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随着高等教育的发展,大学教师专业发展在高等教育领域已然成为被关注的焦点。而教学学术的研究则为大学教师专业发展研究开辟了一个崭新的维度。在教学学术和教师专业发展的引领下可以有效推进教师的职业专业化、平衡大学教师教学与科研的矛盾关系、完善大学教师专业发展理论体系和外部评价环境。在基于教学学术的大学教师专业发展策略生成中应该着力于教学学术理念与教师角色、评价与激励制度、教师专业发展策略以及教师教学学术研究等方面的建设,可以促进教师教学学术水平的改善并且有效地提高大学的高等教育质量。  相似文献   

教学学术视野下的大学教师专业发展及其路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学是特殊的学术活动,教学学术是大学教师专业发展的重要内容,对促使大学教师发展回归大学本真,平衡大学教师教学与科研关系以及批判传统教师专业发展评价制度等方面具有重要价值。通过教学学术促进大学教师的专业发展,应注重以完善教师内在素养和提高人才培养质量为目标的教学研究,完善大学内部教师教学评价和奖惩制度,建立大学教师教学学术共同体等。  相似文献   

大学教师发展——“教学学术”的维度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大学教师发展(Faculty Development)有着丰富的内涵,教学工作是其中一个十分重要的方面。论文借鉴欧内斯特.博耶所提出的"教学学术"的相关理论,指出大学教师发展的核心在于"教学专业"的发展,而教学专业发展的关键则在于以重构学术内涵为切入点,牢固确立"教学学术"的观念;认真处理好"教学学术"与专业科研和社会服务之间的关系;自觉加强关于大学教学本身的科学研究。  相似文献   

高校教师从事的是一种学术性的工作,学术性是高校教师的最基本的特征,教学学术是高校教师专业发展的重要纬度.目前,由于我国高校教学学术的缺位,所以就严重地制约着大学教师的专业发展.因此,高校管理者必须确立并坚守自己教学学术的理念,同时制定一种对教师的教学学术进行评价与激励的制度,以此引导大学教师重视教学,重视对教学学术的研究,促进大学教师的专业发展.  相似文献   

教学学术厘清了教学与科研之间的关系,对大学教师专业发展具有重要意义。高校应从组织、制度、机制、文化等几方面入手,积极构建促进大学教师教学学术水平提升的良好环境。教师要不断加强学习,注重反思与合作,提高教学学术水平,以促进自身专业发展。  相似文献   

大学教师关系伦理的理性思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学教师的关系伦理存在于教育与社会、教学与科研、师生交往以及专业化发展过程中。而当前社会责任感缺失、教学与科研关系失衡、师生关系异化及学术道德失范等大学教师关系伦理错位问题的存在,必然要求我们重建和谐的大学教师关系伦理。这就需要大学教师形成独立的人格,教学与科研并重,建立和谐的师生伦理关系,同时要完善伦理规范,进一步加强师德建设。  相似文献   

学术性是大学的本质之所在,应从大学教师的专业自主权,大学教师职业的学术性,大学教师专业忠诚于学科文化等方面加强大学教师专业发展的理论逻辑;同时,以教学学术为切入点,通过完善教学学术评价制度和培育学科文化等加强大学教师专业发展的实践逻辑。学术是大学的灵魂,是大学教师的理想,大学教师专业发展的理论逻辑和实践逻辑统一于学术性。  相似文献   

教学是大学的原生功能,是大学教师的主要职业活动。教学学术的提出拓展了学术的内涵,对大学教师的专业发展具有重要意义。教学学术既是大学教师专业发展的重要内容,也是大学教师专业发展的重要途径。教学学术视野下,要促进大学教师的专业发展,需要构建良好外部环境,重新认识教学与教学学术,健全大学教师专业发展的组织机构,完善大学教师培训制度,也需要注重教师个体自主发展,加强理论学习,反思教学实践,开展行动研究等。  相似文献   

论大学教师的教学责任   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
随着大学功能的扩展,大学教师的责任出现多元化趋势。由于重科研、轻教学的制度与政策导向,大学教师作为研究者的责任不断强化的同时,教学失责问题也不断凸显。实践证明,通过扩展学术的内涵、推动教学学术运动是大学化解教学与科研冲突的有效途径。我国大学教师失责问题是多种因素影响的结果,当务之急是要通过改善大学发展环境、改革教师评价制度、建立有效的管理体制等方面的制度创新来提升大学教师的教学责任。  相似文献   

大学教师专业发展是时代发展的必然,从大学教师专业发展的三个方面“教学、科研和社会服务”来说,其关键是重新思考教学的意义,确立教学的学术地位,使它拥有与科研和社会服务同等的地位。在具体实践中,它需要加强理论研究,理清“教学学术”的内涵,并研究教学本身,将其应用于实践,以促进大学教师专业发展,最终促使大学教育质量的提高,推动我国高等教育的蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

There is growing recognition of the complexity of academic work and the need for university and college faculty members to develop scholarly approaches to teaching and learning. While structured programs of study have been initiated for faculty to address these issues in various higher education contexts, very little research has investigated the theory–practice relationship of the scholarship of teaching and learning within a faculty certificate program context. This article presents a program development and evaluation framework to enhance the theory–practice integration of the scholarship of teaching and learning in such a program. Data suggest that a broad range of institutional and programmatic strategies can enhance the scholarship of teaching and learning in a faculty certificate program. A scholarly approach to teaching and learning is viewed as both an individual and social contextual process.Dr Harry Hubball and Dr Helen Burt are faculty members at the University of British Columbia, BC, Canada. Harry Hubball's research focuses on curriculum and pedagogy in university settings. He coordinates the UBC Faculty Certificate Program on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Helen Burt is the Associate Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Her research interests include the development of novel polymer-based drug delivery systems.  相似文献   

