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踝关节作为人体的承重关节,在日常生活中会经常性的发生扭伤,大部分患者可以自愈,但是也有部分患者因损伤严重,没有及时治疗,导致踝关节的稳定性降低,并出现习惯性踝扭伤,继而造成踝关节的不稳。本文通过分析踝关节不稳的损伤机制,总结了功能性踝关节不稳的肌力康复训练研究。  相似文献   

目的:观察平衡训练对慢性踝关节不稳的治疗效果,旨在为慢性踝关节不稳的患者提供一种更佳的治疗方法。方法:选取患有慢性踝关节不稳的受试者20例,随机分为实验组和对照组各10例,对照组采用常规的肌力训练,实验组则进行平衡训练,干预时间为6周,比较两组治疗前后美国足踝外科协会(AOFAS)踝一后足评分和Berg平衡量表评分。结果:通过组内比较,两组受试者踝关节AOFAS评分和Berg平衡量表评分均较治疗前有明显改善,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);通过组间比较,实验组治疗后的踝关节AOFAS评分和Berg平衡量表评分均优于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:平衡训练能有效改善慢性踝关节不稳患者踝关节的运动功能以及平衡功能。  相似文献   

踝关节损伤研究现状(综述—上)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在运动员训练比赛中和大众体育活动中,踝关节(包括距下关节)扭伤是最常见的运动损伤。在美国估计平均每年急性踝关节扭伤患者达二百万。国内外的研究结果显示,踝关节扭伤的发生率占全部创伤的10—40%,虽然多数人通过治疗可以康复,但仍有20%~40%的患者会转为慢性踝关节损伤或伤残。踝关节损伤看似虽小,但却常常会长期影响运动员训练及成绩的提高。踝关节结构和手腕结构一样比较复杂,对其解剖、生理功能及病理改变的认识,目前  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、临床调查法、逻辑分析法了解近年治疗运动员急性踝关节扭伤的方法和措施,分析急性踝关节扭伤后出现慢性踝关节疼痛和习惯性扭伤的原因,探讨关节松动术治疗运动员急性踝关节扭伤的作用,得出关节松动术可以改善扭伤后的关节失稳及微小错位,理顺扭伤后关节的韧带、肌肉和关节囊,成为解决踝关节扭伤的重要手段之一。  相似文献   

慢性外踝不稳与距骨斜角关系探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探讨距骨斜角与慢性外踝不稳的关系 ,拟提供一种慢性外踝不稳的定量诊断方法。方法随机选择慢性外踝不稳青年患者 62人 ,共 64例外踝不稳踝关节 (男 3 7人 3 9例 ,女 2 5人 2 5例 )与外踝无损伤者 2 2 4人共 44 5例踝关节 (男 118人 2 3 5例 ,女 10 6人 2 10例 ) ,用“踝关节加压内翻拍片架”进行踝跖屈内翻固定 ,拍摄踝关节跖屈内翻应力正位片。结果患者组距骨斜角平均9.3° ,对照组距骨斜角平均 4.2° ,P <0 .0 0 1。结论陈旧性外踝韧带损伤患者如踝内翻应力片显示距骨斜角 >9° ,则可考虑慢性外踝不稳 ;患踝距骨斜角≤ 9°但比健侧大 2°或以上 ,也应考虑慢性外踝不稳的可能性。  相似文献   

一、躁关节扭伤的原因和原理 踝关节扭伤是一种最常见的运动损伤,有资料显示,它占所有运动创伤的20%~40%。踝关节扭伤多为踝关节周围韧带的过度牵拉或撕裂,严重者可伴有撕脱骨折。踝关节是人运动的重要枢纽及承重关节,是由胫、腓骨下的关节面与距骨上部的关节面(距骨滑车)构成。  相似文献   

