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为评估我国优秀篮球运动员的有氧耐力水平,测量了国家女子篮球队16名运动员的最大耗氧量、身体成分、血红蛋白和12min跑距,并对其中10名运动员的数据进行了相关分析.结果表明绝对最大耗氧量(L/min)与身高(cm)、体重(kg)、去脂体重(kg)、脂肪含量(kg)成中度正相关,相关度无显著性意义(P>0.05);而相对耗氧量(ml/min@kg)与这些身体成分指标成负相关;绝对最大耗氧量与血红蛋白值显著相关,相关系数达0.68(P<0.05);绝对最大耗氧量与12 min跑成绩相关系数为0.74,有显著意义(P<0.05).利用本实验数据建立了我国女子篮球运动员最大耗氧量与12 min跑距回归方程式.  相似文献   

为评估我国优秀篮球运动员的有氧耐力水平 ,测量了国家女子篮球队 16名运动员的最大耗氧量、身体成分、血红蛋白和 12 min跑距 ,并对其中 10名运动员的数据进行了相关分析。结果表明 :绝对最大耗氧量 (L / m in)与身高 (cm )、体重 (kg)、去脂体重 (kg)、脂肪含量 (kg)成中度正相关 ,相关度无显著性意义 (P>0 .0 5 ) ;而相对耗氧量 (ml/ min· kg)与这些身体成分指标成负相关 ;绝对最大耗氧量与血红蛋白值显著相关 ,相关系数达 0 .6 8(P<0 .0 5 ) ;绝对最大耗氧量与 12min跑成绩相关系数为 0 .74,有显著意义 (P<0 .0 5 )。利用本实验数据建立了我国女子篮球运动员最大耗氧量与 12 min跑距回归方程式。  相似文献   

划船运动主要是有氧供能为主的运动项目。最大吸氧量(VO_2max)被公认为是决定运动员有氧能力的主要因素之一,它和耐力成绩呈显著相关。研究表明,耐力运动员的最大吸氧量比其它项目的运动员为高。但由于最大吸氧量主要是由遗传决定的,所以耐力运动员所具有的较高的最大吸氧量主要是由于运动员自然选择、自然淘汰的结果而不是训练的结果。近年来进一步研究发现,耐力运动员的成绩与无氧阈的相关比最大吸氧量更为密切。研究还表明,无氧阈可通过耐力运动训练得到提高。所以测定耐力运动员的最大吸氧量、无氧阀尤为必要,无氧阈  相似文献   

有氧能力的好坏是评定耐力性运动员运动水平高低的标志。有氧运动能力强,可以减少运动员的缺氧程度,运动员的利用率高,可以提高运动能力。反映有氧耐力的最佳指标是最大吸氧量,最大吸氧量大的运动员,他的有氧耐力就会好。运动员阶段体能状况如何,可以通过实验室最大递增负荷试验的有氧耐力的好坏来评价。体能状况不好,他的最大吸氧量测定不会理想,同时可以观察到,实验室极限负荷运动试验后即刻的疲劳恢复不会好,而运动后即刻的疲劳恢复情况与出现的最大吸氧量平台现象有着密切相关的趋势。  相似文献   

人体的最大吸氧量又称“最大有氧能力”。国内外的许多研究已经证明,最大吸氧量是反映人体心肺功能水平的一个主要指标,又是估计运动员和其他劳动者身体工作能力的重要依据。在体育运动中,最大吸氧量可以反映运动员的身体训练状态,区别不同运动项目的特点,评定各种训练方法的效果(特别在准备期内)。确定运动训练的强度还可以作为耐力性项目选材的依据。因此在运动实践中,它是很有意义的生理学指标。  相似文献   

最大吸氧量是评定运动员有氧代谢能力的重要指标。周期性耐力项目的运动成绩和运动员的最大吸氧量之间有着密切的关系,因此该指标不仅可用于评定训练水平,还可作为选拔运动员的重要指标。为了解我国自行车运动员的有氧代谢能力,我们对不同等级、不同项目的自行车运动员进行了最大吸氧量的测定。对象与方法测定对象:参加第三届全运会的男子公路  相似文献   

