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李玉英 《中华武术》2010,(10):20-21
众所周知,过杆是最终决定背越式跳高成败的重要环节,正确的、合理的过杆技术是利用人体旋转和人体与横杆相对位置的改变而控制好身体旋转速度的变化,使得人体的各个部位能顺利地越过横杆。整个过杆动作是沿着身体重心的运动方向顺势依次快速完成,在此过程中,任何多余动作的出现都会影响过杆的实效性,如过大的顶髋和收腹动作,都会造成髋部的位置急剧地上升或下落,给过杆带来较大困难。  相似文献   

背越式跳高技术新颖,较俯卧式容易掌握,女学生的学习兴趣也很浓,但在学习过杆时,常常感到害怕。我们采用以下几种方法,只用短短的时间,就对消除学生的害怕心理取得了很好的效果。首先,加强直观教学,让学生反复观察正确的示范动作和技术图片,同时讲清楚背越式过杆技术的合理性。跨越式、俯卧式过杆姿势,是整个身体或大部分身体同时过杆,且距横杆较远,身体重心在横杆的上方.而背越式过杆是从头到脚依次越过横杆,身体重心始终在杆下。当学生  相似文献   

<正>跨越式跳高的过杆技术是跨越式跳高完整技术中(助跑、起跳、过杆、落地)的一个重要技术,其中摆动腿和起跳腿的依次过杆是过杆技术教学的关键。通过多次实践,笔者发现可将两条腿与横杆的关系转换成内、外侧脚与横杆的关系。基于以上认识,笔者试图通过器材的一物多用,以依次过杆这一技术环节为突破口切入跨越式跳高教学,将完整技术动作进行有效地分解与串联,让学生在一根PVC管的多种用法中掌握依次过杆的技术。  相似文献   

一般认为跳高越过横杆时,身体重心抛物线顶点应位于横杆上方(不排除身体重心从横杆下经过的可能性)。“位于横杆上方”是一种笼统的说法,我们应当深入一步研究,背越式跳高过杆时,身体重心抛物线顶点最合理的位置到底是在横杆前上方还是后上方、或是正上方?  相似文献   

跳高是以越过横杆高度来确定运动水平的跳跃项目,它的最终目的是为越过更高的横杆创造可靠的保证。背越式跳高是人体通过弧线助跑、起跳腾起背对横杆,然后身体依次越过横杆的一种跳高方法,其助跑的目的是获得必要的水平速度,并在起跳前及时地调整动作结构和节奏,同时取得合理的身体内倾姿势,为提高起跳效果和顺利完成过杆创造有利的条件。  相似文献   

背越式跳高过杆技术教学,一 般采用先双脚跳背越式过海绵垫和过杆练习,待背越挺髋、后屈膝、压肩、收腿过杆动作熟练掌握之后,再通过短助跑单腿起跳等背越横杆的练习巩固背越式过杆技术。而单脚起跳背越过杆与双脚起跳背越过杆技术有较大差别,所以学生尽管双脚起跳背越式过杆技术已经掌握了,一进入短助跑单脚起跳过杆总会出现一些技术变形,成为背越式跳高过杆技术教学的一个难点。 单脚起跳背越过杆与双脚起跳背越横杆的判别主要有两点:第一,单脚起跳不像双脚起跳那样背对横杆,而是身体侧对横杆,在空中要转体形成背对横杆姿势,所以在起跳中要注意有助于空中转体的动能形成。第二,  相似文献   

跳高运动员过杆后,横杆落下来,成绩如何算?我们在观看跳高和撑竿跳高比赛时,经常能够看到运动员轻松自如地一跃跳过横杆,而横杆纹丝不动,这是试跳成功。但有时也看到运动员在越过横杆时,身体轻微触及横杆,使横杆在架上颤动,待到运动员离开海棉包后,横杆却落下来...  相似文献   

笔者在跳高教学中针对常规教法,对跳高教学顺序进行了改进,采用的教法顺序是:1. 过杆落地技术;2. 起跳技术;3. 助跑与起跳技术;4. 完整技术;5. 纠正、改进提高,并在过杆落地技术的教法上采用横杆不等高的方法。经过此调整后减少了教学环节,节省了时间,且有效地解决了过杆落地技术,增强了自信心,敢于跨越过杆。达到了教程短、掌握动作快的效果。教法提示如下:一、讲解过杆技术要领时,特别强调身体重心腾越到最高点时,摆动腿内转下压,起跳腿外旋上提,因为这是过杆技术的重点和学生掌握动作的难点。如果不能正确地解决好过杆技术,那么所进行的…  相似文献   

