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测试相同人群穿跑鞋和板鞋行走时足底压力、压强及冲量特征,结合运动学采集分析不同速度行走时人体下肢的运动学和足底力学特征,结果显示:穿慢跑鞋和穿板鞋相比,第一趾骨与第二跖骨及足跟区存在非常显著差异;行走过程中这两个区域足底平均压力峰值板鞋组显著大于慢跑鞋组(P<0.05).慢跑鞋较板鞋表现出跖骨区压力小、足中部压力大、足跟区压力小,均存在显著差异(P<0.05).以期为健步走人群不同速度行走时提供可行性建议.  相似文献   

目的:通过最大Lyapunov指数评价局部动态稳定性,探究传统、极简和极致缓震3类跑鞋(后跟高度分别为33、8、46 mm,掌跟差分别为12、0、10 mm)对跑步过程中膝、踝关节动态稳定性影响的差异,为跑者鞋具选择提供建议。方法:采用惯性测量单位传感器比较跑者[年龄:(26.3±1.1)岁,身高:(1.75±0.02)m,体质量:(63.3±2.7)kg,BMI:(20.8±1.3)kg/m2)]以(10.8±0.5)km/h的速度在跑步机上持续跑步时下肢关节峰值合加速度,通过Rosenstein算法计算最大Lyapunov指数,评估3类跑鞋在跑步过程中对下肢局部动态稳定性的影响。采用单因素方差分析对数据进行统计学分析,采用Tukey HSD事后多重检验进行组间比较,显著性水平设置为P<0.05。结果:1)跑者穿着传统跑鞋的峰值合加速度大于极致缓震跑鞋,但小于极简跑鞋,且所有组间两两比较结果均具有显著差异(P<0.01);2)跑者穿着3类跑鞋的踝关节合加速度的最大Lyapunov指数具有显著差异(P=0.018),相比极简跑鞋,跑者着极致缓震跑鞋的踝关节合加速度的最大Ly...  相似文献   

聚焦跑步时髌股关节生物力学特征,探究穿着不同极简指数(MI)跑鞋对髌股关节接触力、应力等的即刻影响。选取15名习惯后跟着地的健康男性跑者,分别穿着两种MI跑鞋(MI 86%极简跑鞋和MI 26%缓冲跑鞋),使用Vicon红外运动捕捉系统、Kistler三维测力台同步采集3.33 m/s(速度变化范围±5%)跑速下的膝、踝关节运动学和地面反作用力,通过逆向动力学等计算股四头肌肌力、髌股关节接触力、髌股关节接触面积以及髌股关节接触应力。结果显示:两种跑鞋条件下的冲击力峰值和蹬地力峰值均无明显差异。与缓冲跑鞋相比,穿着极简跑鞋跑步时,膝关节最大屈曲角度显著降低(P<0.01);髌股关节接触面积显著减小(P<0.01);膝关节伸肌峰值力矩显著下降(P<0.01);髌股关节接触力和应力峰值均显著减小(P<0.05)。研究表明,相比缓冲跑鞋,穿着极简跑鞋在未影响触地后冲击力峰值的同时,通过降低伸膝力矩大幅度减少髌股关节接触力(下降17.02%)、降低髌股关节接触应力,从而有效改善支撑期髌股关节负荷,为进一步减小髌股关节疼痛综合征风险提供可能。  相似文献   

