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通过对“高尔夫”与“捶丸”两种不同社会元素的文化启蒙,以及文化发展脉络的比较研究,对两种游戏在不同社会文化轨迹下的发展结果,进行了客观的评价。为我们正确认识“高尔夫”与“捶丸”历史发展,提供理论依据。  相似文献   

通过对中国古代捶丸和早期高尔夫的考察,从名称、起源、文献记载、场地、器材与服装、竞赛组织与方式、规则、礼仪以及发展演变等方面,对二者进行了比较分析。认为从两种运动形式的相似性来看,捶丸和早期高尔夫这两类产生于不同地域的户外运动,应有着某种密切的关系。由历史发展进程而言,捶丸极盛之时的元代正值大规模东西文化交流时期,随着文化交流捶丸西传是不可避免的,因而现在风靡全球的高尔夫运动,其早期的发展、演化过程,与中国古代捶丸的影响当有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

高尔夫球起源考辨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在介绍几种流行说法的基础上,对高尔夫球起源问题进行探究.认为,苏格兰起源说和荷兰起源说均缺乏有力的资料证据,中国的捶丸文献丰富、记载明确,规则也与高尔夫球十分类似,可以认为与高尔夫球运动有着密切的血缘关系.同时认为,高尔夫球起源与现代高尔夫球运动的产生需要区别对待,必须尊重现代高尔夫球运动产生于苏格兰这一事实;捶丸西传资料和研究的欠缺是其成为高尔夫球统一起源的最大障碍,也是今后此研究的重点领域;各种与高尔夫球类似的游戏都脱胎于生产劳动.  相似文献   

"狗腿洞"一词由"Dog-leg hole"直译而成,是高尔夫运动中的专门术语。由于地理环境以及文化心理等各方面的差异,"狗"在中西文化背景下具有不同的隐喻意义,导致"狗腿洞"无法实现"Dog-leg hole"的表达功效。结合中国的文化特色以及高尔夫运动的特质,为"Dog-leg hole"找寻到更得体的翻译方式,首先是可以为"狗腿洞"正名,帮助中国人了解其中蕴含的西方文化和高尔夫运动精神,其次也可以促进高尔夫运动在中国的健康发展。  相似文献   

马球文化:唐文化的潜流   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐代曾经是我国历史上最为辉煌的一个时期。盛唐气象已成为后人对唐文化最普遍和最具代表性的认识。唐文化的发展和影响在中国历史上是空前的。唐代城市的繁荣,经济的发达,文化的昌盛,大大促进了体育文化的发展,唐文化的精神实质也深深地烙入了体育文化之中。马球是唐代最流行的一项运动,它似一股隐藏的潜流,彰显着这个时代的文化和社会生活。  相似文献   

浅析我国高尔夫产业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高尔夫运动起源于15世纪中叶的苏格兰,是一项古老的户外体育与休闲娱乐运动。20世纪80年代,我国的改革开放政策吸引了全世界各国外商来中国投资,促使高尔夫运动迅速进入中国。经过20多年的发展,高尔夫产业已经在我国形成一定的规模,但在前进中出现的问题也阻碍着我国高尔夫产业朝着健康的方向发展,本文对我国高尔夫产业的发展现状和前景作了详细分析。  相似文献   

高尔夫运动起源于十五世纪的苏格兰,十九世纪传入中国。同西方国家相比,我国的高尔夫运动起步相对较晚,高校作为高学历、高素质的聚集地,未来社会发展的中坚力量,把高尔夫运动引进高校校园不仅丰富了体育课程的建设,也是高尔夫运动发展的重要举措。本文在对河南省高校校园高尔夫调查研究基础上,深入分析高校校园高尔夫的发展现状及问题,为高尔夫运动在河南乃至全国的高校校园的发展和普及提供参考意见。  相似文献   

"北京2008武术比赛"的文化学解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"北京2008武术比赛"是中西体育文化创造性融合的必然结果,是中国武术发展史上的一座里程碑,同时也是21世纪中国武术发展的一道分水岭.本研究以文化学为视域,从新中国建设60年武术文化发展的角度回顾了中国武术的申奥历程,分析"北京2008武术比赛"的历史价值和象征意义,指出在坚持竞技武术申奥战略的同时,中国武术更应充分发扬自身民族传统文化特色,在积极融入世界体育文化的过程中自主发展.  相似文献   

