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医疗保健信息体量巨大、增长迅速,且用户需求多样,是医学信息资源和用户行为研究的热点领域。文章 采用文本分析等内容分析方法对1980—2015年的101篇主要相关研究文献进行梳理,论述医疗保健信息搜寻行为在需 求类型和寻求障碍的表现,并且发现搜寻者个人、情境、信息资源等因素对职业信息搜寻皆有影响,指出医疗保健信 息搜寻行为研究主要集中在基本情况的研究方面,而在改善信息质量、信息寻求困难问题方面研究不足,这将对于我 国医疗保健信息领域的理论研究维度和实践解决方案有所启示。  相似文献   

Web引文数量探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对我国图书情报学科的 7种核心期刊近 5年来发表论文的参考文献中的网络引文的数量分析 ,本文揭示了网络信息资源对学术交流活动的影响和学者们利用网络信息资源的状况。并与国外的网络引文研究进行了比较。  相似文献   

探索式信息搜索行为研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了探讨探索式信息搜索对搜索者知识结构的影响以及搜索者在搜索过程中的行为变化特点,采用概念图分析、日志分析及调查问卷相结合的方法,设计用户实验。结果表明,探索式信息搜索能显著改变搜索者的知识结构搜索者,在探索过程中试图构建新的、复杂的和更为专业化的知识结构,伴随着认知的阶段性改变,呈现出从快速浏览、细致浏览到集中搜索的行为特点。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]旨在分析协同搜索用户在信息搜索任务过程中的交流内容与模式,从而理解协同搜索用户的关注重点与搜索过程。[研究设计/方法]基于书籍交互检索平台(CLEF-Social Book Search)设计实验,共招募18名被试完成两种搜索任务,通过录音记录对话并对其进行编码和分析,总结交流内容特征和模式。结合任务类型、认知类型组合、服务器记录的搜索交互行为日志以及问卷收集的搜索体验进行了探索分析。[结论/发现]从交流内容上看,协同搜索用户主要理解与评判书目信息、商讨搜索任务计划;比起认知类型不同的用户,相同认知类型的用户在操作交互方面交流更多,在评判决策方面交流较少。交流模式依据讨论内容比重可分为理解评判型、评判主导型、均衡交流型三种,评判主导型用户的任务完成满意度最高。[创新/价值]协同搜索用户的交流反映出搜索过程中需要与同伴商讨协同的焦点,也是需要系统提供协助的重点,给协同搜索系统设计提供一定参考。本研究针对协同搜索的交流内容设计的编码系统对相关的协同交流研究也有借鉴意义。  相似文献   


Adding multiple sources of information in the display of Web search results may negatively affect users’ perceptual experience and information-seeking behavior. This claim was established by investigating the impact of different Web search compositions on users’ ability to extract specific information. In this article, we assumed that the quantity and order of different compositions (areas) in the Web search results page may contribute to individual’s ability to find information relevant to their search queries. An eye-tracking device was used to observe and compare the perceptual behavior of 14 users in an information-seeking task. The results showed that the use of different compositions in the display of Web results page significantly influenced users’ perceptual experience by reducing their attention to the organic results area. The quantity of these compositions was found to greatly increase the cognitive load of users when attempting to retrieve information from the organic area, which negatively affects their information-seeking performance. Our finding provides a rationale for further studies to consider the impact of quantity and order of Web page compositions on individuals’ perceptual attention and cognitive load in information-seeking task settings.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探究在协同与独立模式下完成信息搜索任务的过程中,用户在搜索体验、交互行为方面的差异,试图通过对比研究来理解协同信息搜索行为的特点,为协同搜索系统的设计提供借鉴。[方法/过程]基于图书交互式检索平台(CLEF-Social Book Search)进行实验,共招募16名独立被试和18名协同被试到实验室完成多种类型的书目搜索任务,对搜索前后问卷记录的搜索体验以及后台服务器记录的搜索过程交互行为进行对比分析。[结果/结论]搜索体验方面,协同搜索被试比独立搜索被试对实验系统的功能评价更好,对系统的美感、耐用性、新颖度评价更高,参与实验的专注度更高,但却感到更加费力;搜索行为方面,相比独立模式下的被试,协同模式下的被试在目标型任务中进行更多次决策,尤其是删除书目的决策,意味着协同搜索被试在搜索后期会进行更多的决策讨论和整理;在探索任务中,协同被试比独立被试的平均决策时间和首次决策时间都更长,可能是由于在探索任务中协同被试的参与度更高、讨论更多。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the research into current medical vocabularies and their impact on searching the Web for health information. The Web provides growing opportunities for laypersons to gain knowledge about specific health conditions, though research to date has been incomplete. Many studies have examined aspects of controlled medical vocabularies. Other studies have examined aspects of medical Web searching vocabularies. In this context, there is a growing need to examine more closely laypersons' Web queries using controlled medical vocabularies that were designed to serve the needs of medical professionals. It may be the case that the average consumer of Web health services is not able to use correct medical terminology, and may not be able to choose analogous or synonymous terms from a search result list. Our review suggests a growing need for studies to examine the current applicability of controlled medical vocabularies as well as alternatives to semantic query by Web search engine users.  相似文献   

