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智力障碍与学习障碍的差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在日常教育中,患有学习障碍的儿童通常会被误认为是患有智力障碍,或者是真正有智力障碍的儿童被认为只是有某方面的学习障碍,这种误解常常导致患儿不能进行及时有效的治疗,给患儿及家长造成巨大的心理压力。文章通过阐述智力障碍与学习障碍的概念以及发生原因来对智力障碍及学习障碍进行区分,并在此基础上,提出对智力障碍及学习障碍的治疗方法。  相似文献   

一、素质教育的内涵素质是一个人的内在能力在各个方面的稳定的外在表现,是以语言智力、数学或逻辑智力、空间智力、音乐智力、身体智力、内省智力和创造智力等核心所组成的综合智力,在学生的社会(人文)、科技(专业)、心理、身体方面的整体表现。素质教育是身体和大脑(具有7种智力中心)全面发展的教育,是以发展学生各种专业智力能力与综合智力能力为核心的教育,是依据生理学、心理学、脑科学和有关教育、科技等的规律,通过加强和提高学生个人的人文素质、科技素质、心理素质和身体素质,进而全面发展学生的综合智力、培养学生自主发展…  相似文献   

中重度智障儿童生活适应能力的生态化教育模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、学校、家庭和社区相互支持的生态化教育模式的提出 近年来,中、重度智力落后儿童已成为我国培智学校的主体。智力不足导致他们适应能力的缺陷较严重。适应能力除直接受智力影响外,更是与环境交互的功能状态。适应能力作为生活的重心,有动态、可变的特点,只要给予足够的时间与支持便能增进适应能力、  相似文献   

在教学上有特殊需要的儿童一般指智力超常儿童、智力落后儿童和学习障碍儿童。在课堂学习情境中,对这几类特殊儿童应区别对待,采取与之相适合的教育措施。  相似文献   

苏小玲 《教育评论》2014,(5):162-164
当前,智力落后儿童的理论研究与实践干预越来越受到公众的广泛关注与高度重视。国内关于智力落后儿童的教育干预研究还较为薄弱,亟待进一步加强。本文着重介绍和评述了国外比较有名的三个关于智力落后儿童的教育干预方案,分别是艾塔德感官训练方案、卡罗来纳初学者方案、工具性强化方案。这些方案效果显著、可操作性强,对国内从事智力落后儿童工作的理论研究者和教育实践者都具有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

创造教育是当今教育的热门话题;多元智力理论是人类智力认识上的飞跃。二者的关系表现在:人人平等都是二者的内在出发点;多元智力理论为创造教育提供理论基础;创造教育是多元智力理论实施的有效途径。多元智力理论要求创造教育树立创造力的多元发展观、确保创造教育的连续性、推动创造教育的系统化和本土化以及探讨适合超常儿童的教育模式等。  相似文献   

智力障碍儿童首先是儿童,他们与正常儿童有一样的发展规律。其次才是发展迟缓的儿童,根据智力障碍儿童的本质特征进行适当的教育,对促进智力障碍儿童的发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

中、重度智障儿童生活适应能力的生态化教育模式初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中、重度智力落后儿童的生活适应能力,除了受智力影响外,更与环境产生着交互作用。通过环境影响与教育介入,适应能力是可以得到改善与提高的。学校、家庭、社区是智力落后儿童生活的三个主要生态环境。环境生态课程是弱智教育理想的教育模式。本论文以此课程理论为基础,充分开发学校、家庭和社区的潜能,构建学校、家庭和社区相互支持的生态化教育培养模式,提高智力落后儿童的生活适应能力。  相似文献   

面向21世纪,使我们迫切地感到,教育在未来社会中的重要作用应体现在如何培养出既有高智力水平又具有优良个性品质、富于开拓进取精神、适应现代社会发展的优秀人才。本文通过对内蒙古呼和浩特市214名小学生的智力测验、个性测查及相关分析,试图从量化分析的角度来探讨儿童个性特点与智力发展的关系,并与中国儿童EPQ常模进行比较,为实施个性教育提供依据  相似文献   

社会适应能力不仅是鉴别和诊断智力障碍儿童的依据,还是对智力障碍儿童进行教育与训练的主要内容。社会适应能力的发展满足智力障碍儿童自身发展的需要,是其融入社会的必然选择。目前对智力障碍儿童的社会适应能力的培养过于注重外显行为的训练,忽视了内在心理机能的发展。本文整理了智力障碍儿童社会适应能力的培养上出现的问题,结合相关文献,提出教育建议。  相似文献   

人们普遍认为天才儿童是儿童中的极少数,然而,根据国外最新研究成果表明,儿童在其早期就几经具备了一些超乎人们想象的认知行为和能力,这是对皮亚杰的儿童认知发展理论的又一有力挑战。根据这些新研究成果,我们认为天才儿童的培养不是不可能的,只要及时的、用科学的启发方式和培养手段,天才儿童的普遍塑造还是有可能的。  相似文献   

