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蒋瑞  林新奇 《科研管理》2020,41(10):248-257
威权领导是华人社会普遍存在的一种领导方式,对其进行研究对华人组织有重要的意义;员工非伦理行为也广泛存在与社会各类各级组织,并带来了巨大的危害,对威权领导与员工非伦理行为关系的研究目前尚未涉及。本文从社会交换和社会学习视角研究威权领导和员工非伦理行为的关系,以及领导成员交换的中介作用和伦理氛围的调节作用。通过406对领导-员工配对的问卷调查,研究结果表明:(1)威权领导与员工非伦理行呈正相关关系;(2)领导成员交换在威权领导与员工非伦理行为关系中起完全中介作用;(3)伦理氛围负向调节领导成员交换与员工非伦理氛围的关系;(4)伦理氛围负向调节领导成员交换对威权领导与员工非伦理行为关系的中介作用。  相似文献   

非伦理领导对员工职场非伦理行为的影响可从社会认知、社会学习和社会交换三个不同的理论视角进行剖析。从社会认知视角看,非伦理领导主要通过道德认同和组织氛围两个中介变量影响员工职场非伦理行为;从社会学习视角看,非伦理领导主要通过心理授权和组织政治知觉两个中介变量影响员工职场非伦理行为;从社会交换视角看,非伦理领导主要通过领导-部属交换和组织信任两个中介变量影响员工职场非伦理行为。  相似文献   

通过构建一个有调节的中介模型,考察了伦理型领导影响基层公务员建言与沉默行为的中介机制及其边界条件。结果显示:伦理型领导正向预测员工建言、负向预测员工沉默;组织认同对伦理型领导与员工建言、员工沉默之间的关系起中介作用;依存型自我建构负向调节伦理型领导与组织认同之间的直接关系以及伦理型领导与员工建言、员工沉默之间的间接关系。  相似文献   

亲组织非伦理行为(unethical pro-organizational behavior,UPB)对企业声誉和社会利益造成严重危害,设法防止UPB的发生显得尤为迫切。基于组织认同理论和调节焦点理论,通过对489名企业员工进行问卷调查,研究伦理型领导对员工亲组织非伦理行为的影响机制,包括这一机制中组织认同的中介作用和特质调节焦点的调节作用,以制定相应的防范策略。结果发现:伦理型领导与UPB呈倒U型关系;组织认同在伦理型领导和UPB的关系间起中介作用;特质调节焦点调节了伦理型领导与UPB之间的倒U型关系。  相似文献   

从社会交换理论的视角,对知识型领导影响科研团队知识共享行为的作用路径进行实证研究,检验了领导成员交换以及团队成员交换在知识型领导与科研团队成员之间的中介效应,并验证了组织公平感知分别在领导成员交换、团队成员交换与知识共享行为之间的的调节效应以及对于领导成员交换、团队成员交换中介作用的调节效应.采用结构方程模型与回归分析方法对通过问卷调查获取的472份有效数据进行分析,结果表明:领导成员交换与团队成员交换分别在知识型领导与知识共享行为之间发挥显著的中介作用,且交换关系质量越高,越能促进团队成员知识共享行为.组织公平感知不仅正向调节了团队成员交换与知识共享行为之间的关系,而且正向调节了团队成员交换在知识型领导与知识共享行为之间的中介作用.  相似文献   

基于社会交换理论,探讨员工—组织关系对亲组织非伦理行为的影响,实证研究发现经济性关系与亲组织非伦理行为显著正相关;社会性关系与亲组织非伦理行为的关系不显著;类亲情关系与亲组织非伦理行为显著负相关;经济性关系、社会性关系和类亲情关系的交互效应显著负向影响亲组织非伦理行为。研究表明在中国情境下,员工会根据与组织关系的"亲疏远近"采取不同的伦理决策。  相似文献   

王站杰  买生  李万明 《科研管理》2017,38(8):101-109
研究基于利益相关者与商业伦理理论视角,分析了组织公平氛围对员工离职意愿的影响,验证了组织凝聚力的中介效应与企业社会责任的调节效应。通过对50家企业的448份有效调查问卷进行层级回归分析,结果表明:组织公平氛围显著负向影响员工离职意愿;组织凝聚力在组织公平氛围与员工离职意愿间呈完全中介效应;企业社会责任调节了组织公平氛围与组织凝聚力和员工离职意愿的关系;而且组织凝聚力完全中介了组织公平氛围与企业社会责任的交互效应对员工离职意愿的影响。  相似文献   