扭伤原因与临床表现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、扭伤原因踝关节韧带损伤在运动所致韧带和关节损伤中占多数。这是由于其解剖学结构造成的,踩关节由胜胖骨的远端和距骨组成,外踝比内踝窄面长,深关节囊前后松驰,两侧较紧,有内外侧副韧带固定,内侧为一尖朝上,呈扇形的王角韧带,外侧为距睐前韧带(前柬),跟助韧带(中柬)和距肿后韧带(后束)。内侧副韧带较外侧韧带坚强,因而,足的内侧翻较外侧翻活动大,所以踝关节扭伤中,以内翻位损伤为最常见。体育运动对错误动作,运动中场地不平、碰撞或因跳起落地时失去平衡,使踝关节过度内翻或外翻,是造成踝关节韧带扭伤的主要原因…  相似文献   

目的探讨功能性动作筛查对慢性踝关节不稳评价的效度分析。方法选取24名慢性踝关节不稳受试者作为实验组,同时选取24名与实验组相匹配的受试者作为对照组。运用足踝功能障碍指数量表和功能性动作筛查对所有受试者进行测试,功能性动作筛查包括深蹲、跨栏架和直线弓箭步。结果实验组的功能性动作筛查分数、跨栏架分数、直线弓箭步分数、足踝功能障碍指数和足踝功能障碍运动指数与对照组具有显著性差异(p<0.05);足踝功能障碍指数与功能性动作筛查分数和直线弓箭步分数都呈现高度相关,且差异显著(r=0.807,p<0.01;r=0.896,p<0.01);功能性动作筛查分数与足踝功能障碍运动指数也高度相关,且具有显著性差异(r=0.818,p<0.01)。结论功能性动作筛查能够有效地识别和评价慢性踝关节不稳的功能障碍,与深蹲和跨栏架测试相比,直线弓箭步测试能够更好地识别慢性踝关节不稳患者的功能缺陷。  相似文献   

一、易损伤的部位及成因 (一)脚部(足尖、足背和踝关节)损伤。 足尖、足背损伤多是由于起跨点近、摆动腿的 脚踢栏和起跨腿的脚尖勾栏所致。踝关节损伤 主要是踝部力量差、摆动腿过栏后脚落地的方 法不正确及场地不平造成。 (二)臂部损伤。主要是在过栏后摔倒撑 地,造成手、臂或肩背部受伤。 (三)膝部损伤 1.外伤主要是过栏时摔倒而造成的擦伤。 2.内伤主要是半月板和外侧副带损伤。一 般是因力量不够,膝关节周围韧带力量及伸展 性差,或落地方法不对而出现的扭伤或拉伤。 (四)腰部损伤:主要是腰背肌的扭伤。 这是由于过栏…  相似文献   

