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22届奥林匹克100米冠军艾伦·威尔斯的起跑姿势最近成了许多运动员和教练员研究的课题,他们从理论和生物力学的角度进行实验和分析这种新的起跑技术。1978年欧州锦标赛时威尔斯没有使用起跑器,引起了许多专家的关注。在1980年奥运会上威尔斯使用了“CFMB”蹲踞式起跑姿势并获得100米冠军之后,西德首先进行了研究。这个实验有21名男女短跑运动员参加,完全采用威尔斯的起跑姿势。这个新的起跑姿势在起跑器按装时作了如下改变:改变后的起跑姿势被称作:“CFMB”,“C”表示前起跑器离起跑线的距离比较近,  相似文献   

对男子速滑运动员500m起跑姿势的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用三维摄像DLT法,用3台松下M9000摄像机在比赛条件下分别从侧面和正面进行同步定点、定焦拍摄,完整记录了参加2004年世界杯哈尔滨站男子500m速滑比赛的中、美共9名运动员的起跑动作。旨在揭示站立式起跑姿势和三点式起跑姿势的各自特点,研究结果表明:站立式起跑预备姿势利于从静止状态转入快速起动蹬冰状态,其稳定性低于三点式起跑姿势,采用三点式起跑姿势的起动前冲力更大,便于运动员增大起动步长,但采用站立式起跑姿势有利于提高起动频率;起跑阶段采用站立式起跑姿势的滑行速度明显高于采用三点式起跑姿势的运动员。  相似文献   

对第17、18届冬奥会前8名运动员500m 运动成绩及起跑犯规次数进行统计,结果表明,使用新式冰刀后500m 运动成绩虽提高显著,但起跑犯规次数及被判罚出场的人数也是历届奥运会中罕见的,表明运动员在使用新式冰刀起跑技术方面存在一定问题。为此,对哈尔滨市体工队44名速滑运动员在使用新式冰刀的情况下采用蛙式起跑和非点冰站立式起跑两种方法进行实验研究,结果表明,采用蛙式起跑重心低,起动时间短,起跑前冲力大,不易犯规。  相似文献   

<正>按比例,短跑运动员的起跑约占整个赛程的10%~15%,由此可见起跑在短跑比赛中的重要性。下面介绍几种有效提高短跑起跑能力的训练方法。一、不同姿势起跑目的:练习集中注意力以及加速能力。方法:练习者分前后两排,采用坐撑、跪撑、俯卧、体前屈等不同姿势起跑。要求:练习者精力集中。起跑后,后面的练习者要尽力追逐前面的练习者,距离20米。二、规定信号站立式起跑目的:发展集中注意力和反应能力。方法:练习者采用站立姿势,接到规定的信号后起跑。要求:规定的信号可以是声音信号、视觉信号或触觉信号。起跑后跑15~20米。  相似文献   

关于使用新式冰刀起跑技术与方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对第18届冬奥会速滑男女500m成绩分析结果表明,使用新式冰刀虽然使速滑500m成绩有较大幅度提高,但对其起跑100m成绩不但无显著提高,反而有所下降,表明新式冰刀在起跑技术上尚存一定问题。针对这一问题,对速滑运动员优秀组和普通组进行两种起跑姿势的实验、对比研究,结果表明,采用蛙式起跑对500m的起跑100m成绩有明显提高,表明蛙式起跑相对更适应新式冰刀,就此提出了采用蛙式起跑对于进一步提高速滑500m成绩的可能性和可行性意见。并就进一步完善和改进站立式起跑技术提出了对策性意见。  相似文献   

短跑起跑姿势与运动成绩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在田径项目中,短跑是最古老 的竞技项目之一,它覆盖了 从60米到400米范围内的所有径赛项目,国际田联规定这些比赛项目采用蹲踞式起跑。蹲踞式起跑有三种:接近式,普通式,拉长式。蹲踞式起跑比站立式起跑更有效,因为它使运动员处于一个将身体中心积极移动到脚前的位置,这样运动员就必须加速,否则就会摔倒。对短跑起跑的科学研究要追溯到1972年,研究解决了影响起跑的许多因素,比如起跑器的角度、起跑器的距离、蹬起跑器的力及“预备”阶段的身体姿势等。  相似文献   

