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探索不同赛制下比赛表现指标对比赛结果产生的影响,选取2018年俄罗斯世界杯59场、118组技战术表现和跑动表现指标作为自变量,比赛胜、负作为因变量。运用K型聚类分析,对比分均衡比赛进行界定。根据比赛控球率的不同对比赛表现指标进行标准化处理。运用数据级数推断法界定各自个变量增加2个标准差对比赛获胜概率带来的变化。研究结果:1)在所有比赛中,9项技战术表现指标(射门次数、射正次数、射正率、定位球射门次数、突破进入罚球区次数、控球率、传球成功率、解围成功次数和防守反击次数)和3项跑动表现指标(本方控球时跑动距离、进攻三区跑动距离和对方罚球区跑动距离)使比赛获胜概率显著提升。对方控球时跑动距离则使获胜概率显著下降;2)在比分均衡比赛中,5项技战术表现指标(射门率、定位球射门次数、控球率、传球成功率和解围成功次数)和3项跑动表现指标(本方控球时跑动距离、进攻三区跑动距离和对方罚球区跑动距离)使比赛获胜概率显著提升。而向前传球次数、低强度跑距离、中强度跑距离、对方控球时跑动距离4项比赛表现指标则使获胜概率显著下降。研究表明,FIFA世界杯获胜球队在立足于防守的基础上,以防守反击和定位球作为主要进攻和得分手段,表现出与联赛球队不同的比赛策略。因此,各级球队在备战时应根据赛制和对手实力情况作出针对性的战术部署。  相似文献   

探究足球比赛中控球率不同时,对球员体能和技术表现的需要及影响,对球队制定训练计划有着积极的参考意义。数据的获得是借助多台 高速摄像机、计算机追踪系统。研究表明:在不同控球率的比赛中,体能类指标中的跑动总距离和高强度跑距离没有明显区别;高控球率球队有球 高强度跑动要高于低控球率31%,而低控球率球队无球高强度跑动距离则要超出高控球率22%;高控球率队球员传球次数比低控球率队多44%,这 种优势同样体现在成功传球次数、接球次数、触球次数、射门、运球和攻入对方最后1/3防守区域次数等;中后卫在低控球率时的高强度有球跑动距 离要少于高控球率33%,而边后卫、前锋和中场队员在低控球率时,高强度无球跑动要多于高控球率同位置的队员,有球高强度跑则要低于高控球 率同样位置的球员。技术指标数据统计结果表明,在采用高控球率打法时,场上所有位置球员传球和接球的总次数要明显高于低控球率的打法。 结果表明:控球率对球队的整体跑动没有明显的影响,但对高强度跑动数据和一些技术因素的运动表现有较明显的影响;球队控球率不同时,特定 位置球员的跑动和技术指标会产生明显的变化。  相似文献   

运用文献资料调研、观察及数理统计等方法,对第19届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段进球进行统计分析。统计结果表明,第19届足球世界杯场均进球仅为2.27个,仅高于1990年世界杯。随着现代足球攻防逐渐平衡,世界杯进球数量显现减少的趋势。在不同比赛阶段,上、下半场的射门次数具有显著性差异;在进球球权转换中,后场、中场、前场的球权转换不具有显著性差异,但通过定位球(任意球、掷界外球、角球)的球权转换有显著性差异;进球数量随着比赛时间的推移而逐渐增多,随传球次数的增多而锐减;罚球区仍是进球的主要区域,前锋、前卫运动员进球数量占总数量的88%,进球前的传球方式多以传中、传脚下、直塞等为主,射门部位以脚背、脚内侧、头球、脚背内侧为主;比赛获胜球队与失败球队的控球率存在显著性差异,控球率占优球队获胜的概率更大。  相似文献   

