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宋艳  黄梦璇  刘峰  蒋冲雨 《科学学研究》2012,30(10):1546-1557,1578
新兴技术产品如何在市场中呈现出爆发式增长的研究尚处于初期阶段,而把目光聚焦在早期市场的研究显得更为缺乏。基于技术扩散及用户采集生命周期理论,对早期市场中"创新者"与"早期采用者"的特征进行分析,借助营销管理中的顾客价值理论,剖析了影响两类用户对新兴技术产品采用意向的影响因素,并构建相应的假设模型;再通过选取两类不同特点的用户样本,采用实证的方法对其进行验证。研究结果表明创新者对新兴技术产品的采用意向受到:个性产品、创新者认同感、人际交往、用户参与、感知功能性的正向影响,其中个性产品、人际交往、用户参与影响度较高;早期采用者的采用意向则受到:设计性产品、早期采用者认同感、技术服务、用户参与、感知有用性的正向影响,其中设计性产品、技术服务、用户参与影响度较高。最后,依据研究结果为企业加快新兴技术产品在早期市场中的推广提出策略建议。  相似文献   

张洁梅  马悦杰 《科研管理》2021,42(3):139-149
虚拟社区用户忠诚对于虚拟社区的长期可持续性发展尤为重要。本研究以知识分享行为(知识共享数量和质量)为中介变量,探讨社会资本(信任、社会联结性、共同愿景)和外部动机(互惠动机、声誉动机)对社区忠诚的作用机理,并通过结构方程模型进行验证。研究结果表明,信任和外部动机通过知识共享数量和质量对社区忠诚有显著正向影响,社会联结性仅通过知识共享数量对社区忠诚有显著影响;信任和外部动机对知识共享数量和质量有显著正向影响,社会联结性仅显著影响知识共享数量,而共同愿景对知识共享数量和质量均无显著影响;知识共享行为对社区忠诚有显著正向影响,并且知识共享质量对社区忠诚的影响更显著。该结论为企业重视虚拟社区用户知识分享行为从而吸引和留住虚拟社区用户提供了决策支持,为企业更好的运营虚拟社区并利用虚拟社区获得可持续发展提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

<正>进入21世纪,能源已成为新的金融投资载体,能源金融时代已经来临。在能源金融化的进程中,电子信息载体和网络平台一直扮演着重要的角色。大数据时代的到来,更加凸显了信息竞争和网络优势的重要地位。传统的市场交易模式已被颠覆,高频监测与交易、市场舆情分析和泛在网络传染成为引领市场交易的新关键词。如世界石油市场体系伴  相似文献   

随着科技金融活动的多样化,市场对科技金融服务的需求也日趋多元化,在信息技术、互联网快速发展的今天,如何对科技金融的传统服务渠道进行创新显得尤为重要。通过对珠海和横琴新区科技金融服务现状的分析,构建金融服务信息化渠道模型,提出信息化背景下横琴新区科技金融渠道的创新策略,为横琴新区科技创新与科技金融服务的协同发展提供决策依据。  相似文献   

肖智  庞颖 《现代情报》2011,31(9):38-40
在虚拟社区快速发展的背景下,企业如何通过以分享知识和经验为主的虚拟社区平台获取有效需求信息便成为一个亟待解决的问题。本文基于以分享知识和经验为主的虚拟社区,对隐含于虚拟社区中的需求信息的特点以及参与虚拟社区的成员特征进行了分析。鉴于虚拟社区中需求信息以及社区成员的特征,针对隐含于虚拟社区中的需求信息难以有效获取,引入共词分析法,提出基于共词分析的有效需求信息获取框架,得到在虚拟社区下获取有效需求信息的步骤。  相似文献   

王莉  李沁芳  马云龙 《科研管理》2019,40(10):259-267
领先用户在开放式创新社区中发挥着重要作用,成为产品创新的有力推动者。但网络环境下领先用户识别的研究刚刚兴起,相关研究非常缺乏。本文首先对开放式创新社区中领先用户特征进行理论研究,提出需求领先力、活跃表现力、社区影响力三大特征。然后基于改进的网络志方法,将定性的网络志和定量的数据分析结合,构建了识别领先用户的理论步骤。遵循社区选择原则,以知乎社区扫地机器人版块103位用户为研究对象,对用户的提问数、回答数等7个指标进行因子分析和聚类分析,识别出2位领先用户;并采用扎根理论,比较发帖内容和未来市场上扫地机器人新产品功能,发现领先用户提出的大部分建议会体现于未来新产品功能上,证明了领先用户识别方法的有效性。研究有助于完善领先用户识别方法,并为后续领先用户行为研究奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