运动性疲劳对跑运动学与下肢肌电的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆阿明  王国栋  王芳 《体育科学》2012,32(6):44-49,80
目的:通过对人体跑至疲劳过程中的运动学与下肢表面肌电图变化特征进行分析,为更好地认识疲劳对人体运动动作的影响提供参考。方法:选取8名男性受试者在跑台上进行12km/h恒速度跑至疲劳,对3个阶段运动学参数及表面肌电时频指标进行单因素方差分析。结果:跑至疲劳的3个阶段,1)单步步长和步频均存在显著性差异(P<0.05),右脚至左脚步长减小(均值为1.68m、1.65m、1.65m),步频增加(均值为2.77步/s、2.84步/s、2.87步/s),而左脚至右脚步长增加(均值为1.61m、1.64m、1.64m),步频减小(均值为2.88步/s、2.84步/s、2.78步/s);2)躯干倾斜、扭转幅度显著增加(P<0.05),髋、膝关节角度出现规律性变化(P<0.05),踝关节角度变化无统计学意义(P>0.05);3)下肢肌积分肌电总体呈上升趋势,不同肌肉平均功率频率指标变化趋势并不一致。结论:中等强度恒速跑至疲劳过程中,随着疲劳的产生与发展:1)从左脚至右脚单步步长增加、步频减慢,而从右脚至左脚出现相反的变化规律,躯干扭转幅度变大,后仰增加,"坐姿"跑成为必然趋势;2)除腓肠肌外,下肢肌肉的积分肌电逐渐增加,平均功率频率呈下降趋势,但左右侧变化的时间段和幅度不完全一致。  相似文献   

鞋底类型和步行速度对行走相关肌群平均肌电活动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨依据跟掌高度比例关系确定的鞋底类型和步行速度对行走相关肌群表面肌电平均振幅(AEMG)的影响,为研究行走神经肌肉运动控制规律和研制具有保健作用的各类运动鞋提供科学依据.方法:10名健康青年男性志愿者,穿着具有不同类型鞋底的运动鞋(负跟鞋、平跟鞋、中跟鞋和船型鞋),分别以0.82 m/s和1.64 m/s速度匀速行走.检测行走相关肌群(身体右侧的胫骨前肌、内侧腓肠肌、比目鱼肌、多裂肌、竖脊肌、股外肌)表面肌电平均振幅.结果:双因素方差分析结果表明,步行速度对各被检肌群AEMG都有显著影响,鞋底类型时竖脊肌(F=5.52,P=0.002)和比目鱼肌(F=4.26,P=0.008)有显著影响,两者不存在交互作用.多重比较发现,穿着船型鞋和负跟鞋快速行走时竖脊肌AEMG显著高于平跟鞋和中跟鞋,穿着船型鞋时比目鱼肌AEMG显著高于其他三种鞋;慢速步行条件下鞋底类型对被检肌群无显著影响.结论:鞋底类型可以改变人体在快速行走时部分行走相关肌肉的平均肌电水平,其原因可能与鞋底类型改变所引起的行走姿势和神经肌肉运动控制模式发生改变有关.  相似文献   

不同齿轮比训练时自行车运动员肌电图的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
探讨利用sEMG对自行车运动员运动肌组织进行监测与机能分析的可行性。方法:8名自行车运动员进行42/15、52/12与52/15齿轮比练习台骑行测试,采用芬兰Muscle Tester ME3000P8肌电图仪与MegaWin软件系统记录分析运动时的sEMG值。结果表明:同侧同部位肌组织不同齿轮比练习时IEMG/s值不同,除小腿三头肌(P<0.05)外,各部位IEMG/s组间无显著差异;相同训练条件下同部位肌组织左右腿IEMG/s个体差异明显,提示sEMG能够直观反映动力性运动中肌肉的收缩活动,不同齿轮比骑行对下肢不同部位骨骼肌刺激不同。建议:训练监控中,sEMG适合应用于运动员个体的纵向比较。  相似文献   

影响短跑运动员运动成绩的要因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵国茹 《体育学刊》2001,8(4):66-67
通过等动测力系统对短跑运动员在角速度为60°/s、180°/s及300°/s的膝关节和髋关节伸、屈肌峰力矩进行了测试,并就测试结果与不同距离短跑成绩之间的相关性进行了探讨,发现不同角速度的伸肌峰力矩均明显高于屈肌峰力矩,同时也发现100m加速跑成绩相关最显著的是角速度为300°/s时膝关节伸肌力矩和180°/s时髋关节伸肌力矩.  相似文献   

