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对西南地区5个世居少数民族青少年2000年和2010年10年间身体素质指标进行纵向对比分析,结果表明:(1)速度素质土族、藏族男生和藏族女生在提高,其他民族男女生均有所下降;(2)各民族男女青少年下肢力量素质都有所提高,男生上肢力量素质和女生腰腹力量素质除藏族外,其他民族具有随着年龄增长而下降的趋势;(3)耐力素质低年龄段的青少年在提高,高年龄段的青少年在下降,藏族男女青少年耐力素质优于其他民族;(4)随着年龄增长,各民族青少年身体素质仍然有下降的趋势.  相似文献   

儿童、青少年时期是人生中最为重要的生长发育阶段,人体的各个器官系统都发生了巨大的变化.人体形态也随之发生快速变化,对其形态特征的研究可以为指导体育教学和适宜健身器械的开发提供依据.共计测量了7~18岁儿童、青少年25个身体形态指标,分为长度、宽度、围度等方面指标,通过对25个指标数据进行聚类分析,显示7~18岁的儿童、青少年身体形态指标的平均数变化趋势遵循“向心律”规律,女生生长发育提前于男生,但都遵循“先快后慢”的趋势,其增长最快的年龄段基本一致,出现在7~14岁阶段.通过对各年龄组男、女生身体形态指标平均数差值的聚类分析,提示较为适合的以形态差异为依据的性别年龄分组应该是:7~9岁年龄组(无性别差异);10~12岁年龄组(无性别差异);13~15岁年龄组女生;13~15岁年龄组男生;16~18岁年龄组女生;16~18岁年龄组男生.  相似文献   

<正> 中学女生支撑跳跃的斜向助跑直角腾越,是比较难的动作之一。中学女生处在青春期发育阶段,其生理特点为皮下脂肪增厚,肌肉力量(主要是腿部、腰腹、上肢肩带)较差,其心理特点则表现为想学习优美的体操动作,但又爱面子,怕动作做不好,让人笑,反而不积极参加练习。这些都给斜向助跑直角腾越的教学带来了困难。为了更好完成教学任务,提高学生  相似文献   

目的:运用Actigraph GT3X传感器测量青少年体力活动能量消耗水平,探讨Actigraph GT3X传感器在青少年体力活动测试中的应用。方法:以10~17岁在校学生为研究对象,在超声骨龄片和青春期发育量表问卷筛查青春发育分期(青春前期、青春中期、青春后期3个组)基础上,基于随机分层抽样的原则,每组抽取男、女生各50人,共计300人,受试者佩带Actigraph GT3X传感器。结果:青春前、中、后期受试者每天体力活动能量消耗无明显差异,中、大强度体力活动随着年龄的增长呈下降的趋势,男生的体力活动较女生活跃。结论:除青春前期受试者中、大强度体力活动时间接近国际推荐标准外,中期和后期受试者均低于国际推荐标准。建议采取措施增加青少年中等强度和大强度的体力活动,以增强其体质。  相似文献   

主要采用实验测试、文献资料以及数理统计等研究方法,对石家庄、广州、西安3个城市18所中小学校3 441名(1 751名男生、1 690名女生)学生进行7个动作的功能测试。研究发现,我国学生普遍存在身体平衡和控制身体能力方面较弱的现象,男女生各项功能性动作能力的发展时机和持续时间都不相同,相比男生各项功能能力发展的时机晚,持续的时间长,女生功能能力发展时机早,但持续时间短。而且女生普遍存在低年级阶段力量不足的现象,肩关节和髋关节的灵活程度以及柔韧性和稳定性能力都优于男生,男生普遍存在柔韧性和稳定性较差的现象,但力量相对占有一定优势,特别进入高年级阶段,发展速度明显快于女生。对不同学生各项功能性动作能力发展时机进行研究,进一步对改进和提高学生整体运动能力和身体素质提供具有针对性的指导建议,从而推动学生整体运动能力的提高。  相似文献   

