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我国足球运动员犯规动作特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2000年甲A前13轮78场比赛和第11届欧洲足球锦标赛54场比赛中队员的犯规动作,从犯规动作的部位、犯规发生区域和红黄牌出示情况等方面进行分析,揭示高水平足球运动员形成犯规的共有规律性特点,为运动员有针对地提高防守抢截能力提供理论依据。  相似文献   

以我国甲 A 足球队和国家队为研究对象,对制约我国足球整体水平发展的三个竞技特征,即队员的跑动、攻防技术的运用及犯规动作的特点进行了分析研究。研究结果显示,跑动距离和快冲跑与国外运动员相比有着较大的差距;进攻技术中的射门和防守技术中的断、抢、铲技术运用的成功率较低。此外,三条线上的位置技术急待改进与提高;下肢动作犯规率最高,并且上肢动作犯规率几乎接近下肢。在强、次强对抗状态下,对控球队员的犯规以及背后和侧后犯规率均明显高于国外队员。  相似文献   

2008年欧洲足球锦标赛决赛阶段运动员犯规特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2008年欧洲足球锦标赛决赛阶段的16支球队全部31场比赛中犯规动作进行技术统计分析.结果显示本届杯赛的犯规主要以推、拉、绊、铲、踢人5种犯规为主,并体现出上肢的犯规次数多于下肢,犯规发生的主要地点在中场区域的特征.研究和了解当今国外高水平足球运动员的犯规特征,对提高我国裁判员的业务水平、保证比赛的进一步进行、促进技术的健康发展以及队员在训练中有针对性地提高个人防守抢截的实效性有一定的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

对七运会篮球决赛中犯规现象的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 犯规现象的发生虽然在客观上暂时起到了限制和破坏对方进攻的作用,但如果不对犯规动作及时加以控制和提高队员对犯规动作的正确认识,不但队员个人随时都有五次犯规被罚下场的危险,而且也常常会因此使全队陷入被动和导致失败的局面。 为了取得比赛的胜利,在训练中注意提高队员的攻防技术,特别  相似文献   

体育专业学生足球运动损伤的调查研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
体育专业大学生足球运动损伤的特点和一般规律显示:损伤主要集中发生于足踝部、膝、大腿和腰背;主要损伤类型是扭伤、挫伤、擦伤和拉伤;扭伤发生率高于专业队员,低于一般大学生;挫伤发生率高于一般大学生,低于专业队员;足踝部受伤率高于专业队员。体育专业学生主要受伤原因是犯规、技术动作不准和运动场地质量不好等。建议加强对足球运动损伤的心理因素分析研究,有效改善场地设施,加强对场地的管理和维护。  相似文献   

七运会篮球赛早已结束了,各队篮球健儿在比赛中的精彩表演给篮球爱好者留下了难以忘怀的印象,使人们仍记忆犹新。但比赛中的犯规现象可能却早已忘到九霄云外。因为我们广大的教练员,运动员,甚至观众等都对比赛中的犯规现象司空见惯,习以为常,好像队员在比赛中犯规是一种正常现象,无可厚非。然而从表面现象看,队员是可利用犯规暂时起到了限制和破坏对手进攻得分的作用,但如不对队员的犯规动作加以控制,提高对防守的正确认识和能  相似文献   

本文通过临场统计,以50场比赛中1496次防守犯规动作作为研究对象,结合篮球运动基本理论和对规则的理解,较系统的分析了三个层次水平的球队在比赛中防守犯视情况的趋势、防守犯规多少对比赛的影响、防守犯规动作现象特征、不同位置队员防守犯规动作特征、不同情况下防守犯规动作特征等五个方面问题,试图为篮球防守教学训练提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

问:接触与犯规是什么关系?怎样看待接触?新规则有何变化? 答:接触与犯规,既有联系又有区别。侵入犯规必包含身体接触,而身体接触并不都是侵人犯规。 新规则规定,如果确实为了去抢球(正常的篮球动作)而发生身体接触,而此接触没有把接触的对方队员置于不利,这样的接触则可当作意外情况不必给予处罚。 从背后发生接触是不正常的篮球动作,后面的队员常对此接触负责任,因为就他与球和对方队员来说  相似文献   