对2019年亚洲杯足球赛决赛阶段44场直接决出胜负比赛的技战术指标,进行胜、负球队间独立样本t检验及这些指标与比赛胜负相关性检验。统计结果表明:获胜球队和失败球队之间的进球、点球、射门、射正、射正率、禁区外射门、控球率、争顶成功率、传球、传球成功率、对方半场传球成功率、本方半场传球成功率、守门员扑救、黄牌等14项指标存在显著性差异(p<0.05),且这些指标与比赛胜负存在显著性相关(p<0.05)。分析表明这14项技战术指标对比赛胜负有明显的影响作用。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法等研究方法对第14届欧洲杯足球比赛各项统计技术指标与球队胜负的关系进行相关性分析,研究表明:①小组赛阶段,进球、助攻、失球等3个技术指标与球队胜负呈现高度相关,同时也是非常显著相关,因为进球越多球队胜利的可能性越大,助攻代表着球队的配合能力,而失球是最重要的防守性指标;②淘汰赛阶段,助攻、进球、失球、越位、控球率和传球是主要高度相关技术指标,符合现代足球发展的主要趋势。淘汰赛阶段球队在传统固有防守的基础上注重了进攻,控球率和传球是对比赛节奏和比赛全局的控制,在该阶段都得到了很好的体现。  相似文献   

以中国女子足球国家队为研究对象,选取2010年至2011年共计15场正式比赛,对比赛相关技术指标的统计以及各技术指标与比赛结果的相关性分析表明:控球率、射门次数、射门成功率、进球四项技术指标与获得比赛胜利的相关性较高,而传球次数、定位球、犯规与越位等技术指标与获得比赛胜利的相关性较低.  相似文献   

动态过程方法是在大量战术记录的基础上,按照时间顺序和行为,分析比赛中团队的行为及行为产生的环境,建立技、战术模型。根据比赛行动的目的以评估比赛行为发生的概率,探索导致成功的顺序行为模式。采用录像分析、动态研究、数理统计等方法对2010年亚运会手球比赛决赛阶段的7场比赛84名运动员的比赛进攻表现进行研究。研究结果表明:手球比赛进攻程序由获得球、处理球和进攻完成3个环节构成。获得球的技术应用有3%在强防守环境下,9%在中等防守环境,87%是在弱防守环境下;处理球技术在防守强、中、弱的环境下分别应用的比例为2%、12%、82%;在进攻完成环节,在强、中、弱3种防守环境下射门得分的比率分别为10%、28%、49%。手球比赛的组织效率系数为0.11,双方创造机会能力系数为0.09,比赛进攻威胁性指标的系数为0.88,得分系数为0.48。手球比赛的得分路径由接控球与控制性传球、组织性传球、助攻性传球形成。射门机会路径由接控球与传球的3个指标、运球形成传球与射门组成。进攻完成环节的技术指标对比赛失利的预测率较高,而处理球环节的技术对比赛获胜的预测率较高。  相似文献   

五体球是一项集足球和篮球玩法于一体的新型球类运动,因其较高的场地利用率和观赏性而具备广阔的推广前景,目前广东省已成功举办 4.届大学生五体球联赛。采取心率监测系统和GPS全球定位系统对5 1.名大学生运动员在第三届大学生五体球联赛中 7.场比赛的心率数据与跑动相关数据进行监测,用以量化评估五体球比赛运动负荷特征,并采用数据级数推断法对比了不同阶段比赛负荷的差异性。结果显示:(1)运动员比赛平均心率为(164.5±13.4)次/分钟,约占最大心率的82.5%±6.9%,在比赛时间内运动员每分钟跑动(67.6±14.0) m,其中低强度跑动(速度<1 2.km/h)距离约占93.1%,高强度跑动(速度≥1 5.km/h)距离仅占2.1%,最大跑动速度为(18.4±3.8) km/h ;(2)五体球联赛省赛阶段的平均心率占最大心率百分比、跑动总距离、加速度负荷、中低强度加速和减速次数、中高强度变向次数、身体冲撞次数和爆发性活动次数皆清晰高于市赛,而最大跑动速度和冲刺跑距离占比则清晰低于市赛(ES为0.95~1.12,可能性75%~95%)。研究结果说明大学生五体球比赛的总体比赛负荷要低于足球和篮球,加速、急停和变向等灵敏性素质是区分五体球比赛水平的显著性指标  相似文献   

