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蹲踞式起跑是短跑技术中的教学难点。短跑中及时而又正确的起跑,对于争取起跑时的每一个0.1秒的时间都有着非常重要而现实的意义。它是起跑后的疾跑以及全程发挥高速度的先决条件。因为良好而理想的起跑能增强运动员努力跑完全程的信心和给运动员争取最好成绩极大鼓舞。  相似文献   

短跑技术是由起跑、起跑后的疾跑、途中跑和终点跑(撞线)四个紧密联系的部分组成。全程跑的成绩取决于起跑的反应速度,起跑后的加速,保持途中跑高速加速的能力以及终点冲刺压线技术。在指导中学生运动员学习短跑技术时,经常发现一些较为典型的错误动作,随着训练水平和跑的能力提高,这些错误也会随之纠正。下面就中学生短跑运动员在学习短跑过程中容易产生的错误及纠正方法加以阐述,其目的就是找出缺点,纠正错误,为今后中学生运动员在学习短跑技术时少走弯路提供帮助。  相似文献   

蹲踞式起跑是短跑技术中的教学难点。短跑中及时而又正确的起跑,对于争取起跑时的每一个0.1秒的时间都有着非常重要而现实的意义。它是起跑后的疾跑以及全程发挥高速度的先决条件。因为良好而理想的起跑能增强运动员努力跑完全程的信心和给运动员争取最好成绩极大鼓舞。  相似文献   

短跑技术中的起跑技术,经历了一个相当漫长的发展和演变过程。 在古奥运会赛场上,赛跑选手在采用“站立式”起跑姿势时,就已经懂得把一块石头置于脚后,以减小起跑时的后蹬角度,并利用后蹬石块的反作用力来增大起跑速度。  相似文献   

G822.119 9902134起跑反应时对短跑成绩的影响=Start reaction influencessprint result[刊,中,A]/雪艳,韩春涛//哈尔滨体育学院学报.-1999.-17(1).-52-54表3参3(TY)短跑//起跑//反应时//技术分析//成绩//影响因素起跑反应时直接影响短跑比赛成绩,在短跑比赛中有许多运动员由于起跑不顺利,反映时过长而导致比赛失利。起  相似文献   

<正>一、命令式风格/风格A适用于7年级田径初步技术单元(一个片段20分钟)短跑起跑——站立式起跑教师角色:由教师决定学习内容、学习方式和学习步骤。教师将教会学生如何完成短跑的起跑。教师尽可能地多次进行演练和示范短跑起跑,并带领学生进行练习。  相似文献   

一、现状大学教学大纲中的短跑教材有六个课时,(其中一课时为考查)每个课时都有一个重点内容。但在以往的教学中往往忽视了起跑这个环节。使短跑的四个部份(起跑、疾跑、途中跑、冲线)未能很好的互相衔接。学生虽然上完短跑课,但掌握蹲踞式起跑的技术还是不理想,对蹲踞式起跑方法还是不习惯,在测验或比赛时采用站立式起跑的也屡见不鲜。其次从调查中了解到学生对掌握蹲踞式起跑的技术参差不齐,大部份学生在起跑时都不习惯用蹲踞式起跑。即使有的学生采用蹲踞式起跑,但对其两脚两手放的位置如何才合适,“预备”时臀部抬到多高,重心怎样前移才合理等模糊不清。  相似文献   

蹲踞式起跑及起跑后的加速跑是短跑教学中的重要组成部分,起跑时的反应速度和起跑后的加速能力是衡量蹲踞式起跑质量的重要指标。由于短路的起跑要求在最短的时间内精确、协调有力地完成较为复杂的全部技术动作、所以初学者学习时难免顾此失彼,出现错误。  相似文献   