Web 信息检索(Information Retrieval)技术研究是应用文本检索研究的成果,它结合Web图论的思想,研究Web上的信息检索,是行之有效的Web知识发现的途径。传统HITS方法所获得的信息精确度相当低,而PageRank作为一通用的搜索方法,不能够应用于特定主题的信息获取。在充分分析了PageRank、HITS等现有算法和Web文档的相似度计算方法的基础上,提出了Web上查询特定主题相关信息发现的RG-HITS算法。它结合了Web超链接、网页知识表示的信息相关度以及HITS方法来搜索Web上特定主题的相关知识。  相似文献   

Searching for information pervades a wide spectrum of human activity, including learning and problem solving. With recent changes in the amount of information available and the variety of means of retrieval, there is even more need to understand why some searchers are more successful than others. This study was undertaken to advance the understanding of expertise in seeking information on the Web by identifying strategies and attributes that will increase the chance of a successful search on the Web. The strategies were as follows: evaluation, navigation, affect, metacognition, cognition, and prior knowledge, and attributes included age, sex, years of experience, computer knowledge, and info-seeking knowledge. Success was defined as finding a target topic within 30 minutes. Participants were from three groups. Novices were 10 undergraduate pre-service teachers, intermediates were 9 final-year master of library and information studies students, and experts were 10 highly experienced professional librarians working in a variety of settings. Participants' verbal protocols were transcribed verbatim into a text file and coded. These codes, along with Internet temporary files, a background questionnaire, and a post-task interview were the sources of the data. Since the variable of interest was the time to finding the topic, in addition to ANOVA and Pearson correlation, survival analysis was used to explore the data. The most significant differences in patterns of search between novices and experts were found in the cognitive, metacognitive, and prior knowledge strategies. Survival analysis revealed specific actions associated with success in Web searching: (1) using clear criteria to evaluate sites, (2) not excessively navigating, (3) reflecting on strategies and monitoring progress, (4) having background knowledge about information seeking, and (5) approaching the search with a positive attitude.  相似文献   

本文在系统分析国内外信息行为相关研究的基础上,结合网络学术信息行为的定义及特点,构建出网络学术信息行为理论框架:然后基于框架从学术数据库、Web搜索引擎和专业学术网站三种途径解析网络学术信息查询行为涉及的载体层级和行为过程;最后从而建立二维表,为进一步研究网络学术信息行为提供参考。  相似文献   

