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The urban physical environment results not only from functional requirements of urban life, but also from the very cultural background and social relationships. After examining the relationships between the architecture and the cultural contexts in Paris, the author presents and argues a belief that the architectural characteristics in Paris can be better explained by understanding the Parisian ways of urban life. Project supported by the French Presidential Programme “50 Chinese Architects in France”.  相似文献   

现代生活和现代都市的关系应予讨论。波德莱尔在19世纪中期发现的巴黎已经显现出了现代都市的特征:碎片化和瞬间性。之后,西美尔在柏林也发现了大都市和精神生活的复杂关系。接下来的本雅明重新考察了现代巴黎和现代生活的关系。波德莱尔、西美尔和本雅明的相关论述为今天的都市论述奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本文采用自编的半结构访谈提纲对9名在城市就业的农村女大学生进行了深度访谈,以探讨其城市文化适应的测量维度。研究结果表明,农村女大学生城市文化适应测量可从两个层面进行:一是城市文化适应,二是个体心理适应。城市文化适应包括城市社会关系、城市环境适应、行为方式、思想观念、工作状况、城市语言六个维度,个体心理适应包括心境和个性...  相似文献   

新一代网络“物联网”的建设在规模和深度上都发展到了全新的层次,依附于网络的社会网络文化现象及其表现出的文化特征,其对城市数字生活设计和与之相关联的艺术设计的影响也显得非常突出,城市数字生活设计所需要解决的问题中重要的一部分就是通过数字生活方式和艺术设计手段来传播城市文化,特别是社会网络文化.城市环境是一种文化形态,是数字文化设计的价值表现,也是现代科技进步的产物,同时也反映出城市文化对公众生活方式和生活质量的关怀.如何更好的运用数字生活元素和艺术设计语言并将之融合到城市设计之中,并通过努力提高网络文化转换能力来实现城市数字生活,这是我们需要解决的课题.  相似文献   

城市文化建设是实现城市治理体系和治理能力现代化,满足市民美好生活需要的主要内容。同为经济特区,雄安城市文化建设应在继承和发扬雄安传统文化的基础上,借鉴深圳和上海城市文化建设的成功经验,依据城市定位,坚持以人为本的城市文化建设理念,致力于打造“雄安精神”、塑造雄安特色城市文化,提升城市文化软实力和竞争力。  相似文献   

社区作为构成社会的基本单元,是现代城市发展的重要载体和依托.社区文化的发展是城市社区建设的主要内容之一,也是评价城市文明程度和生活质量的重要尺度.通过对常熟市社区文化建设现状的调查,总结了常熟市社区文化建设的成功经验,研究了常熟市社区文化建设的制约因素,并有针对性地提出常熟市社区文化建设今后的发展方向.  相似文献   

新都市小说通过对当代都市生活的聚焦,直接面对城市化进程中嘈杂纷乱的文化经验和欲望体验,确立起欲望化的叙事法则,从而使日常生活的经验成为了新都市小说写作的一个基点。新都市小说所要探讨的是有诗意有价值的日常生活,这种价值和意义是在哲学存在意义上的人所应该具有的日常生活。通过对日常生活的审美把握和创作,新都市小说显示出深切的人文关怀的向度。  相似文献   

城市空间的拓展生产了新媒体,新媒体的特性重塑了城市空间。从新媒介与城市空间的互动逻辑来看,新媒体的流动性重构城市空间格局、新媒体的产业性孕育城市空间经济、新媒体的艺术性标识城市空间文化、新媒体的智能性更新城市空间体系。新媒体没有取消空间,而是改变了空间。新媒介所构成的人类社会框架和生活节奏业已成为今天新城市化的背景,在一定程度上演化为我们的所有生存领域和环境。  相似文献   

瞽姬与清末民初广州城市文化娱乐生活   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瞽姬,即晚清至民国时期粤语流行区内的一种失明弹唱女艺人。她们虽然眼睛失明、身份卑微,但对清末民初的广州城市文化娱乐生活有着重要影响,在丰富广州市民的文化娱乐生活、拓展市民的文化娱乐空间、推动粤曲的发展与普及等方面起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

鲁迅晚期杂文与上海生活经验有很大关联,上海这个特定的文化空间,不但提供给鲁迅观察社会世相的一扇窗口,同时也影响着杂文创作的思维方式与言说策略。鲁迅晚期杂文往往在都市文化与租界体验的文化语境之中展开,解剖国民劣根性在租界社会的变异,批判沪上文人对金钱物质的依赖,挖掘知识分子流氓人格在洋场文化中的发酵与扩大。鲁迅还通过剪贴与备考的方式,缩微出一个真实的言论环境,使得晚期杂文具有一种对话感与互动性。  相似文献   