目的:对Cortex MetaLyzer 3B与Cortex MetaMax 3B测试气体代谢和能量消耗数据进行对比,以期对便携式与固定式气体代谢仪测试效果之间的差别进行评价。方法:15名成年男性在跑台完成2次4.8 km/h、6.4 km/h、8.0 km/h 3个速度的走跑,使用CortexMetaLyzer 3B与Cortex MetaMax 3B分别测定其运动过程中的气体代谢指标并进行统计分析。结果:1)便携式仪器测试组的摄氧量、通气量均高于固定式仪器测试组数据,且走跑时摄氧量增加有非常显著的差异;2)安静状态下心率和能量消耗无差别,走跑时便携式测试组心率和能量消耗均高于固定式测试组;3)两组测试数据存在线性相关;4)使用ICC系数和Bland-Altman法统计分析表明,两组测试数据有非常显著的相关性和一致性。结论:1)便携式气体代谢仪(MetaMax 3B)与固定式气体代谢仪(MetaLyzer 3B)对于运动时摄氧量、CO2呼出量的检测结果有显著差异;2)应用直线回归分析为两仪器测量数据的转换提供简便的公式。但由于样本量较少,该转换关系还需要进一步增加样本量进行验证。  相似文献   

目的:通过平板运动跑台和场地两种不同的测试方法,对我国成年男性走、跑过程中的气体代谢和能量消耗进行比较。方法:15名成年男性在平板运动跑台和场地完成4.8km/h、6.4 km/h、8.0 km/h三个速度的走、跑运动,使用Cortex MetaMax 3 B测定走、跑过程中的气体代谢指标变化并进行统计分析。结果:走、跑时平板运动跑台测试和场地测试之间气体指标、心率和能量消耗指标有明显差异。两种测试方法得来的数据存在线性相关。使用ICC系数和Bland-Altman法分析表明两种测试方法有非常显著的一致性和相关性。结论:相同速度下平板运动跑台走、跑和场地走、跑的能量消耗差异显著,只有直接测量场地走、跑的能量消耗才能反映日常生活中和体育健身活动中走、跑运动的真实状况。应用直线回归分析建立了平板运动跑台测试和场地测试两种方法之间的转换推导公式,根据跑台测试结果推算场地测试耗氧量和能量消耗,但由于样本量较少,该公式还需要进一步增加样本量进行验证。  相似文献   

男子400m跑运动员气体代谢的适应性变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对男子400m跑运动员及普通男子大学生在递增负荷运动过程中气体代谢变化的比较研究发现,运动过程中400m跑运动员VO2和VO2/HR始终大于普通大学生,VEO2小于普通大学生;运动开始阶段运动员VO2、VCO2及VO2/HR指标增加速度相对较快;中等强度运动时,实验组RQ、VCO2增长速度略高于VO2增长速度,但无显著性差异;而对照组VCO2及RQ增加速度明显高于VO2;大负荷运动时,运动员VO2、VCO2、RQ及VO2/HR绝对值及增加速度明显大于对照组。  相似文献   