<正> 起跑的任务除缩短起动的时间外,主要应使第一步形成正确的跑动姿势,为下一步的加速打好身体姿势基础。国内外对起跑研究的论文已发表很多,但研究起跑力学特征的论文相对少一些。本文想通过分析起跑支撑力的变化,初探起跑的动力结构与动力变化特征。由于测试对象水平不高,样本也偏小,因此这只是一次方法学上的试探。  相似文献   

蹲踞式起跑动作的生物力学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探讨符合人体生物力学特征的最佳起跑姿势,通过查阅大量的文献资料,对世界优秀短跑运动员的蹲踞式起跑姿势进行运动生物力学比较分析.结果表明:普通式起跑姿势要优于接近式和拉长式;起跑器的最佳角度根据个人的身体差异而有所不同,起跑器角度与身高、体重以及蹬力成正相关;起跑时手臂不应承受重心的压力;前后膝关节在蹬离起跑器时作用各不一样,重点在于控制膝关节的角度.  相似文献   

起跑分站立式起跑和蹲踞式起跑两种,这里分析的是蹲踞式起跑。蹲踞式起跑是短跑运动的一个重要组成部分。它的目的是使运动员的身体迅速摆脱静止的惯性,转变为运动,进入高速度奔跑状态。为此,在整个起跑过程中,预备姿势应有利于突破平衡,在后蹬起跑器的一刹那要获得较大的向前的加速度;疾跑中要使速度不断地递增以达到自己所能达到的最高限度。一、突破平衡的条件  相似文献   

对世界优秀速滑运动员的起跑技术进行生物力学研究,从而对我国优秀运动员的起跑技术进行动作技术诊断。以参加2012~2013赛季国际滑联速滑世界杯(哈尔滨站)500 m比赛的10名世界级女子速滑优秀运动员起跑技术为研究对象,其中包括我国优秀速滑运动员于静、王北星、张虹。所选运动员中欧美选手占了4名,亚洲选手占了6名,基本上代表了当今世界女子短距离速滑项目最高的水平。采用2台Panasonic数码摄像机,在比赛现场对运动员完成的起跑技术按照三维DLT法的要求进行拍摄,比赛结束后,采用三维空间框架进行标定。运用英国产Quintic Biomechanics视频解析软件,对所拍摄的运动图像进行数字化处理,截断频率为8 Hz。研究结果表明,与身高相近的亚洲选手相比,我国运动员起跑时重心高度相对偏高,亚洲选手的髋关节角度与膝关节角度值较欧美选手普遍偏低。我国三名优秀运动员身体重心垂直速度和水平速度都处于一个较低的位置,运动员起动阶段的动作效果并不佳。结论 :在预备姿势阶段,亚洲选手重心高度普遍较低,但躯干角度较欧美选手大;起动阶段,运动员技术特点是成绩较好的选手起动时间通常相对较短,爆发式蹬冰效果明显,起动时身体前倾角度都有了显著性增大;在疾跑加速阶段,运动员通过高步频来快速启动,而不是利用步长的优势。  相似文献   

