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维克多·阿姆巴楚米扬是20世纪最伟大科学家之一,是世界著名的天体物理学家、数学家和理论物理学家。他的工作成果改变了人类对宇宙的认识。位于布拉堪的维克多·阿姆巴楚米扬故居博物馆再现了这位科学家的生活和科学活动情况。博物馆向观众介绍了从古代到20世纪末期人类对宇宙认识的演变,并将维克多·阿姆巴楚米扬的经历作为阐释一个人影响科学发展的生动范例。  相似文献   

三、弗拉基米尔·伊里奇·列宁(1870.4.22—1924.1.21)生于俄国辛比尔斯克,其父伊里亚·尼古拉也维奇·乌里杨诺夫是辛比尔斯克省国民教育视察员。列宁幼年时代跟母亲玛丽亚·亚历山大罗夫娜识字读书,开始学习外语和音乐。1879年,进入辛比尔斯克古典中学,课余从校图书馆、尼·米·卡拉姆辛公共图书馆和同学柯林斯基家庭图书室借阅大量书籍。中学三年级开始学习希腊语、代数、古代史课程,各科成绩优良;四年级参加俄罗斯语文、历史、拉丁文、希腊文、德语、法语、地理等科考试,均得最高  相似文献   

本文追溯了笔者于1984年拜访探索馆与馆长弗兰克·奥本海默有过一面之缘的难忘回忆,展示了弗兰克·奥本海默跌宕起伏的曲折人生和创建探索馆的教育理念,介绍了《众妙之门:弗兰克·奥本海默和他创造的世界》一书的作者柯尔、导言和各章内容概况,让读者对弗兰克·奥本海默有更为全面、更深层次的了解,从而在博物馆界进一步传播其博物馆教育理念。  相似文献   

在中国著名博物馆学家苏东海先生和挪威生态博物馆学家约翰·杰斯特龙先生精心的指导下 ,于 1 998年 1 0月在贵州建立了中国第一座生态博物馆———六枝梭戛生态博物馆 ,成为中国博物馆领域新的博物馆类型 ,引起了国内外博物馆学界的关注 ,得到了贵州各级政府的支持和重视。在三年的工作实践中 ,生态博物馆社区文化遗产的保护成为一个较为突出的矛盾 ,本文就此问题作一些探讨 ,抛砖引玉 ,试图获得好的“药方” ,使矛盾逐一得以解决 ,敬请专家学者不吝赐教 ,笔者不甚感谢之至。  一、生态博物馆社区遗产保护的差异性和存在问题  生态博物…  相似文献   

1996年我刚进大学,近十年来,看了很多文章,那一年有一篇文章至今在我的脑海里难以磨灭,那篇文章每一页的上半部分都有五个经过处理的照片,是:史蒂夫·乔布斯(SteveJobs)、比尔·盖茨(BillGates),尼古拉·尼葛洛庞蒂(NicolasNegroponte)、史蒂夫·沃茨涅克(SteveWozniak)、米奇·卡帕尔(MitchKapor),五个我们熟悉得不能再熟悉的大师。就在那次我知道他们同时是一批反权威、反主流文化、崇尚自我的“技术牛仔”。这篇文章的标题也很有意思:“我们把一切都归功于嬉皮士”在题记中,作者写道:“忘记反战抗议,忘掉长头发,60年代的那一代人留下…  相似文献   

本文以云南大理地区博物馆发展情况为例,从"全遗产观"角度对于遗产地博物馆发展实践进行研究,分析了特定的遗产地域中博物馆运行发展现状和特点;指出博物馆在"全遗产观"下要致力于构建多元文化空间,实现博物馆实践与遗产保护的良性互动。  相似文献   

最近十年间,博物馆观众研究取得一系列具有共识性和启发性的研究成果。然而,绝大多数研究都是站在博物馆的立场,经由观众研究的发现来审视展览传播的有效性,甚至为博物馆机构的合法性提供论据。鲜有研究去真正关注博物馆体验在观众的日常生活情景中究竟扮演着什么角色。基于此,本文将从米歇尔·埃弗雷特和玛格丽特·巴雷特的富有启发性的研究入手,详细讨论该研究的个体叙事、研究发现、研究对象、方法论框架、数据收集、数据分析等方面的内容,希冀为国内博物馆观众研究领域提供另一种具有可行性的研究路径。  相似文献   