我国中长跑、马拉松、自行车等耐力项目的运动成绩大大落后于世界先进水平,因此,极需从生理机能、运动技术、训练等各个方面进行探索,分析落后的原因,寻求改进的途径。为此,在1973—1975年期间对我国优秀马拉松、中长跑、自行车男女运动员的呼吸循环机能进行了初步研究,以了解我国优秀运动员的有氧代谢能力;探讨最大吸氧量与耐力项目比赛成绩之间的关系;分析影响最大吸氧量水平的生理要素;讨论高原训练及不同强度的匀速运动在发展有氧代谢能力方面的作用。  相似文献   

人体的最大吸氧量(又称最大有氧能力),是人体有氧代谢能力强弱的标志。国内外学者一致认为,最大吸氧量是反映运动员心肺功能水平的一个重要指标,又是估计运动员的身体工作能力,尤其是最大全身耐力的重要依据。体操、艺术体操、击剑、武术、技巧、射箭、投掷等运动项目,按其动作结构属于  相似文献   

运动员的身体成分不仅可以反映营养状况,而且对评定训练水平和控制理想体重具有十分重要的意义.国内外学者做了大量的研究工作,认为去脂体重与运动成绩呈正相关,从事不同专项运动员的身体成分,体脂百分比(F)和去脂体重(LBM)不同.本文通过对速度滑冰两个项目(大、小跑道)运动员身体成分状况的分析,并与国内外优秀选手做对比,从中找出规律,研究身体成分和运动成绩的关系,为评定运动员的机能水平提供有益的信息,供广大教练员和运动员参考.  相似文献   

我国青少年运动员的无氧阈和有氧能力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文报告了我国235名青少年运动员的无氧阈和最大吸氧量的测定结果。少年运动员无氧阈和最大吸氧量的绝对值都有非常显著的性别差异,男子高于女子;耐力性运动员的无氧阈和最大吸氧量都非常显著地高于少年运动员;无氧阈如用相对值(%Vo_2max或%Wmax)表示时,则性别差异消失。提示:在运动中女子有氧能力的百分利用率与男子相近。把无氧阈和最大吸氧量相结合,对运动员的可训练性和易训练性进行评价,在耐力性项目选材中可能更为有效。本文提供了我国男、女少年运动员无氧阈的正常值,可供科学选材及运动训练参考。  相似文献   

目的:检验8周CrossFit训练是否对健康成年人最大有氧能力、爆发力、体成分有影响,各指标之间的相关性是否显著。方法:选取14名至少受过CF训练一年以上的男性训练者分别在训练前和训练8周后进行功率自行车递增负荷测试、wattbike 6S峰值功率测试,采集训练者的最大摄氧量(VO 2 max)、体成分、6S峰值功率等相关参数。结果:结果:(1)8周crossFit后,健康成年男子的BMI、最大摄氧量绝对值有显著下降(P<0.05),体脂百分比下降具有极显著性(P<0.01)、最大摄氧量相对值,6S峰值功率均有显著性提高(P<0.01),体重虽然有所下降但是不具有显著性。(2)从皮尔逊相关性得出体重与体成分之间相关性不高,体脂百分比与最大摄氧量相对值(rp=0.94,P<0.01)、最大摄氧量绝对值(rp=0.87,P<0.01)峰值功率(rp=0.89,P<0.01)之间也存在显著性相关。结论:(1)体重与体成分其他指标之间相关性不明显(2)CrossFit可以显着改善健康成年男子的最大摄氧量、无氧峰值功率和身体成分。  相似文献   


