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探寻我国基础研究类科技人才,尤其是高层次科技人才的流动特征和规律,对于制定我国基础研究类科技 人才发现、培养和发展的政策具有重要意义。本文以环境领域国家杰出青年科学基金获得者为研究对象,对中国该领 域基础研究类高层次科技人才的机构流动和国别流动特征进行分析。基于马斯洛需求理论,进一步对不同动机产生的 人才流动所对应的年龄分布进行探讨,为我国基础研究类高层次科技人才的政策制定提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

探寻我国基础研究类科技人才,尤其是高层次科技人才的流动特征和规律,对于制定我国基础研究类科技人才发现、培养和发展的政策具有重要意义。本文以环境领域国家杰出青年科学基金获得者为研究对象,对中国该领域基础研究类高层次科技人才的机构流动和国别流动特征进行分析。基于马斯洛需求理论,进一步对不同动机产生的人才流动所对应的年龄分布进行探讨,为我国基础研究类高层次科技人才的政策制定提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

新时期高校高层次人才的人事档案重建及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国高等教育事业的发展,高校需要大批高层次人才,从而引发高层次人才的大量流动,但人才流动中,人事档案却成为障碍。如何解决高校高层次人才流动中人事档案的问题,是目前亟待研究和解决的课题。  相似文献   

新时期高校高层次人才的人事档案重建及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着我国高等教育事业的发展,高校需要大批高层次人才,从而引发高层次人才的大量流动,但人才流动中,人事档案却成为障碍.如何解决高校高层次人才流动中人事档案的问题,是目前亟待研究和解决的课题.  相似文献   

:在介绍国际人才流动的宏观背景的基础上,分析我国科学领域引进海外高层次人才的必要性。从政策促 进、决策咨询、学术贡献、双创示范、人才培养、国际合作等科研产出等6个层面定性比较了海外归国高层次人才和本 土高层次人才的贡献。通过引入社区发现基本概念,提出一种可以定量比较海外归国高层次人才和本土人才在占有相 近创新资源条件下对应产出情况的框架。利用国家科技报告服务系统中基础科学研究领域提交的研究报告,对该框架 进行案例验证。研究结果表明:科学领域引进的海外高层次人才发挥了重要作用;海外归国与本土高层次人才学术成 果丰硕,且有较强的互补性。  相似文献   

强调指出加快推进创新型国家建设,科技是关键,根本在人才。认为,加强科技人才队伍建设是一项重大而 紧迫的任务,要把培养造就高层次创新型科技人才作为科技人才队伍建设的核心任务。最后提出,“十二五”时期要大力 加强科技人才工作。一是以高层次创新型科技人才为重点,统筹推进各类人才队伍建设;二是遵循人才成长规律,完善 科技人才发展政策;三是组织实施重大人才工程;四是加强创新文化建设。  相似文献   

为了解新疆科技人才队伍建设中存在的问题,文章采用问卷调查的方法,对新疆重点的科研机构、高校和 创新型企业进行调查分析,并结合座谈会对科技人才的讨论意见,从科技人才的发展环境、发展机制和高等教育等方 面分析了制约新疆科技人才发展的主要因素。针对存在的制约因素,从高层次科技人才的引进、本土科技人才的培 养、加大科技人才的投入、改进人才发展机制等方面提出了推进新疆科技人才发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

为了掌握新疆科技人才流动的情况,采用问卷调查方法,对新疆部分高新技术企业和科研机构在 “十一五”和“十二五”时期的科技人才流动情况进行调查,重点对高层次科技人才流入与流出的数量、结构等方面进 行分析,提出推进新疆科技人才引进、防止科技人才流失的对策建议。  相似文献   

强调指出加快推进创新型国家建设,科技是关键,根本在人才.认为,加强科技人才队伍建设是一项重大而紧迫的任务,要把培养造就高层次创新型科技人才作为科技人才队伍建设的核心任务.最后提出,"十二五"时期要大力加强科技人才工作.一是以高层次创新型科技人才为重点,统筹推进各类人才队伍建设;二是遵循人才成长规律,完善科技人才发展政策;三是组织实施重大人才工程;四是加强创新文化建设.  相似文献   

