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从系统论的角度出发提出职工体育评价指标体系的理论模型"条件-过程-结果"模型,采用AHP法构建职工体育评价体系,有助于政府及企业管理部门加强对职工体育评价重要性的认识以及对职工体育评价工作具体开展过程的了解,提高职工体育管理效率。  相似文献   

农村非正式结构体育社团演进路径的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用问卷调查法等,对农村非正式结构体育社团的演进路径进行实证研究。基于组织演进理论提出假设,依据假设从心理归属、交往意愿、距离临近、社团领袖变量建立演进路径初始模型,并进行验证性因子分析。结果显示:农村非正式结构体育社团的演进模型是一个具有因果关系的结构方程模型,由5个测量模型和1个结构模型组成。鉴于农村非正式结构体育社团的演进路径不同,建议体育管理部门在培育或管理非正式结构体育社团时应合理引导,村委会应从农村体育发展与社会稳定的角度,对非正式结构体育社团的演进、发展等进行调控。  相似文献   

农村体育评价指标体系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对农村体育评价指标体系研究做简要报告。描述按照社会指标理论与方法规范要求进行研究所取得的主要结果。提出农村体育评价指标体系的设计原则、理论模型和目标模式;确定农村体育评价指标体系及其权重;制定与使用农村体育评价指标体系配套的农村体育情况统计表和县有关部门、乡镇体育情况填报表,并研究选择进行农村体育评价采用的综合评分法。  相似文献   

为丰富高校体育教学模式理论,指导高校体育教学改革实践,采用文献资料法、演绎归纳法对体育教学模式的基本理论进行了分析,针对大学生体育学习的学情对高校体育“六步”教学模式进行了假设与构建,包括营造和谐的人文环境、最佳的呈现方式、联想与思考、结对练习、讨论与评价、庆祝.同时指出了“六步”教学模式在运用中的注意事项.  相似文献   

尽快对《体育法》进行修改是目前我国体育法制建设的重要任务。采用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法,从法律位阶视角对《体育法》的修改问题进行研究,认为《体育法》的位阶决定了它的功能,应受到充分重视。在此基础上认为《体育法》目前主要存在4个方面的问题:没有明确公民基本体育权利;缺乏相应的体育法律基本原则;对其下位法缺乏必要规制;与其同位法缺乏必要联系。据此,提出《体育法》的修改应该体现它在体育法规体系中基本法的地位、确立体育法律基本原则、加强对体育下位法制定和实施的监控、重视与其它部门法律规范的联系等4个方面的建议。  相似文献   

影响我国教练员运用体育科技成果的因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
主要采用问卷调查法和数理统计法,从认同度、能力水平、知识结构、取得渠道、管理部门、科技服务等6个方面,分析影响我国教练员运用体育科技成果的原因。结果发现,这6个因素间均有显著性差异,说明具有某种程度的影响力。在此基础上,提出了建设性意见。  相似文献   

山东迈向体育强省的发展战略与对策   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
采用献分析法、问卷调查法、特尔菲法、趋势外推法以及规范型预测法,在对山东省体育发展现状调查研究的基础上,探讨2010年山东省迈向体育强省的发展战略目标和目标体系,提出实现目标的基本对策。  相似文献   

略论我国体育产业发展的优先领域   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27  
采用文献资料法,分析了我国体育产业发展现状及合理的产业结构对体育产业发展的重要性。在此基础上,系统论证了体育健身业优先发展的条件、现实效果——直接或间接带动体育产业相关部门的发展,以及对社会经济发展的促进作用,认为我国现阶段应优先发展体育健身业  相似文献   