Major individual differences in the maximal oxygen uptake response to aerobic training have been documented. Vagal influence on the heart has been shown to contribute to changes in aerobic fitness. Whether vagal influence on the heart also predicts maximal oxygen uptake response to interval-sprinting training, however, is undetermined. Thus, the relationship between baseline vagal activity and the maximal oxygen uptake response to interval-sprinting training was examined. Exercisers (n?=?16) exercised three times a week for 12 weeks, whereas controls did no exercise (n?=?16). Interval-sprinting consisted of 20 min of intermittent sprinting on a cycle ergometer (8 s sprint, 12 s recovery). Maximal oxygen uptake was assessed using open-circuit spirometry. Vagal influence was assessed through frequency analysis of heart rate variability. Participants were aged 22 ± 4.5 years and had a body mass of 72.7 ± 18.9 kg, a body mass index of 26.9 ± 3.9 kg · m?2, and a maximal oxygen uptake of 28 ± 7.4 ml · kg?1 · min?1. Overall increase in maximal oxygen uptake after the training programme, despite being anaerobic in nature, was 19 ± 1.2%. Change in maximal oxygen uptake was correlated with initial baseline heart rate variability high-frequency power in normalised units (r?=?0.58; P < 0.05). Thus, cardiac vagal modulation of heart rate was associated with the aerobic training response after 12 weeks of high-intensity intermittent-exercise. The mechanisms underlying the relationship between the aerobic training response and resting heart rate variability need to be established before practical implications can be identified.  相似文献   

通过对自行车运动员和普通健康者的血液流变的测试及分析得出:(1)自行车运动员的最大吸氧量与运动后血细胞压积呈负相关;(2)自行车运动员和普通受试者运动后血乳酸同运动前后的某些血液流变性指标呈正相关。表明:血液流变性与最大有氧能力、运动后乳酸之间有一定关系。  相似文献   

评定有氧工作能力指标的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对不同训练水平、不同性别的60名受试者进行了摄氧量、心率及氧脉搏的测定,其目的是通过比较优选评定有氧工作能力的指标。结果显示:在此方面,由于公斤体重的氧脉搏可同时消除体重和心率等因素的影响,故它比最大摄氧量更为客观。  相似文献   

通过测试游泳运动员在服用Rg34周后,有氧能力相关指标的变化情况,来观察Rg3对游泳运动员有氧能力的影响,结果表明:Rg3能明显提高游泳运动员的最大摄氧量水平;提高最大摄氧量测试后1min呼吸商水平;提高最大摄氧量测试后最高乳酸水平及乳酸消除率。证实了Rg3具有提高游泳运动员有氧能力的作用。  相似文献   

Elite soccer players spend a substantial amount of time trying to improve physical capacities, including aerobic endurance and strength and the strength derivatives of speed and power. The average oxygen uptake for international soccer teams ranges from 55 to 68 ml.kg-1.min-1 and the half-squat maximal strength from 120 to 180 kg. These values are similar to those found in other team sports. Recently, it has been shown that the heart's stroke volume is the element in the oxygen chain that mainly limits aerobic endurance for athletes. These findings have given rise to more intensive training interventions to secure high stroke volumes, which, in turn, have proved positive in changing both maximal oxygen consumption and soccer performance in terms of distance covered, contacts with the ball and number of sprints in a game. The training employed has consisted of 4x4-min "intervals" running uphill at 90-95% of maximal heart rate interspersed with 3 min jogging at 70% of maximal heart rate to facilitate removal of lactate. Research has revealed that a soccer-specific training routine with the ball might be as effective as plain running. Strength training to produce neural adaptations has been effective in changing not only strength in terms of "one-repetition maximum", but also sprinting velocity and jumping height, in elite soccer players without any change in body mass. The same training has also improved running economy and thus aerobic endurance performance. The training regimen used for a European Champions League team was 4x4 repetitions of half-squats with the emphasis on maximal mobilization of force in the concentric action.  相似文献   

