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对四川省15所不同类型的高级中学高一学生进行抽样问卷调查,利用统计分析的方法来定量探究高一学生生物学科课业负担的客观现状。结果表明,在课业负担减轻举措实施以来,高中生物课时量和考试次数已经相对减少,减负工作取得一定的进展,但课业负担仍然较重,具体表现在生物课时量超过规定,考试次数和配套资料书较多,学生完成作业时间长。  相似文献   

大学生考试舞弊是一种不诚信的行为,不道德的行为。部分学生平时不重视学习;心态不平衡,盲目跟从:讲义气、为缓解家庭困难;一考定胜负的考试制度,对舞弊行为查处不严等是大学生舞弊的原因。为了杜绝考试舞弊,要加强考试诚信教育、帮助学生明确学习目标、加大惩戒力度、改革考试制度、帮助学生正确对待考试。  相似文献   

考试制度是教育制度的重要组成部分,对一个国家(地区)有着十分重要的影响。本文从改革背景、考试组织机构,改革内容三个角度对与我国在文化教育方面有相似之处的日本、韩国和我国台湾地区三地的高校招生考试制度改革进行了系统的比较、分析,以期对我国正在或将要进行的教育改革有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

蔡文伯 《教书育人》2005,(11):37-37
考试制度是教学的“指挥棒”,是影响教育创新的关键因素。传统教育对教学效果和学生能力的评价采取规范性考试方式,通过标准性、规范性的试卷来评价具有能动性和创造力的学生,只注重知识灌输,不注重智能培养;偏重死记硬背、照本宣科,导致学生质疑能力差,抹杀了学生的创造力。具体说来,目前的考试制度主要存在以下几方面的问题:  相似文献   

试论高等职业教育院校考试改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考试作为教学管理的一个重要环节,具有很强的导向性,现行的考试制度存在内容片面性,形式单一性,命题随意性等问题,高等职业教育院校的考试改革应当采取三个措施:(1)更新考试评价观念,完善教学评价方法;(2)探索考试形式的多样化,适应实施素质教育的要求;(3)取消百分记分制,改革成绩评定方法。  相似文献   

应用型人才培养模式的顺利推行与合理的考试制度存在紧密的联系.本文对天津外国语大学滨海外事学院经济系学生进行问卷调查,分析现行考试制度存在的不足、对现行考试制度进行的初步改革效果,从考试程序、考试形式、考试的主体和客体三个方面,提出考试制度改革的改进策略.  相似文献   

论现行考试制度存在的问题及解决对策潘启富一、考试和考试制度考试制度是教育评价制度中的一种;人们以考试为手段测量学生的学力,并以此事实判断为基础,依据教育目标和教育理念,作出相应的价值判断、本文所提“现行考试制度”,是指升学考试制度。一般地就教育评价具...  相似文献   

目前的语文考试由于受应试教育的影响,制约了语文教学的正常运行。加重了教师、学生的心理负担和学业负担,因此必须对语文考试的方法、内容等进行改革。一是增设汉字书写的考查;二是增加对语文学科中人文教育内容的考查;三是加强对学生期朗读能力的考查;四是改变文字欣赏的考试方式;五是改革作文评分方法。  相似文献   

本文主要以藏族世俗社会教育模式中的私塾、私立学校、官办三种办学考试形式为主线,从三个不同历史时期对藏族地区社会教育考试制度作了简要论述。  相似文献   

改革考试制度是一件关系每个学生,关系千家万户的大事,考试制度不改革,基础教育的深化改革很难取得成功。人们说考试是个指挥棒,确实是这样。在目前其它评估教育质量的手段还不完备的情况下,考试几乎成了唯一的评估手段。因此考试对整个中小学教育的影响极大,不仅影响高中的教学,而且影响初中、甚至小学的教学。要提高民族素质,要全面贯彻教育方针,使学生在品德、智力、体质几个方面得到生动活泼的主动的发展,要全面提高教育质量,就要从考试制度改革入手。国家教委(原教育部)从1983年开始就在酝酿如何进行考试制度改革的问题。现在,准备用三年左右时间,把高校的择优选拔考试与中学毕业考试分开。条件具备了,就要下决心进行。  相似文献   