新发展理念为公共图书馆专业技术人才培养机制、模式与路径构建提供了理念引领与工作借鉴。公共图书馆应在选人、用人、育人、留人四个环节和维度持续开展工作:拓展选人渠道,做到精准选人;不断重塑与优化人才流动、交流与成长机制;通过职称评聘细则等政策引导,探索实施“高层次公共图书馆人才提升计划”和“馆员导师制”,不断提升公共图书馆专业技术人员的服务能力和科研水平;营造科学的留人机制,运用制度锁住人才。通过培养一批具有公共图书馆专业素养的实践型、创新型高层次人才,实现公共图书馆专业技术人才培养的科学化、常态化、制度化与机制化。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]由于科研履历提供了其他数据源所没有的丰富而且独特的信息,情报学研究者正越来越意识到它的重要性,并借助科研履历数据在多个领域开展了成果丰硕的各类研究.科研履历正逐步被看作是情报分析与研究的重要数据来源.[方法/过程]采用宏微观和横纵向的两维分析方法,对近20年以科研履历数据作为主要数据源的学术研究文献进行调研与梳理.[结果/结论]提出履历数据至少可以被应用到科研人员的职业成长、人才流动与科研合作、研究群体的特征分析以及科研项目、政策、建制的评估等4个领域的情报研究中.专家库带来的大量结构化履历数据以及以履历数据为枢纽形成的数据链,将推动情报学研究向纵深化发展.  相似文献   

International mobility in academia can enhance the human and social capital of researchers and consequently their scientific outcome. However, there is still a very limited understanding of the different mobility patterns among scholars with various socio-demographic characteristics. By studying these differences, we can detect inequalities in access to scholarly networks across borders, which can cause disparities in scientific advancement. The aim of this study is twofold. First, we investigate to what extent individuals’ factors (e.g., country, career stage, and field of research) associate with the mobility of male and female researchers. Second, we explore the relationship between mobility and scientific activity and impact. For this purpose, we used a bibliometric approach to track the mobility of authors. To compare the researchers’ scientific outcomes, we considered the number of publications and received citations as indicators, as well as the number of unique co-authors in all their publications. We also analyzed the co-authorship network of researchers and compared centrality measures of “mobile” and “non-mobile” researchers. Results show that researchers from North America and Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly female ones, have the lowest, respectively, highest tendency towards international mobility. Having international co-authors increases the probability of international movement. Our findings uncover gender inequality in international mobility across scientific fields and countries. Across genders, researchers in the Physical sciences have the most and in the Social sciences the least rate of mobility. We observed more mobility for Social scientists at the advanced career stage, while researchers in other fields prefer to move at earlier career stages. Also, we found a positive correlation between mobility and scientific outcomes, but no apparent difference between females and males. Indeed, researchers who have started mobility at the advanced career stages had a better scientific outcome. Comparing the centrality of mobile and non-mobile researchers in the co-authorship networks reveals a higher social capital advantage for mobile researchers.  相似文献   

In tandem with the rapid globalisation of science, spatial scientometrics has become an important research sub-field in scientometric studies. Recently, numerous spatial scientometric contributions have focused on the examination of cities’ scientific output by using various scientometric indicators. In this paper, I analyse cities’ scientific output worldwide in terms of the number of journal articles indexed by the Scopus database, in the period from 1986 to 2015. Furthermore, I examine which countries are the most important collaborators of cities. Finally, I identify the most productive disciplines in each city. I use GPS Visualizer to illustrate the scientometric data of nearly 2200 cities on maps. Results show that cities with the highest scientific output are mostly located in developed countries and China. Between 1986 and 2015, the greatest number of scientific articles were created in Beijing. The international hegemony of the United States in science has been described by many studies, and is also reinforced by the fact that the United States is the most important collaborator to more than 75% of all cities. Medicine is the most productive discipline in two-thirds of cities. Furthermore, cities having the highest scientific output in specific disciplines show well-defined geographical patterns.  相似文献   