The article draws from two theoretical fields, innovation intermediation and sustainability transitions, to examine the role of government-affiliated intermediary organisations in system-level transitions. The role of intermediaries working between actors – producers and users, entrepreneurs and adopters, idea generators and funders – has seldom been specifically addressed in the transitions literature. Thus, the role of intermediary organisations in enacting change in socio-technical regimes, particularly of intermediaries falling between traditional public sector and private sector actors, is of interest in this article. Empirical analyses of two Finnish organisations, Sitra and Motiva, show that government-affiliated intermediaries are likely to engage in strategic niche management processes in diverse ways, each organisation having its own distinct characteristics. The analysis also points out that to get from niches to transition, sustained systemic intermediaries are crucial in articulating new visions and expectations. Government-affiliated intermediaries may make an important contribution to sustainability transitions by initiating and managing new policy or market processes and by acting as an impartial contact point or voice for new networks of actors. While independence from public administration is likely to facilitate networking, too neutral a stance or limited temporal engagement may reduce the transition-facilitating effects.  相似文献   

在网络虚拟品牌社区(OUIC)前端创新环节,企业是否参与、何时参与、如何参与知识创造管理不仅会影响到企业的产品创新绩效,甚至会影响企业在市场中的核心竞争力。本研究选择具有一定高新技术信息支撑的家电电器行业OUIC为研究背景,引入创意组合管理(IPM)为研究的核心变量,通过构建不同创意主题发布模式(B端创意主题与C端创意主题)与不同前端创新阶段(创意产生阶段与创意发展阶段)的2×2组间设计来验证相关命题。结果表明,针对不同创意主题社区,企业采取的不同决策行为,对产品创新绩效均存在显著差异。(1)证明了不同创意主题发布模式(B端创意主题或C端创意主题),会对用户的知识创造力产生差异性影响。B端创意主题(企业主导发布),企业可以引导社区用户重点进行新产品核心子系统相关创意的开发;C端创意主题(用户主导发布),企业可以引导社区用户重点进行新产品周边子系统相关创意的开发。(2)验证了在用户参与OUIC 前端创新环节知识创造过程中,企业实施创意组合管理(IPM)对用户知识创造力与产品创新绩效产生的正面显著效果。(3)验证了用户参与OUIC前端创新环节知识创造过程中,企业对用户创新行为的最佳干预时机。在B端创意主题(企业主导发布)下,企业在创意产生阶段(第一阶段)实施创意组合管理(IPM)为最佳导入时机;C端创意主题(用户主导发布)下,企业在创意发展阶段(第二阶段)实施创意组合管理(IPM)为最佳导入时机。研究在理论上不仅丰富和完善了虚拟经济营销管理相关理论,而且在应用上有助于企业利用互联网工具为产品创新发掘新的途径,并培育企业市场核心竞争力。  相似文献   

Regional economic communities, which are growing in numbers and size, play an increasingly important role in information and communication technology (ICT) policymaking. As seen through the lens of complex adaptive systems theory, such systems should strive to generate adaptive policies through adaptive policymaking processes that position them to respond to rapid technological change. To date, however, regional policymaking has been overly concerned with policy harmonization as an outcome, possibly to the detriment of other important goals. Despite this bias, upon closer examination, one finds that regional communities do foster adaptivity through their roles in the formation of epistemic communities, capacity building, and resource pooling. These activities contribute to variation, interaction, and selection, all key processes for adaptation. It is this degree of adaptivity, and its required balance between policy harmonization and competition, that should be the basis for analyzing the effectiveness of regional policymaking.  相似文献   

