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体力活动测量方法综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
戴剑松  孙飙 《体育科学》2005,25(9):69-75
总结分析了双标水法、间接热量测定法、体力活动问卷、心率表、运动传感器等体力活动测量方法各自的优点与不足,为开展中国人体力活动研究提供参考。  相似文献   

李敬雯  任文君 《体育世界》2014,(1):15-16,14
体力活动水平与健康之间存在着剂量反应,如何准确测量体力活动水平是研究人员关心的问题。本文总结分析了行为观察法、双标水法、体力活动问卷、心率、运动传感器等体力活动测量方法各自的优点与不足,为开展中国人体力活动研究提供参考。  相似文献   

LivePod LP2检测人体运动中能量消耗水平的信、效度检验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
加速度传感器以其轻便、客观、精确等特点,在人体体力活动测量与评价中被广泛使用。LivePod LP2是一款国产新型加速度传感器,它基于3轴加速度MEMS传感器技术,采用人体动作智能模糊识别模型和个性化能耗模型测量人体运动中的能量消耗。对LivePodLP2在测量人体运动能量消耗的信度和效度水平进行了验证。26名受试者在4个不同部位佩戴LivePod LP2,在3种速度下(4km/h、6km/h、8km/h)运动。通过计算ICC,发现其值处于0.978~0.997;采用相关分析、配对样本t检验以及Bland-Altman分析法等方法对仪器和MAXII测量数据分析表明:LivePod LP2佩戴于右侧臀部上方,在慢跑速度水平下效度水平最高。LivePod LP2可以用于记录体力活动能量消耗,在日常应用中,用户可以选择将LivePod LP2固定于腰部来监测运动能量消耗情况。  相似文献   

目的:运用Actigraph GT3X传感器测量青少年体力活动能量消耗水平,探讨Actigraph GT3X传感器在青少年体力活动测试中的应用。方法:以10~17岁在校学生为研究对象,在超声骨龄片和青春期发育量表问卷筛查青春发育分期(青春前期、青春中期、青春后期3个组)基础上,基于随机分层抽样的原则,每组抽取男、女生各50人,共计300人,受试者佩带Actigraph GT3X传感器。结果:青春前、中、后期受试者每天体力活动能量消耗无明显差异,中、大强度体力活动随着年龄的增长呈下降的趋势,男生的体力活动较女生活跃。结论:除青春前期受试者中、大强度体力活动时间接近国际推荐标准外,中期和后期受试者均低于国际推荐标准。建议采取措施增加青少年中等强度和大强度的体力活动,以增强其体质。  相似文献   

汪纹闻  邹志春 《体育科研》2014,(1):70-73-91
现代生活方式的改变是肥胖发生率不断攀高的重要推手.一方面,体力活动不足和营养过剩是肥胖发生的重要原因;另一方面,这些环境因素的改变或调整也是治疗肥胖的重要手段.本文从体力活动与健康关系引入肥胖者能量收支平衡的重要性及运动干预过程中能量消耗监测与反馈的方法,系统回顾体力活动的监控方法,介绍运动传感器尤其是加速度计在肥胖人群体力活动监控中的发展与应用,分析加速度计在全民健身监测中的优势与劣势,面临的发展瓶颈,探索加速度计在运动能量消耗监测与管理中的应用前景.  相似文献   

目的:调查江苏省各地区人群体力活动量现状并对其特征进行研究分析。方法:采用国际体力活动短问卷在省内104个县/区按照PPS抽样原则进行抽样调查。结果:江苏省常住人口的体力活动水平高度活跃率为40.9%;男性高度活跃率为43.0%,女性为38.6%,男性每周总体力活动量、每日MVPA时间高于女性,男女间差异显著(p<0.01);20-39岁年龄组高度活跃率为36.8%,40-59岁年龄组为45.6%;站立走动为主人群的体力活动水平高度活跃率最高(51.4%),但是该人群的经常锻炼人群比例最低(16.4%);城镇人群的高度活跃率低于农村人群,但是经常锻炼人口比例高于农村人群;学历高的人群体力活动水平高度活跃率低,但是经常锻炼人口比例较高。结论:1江苏省常住人口的体力活动高度活跃率为40.9%,低于我国上海地区,也低于主要发达国家的水平;2江苏男性的体力活动水平高于女性,40岁以后的成年人体力活动水平高于年轻人群,农村人群体力活动水平高于城镇人群;3本研究还发现,与工作方式相关的体力活动量对日常体力活动量的影响较大,体重超重人群表现出更加强烈的锻炼积极性。  相似文献   