BackgroundCompared to conventional racing shoes, Nike Vaporfly 4% running shoes reduce the metabolic cost of level treadmill running by 4%. The reduction is attributed to their lightweight, highly compliant, and resilient midsole foam and a midsole-embedded curved carbon-fiber plate. We investigated whether these shoes also could reduce the metabolic cost of moderate uphill (+3°) and downhill (–3°) grades. We tested the null hypothesis that, compared to conventional racing shoes, highly cushioned shoes with carbon-fiber plates would impart the same ~4% metabolic power (W/kg) savings during uphill and downhill running as they do during level running.MethodsAfter familiarization, 16 competitive male runners performed six 5-min trials (2 shoes × 3 grades) in 2 Nike marathon racing-shoe models (Streak 6 and Vaporfly 4%) on a level, uphill (+3°), and downhill (–3°) treadmill at 13 km/h (3.61 m/s). We measured submaximal oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production during Minutes 4–5 and calculated metabolic power (W/kg) for each shoe model and grade combination.ResultsCompared to the conventional shoes (Streak 6), the metabolic power in the Vaporfly 4% shoes was 3.83% (level), 2.82% (uphill), and 2.70% (downhill) less (all p < 0.001). The percent of change in metabolic power for uphill running was less compared to level running (p = 0.04; effect size (ES) = 0.561) but was not statistically different between downhill and level running (p = 0.17; ES = 0.356).ConclusionOn a running course with uphill and downhill sections, the metabolic savings and hence performance enhancement provided by Vaporfly 4% shoes would likely be slightly less overall, compared to the savings on a perfectly level race course.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the protective functions of cloth sport shoes, including cushioning and lateral stability. Twelve male students participated in the study (mean +/- s: age 12.7 +/- 0.4 years, mass 40.7 +/- 5.9kg, height 1.50 +/- 0.04m). Cloth sport shoes, running shoes, basketball shoes, crosstraining shoes, and barefoot conditions were investigated in random sequence. Human pendulum and cutting movement tests were used to assess cushioning performance and lateral stability, respectively. For cushioning, the running shoes (2.06 body weight, BW) performed the best, while the cross-training shoes (2.30 BW) and the basketball shoes (2.37 BW) both performed better than the cloth sport shoes (2.55 BW) and going barefoot (2.63 BW). For the lateral stability test, range of inversion--eversion was found to be from 3.6 to 4.9 degrees, which was far less than that for adult participants (> 20 degrees). No significant differences were found between conditions. All conditions showed prolonged durations from foot-strike to maximum inversion (66-95 ms), which was less vigorous than that for adult participants (< 40 ms) and was unlikely to evoke intrinsic stability failure. In conclusion, the cloth sport shoe showed inferior cushioning capability but the same lateral stability as the other sports shoes for children.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether male runners improve running performance, running economy, ankle plantar flexor strength, and alter running biomechanics and lower limb bone mineral density when gradually transitioning to using minimalist shoes for 100% of weekly running. The study was a planned follow-up of runners (n?=?50) who transitioned to minimalist or conventional shoes for 35% of weekly structured training in a previous 6-week randomised controlled trial. In that trial, running performance and economy improved more with minimalist shoes than conventional shoes. Runners in each group were instructed to continue running in their allocated shoe during their own preferred training programme for a further 20 weeks while increasing allocated shoe use to 100% of weekly training. At the 20-week follow-up, minimalist shoes did not affect performance (effect size: 0.19; p?=?0.218), running economy (effect size: ≤?0.24; p?≥?0.388), stride rate or length (effect size: ≤?0.12; p?≥?0.550), foot strike (effect size: ≤?0.25; p?≥?0.366), or bone mineral density (effect size: ≤?0.40; p?≥?0.319). Minimalist shoes increased plantar flexor strength more than conventional shoes when runners trained with greater mean weekly training distances (shoe*distance interaction: p?=?0.036). After greater improvements with minimalist shoes during the initial six weeks of a structured training programme, increasing minimalist shoe use from 35% to 100% over 20 weeks, when runners use their own preferred training programme, did not further improve performance, running economy or alter running biomechanics and lower limb bone mineral density. Minimalist shoes improved plantar flexor strength more than conventional shoes in runners with greater weekly training distances.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the protective functions of cloth sport shoes, including cushioning and lateral stability. Twelve male students participated in the study (mean ± s: age 12.7 ± 0.4 years, mass 40.7 ± 5.9 kg, height 1.50 ± 0.04 m). Cloth sport shoes, running shoes, basketball shoes, cross-training shoes, and barefoot conditions were investigated in random sequence. Human pendulum and cutting movement tests were used to assess cushioning performance and lateral stability, respectively. For cushioning, the running shoes (2.06 body weight, BW) performed the best, while the cross-training shoes (2.30 BW) and the basketball shoes (2.37 BW) both performed better than the cloth sport shoes (2.55 BW) and going barefoot (2.63 BW). For the lateral stability test, range of inversion–eversion was found to be from 3.6 to 4.9°, which was far less than that for adult participants (> 20°). No significant differences were found between conditions. All conditions showed prolonged durations from foot-strike to maximum inversion (66–95 ms), which was less vigorous than that for adult participants ( < 40 ms) and was unlikely to evoke intrinsic stability failure. In conclusion, the cloth sport shoe showed inferior cushioning capability but the same lateral stability as the other sports shoes for children.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the activation of lower limb muscles during barefoot and shod running with forefoot or rearfoot footfall patterns. Nine habitually shod runners were asked to run straight for 20 m at self-selected speed. Ground reaction forces and thigh and shank muscle surface electromyographic (EMG) were recorded. EMG outcomes (EMG intensity [iEMG], latency between muscle activation and ground reaction force, latency between muscle pairs and co-activation index between muscle pairs) were compared across condition (shod and barefoot), running cycle epochs (pre-strike, strike, propulsion) and footfall (rearfoot and forefoot) by ANOVA. Condition affected iEMG at pre-strike epoch. Forefoot and rearfoot strike patterns induced different EMG activation time patterns affecting co-activation index for pairs of thigh and shank muscles. All these timing changes suggest that wearing shoes or not is less important for muscle activation than the way runners strike the foot on the ground. In conclusion, the guidance for changing external forces applied on lower limbs should be pointed to the question of rearfoot or forefoot footfall patterns.  相似文献   