基于技术采用生命周期"峡谷"理论,从市场、技术、产品和消费者维度对3D打印技术"峡谷"及跨越影响因素进行探讨。通过问卷找到现实和潜在用户,由现实采用者判断当前该技术处于"峡谷"左端,用户以企业、政府为代表,潜在采用者是"峡谷"右端早期大众市场用户代表,是跨越"峡谷"的关键。进一步对潜在采用者分析发现"技术派"最有可能成为"峡谷"跨越的早期大众市场中的单一缝隙市场,"实用派"是进一步可扩展的细分市场。  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,激发虚拟品牌社区中有利于企业的知识创新,成为企业应对动态市场环境而实施创新战略的关键。本文基于C2C与B2C虚拟品牌社区中用户探索性/应用性学习和用户创意组合管理的视角,构建了激发有利于企业知识创新的理论模型。实证发现:C2C与B2C虚拟品牌社区会对用户探索性/应用性学习方式产生差异影响,相对于B2C虚拟品牌社区有利于用户的应用性学习,C2C虚拟品牌社区倾向于用户的探索性学习,而探索性学习更有利于激发用户知识创新能力;进一步,用户知识创新能力对激发用户产生有利于企业知识创新的作用并不显著;但是,用户创意组合管理在用户知识创新能力对激发有利于企业知识创新的关系中起到显著的正向调节作用。本研究为企业实施用户知识管理创新战略提出了有价值的启示。  相似文献   

研发驱动现代产业形成的三阶段理论探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着科技的发展和信息化时代的到来,市场竞争的压力促使市场参与者不断进行研发创新.研发活动的存在让企业在满足市场需求的同时,也可以创造需求,这使得以利益取向和生产规模决定产业形成的传统产业形成理论受到了挑战.现代产业是以研发为驱动力而形成的价值链集合,其形成过程可以划分为单独研发向合作研发转化阶段、合作研发向研发产业化转化阶段和现代产业形成阶段等三个阶段.未来企业的发展趋势将由实体制造向虚拟制造转变.企业研发活动也将完全外部化,形成研发产业,研发产业则构成了现代产业的驱动核心.  相似文献   

According to user innovation literature, users can create important innovations and the novel functionalities embedded in those user innovations often become the sources of subsequent innovations by both other users and manufacturers. However, manufacturers are often hesitant in commercializing an innovation created by a single user due to the uncertainty around the market demands. We propose that such hesitancy will decrease when an increasing number of other users source knowledge elements from the focal user innovation and reproduce the novel functionality. Once the focal user innovation is commercialized by manufacturers, other users can purchase the novel functionality from the market rather than reproducing it in house. We propose that users capable of drawing on innovation resources are more likely to maintain in-house reproduction of the focal user innovation than users low on innovation resources. By using the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model and Impulse Response Function (IRF) analysis method, we analyze knowledge sourcing activities from financial software patents data, and the findings provide empirical supports for our propositions.  相似文献   

张磊  韩梦  CarolA.Dahl 《资源科学》2013,35(10):1977-1983
需求弹性是经济学中的基础概念,也是我国煤炭市场化进程中的重要研究对象.不同于以往的宽泛研究,本文分别从国家维度、时间维度和区域维度对1995-2010年间的我国煤炭需求弹性展开系统化研究.基于面板数据模型的研究发现全国煤炭需求的价格弹性为0.59,煤炭在所考察期间总体呈现出刚性需求现象,但基于截面数据的回归结果显示各考察年份的煤炭需求弹性为负值且存在着较大的时间波动,而各区域时间序列的回归结果表明煤炭需求弹性的区际差异: 煤炭主产地其值为负,消费地其值为正.分析发现以国家维度和时间维度的研究结论相互矛盾,而以区域维度的研究结果更加科学合理,具有更为可靠的理论和现实指导意义.  相似文献   

用户的信息需求状态有客观状态、认识状态和表达状态3个层次。信息服务的目标是使用户更全面认识到其客观需求并表达出来,从而实现潜在价值向现实价值的过渡和转化。为更好地服务于高校科研工作者,文章将其分为科研管理决策者、资深科研人员和初级科研人员3种,根据信息需求理论,在深入解读三类用户不同信息需求的基础上,结合现阶段信息技术和学科服务发展的实际情况,构建了一套智慧型科研信息服务平台的框架体系。  相似文献   

【目的/意义】在线健康社区可持续发展的关键在于知识共创。用户信息需求作为知识共创的起点,是开展 在线健康社区知识共创机理研究的重要基础。【方法/过程】首先从就医渠道、就医状态、治疗现状3个维度刻画在线 健康社区的用户就医情境,提出4类就医情境。其次运用python爬取寻医问药网“有问必答”社区2020年全年用户 有效提问数据97169条,通过独立编码为其打上就医情境标签。最后融合Word2vec与LDA算法,提取不同就医情 境下用户信息需求偏好。【结果/结论】研究发现,30.1%的用户不能准确描述就医情境。在准确表达就医情境的用 户中,线上初诊是主要就医情境,主要关注症状与就诊;线下初诊+未治疗+线上复诊主要关注检查与原因;线下初 诊+治疗过+线上复诊主要关注方法效果与后续;线上初诊+治疗过+线上复诊主要关注方法效果与后续。【创新/局 限】本文依据疾病就诊与治疗的全过程提出4类就医情境,并揭示了不同就医情境下用户信息需求偏好差异,但仅 对医患类在线健康社区进行了实证分析。  相似文献   

