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This paper analyses two pedagogical case studies (PCS) from a multidisciplinary perspective to highlight the problems of theoretical knowledge in tertiary physical education teacher education (PETE) programmes, school-based physical education (PE) practice and continuous professional learning (CPL) in PE. We argue that a critical view of tertiary PETE and PE teacher educator CPL practice or practices is particularly important if PETE programmes want to develop future PE and current teacher practitioners who are transformative agents. In setting up the pedagogical case study accounts, we recall common conversations about the bodies of knowledge in tertiary PETE programmes that have been positioned as problematic. The accounts highlight the existence of an artificial divide between PE educators as theory generators and both pre-service PE teachers and school-based PE practitioners as theory appliers. We suggest that part of the reason why this divide exists can be attributed to a general misunderstanding of theoretical and practical knowledge that have been wrongly compartmentalised into ‘theory’ and ‘practice’, and hence erroneously taught as isolated entities without any connection or direct link with each other, or the former considered to be less relevant and perhaps even irrelevant in practice.  相似文献   

It is widely argued that continuing professional development (CPD) for physical education (PE) teachers is important, yet questions remain about ‘effective’ CPD. We consider these questions afresh from a Deweyan perspective. An overview of the CPD/PE-CPD literature reveals conflicting positions on teachers as learners. Considering the nature of contemporary PE, and the learning needs of teachers, we argue that a different model of PE-CPD is required to reflect the dynamic nature of contemporary practice. We propose John Dewey's classic concept of ‘education as growth’ to underpin a new conceptual framework for the design, delivery and evaluation of PE-CPD. We argue that ‘effective’ PE-CPD will not be found in formal policies, structures and processes, however, well-intentioned, unless it (i) focuses on the dazzling complexity of the learning process, (ii) prioritises context and contemporary challenges; (iii) bridges research/theory–practice in innovative ways; and (iv) nurtures the career-long growth of PE teachers.  相似文献   

隐性体育课程是以显性体育课程为载体的,以培养学生健康心理和社会适应能力为目标的教育思想和课程理论。职教体育要为职业教育服务,为学生的职业素质养成服务。职业教育的培养目标和教育对象有其特殊性,学校体育要以课程改革为契机,开展职业教育隐性体育课程的理论与实践研究,树立为学生职业素养服务的教育理念,科学地选择具有职业特点的教材和教学内容,灵活运用适合职业学生的教学方法和手段,开展多种形式的教育教学活动,推动职教体育的健康发展。  相似文献   

Acknowledging the performative sporting discourses which continue to dominate physical education, and the emerging focus on disease prevention within this context, this paper presents a socio-ecological framework for physical education that aims to shift the focus towards more multidimensional understandings of what it means to be ‘physically educated’. In doing so, we hope to prompt physical educators in schools and undergraduate programmes to more confidently employ intra-personal, inter-personal and environmental lenses through which to view and understand physical education, and therefore extend the gaze beyond activity-driven practice and ‘downstream’ exercise for health. The proposed framework draws upon established socio-ecological models and encompasses functional, recreational, health-related and performance-related physical activities. The multi-layered complexity associated with the field of physical education is reflected within the proposed socio-ecological framework. Through embracing complexity, particularly the interactions between layers of influence, the framework encourages exploration of the ‘physical’ beyond its subordinate components like fitness, body mass index, tactical awareness or motor skills. The framework is inclusive of games and sports but questions how these activities can be connected in the everyday lives of the learners. Importantly, the framework provided is not an approach to teaching and learning and, on its own, will do little to address the ongoing critique about the privileging of performative and health discourses within physical education. As they have in other fields, socio-ecological frames can provide a useful reference for the teaching and learning of physical education. To produce physically educated citizens in the broadest sense, teachers need to be supported, across multiple levels, to reposition their field to that of a connected specialism contributing to the whole curriculum and the communities within which they are located. It is our contention that socio-ecological frames can serve as useful tools to facilitate such a repositioning.  相似文献   