目的:研究体力活动水平对中国人群肺功能指标的影响。方法:对7763例中国男性人群(16-74岁,46.9±7.8)进行横断面研究。根据IPAQ-SF问卷获得参与者的体力活动水平,并按照体力活动水平将参与者分为低、中等和高体力活动水平组三组。通过多变量线性回归分析评估吸烟者和非吸烟者的肺功能与体力活动水平之间的线性关系。结果:与低体力活动水平相比,非吸烟者中,中等体力活动水平组的FVC、FVC%pre和FEV1与体力活动水平正相关,FEV1%pre和FVC/FEV1与体力活动水平的关系不显著;高体力活动水平组的FVC、FVC%pre、FEV1、FEV1%pre均与体力活动水平显著正相关,FVC/FEV1与体力活动水平的关系不显著。与低体力活动水平相比,吸烟者中,中等和高体力活动水平组的肺功能指标与体力活动水平的关系均不显著。结论:在中国人群中,体力活动水平对非吸烟者肺功能指标的改善要远大于吸烟者,且体力活动水平越高,对非吸烟者的肺功能改善效果越明显。因此,可以通过倡导不吸烟和提高体力活动水平来改善中国人群的肺功能,从而对COPD进行预防。  相似文献   

目的以客观测量的体力活动水平为基础,分析不同持续时间活动的频率及其占总活动时间的比例,从而掌握学龄前儿童体力活动簇集特征。方法根据知情、自愿原则,在上海市杨浦和宝山2个区共招募306名学龄前儿童为受试者,通过连续7 d佩戴加速度传感器ActiGraph GT3X+测量其日常体力活动水平,在此基础上将每次体力活动按强度和持续时间进行分类,并统计不同持续时间的活动平均每天出现的频率及其占总累积活动的比例。结果共有146名受试者[男85名,女61名;平均月龄为(57.7±5.0)月]7 d测量数据均有效,被纳入最终统计分析。发现采样间隔为1 s时,学龄前儿童平均每次体力活动持续时间≤4 s,且70%以上的中等强度和大强度体力活动持续时间为2~3 s。结论学龄前儿童体力活动以持续时间较短的零星活动为主。为准确测量学龄前儿童体力活动,特别是中到大强度体力活动水平,宜采用较短的加速度传感器采样间隔(如3 s或更短时间)。  相似文献   

研究对象:以山东省15所高校2003、2004级学生为研究对象。研究方法:文献资料调研、问卷调查、测量法、统计分析法。(1)正确解释“娱乐体育”,将独生子女的体育兴趣引导向通过付出体力,克服困难后而获得的身心愉悦上。独生子女大学生对体育活动有兴趣,但对付出一定体力的运动项目却不感兴趣,在被选择的11个运动项目中,排在后3位的依次是手球、田径和健美,这其中固然与该3种运动需付出大量的体力有关,但深层次的原因是对“娱乐体育”的误解。有人片面地理解“娱乐体育”就是“玩”得高兴,殊不知,通过艰苦锻炼、克服困难而运动成绩提高和掌握运…  相似文献   

中老年女性3天营养及体力活动问卷的信度和效度评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价中老年女性3天营养及体力活动问卷的信度和效度。方法:采用问卷调查、测量、数理统计等方法在西安市城区进行了中老年女性营养及体力活动问卷验证性研究;用重复实验评价问卷的信度,专家评价和确立一个效标来分别评价问卷的内容效度、结构效度和效标效度。结果:营养及体力活动问卷重复实验的结果之间一致性较好,差异不具有显著性意义(P>0.05),相关系数为0.55。问卷的表面效度和结构效度均较高,3天营养及体力活动问卷调查结果与效标之间的相关系数为0.53。结论:3天的营养及体力活动问卷的信度和效度均在0.53以上,能可靠有效地反映西安市城区中老年女性的营养及体力活动水平。  相似文献   

The assessment of nutrition and activity in athletes requires accurate and precise methods. The aim of this study was to validate a protocol for parallel assessment of diet and exercise against doubly labelled water, 24-h urea excretion, and respiratory gas exchange. The participants were 14 male triathletes under normal training conditions. Energy intake and doubly labelled water were weakly associated with each other (r = 0.69, standard error of estimate [SEE] = 304 kcal x day(-1)). Protein intake was strongly correlated with 24-h urea (r = 0.89) but showed considerable individual variation (SEE = 0.34 g kg(-1) x day(-1)). Total energy expenditure based on recorded activities was highly correlated with doubly labelled water (r = 0.95, SEE = 195 kcal x day(-1)) but was proportionally biased. During running and cycling, estimated exercise energy expenditure was highly correlated with gas exchange (running: r = 0.89, SEE = 1.6 kcal x min(-1); cycling: r = 0.95, SEE = 1.4 kcal x min(-1)). High exercise energy expenditure was slightly underestimated during running. For nutrition data, variations appear too large for precise measurements in individual athletes, which is a common problem of dietary assessment methods. Despite the high correlations of total energy expenditure and exercise energy expenditure with reference methods, a correction for systematic errors is necessary for the valid estimation of energetic requirements in individual athletes.  相似文献   