踝关节扭伤是蹦床项目单跳运动员临床上常见的一种损伤,其主要包括踝关节韧带、肌腱、关节囊等软组织的损伤。  相似文献   


Ankle sprains are a common injury and those affected are at a risk of developing chronic ankle instability (CAI). Complications of an acute sprain include increased risk of re-injury and persistent disability; however, the exact link between ankle sprains and chronic instability has yet to be elucidated. The purpose of this study was to investigate neuromuscular control (including kinematics, kinetics and EMG) during stepping down from a curb, a common yet challenging daily activity, in persons with ankle instability (n = 11), those with a history of ankle sprain without persistent instability, called ankle sprain “copers” (CPRs) (n = 9) and uninjured controls (CTLs) (n = 13). A significant group difference was noted as the CPR group demonstrated increased tibialis anterior activity in both the preparatory (pre-touchdown) and reactive (post-touchdown) phases when compared to healthy and unstable groups (P < 0.05). It follows that the CPR group also demonstrated a significantly less plantar-flexed position at touchdown than the other two groups (P < 0.05). This is a more stable position to load the ankle and this strategy differed from that used by participants with CAI and uninjured CTLs. These findings provide insight into the neuromuscular control strategies of CPRs, which may allow them to more appropriately control ankle stability following sprains.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同踝关节稳定程度对侧跳落地缓冲时姿势稳定策略与神经肌肉控制的影响。方法:36名男性大学高水平运动员为受试者,按照踝关节不稳定程度分为12人健康组(CON)、12人隐患组(LAT)和12人不稳定组(CAI),以随机顺序执行4次单足连续侧跳动作,涉及外侧侧向跳动作(SHL)与内侧侧向跳动作(SHM)。使用VICON三维动作捕捉系统、KISTLER测力板与DELSYS无线表面肌电收集下肢生物力学参数;使用独立样本单因子方差分析(one-way ANOVA)比较各组在起跳后落地5个阶段的下肢关节运动学参数、动力学参数及肌肉激活水平。结果:1)下肢矢状面肌群激活程度与踝关节肌肉共同收缩率,对CAI组的动态姿势稳定扮演重要角色,以SHL落地的踝关节外翻动作能降低踝关节内翻扭伤风险;2)在SHL落地模式下,CAI组髋关节内收动作可能会引起踝关节内翻动作,侧跳落地的踝关节内翻角速度出现较早且快速的特征是CAI组反复扭伤的关键;3)踝关节策略主要影响压力中心(COP)参数,髋关节策略则能改变质量中心(COM);CON组侧跳的落地缓冲与姿势控制能力不及CAI稳定;SHM落地模式是踝关节内翻扭伤的高风险动作。结论:CAI组运动员即便在扭伤康复后,仍存在再次扭伤的可能,可针对踝关节活动范围与神经肌肉控制进行强化与训练,避免反复损伤。  相似文献   

Purpose:The aim of the study was to determine whether corticospinal excitability and inhibition of the tibialis anterior during single-leg standing differs among individuals with chronic ankle instability(CAI),lateral ankle sprain copers,and healthy controls.Methods:Twenty-three participants with CAI,23 lateral ankle sprain copers,and 24 healthy control participants volunteered.Active motor threshold(AMT),normalized motor-evoked potential(MEP),and cortical silent period(CSP)were evaluated by transcranial magnetic stimulation while participants performed a single-leg standing task.Results:Participants with CAI had significantly longer CSP at 100%of AMT and lower normalized MEP at 120%of AMT compared to lateral ankle sprain copers(CSP100%:p=0.003;MEP120%:p=0.044)and controls(CSP100%:p=0.041;MEP120%:p=0.006).Conclusion:This investigation demonstrate altered corticospinal excitability and inhibition of the tibialis anterior during single-leg standing in participants with CAI.Further research is needed to examine the effects of corticospinal maladaptations to motor control of the tibial anterior on postural control performance in those with CAI.  相似文献   

When the ankle is forced into inversion, the speed at which this movement occurs may affect the extent of injury. The purpose of this investigation was to develop a fulcrum device to mimic the mechanism of a lateral ankle sprain and to determine the reliability and validity of the temporal variables produced by this device. Additionally, this device was used to determine if a single previous lateral ankle sprain or ankle taping effected the time to maximum inversion and/or mean inversion speed. Twenty-six participants (13 with history of a single lateral ankle sprain and 13 with no history of injury) completed the testing. The participants completed testing on three separate days, performing 10 trials with the fulcrum per leg on each testing day, and tape was applied to both ankles on one testing day. No significant interactions or main effects were found for either previous injury or ankle taping, but good reliability was found for time to maximum inversion (ICC = .81) and mean inversion speed (ICC = .79). The findings suggest that although neither variable was influenced by the history of a single previous lateral ankle sprain or ankle taping, both variables demonstrated good reliability and construct validity, but not discriminative validity.  相似文献   