邵刚 《体育科研》2020,(6):58-62
运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、古汉语考释法等,对二十余部清代笔记进行了地毯式搜寻。搜集的到有关清代马术、射箭、武术、舞蹈、球类、棋牌、杂技、养生活动等大量体育史料,涉及清代教育、民俗、军事、养生、学术研究等多个层面,囊括了清代自上而下各个阶层,通过经整理研究,分析清代体育发展的特点。研究认为:清代贵族体育参与呈现“满族尚武,汉族好文”的民族差异 ;较之前朝,部分传统体育活动在这一时期走向衰落 ;受政治环境影响,清代体育考据研究兴盛。清代笔记具有重要的体育史料价值,但在使用时也要注意对史料的辨讹。  相似文献   

高尔夫运动文化是现代物质文明与精神文明高度发展的产物,也是现代文化的一种高级形式,高尔夫不仅带给人类以运动锻炼,也能带来深厚的文化及教育价值。文章从高尔夫运动的起源、运动特点着手,以高尔夫文化的发展与教育相辅相成,分析高尔夫运动传承给现代人类文化及教育的价值。从而得出:文化促进了高尔夫运动的发展,高尔夫运动又带给当代社会新的文化价值;高尔夫运动要发展,依赖于教育与文化,文化教育的发展促使高尔夫人才的辈出,人才又反作用于教育,最终更加促进了高尔夫运动的发展,传承给人类文化教育价值源远流长、生生不息。  相似文献   

篮球运动源于美国,同时也成为中国人乐于接受并蓬勃发展的球类项目,基于两国文化背景的不同,其所衍生的篮球文化也各有特点。文章运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,重点分析比较了篮球运动在中美之间的价值取向、思维方式、审美观及制度等文化因素的差异,提出中国篮球水平的提高,应该在扎根以中华民族传统文化土壤的基础上,兼容并蓄地吸收、借鉴美国篮球文化中的优秀成分,从而形成具有中国特色的篮球文化。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法等,对唐代女子参与的主要体育活动(球类、百戏、户外休闲、游戏娱乐等)进行梳理分析,认为:唐时期政治的相对稳定、经济的繁荣、文化的开放与宽容,为女子体育的发展提供了物质基础和精神支持;植根于本土的儒、释、道三教文化以及外来文化的交流融合,丰富了唐代女子体育思想,随即呈现出了内容丰富、形式多样的女子体育活动形式;唐代女子体育发展呈多元化兴起的局面,是中国古代女子体育的一大特色。因此,对唐代女子体育的研究可为中国古代女子体育研究提供参考,为我国现今发展女子体育事业提供借鉴。  相似文献   


Since golf was introduced to South Korea in the early 1900s, it has been strongly influenced by the politics that reflects socio-political contexts. Therefore, it is important to explore the political influences of golf on the context of its socio-political transformation. In this study, we explored how social and political backgrounds under each of the political administrations have affected the development of golf in South Korea. For this purpose, we utilized the socio-historical approach through document analysis to summarize the golf-related policy stances of nine presidential administrations from the Syngman Rhee government (1948–1960) to Park Geun-hye government (2013–2017). As a result, the Syngman Rhee administration pursued the construction of golf courses to bolster national security. The military regimes of Park Chung-hee and Chun Doo-hwan constructed golf courses as a means of cementing support among military circles to establish political legitimacy, and also as a means of diplomacy. The Roh Tae-woo administration initiated a construction boom in golf courses to promote sports for all. The Kim Young-sam administration announced a ‘no golf’ stance, while Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun-both of whom had roots in the opposition-strove to encourage golf as a means of embracing their conservative counterparts while also diluting their progressive and contrarian image. Lee Myung-bak included golf among the core strategic tourist industries, while his successor, Park Geun-hye, first prohibited public officers from playing golf before pivoting to a supportive stance later on in her administration.  相似文献   

我国城市体育产业中民族传统体育的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了我国民族传统体育的文化定位,即属社会亚文化系统的人文科学范畴。民族传统体育在城市体育产业中占有极为重要的地位,是全面建设小康社会不可缺失的内容,它必然向着生活化、人性化、科学化、产业化的方向发展。  相似文献   

In this article, the notable, but forgotten, history of the Royal Isle of Wight Golf Club (RIWGC), founded in 1882, is used to examine the cultural and social shifts that enabled the development of the sport's popularity across late Victorian and Edwardian society in Britain. The club can justifiably be described as notable because for a brief period this small island club was at the centre of developments which helped shape golf during this era and framed its development in the twentieth century. Two archetypally entrepreneurial Victorian gentlemen, Captain Jack Eaton and Charles John Jacobs, were central to the club's success and their endeavours underpinned the club's illustrious status. This paper examines newspaper records, periodicals and local archives to explain how the RIWGC originated and then prospered in tandem with the development of the Isle of Wight as an upmarket holiday destination. Moreover the article shows how the club provided access for both sexes of the English upper middle class to a sport and an environment that delivered the cultural benefits and the social kudos which could be derived from association with a golf club, and particularly one that was one of a select group of ‘Royal’ golf clubs. However, research also demonstrates that the club provided an environment where enterprising and talented men from less privileged backgrounds could seize the opportunity to become famous on the national and even the international stage. Finally it will demonstrate that the RIWGC had a significant role in codifying the rules of golf in the 1880s when the R&A appeared hesitant to take the lead.  相似文献   