论博物馆藏品信息管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来 ,许多博物馆开始利用计算机管理藏品。计算机在博物馆藏品管理工作中的应用 ,不仅实现了博物馆藏品管理工具与手段的升级换代 ,而且将引发博物馆藏品管理的指导思想和工作模式的深刻变革。藏品信息将成为博物馆业务工作的新对象 ,藏品信息管理将成为博物馆藏品管理工作的延伸和发展。对博物馆藏品信息管理的理论研究也将成为博物馆学的新课题。  一、博物馆藏品信息1 藏品与藏品信息讨论藏品信息管理 ,首先会涉及到藏品和藏品信息的概念问题。藏品是什么 ?《中国大百科全书·文物博物馆卷》将藏品定义为 ,博物馆依据自身性质、任…  相似文献   

这里要讲的钢铁,不是物质文明的钢铁,而是精神文明的钢铁——苏联作家尼古拉·奥斯特洛夫斯基的长篇小说《钢铁是怎样炼成的》。“出炉”则是指作者1936年末去世之前、之后直至1989年作品出版、修改和增补的情况。  相似文献   

近来,关于无形化遗产保护的讨论在博物馆界中逐渐热烈起来,博物馆能否在无形化遗产保护中发挥积极作用?可否将无形化遗产纳入博物馆工作范畴?如何在建立在以有形化遗产为基础的博物馆传统工作框架中纳入无形化遗产保护业务?这样做是否会影响博物馆的传统职能?  相似文献   

Roberto Landell de Moura, Oliver lodge, Guglielmo Marconi, Aleksandr Popov, and Nikola Tesla demonstrated working radio systems at approximately the same time. Only one, Marconi, successfully transformed his invention into an innovation. A comparison of these cases based on sociological and enterprise models indicates that cultural norms, the positive and negative influence of change agents, and the existence o f an orderly plan to market the innovation were factors in the success or failure of diffusion for early radio technology. I think the mother of radio must have gotten around some in her salad days. I mean, it's getting so you can hardly swing a cat without hitting yet another father of radio. (Zavistovich, 1992)  相似文献   

Abstract This article explores the act of collecting from a postmodern perspective by examining the influences of changing times, places, and persons. Considering the British Museum's stages of development and progress, it discusses the life of Sir Hans Sloane and how his actions helped determine the museum's original goals for its collection. The early days of the British Museum provide a clear view into the values of seventeenth‐ and eighteenth‐century British society. The focus of the museum's collection has changed over the years with the changing views of academics and society. The museum today still strives to hold knowledge of all things, yet tempers this goal under the pressures of modern theorists and politics. While still desiring to communicate information about the world from vast and complex collections, the museum has shifted its focus to answer questions of ownership and entitlement. Explaining national and world heritage views, the article concludes with a discussion of the ethics of collecting as a primary factor in today's British Museum collection.  相似文献   

The tenure of archaeological chemist Dr. S. Paramasivan (1903–1987) at the Chemical Conservation Laboratory of the Madras Government Museum, India, sheds light on the development of the field of conservation science outside the scholarly centers of Europe and North America. Between 1930 and 1946, Paramasivan defined and broadened the role of a scientist responsible for the care and study of cultural heritage. From building and equipping his own laboratories to serve the museum's many departments, to collaborating with scientists, commercial metallurgists, and even religious practitioners across south India, Paramasivan's work is marked by a sense that the conservation scientist could and should practice beyond a laboratory's typical confines. In fact, working in this way created opportunities not only to physically transform ancient objects through conservation interventions, but also transform the understanding of ancient objects. In tracing his correspondence with Rutherford J. Gettens at the Fogg Art Museum, this paper provides insight into the complexity of defining the work of the conservation scientist even at one of the intellectual centers of the nascent field. Reflecting on Paramasivan's early career provides perspective on enduring challenges in conservation, and offers a way forward for a more expansive, collaborative, and community-engaged practice.  相似文献   

MCN‐L, an email listserv administered by the Museum Computer Network, is open to anyone interested in discussing information technology in museums and other cultural heritage organizations. To determine how MCN‐L meets the needs of museum information professionals, this study presents an analysis of more than 6,000 emails sent to the listserv over a seven‐year period (2004–2011). The results of this analysis indicate that MCN‐L adds value to the online community of museum information professionals by providing an online communication channel focused on professional outreach and expert support, backed up by specific examples drawn from personal experiences. MCN‐L's emphasis on personal expertise is a key characteristic that speaks to the listserv's lasting value to the museum community and has implications for researchers and practitioners as they consider the future of computer‐mediated communication for all museum professionals.  相似文献   

