文的主要研究结果如下:(1)与来自社会经济地位较高的家庭的学生相比,来自社会弱势家庭的学生在家庭社会资本与个人社会资本上都比较缺乏;(2)大学生毕业选择就业或升学时,家庭社会交往广泛度对升学选择产生显著的正面影响,而个人社会交往广泛度对就业产生了显著的正面影响;(3)社会资本与大学毕业生的就业落实、起薪、工作满意度存在着显著的正面影响;(4)社会资本对大专生和本科生就业落实率有较为显著的正的影响,但是对硕士和博士的就业落实率没有显著影响。  相似文献   

Previous international research has shown that educational goals are fundamental for explaining differences in the educational attainment between individuals. For a better understanding of educational inequality, it is therefore crucial to know more about the mechanisms leading to different expectations. Our paper contributes to this field of research by empirically testing how social networks affect educational expectations of mothers for their children. Furthermore, we try to disentangle the underlying mechanisms by investigating which role resources and attitudes within social networks play in influencing educational expectations. We use quantitative data gathered in three federal states in Germany. The key results indicate that network composition not only has an effect on educational expectations but also on general attitudes towards education. Both attitudes towards education and embedded resources seem to mediate the effect of social ties on educational expectations.  相似文献   

学业成就不单指学习成绩,还包括学业机会本身与工作搜寻结果。基于问卷调查所得数据,在高等教育起点、过程与结果三个时间点动态考察了阶层背景对大学生学业成就的影响。实证结果表明:阶层背景对大学生学业机会获得和工作搜寻结果施加正向影响,对过程学业成就即学习成绩有着负向影响,阶层背景影响大学生学业成就的根本原因在于各社会阶层拥有各类资本的巨大差异。高等教育扩招不能有效阻止阶层差距的扩大,相反,学业成就差异将阶层差异合法化,高等教育成为一种阶层再生产的机制。  相似文献   

我国不同社会阶层少数民族的高等教育入学机会差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从家庭所处社会阶层、父母受教育程度、家庭收入三方面对少数民族高等教育入学机会差异的实证研究表明:不同社会阶层少数民族接受高等教育的机会及学校的层次、类型有显著差异;在一般公办本科院校中,少数民族的社会阶层差异最小;在公办高职高专院校中,学生父母受教育程度的差异最小;家庭收入高低对于少数民族是否进入民办院校就读有一定影响。  相似文献   

生态系统理论、社会资本理论和重叠影响视阈理论三大社会理论,为家园合作奠定了理论基础。其主要启示是:重视家园合作的意义,树立正确的家园合作理念;充分挖掘社会资源,创造、投资社会资本;勇于探索、创新家园合作渠道,建立良好的伙伴关系。主要建议是:幼儿园开展家长教育活动,提高家长的教育理念;家长参与幼儿园与家长之间的信息传递活动;家长参与幼儿园相关课堂活动;家长积极参加幼儿园组织的户外活动;家长代表参与幼儿园管理。  相似文献   

教育机会的城乡差异已经从过去的能否上大学转移到现在的上什么样的大学。现有文献主要集中在家庭背景与学生学业成就之间的相关分析上,较少关注家长是通过何种机制将这些优势传递给后代,尤其是在自主招生过程中,城乡家庭面临哪些结构性约束,他们分别又是如何应对这些约束的。本文通过对江西省三个家庭(分别是农民、外出务工、市民家庭)进行的为期7个月的田野观察和深度访谈,挖掘他们背后的家长参与逻辑和内心世界,运用深描手法展现了城镇化在他们身上的特殊烙印。研究发现这三种家庭的家长在参与子女自主招生过程中存在显著差异。透过文化资本理论和家长参与理论两条轴线,本文尝试用阶级与城乡的交叉性影响来分析不同家庭在子女高考升学过程中的城乡差异及其家庭优势传递路径。  相似文献   

Recent research demonstrates that, along with the family, the peer group and the school environment, extra-curricular activities are important contexts for young people’s educational and social development. This article is the result of a survey conducted with a sample of young people in their last year of compulsory school in Sweden and examines both who has access to the different types of extra-curricular activity and the consequences of their participation in the various programmes. As the results indicate, after controlling for respondents’ class and migrant background, their gender and their health, there are positive and significant associations between participation in certain types of activity (sporting, cultural and religious) on the one hand, and students’ school performance and educational expectations on the other. However, attendance at a less-organised activity (youth recreation centres or fritidsgård) shows a negative association with these outcomes. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that the gender, social class and migrant background of students affect their rate of participation in many of these activities.  相似文献   

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