自从田径运动诞生以来,人们就一直在努力寻找一种更好、更快的起跑方法。因为在短跑比赛中,起跑是整个比赛中的一个重要阶段。 当我们考虑起跑问题时,必须要回答以下两个问题: 1.起跑的作用重要到什么程度? 2.符合什么条件才算好的起跑? 起跑的重要性 起跑是短跑比赛中的六个阶段之一,这六个阶段是:起跑、加速、过渡、最大速度、速度耐力和冲刺。按比例来说,起跑的作用约占整个短跑比赛的百分之十至十五。这似乎表明起跑的作用并不大,但我们必须认识到,正是  相似文献   

起跑反应时对短跑成绩的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
起跑反应时直接影响短跑比赛成绩,在短跑比赛中有许多运动员由于起跑不顺利,反应时过长而导致比赛失利。起跑反应迅速的运动员在枪声瞬间即刻起动就占了很大的优势,为比赛取得优异成绩奠定基础。起跑反应时的快慢除先天反应素质外,与起跑技术、机体状态、比赛环境密切相关,经过教学训练起跑反应时就能缩短。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to compare response times among four starting techniques—cross-over step, jab-step, standing sprinter's start, and the momentum start—to determine the fastest start for optimum speed in base running in slow pitch softball. The subjects were 30 adult male amateur softball players. Response time was recorded to the nearest 1/100 second using a Dekan Automatic Performance Analyzer arranged with two starting lights and a stop gate. A one way repeated measures ANOVA indicated that the momentum start was significantly (p < .01) faster than the other starts compared while there were no significant differences among the other starts. Reliability coefficients ranging from .90 to .95, obtained using the intraclass correlation coefficient for multiple trial data, signified no trends among trials and high reliability of the testing procedures and equipment. The results suggested that the momentum start was the fastest starting technique for optimum speed for running bases in slow pitch softball.  相似文献   

Starting block performance in swimming is of crucial importance in the individual competitions for the shorter swimming distances as well as for the relay events. The significance of this swim start performance will increase with the introduction of a new starting block with a longer and slightly steeper surface in conjunction with a push-off support for the feet and laterally adjustable handles. As grab starts and track starts were equally observed in international swimming competitions there are good reasons to assume that only the latter will remain the dominant starting technique. This report aims to summarize existing knowledge on the biomechanics of the swim start performed on a traditional starting block as a new starting block is introduced and new starting techniques are going to be developed. Following some introductory remarks on the assessment of the swim start performance, results will be discussed on the merit of different take-off techniques, on the entry behaviour, and on the force development profiles on the starting block. In conclusion, a tendency in favour of the rear-weighted track start was found in conjunction with a flat entry. In addition, it could be shown that an angular momentum around the transverse body axis combined with a dolphin kick (and a previously hyperextended hip joint) may provide hydrodynamic conditions to enter the water with a rather steep centre of mass trajectory. Finally, existing biomechanical knowledge will be presented on the relay start as well as on a possible change in the starting technique using the new block.  相似文献   

薛瑞梅  于涛 《冰雪运动》2011,33(6):16-19
起跑技术训练是速滑训练的重要环节.在分析少年速滑运动员有关起跑技术的辅助训练动作特点和要求的基础上,通过实验对比表明,起跑基础素质和力量素质的提高,有助于少年速滑运动员起跑技术水平的发挥.指出在进行起跑技术训练过程中,采取科学合理的陆地和冰上辅助训练方法与手段,提高起跑技术所需要的相关素质和能力水平,对于少年速滑运动员形成正确的起跑技术动作和日后速滑技术的发展具有重要的促进作用.  相似文献   

游泳抓台式出发技术的运动学特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用高速摄影方法,对12名男性大学生游泳运动员的游泳抓台式出发技术进行了运动学分析,揭示了抓台式出发技术的预备姿势、离台技术、重心移动以及入水技术的运动特征,为今后游泳抓台式出发技术的训练提供了有关参数。  相似文献   

