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自从近现代教科书制度确立以来,教科书一直是出版业发展的主要支柱之一,庞大的学生读者群构成了教科书永不枯竭的广阔市场,成为书业界角逐竞争的主要目标。在我国近现代教育史上,教科书由政府制定标准,实际编写交由坊间的情形大约持续了几十年,这为一些条件较好的出版家提供了大规模发展的契机与可能。我国第一本具有现代意义的教科书,就是在商务印书馆的手中完成的。早期商务印书馆占领了教科书的绝大部分市场,及至民国成立,中  相似文献   

中国近代出版业兴起于1897年商务印书馆的成立。商务印书馆初为一家印刷工厂,其能“做大做强”,成为近代中国最大的出版企业,半个多世纪来一直称雄于出版界,应归功于教科书的出版。商务印书馆董事陈叔通在《回忆商务印书馆》中说:“商务发财主要是靠教科书。”1904年,由张元济组织编制的《最新教科书》陆续出版,成为清末影响最大的一套教科书,“一、此书既出,其它书局之儿童读本,即渐渐不复流行。二、在白话教科书未提供之前,凡各书局所编之教科书及学部国  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国的教科书编写和出版得到了迅猛的发展,为教育事业的改革和发展作出了巨大的贡献。随着改革的进一步深化,教科书的编写和出版遇到了一些新的情况,也面临一些新的问题。在这种情况下,了解日本在走向现代化进程中的教科书出版,对我们当是有参考意义的。  相似文献   

2001年6月,教育部颁布了<基础教育课程改革指导纲要(试行)>,开始了中国第八次基础教育课程改革,同时开始启动新的教科书编写管理体系.根据2005年的一项统计,全国有76家出版社在从事新课程教科书的出版工作.昔日由一家出版社垄断基础教育教科书出版的局面被彻底打破,我国已经形成了多家出版社出版基础教育教科书的新局面.  相似文献   

试析晚清教科书出版的几个主要特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从教科书的出版制度和出版主体、教科书编辑宗旨、方法和体例及教科书流通等三方面,对晚清教科书出版的主要特征进行了探析。  相似文献   

本文分析了当前中小学教科书数字出版的必要性和可行性及其所面临的问题,从加强数字化教科书内容的开发、进行数字化教科书平台建设以及优化教科书数字出版人才队伍三个层面,提出了中小学教科书数字化出版的优化策略。随着科技的不断进步,数字化逐步进入出版领域,教育出版的数字化也进行得如火如荼。一、数字化教科书的必要性和可行性中学教科书的数字化具有深刻的必要性。从教师层面而言,传统的纸质版教科书在编撰上以文字为主,辅以少量图片或者实例,因此在老师的  相似文献   

2001年开始的新一轮基础教育课程改革,开启了我国教育改革的新篇章,也引发了教科书出版的大变革,教科书多样化时代已经到来.但我国中小学教科书出版普遍存在特色不鲜明、质量参差、选用错位、形式单一等问题.树立品牌意识、培育专家型研发队伍、形成立体化出版格局、加大监管力度,是我国中小学教科书出版改革与发展的方向.  相似文献   

中华书局作为我国近现代出版史上第二大综合性出版机构,以其严肃认真的出版人作风,量多面广的出版物规模,精益求精的出版物质量,对我国近现代学术文化的发展做出了重大贡献。细说起来,有如下几个大的方面:1、在教科书及教育类图书出版方面。中华书局编写出版的教科书,涉及学科门类广——凡政府颁布的课程标准中所罗列的几乎所有课程,都编写有相关的教科书;涉及教育层次多——从小学到中学、大学,从师范学校到专科学校,都有教科书供应①;出版印刷数量大——过去全国各学校使用的教科书中,有3/10是他们供应的。②这些教科书…  相似文献   

清末民初自编教科书的出版,是当时出版业的一大特色.尽管是初创,还有许多不尽如人意之处,但毕竟已迈出了这艰难的一步,中国人终于有了属于自己的教材.  相似文献   

韩国教科书出版及国际倾向的考察●李锺国【韩国·大田】金菊贤译一、序言世界上任何一个国家,都存在教科书。教科书根据各国的教育制度和教育习俗,使之在不同情况下都可适用。教科书是图书类中历史最悠久的传播知识媒体,尤其由于教育手段的固有特点,更显得和其它图书...  相似文献   

石真珍 《出版科学》2011,19(6):64-66
相关分析指出,高校教材存量市场不断扩大,品种逐年增加,供给过剩与需求旺盛并存。在数字化时代激烈的市场竞争中,高校教材巡展这一成熟的营销手段暴露出一些弊端,本文结合笔者多年参与教材推广的经验,总结高校教材巡展面临的四大主要问题,并提出五点对策。  相似文献   

Higher education textbooks sales account for a significant portion of the overall book market. This study makes an important contribution to the extant literature by examining students’ purchase of original textbooks in a developing market, Vietnam. Notably, it seeks to investigate why students do not purchase original textbooks as well as the difference in purchase behavior between different groups of students. The findings reveal that some key obstacles to students’ purchase behavior include high prices, insufficient availability, low perceived value, and the emergence of pirated textbooks. Another notable finding is that senior students who are female tend to purchase more textbooks. In light of these findings, marketing strategies are suggested for publishers, bookstores and universities who aim to promote the sales and consumption of original textbooks.  相似文献   