为探讨背越式跳高过杆动作的特点,本文利用Dartfish10.0运动分析软件对穆塔兹·伊萨·巴尔希姆、张国伟、詹马尔科·坦贝里、尤沃恩·哈里森、禹相赫和王宇背越式跳高中过杆动作进行运动生物力学分析。结果发现:在过杆时采用挺髋动作,是建立在先挺后跳基础上形成的,该动作顺序会减小垂直向上的腾起初速度;采用主动下放摆动腿的过杆动作,能够使身体形成最优的“桥型”动作姿势,保证人体重心移出体外,缩小身体重心最高点与横杆之间的距离,缩短绕身体重心额状轴的转动半径,加快身体过杆的转动角速度,减小过杆后期膝关节的角度,提高自然收腿的速度。  相似文献   

一、前言跳高的过杆技术与身体绕横杆的转动有极密切的关系,但是,身体转动所需要的角动量只能通过助跑和起跳获得,因此,将起跳和过杆技术放在一起来研究,能使我们对  相似文献   


The effects of grip and forearm position on two tests of upper body muscular endurance were investigated in 109 male subjects 18–21 years of age. Subjects were systematically presented 12 tasks: six pull-up and six straight-arm hang grip and forearm variations. Each of the six tasks for both endurance tests represented a different combination of grip (thumb over bar and thumb under bar) and forearm position (pronated, supinated and semi-pronated). Task results were analyzed utilizing 2 × 3 (grip × forearm) ANOVA with repeated measures on the two factors. Analysis of pull-up data revealed that the semi-pronated and supinated forearm positions were not statistically different from each other, but superior to the pronated condition. Results of straight-arm hang performance revealed a significant difference between grips at the semi-pronated position, with the “thumb under bar” being superior. Results for forearm positions at grips indicated a significant difference for the “thumb under bar,” with the pronated and semi-pronated positions being superior to the supinated position. For forearm positions at “thumb over bar,” the pronated condition was significantly different from the semi-pronated and supinated positions. Thumb position trends and kinesiological mechanical analysis did foster general recommendations for use of the “thumb over bar” for pull-ups and the “thumb under bar” position for the straight-arm hang.  相似文献   

跨越水池的生物力学分析 在跨越障碍架时,起跨腿在障碍栏架前1.50~1.80米外蹬离地面,上体前倾,微弯曲的摆动腿抬起,用脚的中部踏在横木上。上体继续降低,膝关节接近90°,带动身体重心迅速超越栏架,膝关节保持90°弯曲直到跨离障碍架,一个太小的膝角会妨碍起跨。  相似文献   

朱昌义 《体育科学》2000,20(6):79-82
通过运用计算机仿真技术对体操运动进行技术分析和动作优化设计。作者建立了一个单杠上人体回环运动的5环多刚体系统模型,动用凯恩方法推导出运动方程,并采用C语言开发出相应的计算机仿真程序,该仿真程序能够帮助运动员改进运动技术并最终获得最优化的运动技术,研究结果表明:(1)所建立的单杠上人体回环运动的模型是可行的;(2)动用凯恩方法推导动力学方程简单而方便,运动方程以隐式呈现并易于编写计算机仿真程序;(3  相似文献   

Kinetic analyses of the chalked bar longswing on high bar and its associated progressions were used to explain musculoskeletal contributions during the performance of these skills. Data on four international male gymnasts performing three series of chalked bar longswings and eight progressions were recorded. Customized body segment inertia parameters, two-dimensional kinematics (50 Hz), and bar forces (1000 Hz) were used as input to inverse dynamic modelling. The analysis focused on the relative contributions of the knees, hips, and shoulders with root mean squared differences between the chalked bar longswing and the progressions being used to rank the progressions. Seventy per cent of the total work occurred between 200 degrees and 240 degrees of angular rotation in the longswing, 67% of which was contributed by the shoulders. The shoulders were also dominant in all progressions, with the largest such contribution occurring in the looped bar longswing with "no action". The least similar progression was the looped bar pendulum swing, while the most similar was the chalked bar bent knee longswing. This study provides a useful means for ranking progressions based on their kinetic similarity to the chalked bar longswing and builds on earlier research in identifying that progressions can be classified into those similar in physical demand (kinetics) and those similar in geometry (kinematics).  相似文献   