为激发青少年科学家潜质,储备科技创新人才,提升青少年科学职业理想愈发重要。科学职业理想会影响个体从事科学领域的职业选择,而场馆教育情境对其培育具有重要促进作用。本研究梳理了英国伦敦科学博物馆和纽卡斯尔生命中心的场馆生涯教育实践,以资借鉴。英国科普场馆教育以提升青少年科学职业理想为目标,在个体维度关注职业关联性感知,在社会维度聚焦机会公平,并衍生出了以生涯理念指导馆本课程、在教育空间开展体验活动、加强馆校结合、发挥科学家群体榜样作用和关注女性等弱势群体等生涯教育策略。结合英国两个场馆的实践经验,我国科普场馆可通过创新活动设计,融入科学家精神,汇集多元主体,实现面向科学职业理想的场馆科学教育变革。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]科研人员已成为知识经济时代重要的人才要素,其在全球范围内的流动关乎各国人才战略。分析科研人员流动的性别差异,有助于更好地了解流动模式,同时有利于国家人才引进机制的完善。[研究设计/方法]在分析流动频次、回流倾向、流动时期选择的性别差异基础上,提出三个研究假设,根据假设提取并分析了ORCID数据库中截止2017年底的有跨国流动经历的26,315位科研人员简历。[结论/发现]①科研人员在流动频次上具有显著的性别差异,女性科研人员的流动频次少于男性;当流动次数增加时,对应人员比例降低;②在回流倾向上,女性与男性并无显著差异,英国的男性和西班牙的女性最倾向于回流;③科研人员在流动时期的选择上无显著的性别差异,男女均在职业生涯早期流动更多。[创新/价值]揭示了男女科研人员在流动中的不同倾向,为进一步探讨不同背景和条件下的差异现象及本质并寻求解决方法奠定了基础。  相似文献   

以我国部分重点公共图书馆馆长为对象,研究其职业路径类型、职业路径长度、管理经历、职业路径的变迁等。结果发现,公共图书馆馆长职业路径有着职业路径类型的多样性、职业路径中的多样化变迁、行政任命对正副馆长职业路径的有直接影响等特征。  相似文献   

Despite its rising position as a first-class research object, scientific software remains a marginal object in studies of scholarly communication. This study aims to fill the gap by examining the co-mention network of R packages across all Public Library of Science (PLoS) journals. To that end, we developed a software entity extraction method and identified 14,310 instances of R packages across the 13,684 PLoS journal papers mentioning or citing R. A paper-level co-mention network of these packages was visualized and analyzed using three major centrality measures: degree centrality, betweenness centrality, and PageRank. We analyzed the distributive patterns of R packages in all PLoS papers, identified the top packages mentioned in these papers, and examined the clustering structure of the network. Specifically, we found that the discipline and function of the packages can partly explain the largest clusters. The present study offers the first large-scale analysis of R packages’ extensive use in scientific research. As such, it lays the foundation for future explorations of various roles played by software packages in the scientific enterprise.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探索采用职业社交网络数据进行员工导向型工作分析的可能性,为加强我国图书馆人力资源开发、数据馆员教育培训和职业生涯规划提供参考。[方法/过程] 构建基于LinkedIn的数据馆员工作分析模型,通过数据挖掘和可视化展示分析数据馆员岗位分布、发展阶段、教育背景、职业技能和职业成长轨迹。[结果/结论] 研究表明,美国的数据馆员从业人数和设置该职位的机构数量最多。以拥有博士硕士学位者为主的数据馆员群体呈现明显的多学科特征,更加强调具备数据管理和分析等相关技能。专业学位教育和在线开放教育成为数据馆员知识能力培养的两种途径。从职业经历上看,稳定和良好的职业前景使数据馆员成为极具发展前途的职业。  相似文献   

文章调研了目前国内外科学数据质量评估框架的研究现状,对英国、美国和澳大利亚国家科学数据平台数据质量框架和三大主要的国际组织发布的数据质量评估框架进行了比较研究。通过对各框架内容的剖析和数据质量维度的比较分析,找出了不同评估框架在各维度上的差异性和一致性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodological framework for developing scientific mobility indicators based on bibliometric data. We identify nearly 16 million individual authors from publications covered in the Web of Science for the 2008–2015 period. Based on the information provided across individuals’ publication records, we propose a general classification for analyzing scientific mobility using institutional affiliation changes. We distinguish between migrants--authors who have ruptures with their country of origin--and travelers--authors who gain additional affiliations while maintaining affiliation with their country of origin. We find that 3.7% of researchers who have published at least one paper over the period are mobile. Travelers represent 72.7% of all mobile scholars, but migrants have higher scientific impact. We apply this classification at the country level, expanding the classification to incorporate the directionality of scientists’ mobility (i.e., incoming and outgoing). We provide a brief analysis to highlight the utility of the proposed taxonomy to study scholarly mobility and discuss the implications for science policy.  相似文献   

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