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国外高校图书馆对学生学业影响的评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校图书馆对学生学业影响的评估,是确定图书馆利用与学生学业成效之间关系的研究,是高校图书馆成效评估的重要组成部分。国外高校图书馆对学生学业影响评估的实践受高等教育评估的影响,起步较早。随着图书馆成效评估相关概念的明确,图书馆利用对学生学业影响的研究成果日益丰富,主要内容包括考察高校图书馆资源水平与学生学业之间的关系以及图书馆资源利用与学生最终学位水平之间的关系、高校图书馆利用对本科生教育成果的贡献等。尽管研究的具体结论对于其相关关系呈现规律性特征的佐证较为有限,但为下一步进行更深入和完善的评估提供了丰富的可借鉴的方法。  相似文献   

考察案例中学学生对图书馆的利用对其学业表现是否有影响、图书馆各项服务设计与其影响的关联、学校图书馆的帮助方式。结果显示,在该校目前的教育状况下,图书馆利用与学生学业表现间不存在统计学上的相关关系;在学生和教师的感知中,学校图书馆有不同程度的帮助,但效果并不明显;图书馆服务设计中仅三项能够对学生的考试成绩产生影响;学校图书馆的帮助主要体现在对学生阅读能力的影响。本研究进一步发现,是目前的教育状况(注重素质教育的形式、忽视真正的能力培养)掩盖了学校图书馆价值的展现,并限制了其作用的发挥。  相似文献   

利用文献分析法、网络调查法和计量经济学方法分析高校图书馆核心竞争力与高校科研能力之间的相关性.实证研究发现,高校图书馆核心竞争力与高校科研能力之间显著相关.回归分析表明,在编馆员人数、馆员发表论文篇数、年度总经费和年度新闻数与高校科研能力显著正相关;高校图书馆是否参与一个或多个区域图书馆联盟对高校科研能力虽存在正向影响作用但并不显著;馆舍面积与高校科研能力相关但不显著,并且受高校类别与地区差异的影响.  相似文献   

从学术论文看我国师范大学图书馆科研产出力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟文娟 《图书馆》2011,(4):80-82,102
利用中国知网学术期刊网络出版总库对我国39所师范大学图书馆2000~2009年间的学术论文进行统计分析,通过与师范大学的纵向比较和师范大学图书馆之间的横向比较来进一步分析我国师范大学图书馆科研产出力的现状,并对其科研发展提出建议。  相似文献   

在大学生的学习中,大学生的知识获得能力的提高和图书馆的利用之间究竟存在何种关联这是学术界需要迫切解决的一个问题。本研究主要从美国大学图书馆学会的out-come定义出发,以图书馆利用和学生的学习成果作为焦点进行问卷调查,得到的结果显示大学期间学生获得的学习成果和图书馆利用之间存在正相关。尤其在综合素养培养和自学能力的形成方面,图书馆能发挥很大影响。而且,学生利用图书馆类型与利用后的收获有关。在学习场所组中,利用频率与收获成正相关。而在资源利用组和沟通组中利用频率与收获无相关,图书馆服务的品质与满意度可能对利用后的收获有重要影响。  相似文献   

利用引文分析,分析样本学校教师发表的SCI科研论文的文后参考文献的来源出版物,了解教师在SCI科研论文创作过程中对图书馆数字资源的实际使用情况.基于引文分析结果,利用成本效益分析法,对图书馆数字资源在教师科研中的使用价值进行评价,评价结果为图书馆数字资源的选择提供依据.通过对样本学校图书馆的实证研究表明,基于引文分析和成本效益分析的数字资源使用评价与选择的方法具有其有效性和适用性.  相似文献   

刘丽俐  夏旭 《图书馆论坛》1995,(5):81-81,59
浅谈图书馆员职业面临的问题刘丽俐,夏旭(第一军医大学图书馆)院校图书馆藏书的数量、质量和科学管理水平与教学科研人员利用图书馆的情况,会直接影响到学校的教学和科研水平。因为它是教师、学生的知识园地,是教学科研的基石。所以,图书馆常被誉为“大学的心脏”和...  相似文献   