With the proliferation of images in daily life, it is crucial to investigate what, where, why and how people search images in response to their everyday needs. In order to examine the daily needs of image searchers, a survey questionnaire was administered to 58 college students. The results demonstrated that the majority of college students use Google or Google Image for searching images, because of its familiarity and user-friendly interface. Although searchers reported a high success rate (85.6%) of image retrieval, they wanted search engines to return more relevant images and fewer irrelevant and redundant images. They also desired search engines to provide high resolution and full scale images. Students searched for images for various purposes, including to: prepare presentation materials, use as computer wallpaper, get ideas for purchasing, travel destinations, or beauty/fashion items, see what something looks like, verify names, solve problems, out of curiosity, and so on. Some types of needs revealed that users were interested in associated textual information, as well as the image itself. The implications for image retrieval system design are 1) it is proposed that metadata information (size, quality, type, copyright information) be utilized in browsing or navigating images, and 2) further research on an information retrieval system that can support users looking for both text and images concurrently is suggested.  相似文献   

网络信息搜索行为与用户的日常生活息息相关,用户认知导向的网络信息搜索是认知观和社会认知理论在网络信息搜索中的应用,是与传统信息检索和用户导向信息检索不同的检索范式。在介绍认知交互模型、信息问题解决模型和使用搜索引擎的网络信息搜索行为模型等用户认知导向的信息搜索模型的基础上,进一步从用户因素、信息环境和社会情境方面分析网络信息搜索过程中的影响因素。  相似文献   

The relative contributions of expertise in search skills and domain knowledge were examined when using the Internet to find information. Four conditions were compared: expert searchers/high domain knowledge; expert searchers/low domain knowledge; novice searchers/high domain knowledge; and novice searchers/low domain knowledge. Search outcomes and verbal protocols were analyzed. The combination of search expertise and high domain knowledge yielded the most efficient searches. Higher search expertise yielded access to sites rated more accurate and credible. High domain knowledge yielded sites rated more thorough. Verbal protocols depicted searching as a complex decision process. Findings have implications for instructional support.  相似文献   

The problem of language in Web searching has been discussed primarily in the area of cross-language information retrieval (CLIR). However, much CLIR research centers on investigation of the effectiveness of automatic translation techniques. The case study reported here explored bilingual user behaviors, perceptions, and preferences with respect to the capability of the Web as a multilingual information resource. Twenty-eight bilingual academic users from Myongji University in Korea were recruited for the study. Findings show that the subjects did not use Web search engines as multilingual tools. For search queries, they selected a language that represents their information need most accurately depending on the types of information task rather than choosing their first language. Subjects expressed concerns about the accuracy of machine translation of scholarly terminologies and preferred to have user control over multilingual Web searches.  相似文献   

Browse displays are information retrieval displays that alphabetically sort individual metadata elements such as author, title, and subject and lead searchers to desired information in a database or in a library. Browse displays are becoming a less common means of displaying search results in favor of relevancy-ranked displays. But browse displays have many benefits and add great value to information retrieval. Before libraries and repositories abandon browse displays, they should consider the value and benefits these displays offer, including structured search results, cross references, and simplicity.  相似文献   

在Web2.0环境下,从集成化的角度对信息行为进行研究已逐渐成为新的热点。信息行为集成化研究框架包括时空环境、多学科、研究方法和多个子环节四部分,是一种从宏观视角对微观层面的信息行为进行研究的框架。在时空环境层面,需要定位于人类进化的历程和多层次的环境与情境中进行分析;在学科层面,应以情报学为核心,以心理学为辅助,以社会学和人类学为宏观背景进行综合分析;在研究方法层面,应综合应用质性方法与量性方法;在构成层面,信息搜寻/搜索/检索、信息组织、信息利用三个子环节在信息共享的促进下循环发展。对信息行为进行深入研究应坚持多元化和集成化的原则。  相似文献   

以来自Web of Science数据库(1975~2011年)的以信息行为主题的2520条文献为数据源,借助CitespaceⅡ软件对相关被引文献和主题词等数据进行分析和处理,以知识图谱的方式对信息行为研究的知识基础、研究热点、研究前沿进行分析。发现2个明显的聚类展示出信息行为研究的2个分支领域;2个分支内的经典基础理论和模型很好地展示了信息行为领域研究的知识基础;9个高频关键词表征了信息行为的研究热点;2003年以来的7个突现词和若干个高频关键词表征了信息行为的研究前沿。  相似文献   

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