肥胖男青年对两种强度有氧运动的生理代谢反应比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:分析两种强度有氧运动过程中机体能源物质动员的特点,为制定减肥运动处方提供理论依据。方法:8名无系统运动训练史的非继发性肥胖男青年进行40%和65%V。O2max强度有氧运动,监测运动过程中受试者HR、血压及RPE等生理指标和血清GLU、TG、FFA及GH等生化指标的变化。结果:40%V。O2max有氧运动过程中HR、收缩压、RPE及血清GLU水平显著低于(舒张压显著高于)65%V。O2max有氧运动;血清GH水平有降低趋势;血清TG、FFA水平显著高于65%V。O2max有氧运动。40%V。O2max有氧运动过程中,脂肪动员程度较大,随着运动强度的增加,机体糖代谢加强,脂代谢减弱。结论:肥胖者宜采用40%V。O2max有氧运动进行减肥健身锻炼,不仅能更大程度地动员脂肪供能,而且相对不易疲劳,主观体力感觉也易于接受。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the effects of three recovery intensities on time spent at a high percentage of maximal oxygen uptake (t90[Vdot]O(2max)) during a short intermittent session. Eight endurance-trained male adolescents (16 +/- 1 years) performed four field tests until exhaustion: a graded test to determine maximal oxygen uptake ([Vdot]O(2max); 57.4 +/- 6.1 ml x min(-1) . kg(-1)) and maximal aerobic velocity (17.9 +/- 0.4 km x h(-1)), and three intermittent exercises consisting of repeat 30-s runs at 105% of maximal aerobic velocity alternating with 30 s active recovery at 50% (IE(50)), 67% (IE(67)), and 84% (IE(84)) of maximal aerobic velocity. In absolute values, mean t90[Vdot]O(2max) was not significantly different between IE(50) and IE(67), but both values were significantly longer compared with IE(84). When expressed in relative values (as a percentage of time to exhaustion), mean t90[Vdot]O(2max) was significantly higher during IE(67) than during IE(50). Our results show that both 50% and 67% of maximal aerobic velocity of active recovery induced extensive solicitation of the cardiorespiratory system. Our results suggest that the choice of recovery intensity depends on the exercise objective.  相似文献   

Maximal oxygen uptake VO(2max)) is considered the optimal method to assess aerobic fitness. The measurement of VO(2max), however, requires special equipment and training. Maximal exercise testing with determination of maximal power output offers a more simple approach. This study explores the relationship between [Vdot]O(2max) and maximal power output in 247 children (139 boys and 108 girls) aged 7.9-11.1 years. Maximal oxygen uptake was measured by indirect calorimetry during a maximal ergometer exercise test with an initial workload of 30 W and 15 W x min(-1) increments. Maximal power output was also measured. A sample (n = 124) was used to calculate reference equations, which were then validated using another sample (n = 123). The linear reference equation for both sexes combined was: VO(2max) (ml x min(-1)) = 96 + 10.6 x maximal power + 3.5 . body mass. Using this reference equation, estimated VO(2max) per unit of body mass (ml x min(-1) x kg(-1)) calculated from maximal power correlated closely with the direct measurement of VO(2max) (r = 0.91, P <0.001). Bland-Altman analysis gave a mean limits of agreement of 0.2+/-2.9 (ml x min(-1) x kg(-1)) (1 s). Our results suggest that maximal power output serves as a good surrogate measurement for VO(2max) in population studies of children aged 8-11 years.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) directly during uphill walking exercise and to compare these values with those achieved during running and cycling exercise. Forty untrained students (20 males and 20 females) took part in three exercise tests. The running test was performed on a horizontal treadmill and the speed was gradually increased by 0.3 m . s(-1) every 3 min. The walking test was conducted on a treadmill inclined at 12% (speed of 1.8 m . s(-1)). The load was further increased every 3 min by the addition of a mass of one-twentieth of the body mass of the participant (plastic containers filled with water and added to a backpack carried by the participant). During the bicycle ergometry test, the workload was increased by 20 W every 2 min. All tests were performed until volitional exhaustion. During all tests, oxygen uptake, minute ventilation, tidal volume, respiratory frequency, heart rate, hydrogen ion concentration, base excess, and blood lactate concentration were analysed. The Pearson correlation coefficients between the weighted walking test and the commonly applied running and bicycle ergometry tests indicate a strong association with the new test in evaluating maximal oxygen uptake. The negligible differences in VO2max between the three tests for the male participants (running: 61.0 ml . kg(-1) . min(-1); walking: 60.4 ml . kg(-1) . min(-1); cycling: 60.2 ml . kg(-1) . min(-1)), and the fact that the females achieved better results on the walking test than the cycle ergometer test (running: 45.0 ml . kg(-1) . min(-1); walking: 42.6 ml . kg(-1) . min(-1); cycling: 40.1 ml . kg(-1) . min(-1)), confirm the suitability of the new method for evaluating aerobic power. The weighted walking test could be useful in the assessment of aerobic power in individuals for whom running is not advised or is difficult. In addition, the new test allows for determination of VO2max on small treadmills with a limited speed regulator, such as those found in specialist physiotherapy and fitness centres.  相似文献   

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