This article is a theoretical discussion of the cultural dynamics that shape the relationship between universities and black urban communities. It is argued that universities have a responsibility to address inner-city problems. However, the social relationships between academic institutions and urban communities are impeded as a result of cultural differences. Cultural, social, and power theories are employed to construct a framework for exploring the factors that impede positive interactions between universities and black urban communities. The article concludes by linking the renewed American discourse on civility to the public service mission of higher education and its relevance to urban communities.  相似文献   

While it is well established that the ability of teachers to build cultural competence is a critical aspect of their work especially in urban and highly diverse settings, the kinds of experiences that help them build cultural competence is less clear. The author attempts to contribute to this void by showcasing a White, science teacher’s experiences in building cultural competence in a highly diverse urban school. Culturally relevant pedagogy is used as an analytic tool to explain and uncover the ways in which the teacher develops cultural knowledge to maximize student learning opportunities. The basic premise of the article is that this White teacher was able to build cultural congruence with his highly diverse learners because he developed cultural competence and concurrently deepened his knowledge and understanding of himself and his practices. Practicing teachers, teacher educators, and researchers are provided a picture of how the teacher builds relationships with his students, how he deepens his knowledge about how identity and race manifest in the urban context, and how he implements a communal and collective approach to his work as he builds cultural knowledge and cultural competence about himself, his students, and his practices.  相似文献   

当代城市文学在20世纪80年代开始崭露头角,到90年代成为叙事文学的主流。其叙事立场发生了从主体性到个人化的改变。城市文学叙事立场的发展变化除了社会生活巨大变化的影响以外,城市文学创作实践文化选择和作家自我意识的改变主导了不同时代"人与城市"不一样的想象性关系。  相似文献   


The increasing racial, cultural, and ethnic diversity among the populations attending urban schools poses a significant challenge to providing quality public education. Similarly, few would dispute that, in order to meet this challenge effectively, teachers must acquire the cultural competency for creating productive and inclusive learning environments, building academic capability among all students, and forging solid relationships with students' families and communities. Though this view has become an “official doctrine” among teacher educators, developing cultural competence in actual contexts consisting of urban schools and classrooms has proven a difficult challenge. This article explains a design for this work called Circles of Co-Practice as a system of practice and inquiry to develop cultural competency in partnership activity. The system design and application to the work of urban school-university-neighborhood collaboratives to improve urban education is illustrated with two case instances.  相似文献   

从《流逝》以后,王安忆一直对城市日常生活投以关注的目光,这与她独特的历史观有着密切的联系,在王安忆看来一个小说家笔下的历史就是演绎一场日常生活的图景,在作品中王安忆通过日常生活的细节再现,铺呈出日常生活不为人所注意的韧劲,细致的内在美,同时王安忆挖掘了城市移民化复杂的构成要素,以及当各种化因子碰撞,交融之后形成的斑斓,宽容的特色,面对纷繁复杂的城市日常生活,王安忆采用了理性的叙述方式,既在掌握了大量的材料的基础上借助逻辑的力量,将小说的情节推演,延续,避免了叙述的拉杂与罗嗦,这一切都与王安忆力图构造日常生活的审美形式有关。  相似文献   

明清时期,由于社会经济的发展和变迁,老百姓的生活方式和生活观念都发生了明显的变化,城乡群众的文化娱乐形式和内容也与之前有了显著的不同,为这一时期城乡生活空间的拓展和个人个性的自由发展创造了有利条件,是时代特色的集中表现。  相似文献   

Moment in Peking,written by Lin Yutang during his stay in Paris,was translated first by Zhang Zhenyu and later by Yu Fei in succession.This study discusses the translation of cultural elements from the perspective of functional equivalence by comparing the two Chinese versions,thus providing theoretical and practical reference to back-translation of cultural elements and promoting successful cultural exchange between the Chinese and western culture.  相似文献   

为了促进河南省中小城市"城中村"的精神文明建设,使"城中村"顺利实现城市化,要做好三个方面的工作:提升居民的道德品质,提高居民的文化素养,丰富居民的文化生活。如果有关方面能够在以上几个方面下足工夫、做足文章,相信会取得相当不错效果。  相似文献   

随着城市群的建设和发展,不同城市逐渐相融合,城市间的文化生活及人们的生活方式也发生着相互影响.生活方式的变化直接或间接影响着个体的思想意识和价值观念.意图通过分析城市群的生活方式差异,阐释了长株潭传统生活方式向现代生活方式的演进.  相似文献   

当前城市社区建设的探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于党和政府的重视,改革开放以来,我国的城市社区实现由行政化向社会化的转变,城市社区各项工作,包括社区经济,社区精神文明,社区综合治理,社区服务工作等都以得了重大进展,当然城市社区建设也还存在一些问题,如社区建设经费短缺,社区文化建设不平衡等,针对这些问题,必须采取一些好的解决方案。  相似文献   

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