员工社会交换关系如何影响员工创新是值得深入探讨的话题。以实证方式,探讨了领导—成员交换、团队—成员交换这两种组织社会交换关系,对员工创新行为产生影响的作用机理。研究发现:领导—成员交换、团队—成员交换是以知识分享为中介影响员工创新行为的,其中,组织公平氛围在上述关系中还起到重要的调节作用,即组织公平氛围越高,领导—成员交换、团队—成员交换对员工知识分享行为的影响越大,进而对创新行为的影响越大。  相似文献   

探讨了授权型领导对员工亲组织非伦理行为的影响。以自我决定理论和社会交换理论为理论基础,研究心理授权与领导—成员交换在其两者关系中发挥的作用。基于8家创新型企业的366个个体有效样本数据,运用结构方程模型和bootstrap等方法对样本数据进行检验发现:授权型领导对员工亲组织非伦理行为具有显著正向影响;心理授权和领导—成员交换在两者之间起到链式中介作用,且领导—成员交换的单独中介效应高于心理授权。  相似文献   

基于社会信息加工理论和个人—环境匹配理论,结合我国责任式创新发展现状,构建一个跨层次的第二阶段被调节的中介作用模型。深入剖析责任型领导对员工责任式创新的跨层次影响,并分别解析了团队关怀型伦理氛围与员工长期导向在此过程中起到的中介作用和调节作用。以62个团队370名团队成员为研究对象,利用SPSS26.0、Mplus7.4等统计软件通过相关分析、回归分析等分析方法对假设进行检验。结果表明:责任型领导的影响力具有一定的涓滴效应,即责任型领导对员工责任式创新具有跨层次的正向影响;团队关怀型伦理氛围在责任型领导与员工责任式创新关系间扮演中介作用,解释了责任型领导涓滴效应的作用机制;从员工的个人价值观出发,员工的长期导向不仅可以正向调节团队关怀型伦理氛围对员工责任式创新的影响,而且可以调节团队关怀型伦理氛围的中介作用。最后,结合研究结论,阐述了研究对责任式创新理论发展的意义,并对管理者如何促进员工责任式创新提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

The advent of social commerce has resulted in a new business model for e-commerce. Although studies on this business model have increased over time, they have paid less attention to its core business model: consumer-generated social influence on sales on a social commerce site. Therefore, in this paper, we examine the effect on sales of social sharing, such as Facebook “likes” and Twitter tweets, which generate social influence, using data from major social commerce companies. We find that consumer-generated social referrals regarding deals significantly boost sales in social commerce. When we examine deals involved in national sales, this finding holds only for Facebook but not for tweets. These findings have the implication for managers that not all social referrals are meaningful in increasing sales for their business.  相似文献   

The ethical implications of the explosion of social media outlets for social work education are explored in this paper. Given that social work education has a dual focus, both of educating students and of socializing practitioners into the profession, the issue of the blurring between what is social and what is professional gains particular salience for both educators and students. Recommendations for educators to ethically address the need to maintain a consistent professional presence online and to avoid potentially harmful dual relationships with students are presented. These recommendations include: abstain from using social media or use only a static professional profile; use only university protected sites to promote collaboration with students in the classroom including all students to avoid any appearance of impropriety; use social media with the utmost discretion mindful of all the risks by creating a very select circle of friends, separating one’s personal site from one’s professional site; develop policies which include not friending any individual student or any current student and inform students about the policies.  相似文献   

本文通过对国外基于多智能体的社会学仿真文献(简称社会学仿真)的研究和评论,详细介绍社会学仿真的研究概况以及社会系统模型的特性,阐述了建模的基本过程和模型的评价标准,总结了社会学仿真常用方法与工具,最后指出了社会学仿真研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

企业社会责任在中国越来越为社会和企业所重视,如何对企业社会责任所产生的社会绩效进行有效的测评成为了一个重要的研究课题。根据利益相关者理论,首先,对企业社会绩效评价内容做出界定;其次,应用层次分析法得出企业社会绩效各维度的权重;再次,应用模糊综合评价决策模型对企业社会绩效进行了模糊评价;最后,通过实例详细介绍了其应用过程,对评价结果做出了分析并提出了建议。  相似文献   