依据对第十九届世界杯参赛球队攻防技术与比赛成绩的统计,分析其对比赛成绩的影响。研究结果表明:影响比赛成绩优劣的进攻技术指标依次是助攻、进球、射正次数、射正率、传球成功率、控球率、成功传入前场30m、角球、成功传入禁区、任意球射门、传中、点球、越位、界外球;影响比赛成绩优劣的防守技术指标依次是铲球、失球率、预判拦截、红牌、犯规、黄牌、阻截、解围。此外,各名次段的球队间、各洲球队间在攻防的多项技术指标上存在着一定的差异性。  相似文献   

以第七、第八届女足世界杯90min内非平局86场比赛为研究对象,通过独立样本t检验、相关检验和多元线性模型的方法对比赛结果(胜、负)的比赛技战术指标进行分析,并通过逐步回归模型进一步筛选出影响比赛结果的核心技战术指标。研究结果显示:1)获胜球队在10项进球射门相关技术指标中有8项指标均与失利球队存在显著性差异(p<0.05);在20项进攻组织相关技术指标中有16项指标均与失利球队存在显著性差异(p<0.01);在13项防守相关技术指标中有6项指标与失利球队存在显著性差异(p<0.01)。2)与比赛结果高度相关指标有3项(|r|>0.5);中度相关指标有20项(0.3<|r|<0.5);低相关指标有7项(0.1<|r|<0.3)。3)通过逐步回归方程得出进球、长传、直塞球、传中成功率、控球率等5项指标对比赛结果起着决定性的影响。  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of changes in the number of ball contacts allowed per individual possession on the physiological, technical, and physical demands within small-sided games in elite soccer. Twenty international players (age 27.4±1.5 years, body mass 79.2±4.2 kg, height 1.81±0.02 m, velocity at [Vdot]O2max 17.4±0.8 km ·h?1, percent body fat 12.7±1.2%) performed three different small-sided game formats (i.e. 2 vs. 2; 3 vs. 3; 4 vs. 4) on three different occasions in which the number of ball contacts authorized per possession was fixed (one touch, two touches, and free play). The relative pitch per player ratio was similar for all small-sided games. The small-sided games were performed with four support players (placed around the perimeter of pitch) with instructions to keep possession of the ball. The total duration of the small-sided games was the effective time of play. The physical demands, technical requirements, heart rates, post-exercise blood lactate concentrations, and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were assessed. The percentages of successful passes and numbers of duels were significantly lower when the small-sided game was played with one touch (P<0.001), whereas the number of balls lost increased (P<0.001 for 2 vs. 2 and 3 vs. 3; P<0.01 for 4 vs. 4). The small-sided game played with one touch also induced increases in blood lactate concentration and RPE, as well as greater physical demands in the total distance covered in sprinting and high-intensity runs. In conclusion, the main findings of this study are that by altering the number of ball contacts authorized per possession in small-sided games, the coach can manipulate both the physical and technical demands within such games.  相似文献   


The probability of winning games of tennis has been modelled in terms of the probability of the server winning an individual point. These models are based on the assumptions of stationarity of the point and interdependence. Stationarity is the assumption that the outcome of tennis points is not influenced by the game score at the beginning of the point. The purpose of the current investigation was to compare the outcomes of tennis points during break points and non-break points using data from 528 men's singles tennis matches from all four Grand Slam tournaments in 2008 and 2009. The retrospective probability of the receiver winning a point was 0.42 ± 0.23 during break points which was significantly greater than the 0.38 ± 0.10 during non-break points (P < 0.001). This, in turn, led to players creating significantly more break points than expected (P < 0.001) and breaking serve more frequently than expected (P < 0.001) for the points won when receiving serve. This is evidence that stationarity cannot be assumed and that models of winning tennis games may need to be enhanced to address improved receiver performance during break points.  相似文献   