论当代世界对“体育”的法学界定   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
韩丹 《体育与科学》2001,22(2):8-12
世界各国为了规范体育活动,大都制定了自己的体育法规,由于各国社会制度、政府结构和社会文化的不同,而体育的管理体制、运行机制、管理事项以及体育概念亦多有差异.本文介绍了20个国家的体育法对体育的理解,或许对拓展我们的体育视野、深化体育体制的改革能有裨益.  相似文献   

Despite the growing interest in minimalist shoes, no studies have compared the efficacy of different types of minimalist shoe models in reproducing barefoot running patterns and in eliciting biomechanical changes that make them differ from standard cushioned running shoes. The aim of this study was to investigate the acute effects of different footwear models, marketed as “minimalist” by their manufacturer, on running biomechanics. Six running shoes marketed as barefoot/minimalist models, a standard cushioned shoe and the barefoot condition were tested. Foot–/shoe–ground pressure and three-dimensional lower limb kinematics were measured in experienced rearfoot strike runners while they were running at 3.33 m · s?1 on an instrumented treadmill. Physical and mechanical characteristics of shoes (mass, heel and forefoot sole thickness, shock absorption and flexibility) were measured with laboratory tests. There were significant changes in foot strike pattern (described by the strike index and foot contact angle) and spatio-temporal stride characteristics, whereas only some among the other selected kinematic parameters (i.e. knee angles and hip vertical displacement) changed accordingly. Different types of minimalist footwear models induced different changes. It appears that minimalist footwear with lower heel heights and minimal shock absorption is more effective in replicating barefoot running.  相似文献   

目的:通过对湖北省男子赛艇运动员进行测功仪2 000m全力划测试,了解赛艇运动员在测功仪2 000m全力划中肌肉的发力顺序、各主要肌群力量分布比例情况、疲劳以及用力特点。研究方法:12名男子赛艇运动员测功仪2 000m全力划,测主要用力肌群的表面肌电图。结果:在测功仪2 000m全力划测试中,赛艇运动员一个完整的动作中肌肉的发力顺序为胫骨前肌>股四头肌内侧头>竖脊肌>背阔肌>三角肌后束>肱二头肌;i EMG值在比赛一开始就瞬时升高,随着比赛的进行i EMG值开始下降,到1500m处下降到最低值,而在最后冲刺阶段i EMG值达到最大值,左侧i EMG值大于右侧;从比赛开始到比赛结束,MF和MPF整体表现为随着运动负荷的增加和运动疲劳的出现呈下降的趋势,在最后冲刺阶段MF和MPF都有所增加,总的来说其下降幅度较大,增加幅度较小。  相似文献   

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