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随着农村产业结构的进一步调整和农业机械化程度的不断提高,农村富余劳动力越来越多,而我们黄桥老区二、三产业的发展相对还较为滞后,富余劳动力就地转移的空间较小,绝大部分都纷纷奔赴苏南及东南沿海等经济发达地区打工挣钱,其中有很多是夫妻双双“东南飞”,将学龄儿童、青少年托付给爷爷、奶奶,或外公、外婆等管理(我们暂时将此类孩子称作“留守”学生),给学校教育增加了难度。2004年暑期,我们对在校学生做了一次全面的调查摸底,结果显示:父母双方外出打工,将子女交给爷爷、奶奶或外公、外婆托管的占调查学生总数的25郾4%,男方外出打工,女…  相似文献   

包爱业 《青海教育》2011,(11):49-49
由于打工潮的影响,不少农村家庭夫妻双双外出务工,把子女留在家里由爷爷、奶奶或外公、外婆看管,或者寄养在亲戚家中,使得孩子不能和父母共同生活,造成了大批留守儿童产生。这些留守儿童由于种种原因的影响,通常存在学习差、性格孤僻、  相似文献   

家庭教育是学校教育的基础和补充,家庭教育与学校教育要相互配合,才能更好培养学生的完善人格。可是在广大农村中80%的孩子父母在外打工,给学校教育带来了很多困难和影响。这些被父母留守在家的孩子们大部分出爷爷、奶奶、外公、外婆领养或代养。这些隔代的家长们有的年迈,有的忙于农活,使得留守儿童在学业、亲情及心理上受到极大的影响。[第一段]  相似文献   

根据权威调查,中国农村目前"留守儿童"数量超过了5800万人。57.2%的留守儿童是父母一方外出,42.8%的留守儿童是父母同时外出。留守儿童中的79.7%由爷爷、奶奶或外公、外婆抚养,13%的孩子被托付给亲戚、朋友,7.3%为不确定或无人监护。  相似文献   

吴宝沛 《大学生》2012,(17):50-51
除了父母,很多人都受到过隔代的照料,无论是外公外婆,还是爷爷奶奶,他们都曾经出现在我们童年的生活里,给我们讲故事、买零食,照看和保护着孱弱的我们,尤其是父母不在身边的时候。不过,老人疼爱孩子的程度还是有区别的。那么,在外公、外婆、爷爷、奶奶之中,到底谁是最疼爱我们的老人呢?背后的原因又是什么呢?  相似文献   

“打工家庭”子女教育的后遗症   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
读了《父母进城打工后……》一文后,确实引人深思。问题一:家庭教育“空档”父母打工,子女咋办?现在不少农村都是老弱病残在“留守阵地”,青壮年男女几乎全部外出打工。谁来监护、管理孩子,便成为首要问题。据了解,在这种情况下,孩子的管理者多半是其爷爷、奶奶(外公、外婆)。大部分老人对“隔辈”子孙疼爱有加,管教自然成了问题。也有些老人颇为严管,怎奈教育方法已陈旧,好心并没有得到好报,不少孩子一听到爷爷、奶奶(外公、外婆)的唠叨,转身就走,半句话也不愿听。更有甚者,“你要我朝东,我偏向西”,逆反心理非常严重。可怜这些老人望着孩…  相似文献   

我曾满脸羡慕地对好朋友说,你多好呀。能和外婆住在一起。的确,在我小时候,我的爷爷、奶奶、外公、外婆就相继去世了,给我留下的只有无限的遗憾。最先走的是我的外婆。在我还未出世时,她便离开了人间。6岁时,  相似文献   

每个家庭都有一个“梦”。孩子的未来就是每个父母的“梦”,也是我们爷爷、奶奶、外公、外婆的“梦”,从“育儿”到“育孙”,是我们全家共同的“梦”。  相似文献   

在俄罗斯,尊老爱老蔚然成风,这和俄罗斯人注重对孩子进“行敬老教育”是分不开的。在孩子刚刚学说话的时候,年轻的父母除了教他“叫爸爸“”、妈妈”之外,也教他“叫爷爷”“、奶奶”。等孩子稍大一些后,父母便向他解释,爷爷、奶奶和外公、外婆就是爸爸和妈妈的父亲母亲,要求他  相似文献   

我们班学生中,有9名同学和爸爸妈妈或其中的一方生活在一起,其余学生有的和爷爷、奶奶或外公、外婆生活在一起,有的和哥哥、姐姐一起“留守”,有的则被寄养在亲戚家里;居然还有13名同学是自己一个人“留守”在家。  相似文献   

基于2016年中国大学生学习与发展追踪研究的调查数据,分析了以父母是否受过高等教育为代表的家庭受教育水平与大学生学习投入之间的关系。研究发现:父母受过高等教育与父母未受过高等教育大学生的学习投入存在显著差异;在引入性别、年级、专业、生源地等控制变量后,父亲是否受过高等教育对大学生学习投入没有显著影响,母亲是否受过高等教育对大学生学习投入影响显著;母亲是否受过高等教育对大学生教育经验丰富度的影响最为明显,对生师互动、主动合作学习水平不存在显著影响。家庭受教育水平较丰富的大学生,在高等教育场域中仍占有一定的优势。  相似文献   

高中生高等教育需求的经济动因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过估计高中生期望的高等教育回报率及其高等教育需求的影响,检验了人力资本理论的基本假设。研究表明,高中生对高等教育的市场回报率有比较准确的预期,他们的高等教育需求也受其期望的高等教育回报率的显著影响。个体的高等教育需求与人力资本理论的解释是一致的,即个体对高等教育的需求,受高等教育的经济回报所激励。  相似文献   