上体下沉过深,口鼻难于出水,吸气困难,游速慢,是蛙泳学习阶段遇到的普遍问题。对蛙泳伸臂阶段上体下沉过深现象进行分析,认为下沉时上体升力不足是上体下沉的力学根本原因;吸气时上体出水偏高,外划手掌划水过肩,伸臂阻力大,换气时头手配合节奏不当,伸臂偏迟,水性未达学习进程要求,划臂升力不足等是导致蛙泳上体下沉过深动的运动技术学原因。  相似文献   

Kinetic analyses of the chalked bar longswing on high bar and its associated progressions were used to explain musculoskeletal contributions during the performance of these skills. Data on four international male gymnasts performing three series of chalked bar longswings and eight progressions were recorded. Customized body segment inertia parameters, two-dimensional kinematics (50 Hz), and bar forces (1000 Hz) were used as input to inverse dynamic modelling. The analysis focused on the relative contributions of the knees, hips, and shoulders with root mean squared differences between the chalked bar longswing and the progressions being used to rank the progressions. Seventy per cent of the total work occurred between 200° and 240° of angular rotation in the longswing, 67% of which was contributed by the shoulders. The shoulders were also dominant in all progressions, with the largest such contribution occurring in the looped bar longswing with “no action”. The least similar progression was the looped bar pendulum swing, while the most similar was the chalked bar bent knee longswing. This study provides a useful means for ranking progressions based on their kinetic similarity to the chalked bar longswing and builds on earlier research in identifying that progressions can be classified into those similar in physical demand (kinetics) and those similar in geometry (kinematics).  相似文献   

背越式跳高技术主要取决于起跳和过竿技术,在背越式跳高的教学和训练中,都会用不少的时间来进行技术训练,而过竿的空间感又决定了过竿技术的水平。因此,加强学生过竿空间感的培养尤为重要,在此通过对起跳腾空感、空中身体姿态感、位置感、动作时机感的培养和训练进行研究,从而得到一些培养学生过竿空间感的有效教学方法。  相似文献   

Nine males (age 24.7 ± 2.1 years, height 175.3 ± 5.5 cm, body mass 80.8 ± 7.2 kg, power clean 1-RM 97.1 ± 6.36 kg, squat 1-RM = 138.3 ± 20.9 kg) participated in this study. On day 1, the participants performed a one-repetition maximum (1-RM) in the power clean and the squat. On days 2, 3, and 4, participants performed the power clean, squat or jump squat. Loading for the power clean ranged from 30% to 90% of the participant's power clean 1-RM and loading for the squat and jump squat ranged from 0% to 90% of the participant's squat 1-RM, all at 10% increments. Peak force, velocity, and power were calculated for the bar, body, and system (bar + body) for all power clean, squat, and jump squat trials. Results indicate that peak power for the bar, body, and system is differentially affected by load and movement pattern. When using the power clean, squat or jump squat for training, the optimal load in each exercise may vary. Throwing athletes or weightlifters may be most concerned with bar power, but jumpers or sprinters may be more concerned with body or system power. Thus, the exercise type and load vary according to the desired stimulus.  相似文献   

跨栏跑是一项复杂的技术项目,要提高跨栏专项速度,就必须解决好栏上的技术动作和栏间平跑速度的问题。在过栏技术方面,应以提高起跨腿蹬地速度、摆动腿动作速度、起跨腿提栏速度和下栏后转为栏间跑速度为主;在平跑速度方面,应以提高栏间步频为主。同时指出平跑速度、过栏速度的重要性,并对两者提出科学的训练方案。  相似文献   

“马泰背越式”跳高模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用运动学、计算机仿真等方法和手段,对罗马尼亚跳高选手索林·马泰创造的跳高新模式——马泰背越式——抱膝滚翻过杆背越式姿势作了分析。结果发现:在相同的起跳速度下,马泰背越式比传统背越式可提高4.1~6%的成绩;通过降低现用海绵垫的高度或加强身体协调性、灵敏性训练等方法,可避免或减少这种头先着地姿势给运动员颈关节可能造成的损伤,使这种跳高新模式在实际中普及运用成为可能;这种新姿势要求的身体条件比较适合于中国运动员。  相似文献   

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