BackgroundThis study presents a kinematic analysis of an acute lateral ankle sprain incurred during a televised badminton match. The kinematics of this injury were compared to those of 19 previously reported cases in the published literature.MethodsFour camera views of an acute lateral ankle sprain incurred during a televised badminton match were synchronized and rendered in 3-dimensional animation software. A badminton court with known dimensions was built in a virtual environment, and a skeletal model scaled to the injured athlete's height was used for skeletal matching. The ankle joint angle and angular velocity profiles of this acute injury were compared to the summarized findings from 19 previously reported cases in the published literature.ResultsAt foot strike, the ankle joint was 2° everted, 33° plantarflexed, and 18° internally rotated. Maximum inversion of 114° and internal rotation of 69° was achieved at 0.24 s and 0.20 s after foot strike, respectively. After the foot strike, the ankle joint moved from an initial position of plantarflexion to dorsiflexion—from 33° plantarflexion to 53° dorsiflexion (range = 86°). Maximum inversion, dorsiflexion, and internal rotation angular velocity were 1262°/s, 961°/s, and 677°/s, respectively, at 0.12 s after foot strike.ConclusionA forefoot landing posture with a plantarflexed and internally rotated ankle joint configuration could incite an acute lateral ankle sprain injury in badminton. Prevention of lateral ankle sprains in badminton should focus on the control and stability of the ankle joint angle during forefoot landings, especially when the athletes perform a combined lateral and backward step.  相似文献   

李男  檀志宗 《体育科研》2012,33(4):80-84,88
通过文献资料法,对功能性踝关节不稳的形成机制分别从力量、本体感觉、姿势控制等方面进行了分析讨论,并且归纳了目前康复中所采用方法的效果,为功能性踝关节不稳的预防和治疗提供参考。  相似文献   


Unstable footwear may enhance training effects to the lower-limb musculature and sensorimotor system during dynamic gym movements. This study compared the instability of an unstable shoe with irregular midsole deformations (IM) and a control shoe (CS) during forward and lateral lunges. Seventeen female gym class participants completed two sets of ten forward and lateral lunges in CS and IM. Ground reaction forces, lower-limb kinematics and ankle muscle activations were recorded. Variables around initial ground contact, toe-off, descending and ascending lunge phases were compared statistically (p < .05). Responses to IM compared to CS were similar across lunge directions. The IM induced instability by increasing the vertical loading rate (p < .001, p = .009) and variability of frontal ankle motion during descending (p = .001, p < .001) and ascending phases (p = .150, p = .003), in forward and lateral lunges, respectively. At initial ground contact, ankle adjustments enhanced postural stability in IM. Across muscles, there were no activation increases, although results indicate peroneus longus activations increased in IM during the ascending phase. As expected, IM provided a more demanding training stimulus during lunge exercises and has potential to reduce ankle injuries by training ankle positioning for unpredictable instability.  相似文献   

BackgroundAcute ankle injury causes damage to joint mechanoreceptors and deafferentation and contributes to proprioception deficits in patients with chronic ankle instability (CAI). We aimed to explore whether deficits of proprioception, including kinesthesia and joint position sense (JPS), exist in patients with CAI when compared with the uninjured contralateral side and healthy people. We hypothesized that proprioception deficits did exist in patients with CAI and that the deficits varied by test methodologies.MethodsThe study was a systematic review and meta-analysis. We identified studies that compared kinesthesia or JPS in patients with CAI with the uninjured contralateral side or with healthy controls. Meta-analyses were conducted for the studies with similar test procedures, and narrative syntheses were undertaken for the rest.ResultsA total of 7731 studies were identified, of which 30 were included for review. A total of 21 studies were eligible for meta-analysis. Compared with the contralateral side, patients with CAI had ankle kinesthesia deficits in inversion and plantarflexion, with a standardized mean difference (SMD) of 0.41 and 0.92, respectively, and active and passive JPS deficits in inversion (SMD = 0.92 and 0.72, respectively). Compared with healthy people, patients with CAI had ankle kinesthesia deficits in inversion and eversion (SMD = 0.64 and 0.76, respectively), and active JPS deficits in inversion and eversion (SMD = 1.00 and 4.82, respectively). Proprioception deficits in the knee and shoulder of patients with CAI were not statistically significant.ConclusionProprioception, including both kinesthesia and JPS, of the injured ankle of patients with CAI was impaired, compared with the uninjured contralateral limbs and healthy people. Proprioception varied depending on different movement directions and test methodologies. The use of more detailed measurements of proprioception and interventions for restoring the deficits are recommended in the clinical management of CAI.  相似文献   

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