Trainees in the library and information profession in Africa depend on textbooks that are written for an environment other than Africa because of the dearth of textbooks suited to the local environment. There are very few books that attempt to focus on Africa and none of these books can really be used as a basic text for teaching. This has greatly affected the training of library and information professionals in Africa as the trainees are exposed to the situations in Europe, America and Asia which are generally not relevant to the African environment. Several factors have been identified as responsible for the lack of African library and information science textbooks, including the relatively young age of the profession resulting in a low number of professionals in Africa that have the required expertise to write textbooks. The attitude of publishers to tertiary textbooks is another limiting factor, as they are not likely to make a profit given the small number of trainees in the continent. In short, publishers regard such a venture as non-profitable because of the limited market. Another problem is the lack of interest on the part of professional associations in the continent to promote the writing of textbooks. In order to ameliorate these problems, it is recommended that professionals in the continent should participate in team authorship, by drawing from a pool of expertise, with a view to writing relevant textbooks. Also, there is a need for professional associations and the relevant international agencies to promote the publishing of textbooks. Finally, there is a need for retired information professionals in the continent to form a consortium of marketing outfits for the purpose of marketing and distributing textbooks on the African library and information profession throughout Africa.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine students’ perceived benefits and values of textbooks, with a specific focus on emerging markets. A paper-based survey was used to collect data from 459 Vietnamese students in three business disciplines including accounting, international business and marketing. The findings reveal that Vietnamese business students view textbooks as having greater short-term benefits than long-term ones. They also believe that textbooks have relatively low economic value. Interestingly, marketing students perceive that textbooks provide primarily benefits of improving class performance, while accounting students tend to view textbooks to have benefits of clearer understanding of relevant concepts. Implications for key stakeholders in the higher education book publishing industry are discussed and future research directions presented.  相似文献   

英语教材与对外汉语教材是目前我国第二语言教材出版中规模最大、数量最多、体系最为完备的两个板块,在整个教材出版中占有非常重要的地位。作为第二语言教材的编辑,除要具备编辑的一般素质之外,还须有一些特别的素养与能力,如汉英双语能力、很高的政治敏感度、谙熟第二语言教学法及跨文化能力等。  相似文献   

新时期图书馆学教材存在着内容与现实脱节、教材与专著不分、适应层次不清、编写不精、水平低层次重复等问题。要提高图书馆学组编教材的质量,必须加强过程控制,特别要做好编写、统稿、审稿、编辑加工、校样处理等环节的工作。  相似文献   

Medical information needs were examined in a survey of sixty-seven physicians selected from the faculty and housestaff at Johns Hopkins Hospital. A standardized questionnaire was administered personally by a medical informatics physician to collect data on information needs, attitudes, and previous experience with computers. The types of information most frequently required by both faculty and housestaff were treatment recommendations and differential diagnosis. The sources of reference information most commonly used were textbooks and colleagues. The information needs of housestaff differed significantly in several categories from those of faculty physicians. Housestaff more frequently needed information for patient care (P less than 0.05), and preferred the use of textbooks (P less than 0.01) and handbooks (P less than 0.001) as information sources. Faculty more frequently needed information for activities unrelated to patient care (P less than 0.01) and placed greater importance on basic science information (P less than 0.01). When asked to suggest references for online access, the respondents named 143 journals and textbooks, with journals overwhelmingly preferred over textbooks. Only one reference, the New England Journal of Medicine, was requested by a majority of the respondents. The importance of a broad understanding of physician information needs through improved data-collection techniques is discussed as a means of increasing the use of medical information systems.  相似文献   

Book piracy is a significant problem throughout the world and particularly in emerging countries. Such a phenomenon is costly to all participants in the publishing supply chain. This paper aims to investigate factors that influence Vietnamese students’ purchases of photocopied textbooks. The findings reveal that students’ purchases are motivated by their perceived value, subjective norms representing social influence and the lack of regulation enforcement. Using these findings, this paper suggests interventions for policymakers, publishers, distributors and universities to limit the purchase of pirated textbooks as well as to improve the value of original textbooks.  相似文献   

为加强国外教材的研究评介和信息服务工作,维护并完善教育部国外教材综合信息平台,推进对国外各学科优秀教材的研究与评介,本课题选定了国外有代表性的、世界著名大学所用的三本激光原理教材作为研究对象。在学习和借鉴发达国家激光原理教材成功经验的基础上,通过深入地分析、研究、比较和归纳总结,对所选三本激光原理经典教材做了客观地评价与介绍,为教育部外国教材的引进与利用提供了重要参考。参考文献17。  相似文献   

Students look to interlibrary loan (ILL) as a mechanism for acquiring textbooks. What are the students’ expectations of ILL and can ILL meet those expectations, especially given that textbooks are perceived as difficult to borrow? This article reports the findings of a survey designed to determine the expectations of students who had placed ILL requests for textbooks. By analyzing the records for those students’ requests using data from ILLiad, the degree to which students’ expectations can be met was determined. Students’ flexibility with editions provides ILL staff methods to increase fill rates and improve service.  相似文献   

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