2018年10月16日,中国国家博物馆收藏李德威教授实物仪式在中国地质大学(武汉)举行,此次入藏中国国家博物馆的实物包括李德威教授生前使用的科考工具、记录本、衣物及各类证件和证书等物品共11件(套)。藏品征集是博物馆的主要业务之一,作为国家最高历史文化艺术殿堂,征集何种文物,折射出中国国家博物馆鲜明的价值导向,具有强大的社会影响。中国国家博物馆此次对李德威教授科考实物的征集,是对中华民族优秀文化基因的传承和对时代楷模高尚品质的弘扬。  相似文献   

鲍里斯·帕夫洛维奇·雅科夫列夫是俄国鸟类学家,曾在黑龙江的东省文物研究会所属陈列馆及天津北疆博物院从事自然史研究及博物馆管理等工作。他卓有成效的工作,不仅为后世科学家提供了珍贵的研究成果,更促进了中西文化的交流互鉴。雅科夫列夫在中国早期两座博物馆中的工作成就及研究成果,使科学与文化研究跨越了国界,得以更长久地发展。本文分别以雅科夫列夫在东省文物研究会所属陈列馆和北疆博物院工作的情形,阐释这位科学家为世界自然科学领域做出的努力与贡献。  相似文献   

展览是博物馆的核心工作之一,也是博物馆服务社会最普遍和最直接的途径。《博物馆展览策划:理念与实务》一书作者结合多年的博物馆理论研究和博物馆展览策划实践经验,直击当下我国博物馆展览策划的核心问题,对现代博物馆陈列展览策划所应遵循的理念、工作流程和工作规范进行了详细阐述,为当前及未来一段时期内我国博物馆的展览策划工作提出了极为具象的实践指南。  相似文献   

The Bush Presidential Library and Museum, the tenth Presidential library, will be built on the campus of Texas A&M University between 1995 and 1997 and administered by the National Archives. It will be the archival depository for all of George Bush's Vice-Presidential and Presidential records and memorabilia as well as voluminous personal papers dealing with his life before and after his service in the White House. Every Presidential library undergoes an evolution from a Presidential materials project to a fully functioning facility, and the Bush Library currently is in its earliest period of development. The Bush Presidential Materials Project is systematically processing President Bush's records and museum objects for exhibit when the library opens to the public in 1997. The Bush Library will be the most highly computerized Presidential library to date, with automated systems, including an optical scanner for documents, facilitating archival processing and reference services.  相似文献   

西班牙国家科技博物馆(阿尔科文达斯馆)在常设展览的设计中,致力于在经典科学实验的器材等“科学遗产”与现代科学中心互动展品之间建立起双向联系,使参观者通过两者的相似性,领悟互动展品对人类科学探索历程的刻画与诠释。本文通过对西班牙国家科技博物馆历史沿革的追溯,及阿尔科文达斯馆展览架构和展品设置的分析,尝试探讨该科学博物馆在展览设计方面的独创性,融合科学工业博物馆与科学中心特点的设计思路,以及它对国内科学博物馆展览设计的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article provides information on the evaluation of a project between the Australian Museum and the Juvenile Justice department in New South Wales, Australia, where young people who offend of Pacific Islander heritage were introduced to an extensive range of Pacific Islander cultural materials. The key assumption of the project was that young Pacific Islander people who offend struggled with cultural identity issues, and that a meaningful connection with their heritage would improve cultural knowledge and pride—thereby reducing their involvement in crime. However, this assumption was not borne out by the study's results. Firstly, the twenty‐two Pacific Islander young offender study participants were already proud of their heritage, and comfortable in their cultural identities. Secondly, though they enjoyed their visit to the museum, most did not want to visit again, so there was no sustained engagement. Thirdly, the Museum program was not designed as part of a holistic approach with multiple strategies which addressed the complex reasons for youth offending. Despite eight out of the twenty‐two participants reoffending after the Museum visit, there was enough potential for the rehabilitative intervention that the Museum was granted funding to take its program to the community and make it more user‐centered. This, it is hoped, will set it on a path towards more sustained engagement, and the potential for a greater influence on Pacific Islander youth.  相似文献   

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