对男子速滑运动员500m起跑姿势的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用三维摄像DLT法,用3台松下M9000摄像机在比赛条件下分别从侧面和正面进行同步定点、定焦拍摄,完整记录了参加2004年世界杯哈尔滨站男子500m速滑比赛的中、美共9名运动员的起跑动作。旨在揭示站立式起跑姿势和三点式起跑姿势的各自特点,研究结果表明:站立式起跑预备姿势利于从静止状态转入快速起动蹬冰状态,其稳定性低于三点式起跑姿势,采用三点式起跑姿势的起动前冲力更大,便于运动员增大起动步长,但采用站立式起跑姿势有利于提高起动频率;起跑阶段采用站立式起跑姿势的滑行速度明显高于采用三点式起跑姿势的运动员。  相似文献   

关于使用新式冰刀起跑技术与方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对第18届冬奥会速滑男女500m成绩分析结果表明,使用新式冰刀虽然使速滑500m成绩有较大幅度提高,但对其起跑100m成绩不但无显著提高,反而有所下降,表明新式冰刀在起跑技术上尚存一定问题。针对这一问题,对速滑运动员优秀组和普通组进行两种起跑姿势的实验、对比研究,结果表明,采用蛙式起跑对500m的起跑100m成绩有明显提高,表明蛙式起跑相对更适应新式冰刀,就此提出了采用蛙式起跑对于进一步提高速滑500m成绩的可能性和可行性意见。并就进一步完善和改进站立式起跑技术提出了对策性意见。  相似文献   

我国优秀游泳运动员出发技术辅助训练的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林洪  于仙贵  程燕 《体育科学》1998,18(4):53-56
为改进我国优秀游泳运动员的出发技术,采用观测和实验方法,通过拍摄运动员陆上和水下出发技术录像以及出发计时,对出发技术进行运动生物力学诊断和分析。在此基础上,根据运动员自身特点和不同泳姿提出相应的入水启动方式,并研制出发训练辅助器材,对出发预备姿势、腾起角度以及飞行远度和入水角进行控制。实践证明:这是一种快捷、有效的出发技术辅助训练方法。  相似文献   


Four sprint starting positions—the bunch, medium, elongated, and hyperextended—were compared on mean elapsed times at distances of 10 and 30 yd. Averages of three starts for each of 30 inexperienced college undergraduate males on each type of start were derived from electronically-controlled measures, the times for both distances being recorded from the same start. Statistical analyses indicated significantly lower elapsed times with the hyperextended starting position.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the biomechanical parameters that explain ventral start performance in swimming. For this purpose, 13 elite swimmers performed different variants of the ventral start technique. Two-dimensional video analyses of the aerial and underwater phases were used to assess 16 kinematic parameters from the starting signal to 5?m, and an instrumented starting block was used to assess kinetic data. A Lasso regression was used to reduce the number of parameters, providing the main determinants to starting performance, revealing different combinations of key determinants, depending on the variant (r²?≥?0.90), with flight distance being the most relevant to all variants (r?≤??0.80; p?r?=??0.79; p?r?≤?0.61; p?r²?=?0.66) or block time and flight distance (r²?=?0.83). These data provide relevant contributions to the further understanding of the biomechanics of swimming starts as well as insights for performance analysis and targeted interventions to improve athlete performance.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine if starting with the feet above the water (FAW) in male backstroke swimming resulted in faster start times (15-m time) than when the feet were underwater (FUW). It was hypothesised that setting higher on the wall would generate increased horizontal force and velocity, resulting in quicker starts. Twelve high-level male backstrokers performed three trials of the FAW and FUW techniques. A biomechanical swimming testing system comprising one force plate (1,000 Hz), four lateral-view (100 Hz), and five overhead (50 Hz) video cameras captured the swimmers' performance. Data for each participant's fastest trial for each technique were collated, grouped, and statistically analysed. Analysis included Wilcoxon, Spearman Rho correlation, and regression analysis. Wilcoxon results revealed a significantly faster start time for the FAW technique (p < 0.01). Peak horizontal force was significantly smaller for FAW (p = 0.02), while take-off horizontal velocity was significantly greater (p = 0.01). Regression analysis indicated take-off horizontal velocity to be a good predictor of start time for both techniques, and the horizontal displacement of the centre of mass for the FAW start.  相似文献   

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