Online quizzes have been shown to be effective learning and assessment approaches. However, if scenario-based online construction safety quizzes do not include time pressure similar to real-world situations, they reflect situations too ideally. The purpose of this paper is to compare engineering students’ performance when carrying out an online construction safety quiz with time pressure versus an online construction safety quiz without time pressure. Two versions of an online construction safety quiz are developed and administered to randomly assigned engineering students based on a quasi-experimental post-test design. The findings contribute to scenario-based learning and assessment of construction safety in four ways. First, the results confirm earlier findings that ‘intrinsic stress’ does not seem to impair students’ performance. Second, students who carry out the online construction safety quiz with time pressure are less likely to ‘learn by trial and error'. Third, students exposed to time pressure appreciate that they become better prepared for real life. Finally, preparing students to work under time pressure is an important industry requirement. The results of this study should encourage engineering educators to explore and implement ways to include time pressure in scenario-based online quizzes and learning.  相似文献   

Commencing each class session with a class quiz, which emphasizes the previous week’s work and is supported by immediate feedback, encourages students to revise their notes ahead of the session, undertake more reading and keep pace with course progression. It reduces the necessity for any spoken review of the previous week’s work, provides guidance on the status of current student learning, and creates a knowledge platform upon which deeper learning may be constructed. When pitched at an accessible level, regular class quizzes are popular with students because they reinforce student engagement with the course and provide immediate positive feedback and reward. In this case study, quiz results correlate significantly with many other forms of assessment, especially those that require immediate individual knowledge such as examinations, learning journals and spoken presentations. They do not correlate so strongly with assessments based on teamwork or deductive exploration such as problem‐based laboratory study or self‐directed field trails. Class quizzes and formal examinations, alone of the assessment strategies compared in this study, are associated with significantly higher marks from female students. It is recommended that the technique is used as part of a diversified assessment strategy.  相似文献   

The internet has allowed for the online asynchronous assessment of acquired knowledge; however, the delivery formats of these online assessments do require evaluation. To this end, the summative examination and preceding formative quiz performances of students enrolled in a freshman-level course were evaluated between four cohorts in which each cohort was administered formative quizzes differing in testing location (in-class versus online), time limitation and ability to use notes. Results indicate decreased monitoring of formative quizzes such as those that are untimed and delivered online leads to increased formative performance but decreased performance on proceeding summative examinations. While the use of online testing may appear enticing, care must be taken to ensure student learning.  相似文献   

In many life science classrooms, instructors rely upon lecture presentations to efficiently present course content. Students, in this case, act as passive learners with little opportunity to test their knowledge for gaps or misconceptions. The goal of the project described here was to determine whether a collaborative quiz protocol that guided students to discuss their understanding with their peers would improve learning and academic performance. The project took place during a single semester and was composed of two studies: a preliminary study that incorporated short-answer quizzes into the curriculum and a comprehensive study that incorporated short-answer quizzes and justify/explain quizzes in which students were expected to select an answer and then justify or explain it. Students took all quizzes twice, first independently and then collaboratively with classmate(s). Learning was assessed using multiple-choice exam questions based upon quiz topics. Students scored significantly higher on exam questions associated with justify/explain quiz topics than on those associated with short-answer quiz topics.  相似文献   


The authors examined the effects of positive interdependence vs. no interdependence on students' academic achievement. Participants included 151 U.S. college students who took weekly electronic quizzes on which they could interact with group mates in a chat room. In the positive interdependence condition, 1 member was chosen at random, and his or her score was given to all members of the group. In the no-interdependence condition, each group member received his or her own score on each quiz. Achievement was measured by biweekly examinations that students took by themselves and that produced their own independent scores. Students in the positive-interdependence condition engaged in significantly more interaction and more promotive interaction while taking the electronic quizzes and achieved higher scores on the subsequent examinations taken individually.  相似文献   

Recent work in cognitive psychology has shown that repeatedly testing one's knowledge is a powerful learning aid and provides substantial benefits for retention of the material. To apply this in a human anatomy course for medical students, 39 fill-in-the-blank quizzes of about 50 questions each, one for each region of the body, and four about the nervous system, were developed. The quizzes were optional, and no credit was awarded. They were posted online using Blackboard, which provided feedback, and they were very popular. To determine whether the quizzes had any effect on retention, they were given in a controlled setting to 21 future medical and dental students. The weekly quizzes included questions on regional anatomy and an expanded set of questions on the nervous system. Each question about the nervous system was given three times, in a slightly different form each time. The second quiz was given approximately half an hour after the first one, and the third was given one week after the second to assess retention. The quizzes were unpopular, but students showed robust improvement on the questions about the nervous system. The scores increased by almost 9% on the second quiz, with no intervention except viewing the correct answers. The scores were 29% higher on the third quiz than on the first, and there was also a positive correlation between the grades on the quizzes and the final examination. Thus, repeated testing is an effective strategy for learning and retaining information about human anatomy.  相似文献   