第4届女子世界杯足球决赛运动员犯规特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用文献资料、观察统计法,对第4届女子世界杯足球决赛场上队员犯规特征进行分析。结果显示:全部比赛共犯规813次、越位161次、红牌1张、黄牌65张;平均3.54min有1次犯规、17.89min发生1次越位、44.33min出示1张黄牌;上半场的犯规数略高于下半场、越位数略少于下半场、黄牌数大大低于下半场;队员上肢犯规多于下肢;中场犯规最多。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市第六中学苗健:①防守无球进攻队员时,用推、拉、顶、撞等动作不让对方正常接球是否犯规?②比赛时,队员或教练对裁判不礼貌,不服从判决,在场外大喊大叫,遇到这种情况,裁判该如何判罚? 答:①犯规。在比赛中,推、拉、顶、撞等已属于不正常的篮球动作,无论对方队员手中有球还是无球,出现这种动作都应被判为犯规。②这是比赛中一个管理方面的问题。作为一名有  相似文献   

基于球员转会经纪案例的管理体制思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浙江绿城足球俱乐部近年来操作了若干运动员转会事宜.2000年,在将吉林敖东足球队甲B参赛资格及全体队员买下的基础上,重新组建了绿城足球队.其整体嫁娶的足球经纪模式拓展了足球经纪内容,取得了良好的经济、社会效益,并为后来者提供了有益借鉴,同时亦带来了相关管理体制的矛盾冲突.文章从管理角度进行探讨,试图探寻有关足协管理体制改革的相关建议.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to analyse context, causes, and characteristics of injuries in non-professional soccer. Therefore, a retrospective telephone survey was carried out with persons who were injured while playing soccer and who reported this accident to the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund (Suva). Based on these data, an analysis of 708 soccer injuries was performed. The findings show that 30.1% of the injuries occurred during informal soccer play, and 75.4% of the injured persons were soccer club members. 53.0% of all injuries were caused by contact and 29.5% by foul play. Foul play was not associated with injury severity. With respect to injury severity, twisting/turning and being tackled by an opponent were identified as the most influental injury causes. Moreover, the risk of being severely injured was particularly high players of the 30+/40+ amateur leagues. In conclusion, the findings highlight that 30+/40+ league players are a major target group for the prevention of severe soccer injuries. Soccer clubs may constitute an appropriate multiplier for implementing prevention strategies such as fair play education, healthy play behaviours, and prevention programmes. Finally, a better understanding of injury situations leading to severe injuries is needed to improve injury prevention.  相似文献   


The influence of a potentially fouled player's vocalisations on the referee's decisions was investigated. Experienced soccer referees watched video clips of real-match situations that were presented either without sound or with sound where a player's vocalisations were clearly audible and made judgements regarding fouls, direction of play and personal penalties. The results revealed that players’ vocalisations had no impact on the foul decisions of the referees. However, once a referee made a foul decision, the player's vocalisations led to an increased number of personal penalties (increase in yellow cards) for the foul-causing player. In addition to crowd noise, a player's vocalisations during a foul are used as a proximal cue in the referee's decision-making process.  相似文献   

我国女子冰球运动员减少比赛犯规行为的对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
尹凯  李庆明 《冰雪运动》2010,32(1):30-34
正确认识比赛中运动员犯规带来的危害,对加强和规范技术动作合理性,强化合理阻截意识,减少比赛中运动员犯规行为,提高比赛的胜出率具有重要作用。分析世界女子冰球运动员犯规的特征,我国运动员犯规与失分的关系,提出采用强化针对性技战术训练、加强心理训练、学习现代冰球理论、提高抗裁判员失误判罚的能力等措施减少与预防比赛中运动员的犯规行为。  相似文献   