Factors influencing the demand for higher education: The case of Cyprus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The proportion of young people opting for third level education in Cyprus is exceptionally high, currently about 60% of the relevant age group. This has caused concern among the country's policy makers who are aware of the limited capacity of the Cyprus economy to accommodate the increasing supply of higher education graduates. In the present study, an attempt is made to identify and examine the factors influencing young Cypriots to select higher education over direct employment at the end of their secondary education. A survey was conducted among 811 final form secondary school students in Cyprus in the academic year 1993/1994. Through factor analysis, seven factors with a potential effect on the students' educational and occupational intentions were identified. They were the following: Psychological/Individual, Occupational I, Occupational II, Economic, Consumption, Secondary School Subjects, and Significant Others. These factors, along with a number of student background characteristics (gender, socioeconomic status, ability, and secondary school specialisation) were used as explanatory variables in a logistic regression model with the student's educational intentions serving as the dependent variable. The psychological/individual factor, the second occupational factor, and secondary school specialisation were shown to have a significant effect on the intention to pursue third level education. The paper points to the importance of analysing and examining student characteristics and motivational patterns in the effort to understand, and, if possible, influence trends in the demand for higher education.  相似文献   

利用H大学“研究型大学本科生就读经历调查”数据,考察不同背景特征学生的生师互动水平,探讨生师互动对认知技能、操作及社交技能、满意度、归属感的影响是否因学生背景特征而异。统计结果表明,男生的生师互动水平显著高于女生;学生家庭收入和父母受教育程度越高,生师互动越频繁;非课程的生师互动对女生学业成就的影响显著高于男生,对低收入家庭和高收入家庭学生的影响高于中等收入家庭,对父母双方均上过大学的学生影响高于父母均未上过大学的学生和一方上过大学的学生;辅助教师进行研究对男生学业成就的影响显著高于女生,对低收入家庭和父母均未上过大学的学生的影响高于同辈。大学应依靠制度性手段提升生师互动的总体水平,采取支持性措施改善弱势学生的生师互动,增强互动情境性以提高课堂互动的质量。  相似文献   

This study examined the relative influence on children's self-esteem of academic achievement, maternal self-esteem, maternal acceptance, and children's perception of their parents' acceptance of them. Subjects were students with learning disabilities in a self-contained class (n=31), similarly diagnosed students in resource room (n=35), students in compensatory education (n=30), and nondisabled students (n=30) from Grades 3 through 6. Results showed that for the self-contained group, a child's perception of maternal and paternal acceptance plus the child's academic achievement score accounted for 58% of the variance in the child's self-esteem. None of the independent variables accounted for a significant proportion of the variance in the compensatory education and regular class groups. The self-esteem of the regular class students was significantly higher than that of the resource room students and the compensatory education students, but not significantly higher than that of the self-contained students.  相似文献   

近年在中国高等教育供给多元化的背景下,国际化高等教育服务的供给引起了学者们的关注和争议。本文力图了解高中生对国际化高等教育的需求状况及其与预期经济收益和个人现代性等个人因素的关系,旨在个人层面探索中学生国际化高等教育需求的影响因素。  相似文献   

Grade retention and inequalities that derive from grade retention can influence student school trajectories and careers. Grade retention can discourage students from education, and increase school failure and dropout. This study explored the relationship between grade retention and student intentions to enrol in higher education. We also studied the role of school identification and behavioural engagement in this relationship. The analysis is based on a sample of 1,089 students (grades 6 to 10) from Portugal, one of the European countries with the highest rates of grade retention. We employed multilevel probit regression modelling with random intercept and fixed slopes to explore both the individual and school level effects of grade retention. The analyses showed that retained students had a lower probability of intent to enrol in higher education and that there was a contextual effect of the number of retained students in the school, on students' probability of intent to enrol in higher education. This association was partially explained at the individual level by students' school identification. Retained students presented lower levels of school identification, which in turn results in lower probabilities of enrolling in higher education. Student behavioural engagement was not associated with grade retention nor student intentions. Our findings suggest the need for interventions that foster students' school identification to overcome the adverse effects of grade retention.  相似文献   

对北京市高中生对高等教育的需求进行了问卷调查。数据分析发现,北京市高中生对高等教育的需求较为强烈,但这种需求并非刚性的,而是具有替代性和可塑性的;北京市的高等教育需求主要受制于经济因素的影响,家庭资源越是丰富,高等教育需求越是强烈;而性别、家庭规模以及父母的态度和努力,对于子女的高等教育需求影响不大,高等教育需求的动力主要来自于受教育者自身。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the development of metacognitive strategy knowledge (MSK) during schooling at the upper secondary education level and to examine its relation with individual student characteristics. This longitudinal study with two measurement points analyzed a sample of students in grades 10 and 11 from 19 schools preparing students for university in Switzerland. The findings showed no development of MSK within a single year of school. Individual differences appeared in the level and the change of MSK over time. Female students as well as students with higher SES displayed higher MSK than male students and students with lower SES at the first measurement point. Furthermore, SES predicted changes in MSK over time. Between learning motivation and MSK as well as self-efficacy and MSK, high correlations were found at t1. Neither learning motivation nor self-efficacy had an effect on the change of MSK over time. The results show that there is still substantial potential for MSK development at the upper secondary education level. Implications for education and further studies are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对3050位高中学生家长的调查研究表明,影响家庭高等教育需求的经济资本、社会资本、文化资本、子女因素、高校因素与社会因素等6个维度之间,由于城乡家庭资本的不同而呈现显著性差异。农村家庭认为家庭经济资本、社会资本与文化资本对高等教育需求的影响程度大于城市家庭,而城市家庭认为子女因素、高校因素和社会因素的影响程度大于农村家庭。要消除这种影响差异,需要实行城乡一体化,提高农民收入,缩小城乡差距,实现教育公平。  相似文献   

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