横马屈腿腾越属支撑跳跃正腾越一类。其动作过程分为七个阶段:助跑、上板、踏跳、第一腾空、推手、第二腾空、落地。在教学中,女生横马屈腿腾越比男生的教学难度要大得多。影响女生横马屈腿腾越动作完成的因素是:身体素质、技术和恐惧心理。女生四肢爆发力较弱,力量稍差,速度较慢,上肢长而下肢短,骨盆宽大,身体总重心位置相对较低。她们在支撑跳跃方面虽然学习过一些动作。如跳上跪撑——跪跳下(横放器械)、分腿腾越(山羊)等。可屈腿  相似文献   

为了解滇南少数民族地区初中生身体素质的发展情况,采用指标测试法(测试指标包括50米跑、立定跳远、引体向上(男)、仰卧起坐(女)、800米跑(女)、1000米跑(男)及坐位体前屈)和数理统计法对滇南少数民族地区中学生身体素质进行研究。研究结果发现:(1)除了初一、初二女生,各年级男女生的速度素质都优于合格标准(P<0.01);(2)男生上肢力量均低于或刚刚达到合格标准(P>0.01);女生腰腹力量初一女生低于合格标准,初二和初三优于合格标准(P<0.01);下肢力量,初三男女生均低于或刚达到合格标准(P>0.01),其它年级男女生优于优于合格标准);(3)各年级男女生的耐力素质、柔韧素质都显著优于合格标准(P<0.01)。此外,从城市班和农村班的比较来看,除女生速度素质和腰腹力量方面,农村班学生均优于城市班学生,但差异不显著(P>0.01)。  相似文献   

目的:采用功能性动作测试系统(Functional Movement Screen,FMS)评价青少年在完成不同功能动作模式时身体各部分的稳定性、对称性和灵活性,研究其基本运动能力及影响因素。方法:以上海市某中学中随机挑选的100名初中生为研究对象,对他们进行7个特定动作的测试并评分,并对测试结果进行统计分析。结果:FMS测试总分满分为21,受试对象FMS总分均分为14.89,总体水平偏低;女生肩关节灵活性和直腿抬高测试得分显著高于男生,但总分上男女生无显著差异;青少年在完成动作时普遍存在身体晃动、力量不足和两侧肌力不对称现象,髋、膝、踝关节灵活性受限且稳定性较差,脊柱的屈伸能力不足,两侧盂肱关节和髋关节的活动能力不对称。在旋转稳定性、跨栏架和直线弓箭步3个测试中这些不足尤为明显。结论:青少年基本运动能力水平较低,大多数人需要进行矫正训练;男女生总体上的表现差异不显著,但女生在肩部灵活性和直腿抬高测试的表现要优于男生,故男生需加强肩部和髋部关节的灵活性锻炼。  相似文献   

从身体形态、身体机能和运动素质3个方面选择柔道体能指标进行测试与分析,探讨我国优秀女子柔道运动员的体能特征,提高训练和选材的科学性。研究结果:(1)与一般运动员相比,优秀女子柔道运动员颈部、上肢和小腿围度较大,去脂体重较高,体脂含量较少,符合世界优秀女子柔道运动员的形态特征;(2)无氧代谢能力是女子柔道运动员的典型评价指标,优秀运动员具备突出的磷酸原供能能力,但糖酵解供能和有氧代谢能力亟待提高;(3)优秀女子柔道运动员具备均衡而突出的运动素质,表现为基础力量好、身体柔韧性好、灵敏协调性突出,优秀运动员应重点围绕着专项力量(最大力量、快速力量和快速力量耐力)、专项灵敏协调(手法综合运用、动作快速转换和投技寝技转换快)和基础耐力的提高展开训练。  相似文献   