In research on the importance of the possession of the ball in soccer, little attention has been paid to its determinants. Using data from 170 matches of the 2003 – 2004 Spanish Soccer League, we explain why differences in the possession of the ball among teams are so great. In particular, four variables are examined: evolving match status (i.e. whether the team is winning, losing or drawing), venue (i.e. playing at home or away), and the identities of the team and the opponent in each match. Results of linear regression analysis show that these four variables are statistically significant and together explain most of the variance in possession. In short, home teams have more possession than away teams, teams have more possession when they are losing matches than when winning or drawing, and the identity of the opponent matters – the worse the opponent, the greater the possession of the ball. Combinations of these variables could be used to develop a model that predicts possession in soccer.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法和数理统计法,对第14届欧洲足球锦标赛8强球队比赛15项指标与比赛结果的相关性进行分析,结果显示:对比赛结果影响较大的指标为:进球、失球、射门、射正、越位、传球、突破、任意球、控球率等9项指标;对西班牙队与其他各队9项指标进行多重比较发现:进球、失球、射正、传球、控球率等5项指标是西班牙队夺冠的优势指标。  相似文献   


This study aimed to examine the scoring mode (line goal, double goal or central goal) and age-related effects on the defensive performance of youth soccer players during 4v4 small-sided games (SSGs). Altogether, 16 male players from 2 age groups (U13, n = 8, mean age: 12.61 ± 0.65 years; U15, n = 8, 14.86 ± 0.47 years) were selected as participants. In six independent sessions, participants performed the three SSGs each during 10-min periods. Teams’ defensive performance was analysed at every instant ball possession was regained through the variables: ball-recovery type, ball-recovery sector, configuration of play and defence state. Multinomial logistic regression analysis used in this study revealed the following significant main effects of scoring mode and age: (1) line goal (vs. central goal) increased the odds of regaining possession through tackle and in the defensive midfield sector, and decreased the odds of successful interceptions; (2) double goal (vs. central goal) decreased the odds of regaining possession through turnover won and with elongated playing shapes; (3) the probability of regaining possession through interception significantly decreased with age. Moreover, as youth players move forward in age groups, teams tend to structurally evolve from elongated playing shapes to flattened shapes and, at a behavioural level, from defending in depth to more risky flattened configurations. Overall, by manipulating the scoring mode in SSGs, coaches can promote functional and coadaptive behaviours between teams not only in terms of configurations of play, but also on the pitch locations that teams explore to regain possession.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of playing tactics, opponent interaction and situational variables on achieving score-box possessions in professional soccer. The sample was constituted by 908 possessions obtained by a team from the Spanish soccer league in 12 matches played during the 2009–2010 season. Multidimensional qualitative data obtained from 12 ordered categorical variables were used. Sampled matches were registered by the AMISCO PRO® system. Data were analysed using chi-square analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis. Of 908 possessions, 303 (33.4%) produced score-box possessions, 477 (52.5%) achieved progression and 128 (14.1%) failed to reach any sort of progression. Multiple logistic regression showed that, for the main variable “team possession type”, direct attacks and counterattacks were three times more effective than elaborate attacks for producing a score-box possession (P < 0.05). Team possession originating from the middle zones and playing against less than six defending players (P < 0.001) registered a higher success than those started in the defensive zone with a balanced defence. When the team was drawing or winning, the probability of reaching the score-box decreased by 43 and 53 percent, respectively, compared with the losing situation (P < 0.05). Accounting for opponent interactions and situational variables is critical to evaluate the effectiveness of offensive playing tactics on producing score-box possessions.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to identify within-season differences in basketball players' game-related statistics according to team quality and playing time. The sample comprised 5309 records from 198 players in the Spanish professional basketball league (2007–2008). Factor analysis with principal components was applied to the game-related statistics gathered from the official box-scores, which limited the analysis to five factors (free-throws, 2-point field-goals, 3-point field-goals, passes, and errors) and two variables (defensive and offensive rebounds). A two-step cluster analysis classified the teams as stronger (69±8 winning percentage), intermediate (43±5 winning percentage), and weaker teams (32±5 winning percentage); individual players were classified based on playing time as important players (28±4 min) or less important players (16±4 min). Seasonal variation was analysed monthly in eight periods. A mixed linear model was applied to identify the effects of team quality and playing time within the months of the season on the previously identified factors and game-related statistics. No significant effect of season period was observed. A team quality effect was identified, with stronger teams being superior in terms of 2-point field-goals and passes. The weaker teams were the worst at defensive rebounding (stronger teams: 0.17±0.05; intermediate teams: 0.17±0.06; weaker teams: 0.15±0.03; P=0.001). While playing time was significant in almost all variables, errors were the most important factor when contrasting important and less important players, with fewer errors being made by important players. The trends identified can help coaches and players to create performance profiles according to team quality and playing time. However, these performance profiles appear to be independent of season period.  相似文献   