多元体育学习评价对中小学生体育学习兴趣的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对青岛、东莞、重庆、泉州、厦门和蚌埠等实验基地的小学、初中、高中共6所学校进行实验研究。结果显示,不论是课改实验区还是非课改实验区,多元体育学习评价均能有效地激发中小学生的体育学习兴趣,引导学生学会体育学习,激励其不断进步与发展;在提高学生的体育学习兴趣方面,多元体育学习评价运用的效果课改实验区明显好于非课改实验区;多元体育学习评价对于不同学段和不同性别学生的体育学习兴趣会产生不同的影响,建议在下一步的体育学习评价改革中给予高中生和初中女生更多的关注。  相似文献   

This paper reports data from a larger study into the ways in which Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) students engaged in professional learning during teaching practice (TP) in Ireland. The study comprised one umbrella case study of Greendale University, schools and PETE students that consisted of five individual cases: tetrads of PETE student teacher, cooperating teacher (CT), University tutor (UT) and School Principal (SP). Each tetrad was defined as a unique community of practice located within the wider structures of school, education and university policies on teacher education. Data were collected over one academic year using qualitative research methods and grounded theory as a systematic data analysis tool.

Findings indicate that in each of the five cases, support for PETE student learning was, to some degree, dysfunctional. In particular, it became evident that there were two conflicting teacher-learning curricula in operation. The official curriculum, expressed in policy and by SPs, UTs and CTs (also referred to as mentors), valued a PETE student who cared for pupils, had a rich pedagogical content knowledge, knew how to plan for and assess pupils’ learning, valued reflection, and was an active member of a community of practice. The unofficial but essentially more powerful enacted curriculum, encouraged PETE students to draw upon their own resources to learn pedagogical content knowledge in an isolated and unsupported manner.

The data highlight the force of the unofficial curriculum and the ways in which PETE students were guided to the core of the dysfunctional community of practice by untrained CTs (mentors) and untrained UTs. PETE students in this study learned to survive in a largely unsupportive professional learning environment and, just as theories of social reproduction intimate, indicated that they would reproduce this practice with PETE students in their care in the future.

The findings suggest that in cases similar to those studied, there is a need for teacher educators in Ireland, (in both universities and schools) to critically interrogate their personal practices and implicit theories of teacher education and to engage in training for their role. There is also evidence to suggest that PETE students in Ireland could benefit from the development of school–university partnerships that act as fundamental units of high quality professional learning. In the cases studied, this may have led to a stronger focus on the intended or official curriculum of TP, led by the revised maxim: ‘Do as we say and as we do’.  相似文献   

文章以中小学体育教师专业核心素养为调查对象,从教师的基本信息、教师所在学校受培训的情况、教师对MOOC学习的态度进行调查。调查分析得出,传统培养模式存在学校开设项目有限,限制教师专业核心素养的发展、培训内容无法满足教师专业核心素养的发展、教师难以获得高等培训的机会、培训内容不能满足教师的需求等问题。建议以MOOC平台作为一个突击点,打造中小学体育学科核心素养建设平台、树立以学习者为本的教学理念、设置科学的MOOC培训课程、注重课程中理论与实践并重等,为提升中小学体育教师专业核心素养提供参考。  相似文献   

以学校体育教育改革为切入点,对青少年阳刚之气匮乏的原因、如何重塑阳刚之气以及需要注意的问题进行探讨。研究认为:(1)当代青少年阳刚之气的匮乏是社会文化长期漠视身体、社会环境和计划生育政策的影响及学校体育实践的局限共同作用的结果。(2)重塑阳刚之气,需要在文化上加强引导,在思想上转变对学校体育作用的认知,并且对幼儿、中小学、高校体育教育的内容进行相应的调整和改革。(3)学校体育在重塑阳刚之气过程中,需要注意矫枉过正、正视安全、家庭和社会通力配合等方面的问题。  相似文献   