目的:采用功能性动作测试系统(Functional Movement Screen,FMS)评价青少年在完成不同功能动作模式时身体各部分的稳定性、对称性和灵活性,研究其基本运动能力及影响因素。方法:以上海市某中学中随机挑选的100名初中生为研究对象,对他们进行7个特定动作的测试并评分,并对测试结果进行统计分析。结果:FMS测试总分满分为21,受试对象FMS总分均分为14.89,总体水平偏低;女生肩关节灵活性和直腿抬高测试得分显著高于男生,但总分上男女生无显著差异;青少年在完成动作时普遍存在身体晃动、力量不足和两侧肌力不对称现象,髋、膝、踝关节灵活性受限且稳定性较差,脊柱的屈伸能力不足,两侧盂肱关节和髋关节的活动能力不对称。在旋转稳定性、跨栏架和直线弓箭步3个测试中这些不足尤为明显。结论:青少年基本运动能力水平较低,大多数人需要进行矫正训练;男女生总体上的表现差异不显著,但女生在肩部灵活性和直腿抬高测试的表现要优于男生,故男生需加强肩部和髋部关节的灵活性锻炼。  相似文献   

目的:建立我国10~17岁青少年体质健康评价指标百分位数分布曲线及参考值。方法:通过文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查、测试法对我国16个省份32个城市的288所中小学5 048名儿童青少年的各项体质健康指标进行数据采集,其中男性2 779名,女性2 269名。测试内容依次由反映身体形态、心肺耐力、肌肉力量、速度、灵敏、柔韧性的6个一级指标和9个二级指标构成,运用基于位置、尺度、形状的广义可加模型(GAMLSS),在模型拟合中考虑年龄、性别等因素,建立青少年体质健康指标的参考百分位数曲线。结果表明,我国10~17岁青少年体质健康评价指标总体随年龄的增长显著提升,各相同年龄段男生的体质健康指标普遍优于女生,各项测试指标的变化呈现出一定程度的波动性特征且与年龄显著相关(P<0.05)。研究尝试构建了我国10~17岁青少年体质健康指标P5-P95百分位分布曲线与参考值。结论:研究所构建的百分位数曲线与参考值对于我国中小学生体质健康评价标准与常规模型参照体系的修订、体质健康数据库建立、学生身体素质的长期系统监测以及人才的选拔、培养与分流具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   


This study was undertaken to investigate relationships between various forms of creativity, and to determine whether the expression of motor creativity is related to selected motor skills. The tests administered to the 65 fourth grade subjects consisted of creative thinking tests, a motor creativity battery, and motor skill tests. The following conclusions were drawn: (a) the expression of motor creativity through movement is not related to performance on the selected motor skill items; (b) creativity does not appear to be a generalized trait in as much as significant relationships were not found between the various aspects of creativity; (c) a tendency toward generalization of creativity was found for girls but not for boys; (d) a combination of weight, figural fluency and figural originality accounts for a significant amount of the variability in motor creativity for boys, while a combination of figural and verbal creativity factors does the same for girls; (e) boys of this age perform significantly better than girls on skill tests involving strength, while girls excel on balance and agility items.  相似文献   

陈谦  吕熠豪 《浙江体育科学》2012,34(1):65-67,118
目的:测试不同年龄和性别学龄前儿童的穿珠能力,评价儿童手部小肌肉群活动的发展。方法:以浙江省25所幼儿园3~6岁的5 123名学前儿童为研究对象,进行"一分钟穿珠"测试,半年后进行第二次测试。以年龄、性别等作为影响因素进行比较分析。结果:①3~6岁学龄前儿童随着年龄的增加穿珠能力不断增加,4.5~5.5岁年龄段女童穿珠能力好于男童(P〈0.05)。②半年前后穿珠变化值提示,手部精细活动能力的发展敏感期男童为3~4岁之间,女童则更长一点为3.5~5岁之间。结论:学前阶段手部精细活动能力发展迅速,女童优于男童,其发展敏感期女童长于男童。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate gross motor competence and growth spurt in Canadian youth. Eighty-two children (38 boys, 44 girls) were assessed over a time period of five years. Growth rate was measured quarterly; motor competence was evaluated once per year using the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency. Peak height velocity (PHV) occurred at a significantly younger age in the girls (11.3 ± 0.4 years) than the boys (13.4 ± 0.3 years; < .001), and growth rate during PHV was significantly greater in the boys than the girls (2.8 ± 1.3 vs. 2.0 ± 0.7 cm/quarter; = .003). Gross motor competence outcomes were significantly above the North American normative scores (< .05) over the measured time period. After the occurrence of PHV, strength, strength/agility, and gross motor skill significantly decreased in girls (< .01), and running speed/agility significantly decreased in boys (< .05). This finding emphasizes that motor competence in pre-adolescent children may suddenly decrease after their growth spurt.  相似文献   