遵循指标体系构建的基本原则,分理论与实证两个阶段,在广泛借鉴相关研究结果及指标数据可获得的基础之上,采用多种方法构建了我国省级区域体育公共服务发展水平、经济发展水平评价指标体系。用基于因子分析的综合评价方法对我国31个省域2016年体育公共服务发展水平、经济发展水平进行评价,在此基础上运用隶属函数协调发展评价模型对31个省域2016年体育公共服务与经济协调发展状况进行评价。评价结果为:8个协调,4个基本协调,11个弱协调,8个微协调。在19个弱协调和微协调的省域中,有11个省域的体育公共服务发展水平落后其经济发展水平对体育公共服务发展水平的要求,有8个省域的体育公共服务发展水平超过要求。中部地区是我国体育公共服务与经济不协调的重点地区。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,越来越重视身体健康的人群在一定程度上促进了体育产业的发展。大学生具有一定经济能力和独立生活能力,已成为体育消费人群中不可忽略的一部分。其中,女大学生在心理、生理等方面与男大学生有很大的不同,是整个大学生体育消费市场中比较特殊的群体。本文以本科在校女大学生为研究对象,在理论分析的基础上,提出了影响女大学生体育消费行为的理论模型与假设。通过回归分析,部分假设得到验证:个人收入和体育消费形式与体育总费用呈正相关关系;个人收入和信息渠道与体育消费时长呈正相关关系;安全和信息渠道与体育消费倾向呈正相关关系。并据此针对性地提出了开发女大学生体育市场的建议。  相似文献   


Using self-determination theory (SDT) (Deci, E.L., & Ryan, R.M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. New York, NY: Plenum) as the theoretical framework, we conducted a longitudinal investigation of the temporal ordering between motivation and burnout among youth athletes in intensive training setting. Data were collected from 145 table tennis players in intensive training centres at three time points during a 2-month period characterised by a simultaneous increase in social, physical and psychological demands for these athletes. Structural equation modelling of cross-lagged panel models was used to test the hypotheses. Results showed significant paths leading from athlete burnout – especially sport devaluation and reduced sense of accomplishment – at time 1 to amotivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivations at times 2 and 3. Only two significant paths leading from motivation (introjected regulation at time 1) to burnout (emotional/physical exhaustion at time 2 and reduced sense of accomplishment at time 3) were identified. Overall, our results suggest that athlete burnout predicts motivation over time but motivation did not predict athlete burnout over time. Results are discussed in terms of current research findings on SDT.  相似文献   

柳方祥 《体育科学》2007,27(11):78-82
借助史料论证了秦代收天下兵器是因为六国已灭,天下一统,黔首安宁,不用兵革,广大农民不再需要继续持有已废弃的铜制兵器。一些武术史论著中关于秦“收兵”是为了“禁武弱民”的说法缺乏严格的论证,存在对史料理解的偏狭。  相似文献   

秧歌舞锻炼对中老年人体质影响程度的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取50名参加秧歌舞锻炼半年以上(一周锻炼5~7次,每次时间60~90分钟),且没有参加其他锻炼形式的中老年人作为实验组,并随机选取30名同年龄段没有参与任何形式健身锻炼的中老年人作为对照组。按照国家体育总局群体司印发的《中国成年人体质测定标准手册》中规定的15项测定项目与方法,在一周内完成对两组人群的测定。所有采集数据应用spss软件进行统计学处理。结果表明:参加秧歌舞锻炼使中老年人体质确有改善,但不十分显,还应结合其他锻炼形式。  相似文献   

Carbohydrate ingestion can improve endurance exercise performance. In the past two decades, research has repeatedly reported the performance benefits of formulations comprising both glucose and fructose (GLUFRU) over those based on glucose (GLU). This has been usually related to additive effects of these two monosaccharides on the gastrointestinal tract whereby intestinal carbohydrate absorption is enhanced and discomfort limited. This is only a partial explanation, since glucose and fructose are also metabolized through different pathways after being absorbed from the gut. In contrast to glucose that is readily used by every body cell type, fructose is specifically targeted to the liver where it is mainly converted into glucose and lactate. The ingestion of GLUFRU may thereby profoundly alter hepatic function ultimately raising both glucose and lactate fluxes. During exercise, this particular profile of circulating carbohydrate may induce a spectrum of effects on muscle metabolism possibly resulting in an improved performance. Compared to GLU alone, GLUFRU ingestion could also induce several non-metabolic effects which are so far largely unexplored. Through its metabolite lactate, fructose may act on central fatigue and/or alter metabolic regulation. Future research could further define the effects of GLUFRU over other exercise modalities and different athletic populations, using several of the hypotheses discussed in this review.  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to study the effect of a well-advertised vitamin-mineral supplement on three selected gross motor tests. Experimental and control groups were formed in two groups, football players and physical education majors. Measurements were taken at five different time periods covering a period of 12 weeks. No statistically significant differences in motor performance were found between those subjects taking the supplement and those taking the placebo.  相似文献   