Results of a successful pilot study are presented, in which quizzes are introduced in a second year bachelor course for mechanical engineering students. The pilot study course entailed the basic concepts of mechanical vibrations in complex, realistic structures. The quiz is held weekly using a SharePoint application. The purpose of the quizzes is to repeat important course material, give instantaneous feedback (i.e. formative assessment), stimulate peer instruction and, as a consequence, increase the students’ comprehension of the basic concepts taught in the course so that their deeper understanding of the subject matter improves. Students can earn half a point bonus, on a scale from 0 to 10, on top of their exam mark if they correctly answer 55% of all the quiz questions. The efficacy of the pilot study is determined by investigating the percentage of students that pass the course on their first attempt, i.e. the first time pass rate, and asking students for feedback through questionnaires. The first time pass rate of the students in the pilot study groups has, on average, increased significantly in comparison to groups in which the quizzes are not performed. Students indicated that the feedback from the quizzes helps them to identify gaps in their knowledge. Therefore, the pilot study is considered effective.  相似文献   

Quiz questions can be very effective teachers. They may condition students to study in particular ways, to attend to some types of information and to ignore others, and they may determine how the student processes information.Basic reinforcement theory holds that rewarded behavior is repeated while unrewarded behavior is extinguished. Successful test performance is a powerful reward for specific study techniques; and students, consciously or unconsciously, adapt their study techniques to fit and patterns in requirements of test questions.It has been demonstrated in several studies that frequent quizzes improve final test performance. But it has also been demonstrated that students identify very subtle patterns in test questions and focus their study efforts according to these patterns. A teacher could presumably use this phenomena to insure that students will notice pre-defined classes of information, or by unintentional patterns in questions, may motivate students to memorize inert and useless data.There is some evidence that quiz questions can be used to induce reasoning about information and discovery of unstated implications of particular kinds. Two studies have demonstrated that when a particular type of reasoning is required in a series of quizzes, students improve in their ability to solve similar problems on subsequent tests.Several general rules for designing constructive quizzes may be extracted from these data. Frequent quizzes of appropriate difficulty for individuals can be constructed by identifying a particular type of information or reasoning to be learned. Questions can be written which consistently require students to use the desired knowledge or skill and the questions may be segmented into a series of quizzes to produce a desired type of study.Since any quiz may affect study habits, teachers must insure that their quizzes have positive effects.  相似文献   

This paper describes work carried out at the Department of Chemical Engineering at UCL into the use of e-assessment in a second year module and, in particular, the student perceptions of this mode of assessment. Three quizzes were implemented in Moodle, the first two as formative assessment and the final quiz as summative assessment. The results were very encouraging and practically all students engaged with the process. An online survey was delivered to all students after the module, which showed that the students felt that e-assessment added value to their learning and they would like to see it implemented in other modules. The quizzes were intended to be mainly beneficial to the weaker students as it gave them an opportunity to go over key aspects of the material in their own time. Interestingly, the stronger students were even more in favour of e-learning than the weaker students, for whom the quizzes were originally designed.  相似文献   

In Maths for Business, a large first-year mathematics module, the continuous assessment component comprises 10 weekly quizzes which combine to contribute 40% of the final module mark. If students did not receive the full five marks on their weekly quiz, they were provided with the opportunity to resubmit their corrected weekly quiz with an explanation of their error(s) for one additional mark. We refer to this process as ‘remediation’. Of the students who had the opportunity to remediate, ~70% did. Through examining learning management system data, we show that the remediation process encouraged students to access module resources. Furthermore, by using a Bayesian hierarchical model to account for students’ level of participation, achievement and prior knowledge, we show that participation in the remediation process positively impacted the final examination marks of moderate to high-achieving students (based on initial continuous assessment marks). However, participation in the remediation process provided limited benefit to low-achieving students. We conjecture this is because these students had not achieved a level of understanding whereby participation in the remediation process could progress their knowledge.  相似文献   

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