目的:研究不同发育水平儿童少年力量素质与激素水平变化的规律,探索儿童少年力量素质随人体内分泌系统生长发育变化的阶段性特征。方法:采取中华05计分法判读骨龄,筛选出发育类型正常的603名(其中男295名,女308名)6~16岁学生为研究对象,采用放射免疫分析法获得血睾酮、生长激素指标,并测试相关力量素质指标。结果:(1)6~16岁之间的儿童少年,其中11~15岁的男生,10~12岁的女生,其睾酮指标为快速增长期;男生在10~12岁,女生在14~15岁为生长激素的快速增长期。(2)立定跳远与握力数值在血睾酮指标、生长激素指标快速增长期间,其提高时段并不同步。(3)生长激素指标男生在6岁之前出现高浓度值达到7.0 ng/mL,女生在7岁达到6.28 ng/mL。结论:(1)男女生睾酮指标快速增长期与青春期开始时间一致,提示在此阶段进行有目的的力量练习,有利于克服青春期男女生脂肪增长过快带来的负面影响。(2)6~7岁生长激素出现高浓度值,提示生长激素在6岁之前存在快速增长期,为早期力量训练提供了可能。(3)利用遗传度高的激素水平的变化规律探索儿童少年力量素质运动敏感期,可以更准确地判读运动素质敏感期的时间节点。  相似文献   

王珏  杨红春  陈谦 《浙江体育科学》2012,(5):105-108,112
对浙江省25所幼儿园3~6岁的5 267名学前儿童进行立定跳远和10m连续跳测试,观察浙江省学龄前儿童的下肢力量发展情况,旨在为评价学前儿童下肢的活动能力及其发展趋势以及探寻运动素质发展敏感期提供参考依据。结果发现3~6岁幼儿的立定跳及连续跳成绩随年龄的增长而显著增加。性别因素对两个指标的测试成绩有明显的影响,但对两次测试的变化率没有影响。分析得出浙江省城市3~6岁男童立定跳能力显著强于同年龄段女童,在3岁时增长速率最大;连续跳成绩男女组在相同年龄段几乎没有差异,结合立定跳成绩分析显示,女童的下肢协调性优于同年龄段男童。  相似文献   

We assessed the relationship between young children's movement skills and their physical activity in early adolescence. Balance, agility, eye-hand coordination, and skinfold thicknesses in 207 Mexican American and Anglo American children (104 boys, 103 girls) were measured at ages 4, 5, and 6 years. Habitual physical activity was assessed at the age of 12 years by two interviewer-administered 7-day recalls. Ethnic differences in movement skills were not found. Young girls were better at jumping and balancing, and young boys were better at catching. Tracking of skills was low, and children's early childhood skills were not related to their physical activity 6 years later. Further studies involving additional movement skills and other populations are recommended to determine if enhanced movement skills in children promote subsequent physical activity.  相似文献   