The assessment of nutrition and activity in athletes requires accurate and precise methods. The aim of this study was to validate a protocol for parallel assessment of diet and exercise against doubly labelled water, 24-h urea excretion, and respiratory gas exchange. The participants were 14 male triathletes under normal training conditions. Energy intake and doubly labelled water were weakly associated with each other (r = 0.69, standard error of estimate [SEE] = 304 kcal · day?1). Protein intake was strongly correlated with 24-h urea (r = 0.89) but showed considerable individual variation (SEE = 0.34 g · kg?1 · day?1). Total energy expenditure based on recorded activities was highly correlated with doubly labelled water (r = 0.95, SEE = 195 kcal · day?1) but was proportionally biased. During running and cycling, estimated exercise energy expenditure was highly correlated with gas exchange (running: r = 0.89, SEE = 1.6 kcal · min?1; cycling: r = 0.95, SEE = 1.4 kcal · min?1). High exercise energy expenditure was slightly underestimated during running. For nutrition data, variations appear too large for precise measurements in individual athletes, which is a common problem of dietary assessment methods. Despite the high correlations of total energy expenditure and exercise energy expenditure with reference methods, a correction for systematic errors is necessary for the valid estimation of energetic requirements in individual athletes.  相似文献   


A poor physical condition – expressed as physical inactivity and poor physical fitness – is associated with the development of chronic diseases and premature death. Our aim was to evaluate the methods currently available for measuring physical activity and physical fitness in the general population.

Physical activity is determined by duration, frequency, and intensity and derives from many different domains, making it difficult to assess over long periods and no feasible general criterion measure exists. Both objective and subjective methods are available. Of the objective methods, accelerometry is the most attractive technology, and is well enough developed for general use in large populations. The advantage of accelerometry is that it is not dependent on the memory of the individual, but its main disadvantage is that it grossly underestimates energy expenditure, due to the lack of registration of certain activities. This may be overcome to a certain extent by combining accelerometry with heart rate monitoring, although this still does not measure activity in different domains. Of the subjective methods, self-report questionnaires are inexpensive and easy to administer. Many questionnaires have been developed, but we require (1) consensus on which measures to use for validation and (2) further development of internationally standardized questionnaires for use in different settings and to address different scientific questions. Many questionnaires correlate well with biological markers and development of chronic diseases, but subjective measurement will always entail a certain degree of misclassification. Furthermore, unstructured physical activity such as housework and gardening may be subject to recall bias. No method appears better to any other, and the choice of instrument will depend on the research question being asked. Future research should combine information from both objective and subjective methods.

Physical fitness comprises several components, including cardiorespiratory endurance and muscle strength and endurance. Direct measurement of oxygen consumption is the criterion measure for cardiorespiratory endurance. As regards muscle strength and endurance, only test–retest reliability is available. Hand-held dynamometers greatly facilitate field testing for maximal isometric muscle strength assessment, while force plate measurements can be used for the lower extremities. For endurance, simple tests such as push-ups and sit-ups are reliable.  相似文献   

This study examined adolescent leisure-time physical activity correlates using the expectancy-value (EV) model. Adolescents (N = 857) completed questionnaires to assess competence and value self-perceptions, social influences, and physical activity. Direct and indirect effects of self-perceptions and parent and best friend influences on physical activity were explored using structural equation modeling. Measurement models were a good fit to the data and gender invariance was supported. The structural mediation model was a reasonable fit to the data, whereby the indirect effects of parents and peers and the direct effects of competence beliefs and values together accounted for 49% of the variance in physical activity. In this model, the pattern of relationships was similar for adolescent males and females. Findings supporting the EV model provide theoretical and practical implications for understanding adolescent physical activity.  相似文献   

This study compared the energy expenditure (EE) levels during object projection skill performance (OPSP) as assessed by indirect calorimetry and accelerometry. Thirty-four adults (female n = 18) aged 18–30 (23.5 ± 2.5 years) performed three, 9-min sessions of kicking, over-arm throwing, and striking performed at 6-, 12-, and 30-sec intervals. EE was estimated (METS) using indirect calorimetry (COSMED K4b2) and hip-worn accelerometry (ActiGraph GT3X+). EE using indirect calorimetry demonstrated moderate-intensity physical activity (3.4 ± 0.7 METS––30-sec interval, 5.8 ± 1.2 METS––12-sec interval) to vigorous intensity physical activity (8.3 ± 1.7 METS––6-sec interval). However, accelerometry predicted EE suggested only light-intensity physical activity (1.7 ± 0.2 METS––30-sec interval, 2.2 ± 0.4 METS––12-sec interval, 2.7 ± 0.6 METS––6-sec interval). Hip-worn, ActiGraph GT3X+ accelerometers do not adequately capture physical activity intensity levels during OPSP, regardless of differences in skill performance intervals.  相似文献   