The aims of this study were twofold: (1) to examine the influence of situational variables on ball possession in elite soccer and (2) to quantify the variables that discriminate between high or low percentage ball possession teams (HPBPT and LPBPT) across different playing positions. Match performance data were collected from English Premier League matches using a multiple-camera system. Data were examined using linear regression, a 2 × 5 factorial analysis of variance and discriminant analysis. Playing against weak opposition was associated with an increase (< 0.01) in time spent in possession while playing away decreased (< 0.01) the time spent in possession by ~3%. Possession was increased (< 0.01) when losing than winning or drawing. Finally, the better the ranking of a team, the higher (P < 0.01) the time spent in possession. The playing position effect was significant for all variables (P < 0.05); however, there were only interactions with team ball possession in some cases. The discriminant analysis identified functions for all five playing positions (< 0.01). The variables that discriminated performance between HPBPT and LPBPT were different for various playing positions, although the number of successful passes was the most common discriminating variable. The results demonstrate that HPBPT and LPBPT developed different possession strategies during matches and that selected variables such as successful passes were identified to explain these data trends across various playing positions. Combinations of variables could be used to develop a probabilistic model for predicting time spent in possession by teams.  相似文献   

Improved understanding of mobility performance in wheelchair basketball is required to increase game performance. The aim of this study was to quantify the wheelchair-athlete activities of players in different field positions and of different playing standard during wheelchair basketball matches. From video analysis, absolute and relative duration and frequency of wheelchair movements and athlete control options were examined in 27 national standard and 29 international standard players during entire wheelchair basketball matches. Between-group factorial analysis of variances identified that national players drove more forward (42.6 ± 6.8 vs. 35.4 ± 3.7%; effect size Cohen’s d (ES) = 1.48) and started more often driving forward (33.9 ± 2.6 vs. 31.8 ± 2.8; ES = 0.77) during a match while the mean activity duration for a single driving forward activity was longer (4.3 ± 0.9 vs. 3.7 ± 0.6 s; ES = 0.75) than for international players. Furthermore, national players performed fewer rotational movements (21.8 ± 4.0 vs. 28.9 ± 7.8%; ES = –1.30) and started less often with the rotational movements (35.0 ± 3.6 vs. 40.5 ± 5.5; ES = –1.21) while the mean activity duration for a single rotation activity was shorter (2.1 ± 0.3 vs. 2.3 ± 0.3 s; ES = –0.67) than for international players. Differences in mobility performance among guard, forward and centre players were minimal. The results should help wheelchair basketball coaches specify wheelchair-handling training techniques and means to optimise wheelchair-athlete configurations.  相似文献   

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