建立4×100 m接力成绩的数学模型,探究4×100 m接力项目成绩的影响因素。以2017年伦敦世界田径锦标赛男子百米前四名的成绩为基础,在各棒运动员运动水平已确定的情况下,影响4×100 m项目的因素包括:跑道位置、第2-4棒的起跑位置、接棒位置、自由距离及起跑顺序。跑道道次对项目成绩有一定影响,对交接棒策略影响较小;自由距离增大可以显著提高项目成绩;各棒起跑位置都尽量靠近起点可提高项目成绩,传接棒位置在接力区的后10 m时项目成绩更好;各棒次的安排要考虑运动员的个人素质。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of both anterior–posterior position and inclination of a back plate positioned on a starting platform on swimming start performance. Ten male college swimmers performed eight starts with varying combinations of take-off angle (normal and lower), inclination angle (10°, 25°, 45°, and 65°) and position (0.29, 0.44, and 0.59 m from the front edge of the starting block). Two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA; take-off angle × back plate) for four conditions with take-off angles (normal and lower) and inclinations (10° and 45°), and one-way ANOVA for comparisons between four inclinations and three positions were carried out. Multiple comparisons were made using Bonferroni's method. The main effects of the take-off angle were on the vertical and resultant take-off velocities [F(1,18) = 36.72, p < 0.001 and F(1,18) = 9.58, p = 0.013, respectively]. Comparisons between the plate positions showed that the 5 m time of the 0.29 m condition was significantly longer, the take-off angle and vertical take-off velocity of the 0.59 m condition were significantly lower, and horizontal and resultant take-off velocities of the 0.29 m condition were significantly less. Rear foot take-off times were significantly longer in the ascending order: 0.29, 0.44, and 0.59 m.  相似文献   

Top short track speed skaters and their coaches have suspected that starting positions influence finishing positions, especially in the 500 m racing distance. The objective of this study was to examine systematically the influence of starting position on finishing position in 500 m short track speed skating. The data analysed included results from World Cup 500 m races ranging from the 1999-2000 season through to the end of the 2003-2004 season. All 500 m men's and women's races with four skaters starting and finishing (preliminaries, heats, quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals) were included in the data set. The association between starting position and finishing position was examined using Kendall's tau. Results show that for both sexes, there is a significant positive correlation between starting position and finishing position (P<0.001). This effect is generally more pronounced in semi-finals and finals than it is in preliminaries, heats and quarter-finals. Strategies to counter this inequity are proposed, drawing upon similar experiences in other sports.  相似文献   


Top short track speed skaters and their coaches have suspected that starting positions influence finishing positions, especially in the 500 m racing distance. The objective of this study was to examine systematically the influence of starting position on finishing position in 500 m short track speed skating. The data analysed included results from World Cup 500 m races ranging from the 1999 – 2000 season through to the end of the 2003 – 2004 season. All 500 m men's and women's races with four skaters starting and finishing (preliminaries, heats, quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals) were included in the data set. The association between starting position and finishing position was examined using Kendall's tau. Results show that for both sexes, there is a significant positive correlation between starting position and finishing position (P < 0.001). This effect is generally more pronounced in semi-finals and finals than it is in preliminaries, heats and quarter-finals. Strategies to counter this inequity are proposed, drawing upon similar experiences in other sports.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the between day reliability of power-time measures calculated with data collected using the linear position transducer or the force plate independently, or a combination of the two technologies. Twenty-five male rugby union players performed three jump squats on two occasions one week apart. Ground reaction forces were measured via a force plate and position data were collected using a linear position transducer. From these data, a number of power-time variables were calculated for each method. The force plate, linear position transducer and a combined method were all found to be a reliable means of measuring peak power (ICC = 0.87-0.95, CV = 3.4%-8.0%). The absolute consistency of power-time measures varied between methods (CV = 8.0%-53.4%). Relative consistency of power-time measures was generally comparable between methods and measures, and for many variables was at an acceptable level (ICC = 0.77-0.94). Although a number of time-dependent power variables can be reliably calculated from data acquired from the three methods investigated, the reliability of a number of these measures is below that which is acceptable for use in research and for practical applications.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the between day reliability of power-time measures calculated with data collected using the linear position transducer or the force plate independently, or a combination of the two technologies. Twenty-five male rugby union players performed three jump squats on two occasions one week apart. Ground reaction forces were measured via a force plate and position data were collected using a linear position transducer. From these data, a number of power-time variables were calculated for each method. The force plate, linear position transducer and a combined method were all found to be a reliable means of measuring peak power (ICC = 0.87‐0.95, CV = 3.4%‐8.0%). The absolute consistency of power-time measures varied between methods (CV = 8.0%‐53.4%). Relative consistency of power-time measures was generally comparable between methods and measures, and for many variables was at an acceptable level (ICC = 0.77‐0.94). Although a number of time-dependent power variables can be reliably calculated from data acquired from the three methods investigated, the reliability of a number of these measures is below that which is acceptable for use in research and for practical applications.  相似文献   