The ability of detecting infections at an early stage in clinical environments is an important clinical problem. When an infection is not diagnosed on time, it may not only affect the health of the infected patient, but also spread and infect other people.In this paper, we propose the development of a clinical decision support system (CDSS) for diagnosing infections using clinical signals from patients. This system is designed to be able to cope with small amounts of data (a single record per day and patient), making it convenient for environments under strict constraints (such as low resources or bad connectivity). Additionally, we have incorporated data from external sources, in order to enrich the quality of the models. In particular, we have considered social data arising from web searches, retrieved from Google Trends, as well as weather data.Clinical data was recorded between April 2018 and July 2019 in two nursing homes in Spain and one in Dominican Republic, where nurses had also tested patients for infections. Feature extraction was carried out by aggregating measurements from days before to the infection (lead) and after the infection was detected (lag), and these features were used to train supervised learning models. The best model attained using only clinical data attains an AUROC of 0.734. When data is enriched with external sources, this performance increases up to an AUROC of 0.798. In the case of prognosis (i.e., only measurements before the manual annotation of the infection are used) an AUROC of 0.719 is obtained using only clinical data, and up to 0.757 when combining additional sources of data.In conclusion, the CDSS provides a good recognition performance given the small amounts of data available. This performance can be increased by including social data, which are readily available, and can therefore be useful in scenarios where clinical data acquisition is expensive or unfeasible.  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS conspiracy theories constitute a loosely grouped set of meanings that share the notion of secret collusion among allied parties. This paper traces one woman's etiological narrative of HIV/AIDS. Such embodied experience and cultural understanding when placed against the backdrop of current thinking on the topic in the United States builds a new framework for understanding the emergence and circulation of HIV/AIDS conspiracy theories as "counter-narratives" employed by individuals and publics in the face of the AIDS pandemic. Such counter-narrative creates a rhetorical space for challenges to power through the articulation of oppositional ideas about dominant scientific knowledge. Without a critical exploration of HIV/AIDS conspiracy theories that examines their emergence and effects as a form of discourse circulating in the public domain, public health advocates will not be able to trace and respond to these narratives' impact on HIV prevention efforts or consider their relevance for other emerging infectious diseases.  相似文献   

唐魁玉 《科学学研究》2008,26(3):472-475
 从现代科学解释学和技术社会学的观点看,互联网与其说是一种具有高技术与“异托邦”特质的“另类空间”或媒介“物体系”,不如说是一种具有多方面工具理性气质的“社会工程体系”。互联网就是一种充满主体性、系统性、复杂性和互动性逻辑精神的社会工程。它是实际存在的,但因为处于虚拟环境中,所以对它的理解还须借助社会学的想象力。  相似文献   

This study furthers investigation into exactly how Social CRM (S-CRM) is different from traditional CRM, and models the interrelationships between its capabilities. It is underpinned in dynamic capabilities theory, to explain how social media, as a resource all organizations use, can lead to differing performance outcomes. It is underpinned in seminal research into traditional CRM, but which does not cater for the disruptive nature of social media. We outline how S-CRM is a second-order dynamic capability consistng of a set of first-order integrative dynamic capabiliies that, when properly interrelated, lead to performance outcomes. We particularly model the role of S-CRM front- and back-office technology capabilities, customer engagement initiatives, and social information processes in driving customer relationship performance. Findings show that S-CRM is different from traditional CRM in a range of ways in the front- and back-offices, and provide a framework for researcher and managers in information systems and marketing to operate at strategic and tactical levels within S-CRM, while being congisant of both.  相似文献   

论技术的社会选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肖峰 《科学学研究》2001,19(3):18-23
社会选择是技术发展中的一环 ,技术就是在社会的选择过程中形成的 ;社会选择在技术发展中具有极为重要的作用 ,它是决定技术命运的一种社会活动 ,是技术得到社会的认同并加以采用和改进的过程 ,并形成对技术的优胜劣汰机制 ;只有通过选择 ,技术才能走向社会。在选择中可以通过技术与社会的双向整合来克服两者之间的不相容  相似文献   

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