近年来,在学生规模扩大、教育问责强化、财政资助缩减等压力之下,加拿大安大略省将引入教学轨教职作为提高教育质量的重要改革举措。与传统的终身轨教师相比,教学轨教师主要从事教学和学习活动,与兼职或临时讲师相比,教学轨教师对教学和学生的投入更多,与学校的聘任关系更加稳定。作为与终身轨教职平行的职业发展轨道,教学轨教职的评价标准主要侧重考察教师在教学技能、教学计划与课程发展、教学领导与成就等领域的贡献。教学轨教职的引入对大学而言是一次机会,可以重新审视教学与研究之间的关系,探索教学使命和研究使命如何相互促进。在当前的教师岗位分类改革中,我国高校可从教学模式和课程体系、聘任与晋升评价体系、晋升与岗位转换通道、教学荣誉体系等方面提高教学为主型教职的认可度,促进教学为主型教师队伍的职业发展。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a qualitative, grounded-theory-based study that explored the motivations of science and engineering faculty to engage in teaching professional development at a major research university. Faculty members were motivated to engage in teaching professional development due to extrinsic motivations, mainly a weakened professional ego, and sought to bring their teaching identities in better concordance with their researcher identities. The results pose a challenge to a body of research that has concluded that faculty must be intrinsically motivated to participate in teaching professional development. Results confirmed a pre-espoused theory of motivation, self-determination theory; a discussion of research literature consideration during grounded theory research is offered. A framework for motivating more faculty members at research universities to engage in teaching professional development is provided.  相似文献   

Developing the motivation for improving university teaching   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stimulating faculty to take an active interest in improving their teaching remains a challenge to faculty developers in higher education. This survey of university faculty assessed attitudes toward teaching and teaching improvement. While faculty expressed high interest and desire for improving their teaching, the results suggest the presence of faculty subgroups with different degrees of motivation for faculty development. Implications are drawn for the creation of successful faculty development approaches which can capitalize on existing faculty interest, as well as develop faculty motivation for greater participation.She is currently directing a study of the teaching skills of medical residents. Her research includes the study of cultural variables in teacher education and counseling. Associate professor of Medicine at Stanford University and the Assistant Chief of Medicine at Palo Alto VA Medical Center. He is the Director of the national Faculty Development Program for physicians at Stanford.  相似文献   

Using a mixed methods, multilevel research design, this pilot inquiry explored the relationship between college faculty professional development and the academic achievement of diverse students by coupling two separate links: (a) the effects that professional development activities have on improving teaching strategies, and (b) the effects these teaching strategies have on student learning. Data were collected from administrators, faculty, and students to discover what teaching strategies are being used and, in their view, how these strategies affect learning outcomes. Data sources included a survey, documents, interviews, and observations. The case study institution is a New Mexico community college, and the research focuses on two academic programs with 145 students enrolled. Data analyses revealed three main themes: (a) faculty development and its link to teacher effectiveness and student learning outcomes are embedded in the mission, goals, and policies of the institution; (b) faculty development is considered vital, funding is always available, and faculty participate in on- and off-campus development activities to enhance their teaching effectiveness and student learning outcomes; and (c) the institution focused on collecting and analyzing student learning outcomes data, but no data-driven means for assessing the effectiveness of faculty development activities existed.  相似文献   

数以万计的大学教师发展问题亟待解决,这也是当前提高高等教育质量和建设高等教育强国面临的艰巨任务。引入教学学术理论,从教学学术的视角研究大学教师发展将具有重要意义。教育者、研究者和学习者角色的统一融合体就应该是大学教师最核心和最重要的角色,这样的角色定位有利于大学教师的发展。好的教学还应意味着,教师既是学者又是学生,因此应该加强教师与学生之间的交流,形成一个师生学习共同体。教师与教师之间的学习共同体和教师与学生之间的学习共同体都可以促进大学教师的发展,大学教师的发展也都需要这些学习共同体的熏陶和培养。每位教师都必须坚持忠诚的最高标准,既要重视教师职业道德修养也要加强学术道德修养。  相似文献   

高校教师的心理健康受内部和外部多方面因素的影响。随着高等教育规模的不断扩大、高校人事制度改革的不断推进以及科研教学任务的不断加重,高校教师承受的压力越来越大,其心理健康问题也变得越来越突出。因此,高校的管理者应认真研究高校教师的心理健康状况,努力为教师创造良好的环境,使他们能够以健康的身心投入教育和科研工作,从而促进高等教育事业的不断发展。  相似文献   

大学教师发展中心是大学教师发展的发动机。大学教师发展中心运行机制研究对提升大学教师内涵式发展具有重要意义。鉴于澳大利亚南澳大学在在线教学和教学模式改革等方面取得的重大成就,选取南澳大学教师发展中心的运行机制进行案例分析,并分别从管理机制、激励机制和质量监控机制以及反馈机制等几个维度探讨南澳大学教师发展中心运行机制的实然状态,以期对我国大学教师发展中心运行机制的改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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