Due to the unique energetic demands of professional young collision sport athletes, accurate assessment of energy balance is required. Consequently, this is the first study to simultaneously investigate the energy intake, expenditure and balance of professional young rugby league players across a pre-season period. The total energy expenditure of six professional young male rugby league players was measured via doubly labelled water over a fourteen-day assessment period. Resting metabolic rate was measured and physical activity level calculated. Dietary intake was reported via Snap-N-Send over a non-consecutive ten-day assessment period, alongside changes in fasted body mass and hydration status. Accordingly, energy balance was inferred. The mean (standard deviation) difference between total energy intake (16.73 (1.32) MJ.day?1) and total energy expenditure (18.36 (3.05) MJ.day?1) measured over the non-consecutive ten-day period was unclear (?1.63 (1.73) MJ.day?1; ES?=?0.91?±?1.28; p?=?0.221). This corresponded in a most likely trivial decrease in body mass (?0.65 (0.78) kg; ES?=?0.04?±?0.03; p?=?0.097). Resting metabolic rate and physical activity level across the fourteen-day pre-season period was 11.20 (2.16) MJ.day?1 and 1.7 (0.2), respectively. For the first time, this study utilises gold standard assessment techniques to elucidate the distinctly large energy expenditures of professional young rugby league players across a pre-season period, emphasising a requirement for equally large energy intakes to achieve targeted body mass and composition adaptations. Accordingly, it is imperative that practitioners regularly assess the energy balance of professional young collision-sport athletes to ensure their unique energetic requirements are achieved.  相似文献   


Accelerometer cut points are an important consideration for distinguishing the intensity of activity into categories such as moderate and vigorous. It is well-established in the literature that these cut points depend on a variety of factors, including age group, device, and wear location. The Actigraph GT9X is a newer model accelerometer that is used for physical activity research, but existing cut points for this device are limited since it is a newer device. Furthermore, there is not existing data on cut points for the GT9X at the ankle or foot locations, which offers some potential benefit for activities that do not involve arm and/or core motion. A total of N = 44 adults completed a four-stage treadmill protocol while wearing Actigraph GT9X sensors at four different locations: foot, ankle, wrist, and hip. Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) levels assessed by indirect calorimetry along with Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves were used to establish cut points for moderate and vigorous intensity for each wear location of the GT9X. Area under the ROC curves indicated high discrimination accuracy for each case.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the capability of the 3dNX accelerometer to predict energy expenditure in two separate, free-living cohorts. Twenty-three adolescents and 14 young adults took a single dose of doubly labelled water and wore a 3dNX activity monitor during waking hours for a 10-day period while carrying out their normal routines. Multiple linear regression with backward elimination was used to establish the strength of the associations between various indices of energy expenditure, physical activity counts, and anthropometric variables. 3dNX output accounted for 27% and 35% of the variance in the total energy expenditure of the adolescent and young adult cohort, respectively. The explained variance increased to 78%, with a standard error of estimate of 7%, when 3dNX output was combined with body composition variables. The 3dNX accelerometer can be used to predict free-living daily energy expenditure with a standard error of estimate of 1.65 MJ in adolescents and 1.52 MJ in young adults. The inclusion of anthropometric variables reduces the error to approximately 1 MJ. Although it remains to cross-validate these models in other populations, early indications suggest that the 3dNX provides a useful method of predicting energy expenditure in free-living individuals.  相似文献   

Accurate assessment of resting metabolic rate (RMR) is necessary for calorie-based recommendations in diet and exercise training interventions. BodyMetrix? is an ultrasound-based device that provides an estimate of RMR based on body composition, but has not been proven valid or reliable. Therefore, we evaluated the agreement between Katch–McArdle prediction equation used by BodyMetrix?, with indirect calorimetry, Harris–Benedict, WHO, and Sabounchi prediction equations of RMR. In total, 32 men and 22 women were measured for body composition via BodyMetrix? and RMR via indirect calorimetry. All prediction equations demonstrated significantly lower RMR values (p < .001) relative to indirect calorimetry. Katch–McArdle equation strongly correlated with other prediction equations (p < .001), and had a moderate (r = .658, p < .001) correlation with indirect calorimetry. There was a tendency toward underestimation for obese individuals. Therefore, we suggest that estimates from BodyMetrix? may be used as a relative, rather than an absolute measure of RMR.  相似文献   

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