E—leaning可以优化教育资源、提高学习效率、降低学习成本,对于体育课程教学而言,其灵活便捷的教学方式能够解决“学训矛盾”,方便学生自主学习。学习过程记录方便、教学管理和课程资源及时有效的更新,既方便了教学管理,也为体育远程教育创造了条件。E—leaning借助网络跨越了校园空间的限制,给学习者提供了一个全新的学习环境,促使了学校与学习者之间距离的缩短,让学校教育向更广泛的地区辐射。借助E—leaning进行体育精品课程和网络课程整合,开展体育远程教育有助于现有体育精品课程和网络课程的可持续发展,有利于体育教育资源共享,是未来学校体育教育和终身体育教育的重要途径。  相似文献   

高校体育专业教育培养目标与中学体育教学适应性   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
运用问卷调查和专家咨询等方法,对当前高校体育专业教育培养目标与中学体育教学目前状况和中学生、中学体育教师对学校体育教学的目标、任务的认识程度,以及对未来体育教师的业务能力、综合素质和中学体育教学的发展趋势进行调查、分析,得出高校体育专业教育人才培养目标的设定与课程设置不仅要考虑本学科建设需要,也要满足该专业目标市场的需要的结论,同时中学体育教学的目标定位应围绕学生的身心健康、体育知识技能的获得和思想品德培养而进行。  相似文献   

The data for this paper were generated during a 3-year; participatory action research project, with 41 female coresearchers and activists ages 15-19 years old, within and beyond the walls of a secondary school. The two questions we sought to answer were (a) what happens when we engage with students to challenge formal physical education curricular boundaries and connect with students' physical culture; and (b) what are the benefits and the challenges associated with engaging in this sort of practical activism? The findings suggest that a boundary-crossing approach to physical education can facilitate students in finding their own meanings in physical education and physical activity. Supporting boundary-crossing practices is, however; a time- and thought-intensive pedagogical design, which will be challenging for many physical education teachers.  相似文献   

Background: The field of physical education (PE), overlapping as it does with the field of sport, has been critiqued for marginalizing those positioned as ‘different’. This difference is typically conceptualized in regard to a white, masculine, heterosexual, and able-bodied norm. Students who do not identify as white are not represented in any significant way in physical education discourses, culture, or the demographics of PE teachers in many international contexts.

Purpose: This article explores links between the literature in critical leadership and physical education. Drawing on the theoretical foundations of transformational leadership, critical pedagogy, and critical race theory, we draw links between the field of PE and applied critical leadership.

Design and analyses: Drawing on the theoretical tools of Bourdieu, we argue that physical education can be conceptualized as a field of practice. As such, the field values contain certain practices and norms. We argue that disrupting these norms relies on leadership in the field and may require insights from other fields, in this case applied critical leadership.

Conclusion: We conclude that leaders (both teachers and teacher educators) in the field of PE have a responsibility to take up practices which work against racialization and challenge current norms. This is both a theoretical and pedagogical challenge but can begin in classrooms.  相似文献   

The paper reflects on the development of examination awards in physical education from a predominantly autobiographical research perspective. The paper draws on experiences and reflections from inside examinations as a teacher, part of the policy and implementation process and document author and outside examinations as a researcher of the aspirations of awards and policy enactment in schools in Scotland. This combined perspective proceeds via a largely chronological appraisal of school and national policy developments allied to analysis from a wider academic review of progress. Despite early enthusiasm by students and many teachers the review highlights the problems of announcing policy rather than engaging with the ongoing detail of policy problems. This approach has led to variable progress and a lack of boldness in making learning suitably personalized with closer connections between practice and theory informing teaching and assessment. Furthermore, through the adoption of rote learning and assessment procedures, teachers have become complicit in affirming that while greater educational goals are achievable their particular practices are unlikely to realize these goals. In order to avoid further regression it is argued that examination awards need to unlock practice problems through engaging with research evidence which assists in understanding better the complex components of authentic practice, practice and theory integration and how increased use of digital technologies can personalize learning and enliven teaching and assessment. Without this occurring, examinations in Scottish physical education represent something akin to a pyrrhic victory, where expanding policy provision has left behind rather underwhelming learning gains and where teachers’ sense of agency is curtailed by a messy combination of difficult to rectify professional concerns.  相似文献   