We investigated the associations of cardiometabolic risk factors with academic achievement and whether motor performance, cardiorespiratory fitness, physical activity, or sedentary behaviour mediated these associations. Altogether 175 children 6–8 years-of-age participated in the study. We assessed body fat percentage (BF%), waist circumference, insulin, glucose, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure, leptin, alanine aminotransferase, and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT). Reading fluency, reading comprehension, and arithmetic skills were assessed using standardized tests. Speed/agility, balance, and manual dexterity test results were used to calculate motor performance score and physical activity was assessed by combined heart rate and movement sensor and cardiorespiratory fitness by maximal cycle ergometer test. In boys, BF% was inversely associated with reading fluency (β = ?0.262, P = 0.007) and reading comprehension (β = ?0.216, P = 0.025). Motor performance mediated these associations. Leptin was inversely related to reading fluency (β = ?0.272, P = 0.006) and reading comprehension (β = ?0.287, P = 0.003). The inverse association of leptin with reading fluency was mediated by motor performance. In girls, GGT was inversely associated with reading fluency independent of confounders (β = ?0.325, P = 0.007). The inverse association of BF% with academic achievement among boys was largely explained by motor performance. Leptin in boys and GGT in girls were inversely associated with academic achievement independent of confounding factors.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to evaluate the Flemish Sports Compass (FSC), a non-sport-specific generic testing battery. It was hypothesised that a set of 22 tests would have sufficient discriminant power to allocate athletes to their own sport based on a unique combination of test scores. First, discriminant analyses were applied to the 22 tests of anthropometry, physical fitness and motor coordination in 141 boys under age 18 (16.1 ± 0.8 years) and post age at peak height velocity (maturity offset = 2.674 ± 0.926) from Flemish Top Sport Academies for badminton, basketball, gymnastics, handball, judo, soccer, table tennis, triathlon and volleyball. Second, nine sequential discriminant analyses were used to assess the ability of a set of relevant performance characteristics classifying participants and non-participants for the respective sports. Discriminant analyses resulted in a 96.4% correct classification of all participants for the nine different sports. When focusing on relevant performance characteristics, 80.1% to 97.2% of the total test sample was classified correctly within their respective disciplines. The discriminating characteristics were briefly the following: flexibility in gymnastics, explosive lower-limb strength in badminton and volleyball, speed and agility in badminton, judo, soccer and volleyball, upper-body strength in badminton, basketball and gymnastics, cardiorespiratory endurance in triathletes, dribbling skills in handball, basketball and soccer and overhead-throwing skills in badminton and volleyball. The generic talent characteristics of the FSC enable the distinction of adolescent boys according to their particular sport. Implications for talent programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

BackgroundPuberty is a critical time in the development of overweight and obesity. The aim of this study was to examine relationships between measures of adiposity, cardiovascular fitness, and biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk in adolescents.MethodsIn a cross-sectional study design, 129 girls and 95 boys aged 12.9–14.4 years at various stages of puberty were included, along with their mothers (n = 217) and fathers (n = 207). Anthropometric assessments of adiposity were made, along with cardiovascular physical fitness, using the 20-m shuttle run test, and biomarkers associated with cardiovascular risk, including glucose, insulin, triglyceride, fibrinogen, and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations.ResultsWaist-to-height ratio values were similar in boys and girls and correlated positively with diastolic blood pressure, insulin, triglyceride, fibrinogen, and CRP concentrations, and inversely with cardiovascular fitness scores. Skinfold thickness measurements were higher in girls. High-molecular-weight adiponectin concentrations were lower in boys than girls, particularly in late puberty, and CRP levels were higher. Cardiovascular fitness, maternal body mass index (BMI), and paternal BMI contributed independently to the variance in waist measurements in girls and boys. Gender, triceps skinfold thickness, and weight-to-height ratio, but not parental BMI, contributed independently to the variance in cardiovascular fitness.ConclusionThere is a relationship between measures of adolescent adiposity and parental weight that involves factors other than cardiovascular fitness. Adolescent boys have relatively more abdominal fat than girls and a tendency to have a proinflammatory profile of biomarkers. These observations suggest that family and social environmental interventions are best undertaken earlier in childhood, particularly among boys.  相似文献   

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