高校图书馆各类资源对于在校学生的学习而言,是重要参考资料;图书资源的利用情况也可以反映学生的基本学习状态。利用成都信息工程学院图书馆的运行数据及学生学习成绩,通过数理统计及对比分析,主要得到以下结果:总体而言,学生利用图书资源学习的状态是决定其学习效果的重要因素,学生的图书借阅率与学习成绩的挂科率成反相关;理工类及文管类各二级学院的学生挂科率与归一化挂科借阅差之间呈线性关系,且相关系数较高,由此可以更加定量地了解学生的学习习惯及效果之间的关系。根据高校图书馆的运行数据可以较好地了解和监测学生的学习情况。  相似文献   

正职业学校图书馆承载着教学和科研服务的重任,任重道远,不仅要充分发掘和利用图书资源,还要积极开发利用读者资源,读者资源主要指读者活动,读者活动是指由图书馆针对学校学生实际生活状况和实际读书情况进行主题设定,以口头交流或者书面交流方式开展一系列的读者交流活动,也是对学生宣传读书、引导读书、娱乐读书为目的的一项为读者提供服务的活动。在图书馆里,学生不但可以广交益友,也可以在图书馆里读书、增长见识,此时的图书馆已经成为了一个  相似文献   

高职院校图书馆科研服务是学校科研工作发展的重要依托.文章分别从高职师生进行科研工作时利用图书馆资源及服务的情况、高职师生获取科研信息及提升获取能力的途径、方式及方法、高职图书馆服务师生科研活动中存在的不足之处、对高职图书馆科研服务团队的期望四个方面来展开问卷调查,并针对调查出的科研服务宣传力度不广、图书馆与科研服务对象沟通不畅、图书馆科研团队组成单一、科研服务深度广度不够等问题,提出加强科研技能培训、充实科研服务团队、扩展及加深科研服务广度与深度、建立一站式科研服务平台的对策.  相似文献   

As it becomes increasingly difficult to demonstrate the worth of the library to the academic community, gate counts and usage statistics are no longer enough. Showing the impact the library has on the community requires planning new services with outcome measurement from the start. This article outlines a plan for assessing the impact of a faculty book delivery service at the University of Central Florida's John C. Hitt Library. It includes a review of outcome measurement and other relevant literature, the service goals and outcomes, and a data plan for demonstrating and communicating the outcomes. This article is the third in a series of three articles that together make up an entire project planning and management document that is based on Rhea Rubin's (2006) Outcome Measurement model. The plan in its entirety provides an example of how to apply the Outcome Measurement model in an academic library setting.  相似文献   

The University of Wollongong (UOW) in New South Wales, Australia, has undertaken an innovative and collaborative research project to demonstrate the value that can be provided by academic libraries through a tool called the “library cube”. The library cube consists of two major components: a backend system containing a multidimensional data warehouse linking student borrowing and use of electronic resources to students' academic marks (grades); and a frontend system that allows users to quickly and easily create cross tabulated data views, such as average student marks by frequency of library resource usage and gender. The project is different from the efforts of other institutions to link usage to student outcomes, in that the library cube is not an isolated research project, but is now an ongoing part of UOW's systems and performance reporting. The library cube represents a fundamental shift in evaluating the student experience through the integration of discrete systems and datasets. It has revealed a very strong relationship between student library usage and academic performance. This information will improve UOW library's ability to demonstrate value to clients and stakeholders. The library cube has also delivered some anticipated and unexpected findings on the relationship between social variables, such as gender, age, and citizenship, and library usage behaviors; and in doing so has also identified potential target audiences for library promotions and engagement strategies.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between an institution's academic library performance measures and undergraduates' library use and educational outcomes. The sample consisted of 7,958 undergraduates attending 36 colleges and universities representing four institutional types. Regression analyses determined the relationship between academic library performance measures and library use and self-reported gains in critical thinking while controlling for undergraduates' background characteristics and college experiences. Greater utilization of academic library services had a negative relationship with undergraduate library use at two institutional types. However, undergraduates attending research universities with greater academic library resources had higher self-reported gains in critical thinking. Regressions for the four institutional types explained 25% to 32% of the variance for library use and 22% to 27% of the variance for self-reported gains in critical thinking. The results provide a better understanding of how academic library resources and services affect both library usage and educational outcomes.  相似文献   