In this paper we illustrate how ways of thinking about ethics are tied up with sport and physical education practice and introduce an alternative approach that can help to develop ethical pedagogies. We begin by locating socio-moral education in physical education within historical and contemporary pedagogical scholarship. Our argument is that the work of today's physical educators is still shaped by claims that were made about school sport in the nineteenth century and that sport scholars have long had difficulties proving these claims empirically. Rather than search for data that can confirm or refute claims of moral learning, we examine how incidents related to moral behaviour occur during physical education lessons. To do this we draw on data from an ethnographic investigation of a school in North Western Switzerland. Specifically, we present three episodes of interaction in three different physical education lessons. To make sense of these episodes, we introduce a social constructionist perspective. The main assumptions of this perspective are: (1) meanings are created through dialogue and consensus and are context-relative; (2) interactions between people are joint accomplishments; and (3) contexts affect how people interact with one another. Equipped with a constructionist framework, we then inspect the interactive episodes more closely. We include brief discussions of how constructionist understandings might inform ethics pedagogies in the future, suggesting that practitioners should be cautious of universal understandings of ethics, consider pupils as members of communities that are held together by shared practices, provide space for pupils to position themselves differently during lessons and, finally, account for contextual factors when evaluating pupils’ actions.  相似文献   

In this paper we question the rationality of ‘no-touch policies’ and offer an alternative approach to the matter of physical contact between teachers and students in the context of physical education (PE) in schools. Earlier research has drawn attention to how a discourse of child protection is starting to affect how physical contact is viewed in PE practice. The avoidance of intergenerational touch is increasingly justified by referring to the children's rights agenda. Here, arguments for ‘no-touching’ are linked to children's right to be protected from harm. In the paper we explore a children's rights-based viewpoint that supports the use of and need for physical contact in PE teaching by developing theoretical and practice-based arguments. An alternative children's rights perspective, based on rights theorising, is used to formulate the theoretical argument. Interviews with 16 PE teachers about their experiences of physical contact in their pedagogical work form the practice-based arguments. The two arguments provide a way of looking at intergenerational touch in education from the vantage point of children's human right to develop to their full potential, which can support a need for physical touch in pedagogical situations.  相似文献   

当前,我国社会市场对人才的要求越来越多,而在众多要求中团队精神已经成为学生学习、求职、从事行业工作必备的条件。中职生是一群特殊的群体,其专业学习具有很强的职业性与目的性,在为中职生开展的体育教学中培养学生的团队意识非常重要。本文结合笔者多年的工作实践,探讨中职体育教学培养学生团队意识的策略,以供参考。  相似文献   

Background: Models-based approaches to physical education have in recent years developed as a way for teachers and students to concentrate on a manageable number of learning objectives, and align pedagogical approaches with learning subject matter and context. This paper draws on Hannah Arendt’s account of vita activa to map existing approaches to physical education as oriented towards: (a) health and exercise, (b) sport and games, and (c) experience and exploration.

Purpose: The aim of the paper is to outline a new pedagogical model for physical education: a practising model. We argue that the form of human activity related to practising is not well represented in existing orientations and models. To sustain this argument, we highlight the most central aspects of practising, and at the same time describe central features of the model.

Relevance and implications: The paper addresses pedagogical implications the practising model has for physical education teachers. Central learning outcomes and teaching strategies related to four essential and ‘non-negotiable’ features of the practising model are discussed. These strategies are: (1) acknowledging subjectivity and providing meaningful challenges, (2) focusing on content and the aims of practising, (3) specifying and negotiating standards of excellence and (4) providing adequate time to practising.

Conclusion: The practising model has the potential to inform new perspectives on pedagogical approaches, and renew and improve working methods and learning practices, in physical education.  相似文献   

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