作为中华优秀文化的代表——围棋,在南北朝时开始传入日本。晚唐时,日本的围棋水平已接近于中国,并开始同中国围棋手进行比赛。本世纪初日本建立了棋院,为围棋事业的发展做了大量的普及和推广工作。本世纪60年代初,开始了当代中日围棋的交流。中日邦交的完全正常化,为中日围棋的大规模交流,开辟了历史新纪元。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to construct and evaluate the reliability of an apparatus for testing golf putters with respect to distance and direction deviation at different impact points on the clubface. An apparatus was constructed based on the pendulum principle that allowed putter golf clubs to swing at different speeds. The mean speed of the club head before ball impact, and of the ball after impact, was calculated from time measurements with photocells. A pin profile rig was used to determine the directional deviation of the golf ball. Three different putters were used in the study, two that are commercially available (toe-heel weighted and mallet types) and one specially made (wing-type) putter. The points of impact were the sweet spot (as indicated by the manufacturer's aim line), and 1, 2 and 3 cm to the left and right of the sweet spot. Calculation of club head speed before impact, and of ball speed after impact (proportional to distance), showed errors ≤ 0.5% of interval duration. The variability in ball impacts was tested by measuring time and direction deviations during 50 impacts on the same ball. The mean duration (± s) after ball impact in the test interval (1.16 m long) was 206 (0.8) ms and the standard deviation in the perpendicular spreading of the balls in relation to the direction of the test interval was 0.005 m. A test – retest of one putter on two consecutive days after remounting of the putter on the test apparatus showed less than 1% difference in distance deviation. We conclude that the test apparatus enables a precise recording of distance and direction deviation in golf putters as well as comparisons between different putters. The apparatus and set-up can be used in the laboratory as well as outdoors on the putting green.  相似文献   


Although the golf coaching literature stresses the importance of weight transfer during the swing, research has been conflicting or lacking statistical support. A potential problem with previous studies is that no attempt was made to account for different movement strategies in the golf swing. This study evaluated the relationship between centre of pressure measures and club head velocity within two previously identified swing styles, the “Front Foot” and “Reverse” styles. Thirty-nine Front Foot golfers and 19 Reverse golfers performed swings with a driver while standing on two force plates. From the force plate data, centre of pressure displacement, velocity, range, and timing parameters were calculated. Correlation and regression analysis indicated that a larger range of centre of pressure and a more rapid centre of pressure movement in the downswing was associated with a larger club head velocity at ball contact for the Front Foot group. For the Reverse golfers, positioning the centre of pressure further from the back foot at late backswing and a more rapid centre of pressure transfer towards the back foot at ball contact was associated with a larger club head velocity at ball contact. This study has highlighted the importance of identifying different movement strategies before evaluating performance measures, as different parameters were found to be important for the Front Foot and Reverse styles.  相似文献   

郁小平  夏洪胜 《体育学刊》2004,11(4):136-138
单纯从中美高尔夫球俱乐部的发展与国民经济发展和人均GDP关系的比较,中国的高尔夫球俱乐部发展的数量与美国有很大差距,其中主要原因包括人口数量不同、人均占有土地资源不同、国民收入不同以及政府相关的产业政策和高尔夫球运动在我国发展时间较短等;但在对日本、韩国、台湾等国家和地区高尔夫球运动的研究分析认为,高尔夫球运动与亚洲文化,特别是中国文化具有很强的共融性。综合这些因素,可初步预测中国的高尔夫球俱乐部至2015年的发展情况。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,对捶丸和高尔夫演变发展轨迹原因进行研究。捶丸和高尔夫运动极为相似,捶丸在宋元明曾出现全盛时期,却没有发展到现在,这与中国清朝统治者在治国策略上奉行中国传统文化的理性主义有直接的关系。然而捶丸却没有像高尔夫发展成为贵族运动,主要是高尔夫以西方文化为底蕴和统治者的支持。本文将依据相关资料进行探讨,为我们了解高尔夫和捶丸的演变发展轨迹提供理论基础。  相似文献   

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