我国女子足球优秀运动员的跑动能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用德国研制的SIMI-scout技战术软件对参加第5届全国女足锦标赛的运动员比赛跑动能力进行解析.结果显示,我国女足运动员平均跑动距离是(7 166±1 394)m,其中高强度、中等强度和低强度的跑动距离分别占总距离的13%、24%和63%,且不同位置队员的跑动距离和跑动能力结构具有明显的位置特征.  相似文献   

Reliability and validity of two tests of soccer skill   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Twenty-four players from the 1st/2nd (elite) and 24 players from the 3rd/4th (non-elite) university football teams were recruited to evaluate the Loughborough Soccer Passing Test (LSPT) and Loughborough Soccer Shooting Test (LSST) as tools to assess soccer skill. The LSPT requires players to complete 16 passes as quickly as possible. The LSST requires players to pass, control, and shoot the ball to targets on a full-sized goal. Participants completed two main trials each separated by at least one day. During both trials, the participants were given practice efforts before recording the mean of the next two (LSPT) or 10 (LSST) attempts as the performance score. For the LSPT, the mean time taken, added penalty time, and overall performance time were less in the elite players (elite: 43.6 s, s = 3.8; non-elite: 52.5 s, s= 7.4; P= 0.0001). For the LSST, there was no difference in the mean points scored per shot between groups (elite: 1.34, s = 0.46; non-elite: 1.28, s = 0.53). However, the elite players had higher mean shot speed (elite: 80 km h(-1), s = 4.5; non-elite: 74 km h(-1), s = 4.2; P < 0.0001) and performed each shot sequence faster (elite: 7.87 s, s= 0.29; non-elite: 8.07 s, s= 0.35; P= 0.037) than the non-elite players. Performance on both tests was more repeatable in elite players. In conclusion, the LSPT and LSST are valid and reliable protocols to assess differences in soccer skill performance.  相似文献   

通过第15届世界男子篮球锦标赛中、外男子篮球队在犯规特征方面的比较,反映出中国队在犯规次数上主要集中在主力运动员身上,而国外球队的犯规次数却集中在替补运动员身上。在犯规时间上,中国队运动员犯规的高峰期主要在第3、4节,而国外球队运动员犯规的高峰期则出现在第1、2节。在犯规地点上,国外球队运动员有明显向全场扩大的趋势,而中国队运动员犯规的密集区却集中在篮下周围区域。在犯规性质上,国外球队主要体现在阻挡犯规和推人犯规方面,中国队主要体现在拉人和撞人犯规上。4项指标的对比,均存在着较大的差异。  相似文献   

对欧洲高水平足球运动员犯规特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对2004年欧洲杯足球赛16支球队31场比赛中犯规动作进行技术统计研究,对欧洲高水平足球运动员的犯规特征及规律进行统计研究,结果发现,在2004年欧洲杯足球赛全部比赛中上、下半场犯规次数相差不大,但下半场裁判员出示的红、黄牌数量远远高于上半场,上、下半场最后15 m in是犯规最多的时间段;现代足球比赛中利用犯规来破坏对方的进攻逐渐发展成为一种重要的战术手段。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the focus of visual attention in expert soccer players together with the effects of acute bouts of physical exercise on performance. In two discriminative reaction time experiments, which were performed both at rest and under submaximal physical workload, visual attention was cued by means of spatial cues of different size followed by compound stimuli with local and global target features. Soccer players were slower than non-athletes in reacting to local compared with global targets, but were faster in switching from local to global attending. Thus, soccer players appear to be less skilled in local attending, but better able than non-athletes to rapidly "zoom out" the focus of attention. Non-athletes generally showed faster performance under physical load, as expected according to the hypothesis of exercise-induced increases in arousal and/or activation and in resource allocation. In contrast, soccer players showed a more differentiated pattern of exercise-induced facilitation that selectively affects specific components of the attentional performance and is interpreted by referring to the role played by individual expertise and cognitive effort.  相似文献   

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