随着数字资源建设投入的持续增长,高校图书馆需要明确、客观有力的事实和数据证明其数字资源建设对学校长期战略目标的支持。文章通过文献调研梳理图书馆数字资源使用成效评估的相关问题,从学业成就、学术成就、信息素养能力与职业能力等4个方面构建研究生视角下的高校图书馆数字资源使用成效评估维度,探究研究生图书馆数字资源使用频率与其使用成效之间的关联。来自中山大学研究生样本的观察表明:研究生的数字资源使用频率与其使用成效各维度间均存在显著的正相关关系;硕士研究生、博士研究生在图书馆数字资源使用成效上存在显著性差异;图书馆数字资源的使用成效受到学科影响。面向不同类型用户,高校图书馆数字资源使用成效具有多种表现形式,需要从定性与定量角度,综合采用多种方法加以描述和测评。高校图书馆还应关注影响研究生对图书馆数字资源使用成效的感知与体验的因素,并围绕这些因素改进数字资源的建设与服务质量,进一步促进数字资源价值的实现。  相似文献   

Digital library has the capabilities of storing various electronic information resources which can conveniently be accessed by remote end-users via computer networks and the Internet. In recent times, Universities in Nigeria have embarked on integration of technologies in their operations for improvement, especially with respect to digitisation of academic information resources. However, with the huge investment committed to establishment of digital libraries in Nigerian Universities, less research has been done on their acceptance and usage from the users' perspective, more especially with respect to the fit of digital library with students' tasks. This study, therefore, investigated task-technology fit of digital libraries in three Nigerian Universities and identified factors influencing use of digital library by the students. Survey design guided the study and a questionnaire was used to collect data from 402 students. The study found a high usage of digital library among the students. A moderate positive correlation and significant relationship was found between the independent variables (task characteristics, technology characteristics, attitude, computer self-efficacy and task-technology fit) and use of digital library. The study validates the TTF model which posits that for an information system to be utilised, it must be a good fit for the tasks it supports.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 从高校图书馆用户出发,引入图书馆焦虑的前因变量学业压力和后果变量到馆行为,构建理论模型并进行检验。[方法/过程] 通过问卷调研获得226位高校图书馆用户数据,并采用标记变量法控制潜在的共同方法偏差,利用偏最小二乘结构方程(PLS-SEM)验证新的图书馆焦虑量表的结构,并检验图书馆焦虑与其前因变量和后果变量的关系。[结果/结论] 验证5个维度18项的图书馆焦虑量表并发现共同方法偏差对图书馆焦虑测量的影响,说明利用标记变量法控制共同方法偏差适用于图情领域的实证研究。在控制共同方法偏差的影响后,发现学业压力对高校图书馆用户的图书馆焦虑产生显著负向影响,并间接影响用户到馆频次。同时,图书馆焦虑直接影响高校图书馆用户到馆频次并间接影响其到馆停留时间。这说明了高校图书馆用户图书馆焦虑的前因变量和后果变量,揭示了图书馆焦虑产生的内在机制,为理解我国图书馆用户的图书馆焦虑提供新的实证依据,也为图书馆缓解用户的图书馆焦虑提供新的思路。  相似文献   

As it becomes increasingly difficult to demonstrate the worth of the library to the academic community, gate counts and usage statistics are no longer enough. Showing the impact the library has on the community requires planning new services with outcome measurement from the start. This article outlines a marketing strategy for launching a faculty book delivery service at the University of Central Florida's John C. Hitt Library using Fisher and Pride's (2006) Blueprint for Your Library Marketing Plan. It includes a review of relevant literature on marketing delivery services, service and marketing goals and outcomes, target audiences, marketing messages, message delivery strategies, marketing budget, and management of staff responsibilities. This article is the second in a series of three articles that together make up an entire project planning and management document that is based on Rhea Rubin's (2006) Outcome Measurement model. The plan in its entirety provides an example of how to apply the Outcome Measurement model in an academic library setting.  相似文献   

As it becomes increasingly difficult to demonstrate the worth of the library to the academic community, gate counts and usage statistics are no longer enough. Showing the impact the library has on the community requires planning new services with outcome measurement from the start. This article outlines a project plan for launching a faculty book delivery service at the University of Central Florida's John C. Hitt Library using Rhea Rubin's (2006) Outcome Measurement model. The article reviews the relevant literature, analyzes the current internal and external climate in which the service will be implemented, discusses the logistical aspects of the service such as cost, delivery method, and staffing, and concludes by determining the goals and outcomes of the service based on these factors. This article is the first in a series of three articles that together make up an entire project planning and management document, including planning, marketing, and assessing the service. The plan in its entirety provides an example of how to apply the Outcome Measurement model in an academic library setting.  相似文献   

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