Student records of 130 children with learning difficulties who had been tested twice were examined to determine the stability of WISC-R scores over time. There were significant losses in Verbal IQ and Full Scale IQ. Subjects in the above-average IQ range had greater losses in Verbal IQ and Full Scale IQ and greater gains in Performance IQ than did those in the below-average IQ range. Children initially tested before age 8 had a significant IQ loss, but those tested after age 8 maintained a constant IQ. The WISC-R is most frequently administered to children with learning difficulties. Results presented here suggest that the IQs in this population are not as stable as was previously thought, and this may provide a rationale for the periodic readministration of the WISC-R.  相似文献   

Do prodigies have extraordinary innate talent or do they just start very early and get much practice? Why do relatively few become eminent as adults? Is it because early and later success often need somewhat different abilities and gatekeepers rule? International chess is a good test domain for both issues because it has objective longitudinal data, unvarying task requirements, and no glass ceiling. Eight prodigies were studied. Some did not start chess particularly young but quickly reached high performance levels. Five already are very eminent, one becoming the youngest‐ever world champion at age 18. Chess prodigies probably do have great natural talent. Prodigies in domains with certain characteristics may tend to become eminent if they persist.  相似文献   

颍川郡由于地处中原,春秋战国时期经济发展,思想文化发达,自秦置郡以来,本地的豪族势力得到迅速发展,并逐渐士族化和官僚化。汉魏之际颍川郡人才辈出,名动古今,在中国历史的天空划下浓浓的一笔。颍川郡之所以会出现如此多的奇士,其根本原因在于颍川郡豪族众多,为多奇士现象的出现创造了一系列条件。  相似文献   


Programs for the general population of gifted and talented children may bypass the needs of the highly gifted, if not responsive to the special, often unique, ways such individuals think, act, and feel. Joseph Renzulli's concepts and enrichment programs, emphasizing task‐commitment and creativity as prerequisites for advanced enrichment services, risk discrimination against children of great potential who fail to display these traits. Insights from David Henry Feldman's studies of prodigies — combined with an alertness to the interplay of emotional, social, and cognitive factors pointed to by Lita Hollingworth, Carl Rogers, D. K. Simonton, and others — suggest the essentials of a model for maximally nurturing the potential of the highly gifted.  相似文献   

长期以来作教学成了语教学的瓶颈,学生思路不畅,表达不明,成为语老师的心病。然而,许多人把这一问题的症结都归因于学生的智商。在笔看来,因对情商的忽略而对智商的高度重视,才是导致这一问题的根本所在。  相似文献   

The term ‘child prodigies’ is not a scientific one, but is commonly used to refer to exceptional children. Such children are frequently featured in the mass media in particular the daily press. Many of these cases are accessible in no other way. This paper first presents a summary of cases of ‘exceptional early achievers’ reported in two leading British ‘quality’ newspapers. The Times and The Sunday Times, over the decade 1988 to 1997. These and other reports raise numerous issues about giftedness and attitudes to it, which appear to be ambivalent or somewhat negative. This may have implications for public policy towards, and provision for, able children. While the daily press is not scientific literature, there seems to be a regrettable ignorance of psychological knowledge, which would probably not be paralleled in say medicine or engineering.  相似文献   

The relevance of IQ to the definition of learning disabilities is a much-debated issue. In this article, the effect of not using IQ in the identification of children with reading disabilities is demonstrated. Two classification procedures, differing in their use of IQ, are compared. The first conclusion is that abandoning IQ in classification has a very limited impact on the number of children identified as reading disordered. Our data demonstrate that, if IQ is used, more high IQ children are classified. Another finding pertains to the effect of a restriction of IQ range. The number of children classified as reading disordered is a function of the IQ range.  相似文献   

宋庆龄少年儿童教育思想与活动,是她一生光辉业绩的重要组成部分。宋庆龄少年儿童教育思想也是留给我们的一笔宝贵的精神财富。宋庆龄从历史与未来的高度关心少儿的成长;主张对儿童要加强思想教育,要从物质上,也从精神上,把最宝贵的东西给予儿童;要从德、智、体、美诸方面都来关心支持少儿教育工作;尽最大努力制止战争,保卫儿童,维护世界和平。宋庆龄少儿教育思想,内涵丰富,指导意义重大。  相似文献   

Despite the popularity of nonverbal IQ tests for psychoeducational assessment of deaf children, criterion-related validity is lacking. This may be because nonverbal IQ tests lack criterion-related validity, or because inappropriate scaling attenuates IQ achievement correlations. Two studies used samples of deaf children to test these hypotheses. The first study (N = 33) correlated WISC-R PIQs with Stanford Achievement Test-Hearing Impaired Edition (SAT-HI) grade equivalents and age-based percentiles (rs less than .37, NS). The second study (N = 64) correlated nonverbal IQs from many tests with SAT-HI scores (rs .05 to .42). The results implicate the hypothesis that criterion scale affects IQ-achievement correlations. The role of nonverbal IQ in the psychoeducational assessment of deaf children is discussed.  相似文献   

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