Virtual lead user communities: Drivers of knowledge creation for innovation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the creation of innovation-related knowledge in virtual communities visited mainly by lead users. Such communities enable firms to access a large number of lead users in a cost-efficient way. A propositional framework relates lead users’ characteristics to unique virtual community features to examine their potential impact on the development of valuable innovation knowledge. The authors empirically validate this framework by analyzing online contributions of lead users for mobile service innovation projects. The findings indicate that the value of their contributions stems from their ability to suggest solutions instead of simply describing problems or stating customer needs. Lead users’ technical expertise also makes them particularly well-suited to develop new functionalities, but less so for design and usability improvements. The digital context favors the creation of explicit knowledge that can be easily integrated into the development of new products. Finally, contributions given by lead users in a proactive way contain more novel insights than reactive contributions such as answers to community members’ questions. The findings should help managers stimulate, identify, and improve the use of lead users’ input in virtual communities.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(8):104840
User innovations are often valuable to other people, but fail to diffuse because users lack incentives to do a dissemination effort. Past research recognized that users sometimes spur diffusion themselves, and that producers may search for and commercialize user innovations. In this study we identify a third type of actor who fills the void between initial solution and broad dissemination - without being a potential user or commercial diffuser himself. We document a case study at an academic hospital where workers created and institutionalized a system to support and disseminate user innovations developed by nurses. They proactively created a network with makerspace facilities, without being asked or instructed to do so. These workers fulfilled a disseminator role: they continued to develop user innovations to make adoption easy, explored commercial pathways, mobilized peer demand, and created favorable project conditions. Interestingly, the diffusion system was institutionalized by job crafting, securing budgets, embedding diffusion activities in the organization chart, and developing strategic relationships. Disseminators were motivated by self-actualization, enjoyment, reputation advancement, and altruism towards the nursing community; they strived to become ‘heroes of diffusion’. We conclude that a disseminator role in-between user innovators, and peer adopters and commercial producers, represents an alternative mechanism for user innovations to spread widely, and opens opportunities for new research.  相似文献   

Electronic data interchange (EDI) provides means for interorganizational communication, creates network externalities, requires an advanced information technology (IT) infrastructure, and relies on standards. In the diffusion of such innovations, institutional involvement is imperative. Such institutions contain governmental agencies, national and global standardization organizations, local government, and nonprofit private organizations like industry associations. The last type of organizations we call intermediating institutions. They intermediate or coordinate ("inscribe") the activities of a group of would-be adopters. Unfortunately, little is known of how these organizations shape the EDI diffusion trajectory. In this article we examine one specific type of intermediating organizations?industry associations?and how they advanced the EDI diffusion process in the grocery sectors of Hong Kong, Denmark and Finland. We identify six institutional measures, placed into a matrix formed by the mode of involvement (influence vs. regulation) and the type of diffusion force (supply push vs. demand pull), that can be mobilized to further the EDI diffusion. Industry associations were found to be active users of all these measures to varying degrees. Their role was critical especially in knowledge building, knowledge deployment, and standard setting. Furthermore, institutional involvement varied due to policy and cultural contingencies and power dependencies.  相似文献   

王小宁  刘丽丽 《情报科学》2020,38(3):93-100
【目的/意义】随着我国农民信息困境向信息不及时、信息识别困难的转变,以及农村精准信息服务有效供给的缺乏,从供需视角研究农村精准信息服务扩散成为促进三农信息化发展的重要议题。【方法/过程】本研究基于双边市场理论,以技术接受模型为基础,从供需视角建立农村精准信息服务扩散影响因素模型;以西北五省地区的农民和信息提供方为研究样本,通过结构方程方法进行实证分析。【结果/结论】数据结果表明,在需求方,农村精准信息服务扩散主要受农民对提供方的信任、精准信息服务的有用性、平台易用性以及成本的驱动;在提供方,农村精准信息服务扩散主要受提供方的技术易用性感知、自我效能和收益感知的影响。  相似文献   

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