Australian football is an indigenous game codified in 1859. In Melbourne, the code’s birthplace, the game remained officially committed to the amateur ideal for over a half-century. Illegal player payments nonetheless became increasingly commonplace. Moreover, periodically rumours swirled of champion footballers taking bribes to ‘play dead’. By the early 1900s, the code’s leading competition, the Victorian Football League (VFL), was derided with the ‘shamateurism’ label. Following a sensational match-fixing investigation that resulted in two players receiving five-year bans, in 1911 the VFL expunged its rule prohibiting player payments. Was the timing merely coincidental or was the League’s historic switch to professionalism a deliberate countermeasure to redirect press attention, renew public confidence, and restore the game’s integrity? By consulting the League’s official records and contemporary press articles, this work examines the overlooked yet discernible linkages between rising match-fixing allegations and the VFL’s decision to eschew amateurism and embrace professionalism. It argues that Australian football offers an instructive historical perspective of a sporting body tackling mounting concerns over corruption, taking back the ascendency by amending its rules to better govern over dishonest players and duplicitous club officials, thereby growing its popularity and restoring public perception of its integrity in the process.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined aspects of the 4 x 100 m relay that are amenable to mathematical analysis. We looked at factors that affect the time required to complete the relay, focusing on the performance of elite male athletes. Factors over which the individual athletes, and the team coach, can exercise some control are: the starting positions of the runners on legs 2, 3 and 4, the positions at which baton exchanges occur, the free distances at the baton exchanges and the running order of the athletes. The lane draw is shown to have an important influence on the relay time, although it is outside the control of the team coach. Teams drawn in the outside lanes benefit from the inverse relation between bend radius of curvature and running speed. For teams composed of athletes with different times over 100 m, we show that the fastest relay times are achieved with the fastest athlete taking the first leg, with the slowest two runners allocated to the final two legs.  相似文献   

试论体育新课改过程中出现的偏见与极端化现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从体育教学实践和体育教学研究两大方面分析论证了体育新课改过程中出现的偏见与极端化现象.主要包括教学实践中出现的谈化课堂常规、过于追求服装道具、教学目标过于形式化及教学理论研究中出现的语言表达绝对化、研究对象的以偏概全、研究内容的跟风现象.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined aspects of the 4 2 100 m relay that are amenable to mathematical analysis. We looked at factors that affect the time required to complete the relay, focusing on the performance of elite male athletes. Factors over which the individual athletes, and the team coach, can exercise some control are: the starting positions of the runners on legs 2, 3 and 4, the positions at which baton exchanges occur, the free distances at the baton exchanges and the running order of the athletes. The lane draw is shown to have an important influence on the relay time, although it is outside the control of the team coach. Teams drawn in the outside lanes benefit from the inverse relation between bend radius of curvature and running speed. For teams composed of athletes with different times over 100 m, we show that the fastest relay times are achieved with the fastest athlete taking the first leg, with the slowest two runners allocated to the final two legs.  相似文献   

Case study design was used in this investigation of the pupil assessment theories of two middle school physical education teachers whose program was identified as a good program in which pupil assessment was taking place. An assumption guiding the study was that teachers' actions are rational and are designed to produce desired results. Therefore, a comparison is made only between two theories of action (espoused and enacted) rather than between theory and practice. Informal and semistructured interviews were employed to elicit teachers' espoused theories, and enacted theories were identified during field visits over a semester in which classes were observed and school documents examined. Teachers' theories of assessment are identified for the categories of participation, effort, and improvement; grading; written tests; fitness testing; performance tests; and formative recordkeeping. Espoused and enacted theories are then examined for congruency. The highest level of incongruency was found in the areas of performance tests and formative recordkeeping. Barriers to the use of pupil assessment techniques in this program include organizational, knowledge, and contextual factors. Change in the assessment practices of secondary teachers may be facilitated, however, through the identification and examination of teachers' theories of assessment by both preservice and inservice teachers.  相似文献   

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