我国优秀游泳运动员出发技术辅助训练的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林洪  于仙贵  程燕 《体育科学》1998,18(4):53-56
为改进我国优秀游泳运动员的出发技术,采用观测和实验方法,通过拍摄运动员陆上和水下出发技术录像以及出发计时,对出发技术进行运动生物力学诊断和分析。在此基础上,根据运动员自身特点和不同泳姿提出相应的入水启动方式,并研制出发训练辅助器材,对出发预备姿势、腾起角度以及飞行远度和入水角进行控制。实践证明:这是一种快捷、有效的出发技术辅助训练方法。  相似文献   

Acute effects of passive muscle stretching on sprint performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The results of previous research have shown that passive muscle stretching can diminish the peak force output of subsequent maximal isometric, concentric and stretch-shortening contractions. The aim of this study was to establish whether the deleterious effects of passive stretching seen in laboratory settings would be manifest in a performance setting. Sixteen members (11 males, 5 females) of a Division I NCAA track athletics team performed electronically timed 20 m sprints with and without prior stretching of the legs. The experiment was done as part of each athlete's Monday work-out programme. Four different stretch protocols were used, with each protocol completed on a different day. Hence, the test period lasted 4 weeks. The four stretching protocols were no-stretch of either leg (NS), both legs stretched (BS), forward leg in the starting position stretched (FS) and rear leg in the starting position stretched (RS). Three stretching exercises (hamstring stretch, quadriceps stretch, calf stretch) were used for the BS, FS and RS protocols. Each stretching exercise was performed four times, and each time the stretch was maintained for 30 s. The BS, FS and RS protocols induced a significant (P < 0.05) increase (approximately 0.04 s) in the 20 m time. Thus, it appears that pre-event stretching might negatively impact the performance of high-power short-term exercise.  相似文献   

The sprint starts of 12 skilled collegiate sprinter/hurdlers were filmed for four different sprint start conditions. Ground reaction forces were collected for the first step out of the blocks and velocities through a 2-m speed trap immediately following the first support phase were recorded. The subjects employed their preferred right-left leg placement in the blocks, while the anterior-posterior spacing of the front block with respect to the starting line and the amount of forward lean in the set position were varied. Four positions were constructed that accounted for anthropometric differences. The four positions consisted of combinations of two arm orientations (forward lean and perpendicular to ground) and two front block to starting line distances (bunched and elongated). Kinematic data were reduced to provide center of mass position and velocity measures and analyzed for critical periods throughout the starting action. Selected critical events from the first step kinetic records were also analyzed. The results indicated that the elongated starting positions resulted in greater horizontal displacement, greater propelling impulse, increased first step toe-off velocity, and greater average velocity through a 2-m speed trap. Arm orientation effects were less well defined. Forward lean tended to result in greater vertical velocity at block clearance and horizontal velocity at first step toe-off, whereas perpendicular arm positioning resulted in greater 2-m speed trap velocity.  相似文献   

论运动队信任关系的培育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以竞技体育举国体制下的各级运动队建设工作为研究内容,从信任这一主题入手,力图通过对信任的解析,定位信任的价值,分析影响信任的因素,探究信任的作用机制,并进而剖析运动队的使命,分析运动队内不同的信任关系,从而摸索在具体工作环节中培育和增进信任的办法和途径,力求将信任这一古老的道德规范和行为准则与现代人力资源学说结合起来,为建设我国冬季竞技体育高绩效运动队培育应有的信任关系,提供对策和建议。  相似文献   

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