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随着知识经济的到来,我国高技术产业得到了迅速的发展.由于多方面的原因,我国关于高技术产业的定义和界定方法还存在许多问题.介绍美国、OECD对高技术产业定义和界定方法,借鉴他们的方法分析我国高技术产业的定义及界定方法,并介绍高技术产业的特点.最后,介绍高技术产业和高新技术产业的区别.  相似文献   

高技术产业风险投资的制度创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高技术产业风险投资是美国新经济的发动机,高技术产业的孵化器。本文运用制度分析的方法,剖析了高技术产业风险投资的企业融资、产业孵化和组织制度创新。  相似文献   

美国“再工业化”战略推动了美国经济逐步复苏,提高了就业和扩大了出口.但其进一步实施会加剧中美高技术产业竞争和贸易纠纷.建议中国实施先进制造伙伴计划以应对中美制造业激烈竞争,实施更为积极的高技术产业发展战略以应对中美高技术产业贸易竞争,扩大中美创新对话,努力寻找中美高技术产业发展的共同利益.  相似文献   

当今世界的高技术产业规模不断扩大,促进了产业结构的优化。高技术产业的高劳动生产率、高效益和高附加值,推动了西方经济的发展。而西方国家发展高技术产业的历史也不过20余年,他们的许多经验和教训,为我们提供了发展外向型经济的借鉴。一、美国发展高技术产业的关键高技术产业在美国的政治、经济和社会生活中占有十分重要的地位。高技术产业的产值占全美国国民生产总值的6—12%,其就业人数约占全国就  相似文献   

胡鞍钢  任皓 《中国科学院院刊》2016,31(12):1355-1365
20世纪80年代,邓小平做出战略决策,国家制定"863计划",中国高技术创新和产业发展开始起步。在经历30年的成长期后,我国高技术产业的增加值占GDP比重达4.9%,成为国民经济重要的支柱性产业。高技术产业呈现出增加值高增长、就业高增长的态势,并在高技术产业增加值、产品出口额、出口增加值各方面都实现了对美国的追赶和超越。这主要得益于高技术产业与经济增长的相互促进与互补带动,表现为经济发展与高技术产业发展生命周期趋势的一致性。此外,高技术产业具有明显的外部性,起到了促进制造业高增长、改善经济结构、推动贸易发展转型、发挥技术溢出效应的作用。高技术产业已成为我国国民经济发展的先导产业、重要的支柱产业与新的增长引擎。展望未来,实现高技术产业由大变强,由多变优,由粗变精,由跟随变为引领,在质量创新等方面赶超美国。  相似文献   

<正> 美国犹他州(Utah)政府非常重视发展高技术产业,仅用五、六年的时间就在其首府盐湖城(Salt Lake City)到第二大都市普洛渥(Provo)之间.建起了一条六七二公里长的高技术产业带——软件工业谷。这条高技术产业带带动犹他州的经济每年以7%的速度增长,大大高于美国1.5%的平均增长速度。犹他州因此成为美国的第一个高技术产业州。犹他州的成功,对于山东省建立齐鲁高新技术产业开发带,调整产业结构,尽快实现“两个根本性转变”具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

运用非竞争型投入产出表,分析中美制造业对高技术服务业的投入率和需求率,进一步运用非竞争型I-O,将制造业效率分解为国内增加值效率和进口产品效率,立足于制造业国内增加值效率,分析中美制造业对高技术服务业效率的影响,结果表明,中国大多数低端制造业增加值效率比美国高,而美国高端制造业增加值效率比中国高。为此,中国应借鉴美国高端产业经验,采取加大高端产业的政策支持,促进制造业和高技术服务业融合等措施。  相似文献   

当前,高技术产业已在工业发达国家和地区逐步形成并日益发展。我国高技术发展虽说起步不晚,但是产业化进程缓慢,同发达国家的差距还在拉大。如何加快我国高技术发展的步伐,已成为人们十分关注的问题。本文根据美国、西欧以及日本等发达国家的经验,并结合分析我国的高科技发展的实际后认为,建立以高校为中心的高技术产业集团是发展我国高技术的一条有效途径。(一)以高校为中心是发展高技术产业集团的基本条件。高技术产业是综合性很强的产业,它涉及到许多学科的理论、工艺和技术,是人类大量新知识和高技术的结晶。高技术企业之间的竞争主要不是几项产品之间的竞争,更重要  相似文献   

美国高技术新企业的资金来源分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在研究美国高技术产业的基础上,对高技术新兴产业筹集资金的渠道,不同发展时期所需金额的数量,影响资金来源的因素诸方面进行了分析,并对我国高技术新兴企业的资金来源提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

美国高技术企业寻求发展资金的主要途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在研究美国高技术产业的基础上,分析了高技术企业在发展阶段1)和持续发展阶段2)对资金的需求及资金的主要来源、高技术企业如何筹措资金及风险投资商的投资行为。国家自然科学基金  相似文献   

我国高新技术产业的产业内贸易和贸易条件研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据中国海关对高新技术产业的分类,基于HS六分位数对我国高新技术九大领域的产业内贸易进行测算,并采用Greenaway方法进一步测算出高新技术产业水平型产业内贸易和垂直产业内贸易,我国高新技术的净贸易条件和收入贸易条件。结果显示:(1)高新技术以产业间贸易为主要特征,产业内贸易则体现为典型的垂直产业内贸易;(2)高新技术产品的产业内贸易主要集中于几类产品;(3)高新技术竞争力提高很大程度依赖于外资;(4)高新技术产业收入贸易条件表现良好。  相似文献   

This article proposes that the structure of demand is one of the major factors that affect the rate and direction of technological change and the evolution of high-technology industries, both over time and across countries. This article presents an analysis of the semiconductor industry in Europe, the United States and Japan, although particular emphasis is placed on the European case. The decline of the European industry (1960s) from a position equal to that of the American industry (1950s) can, to a large extent, be explained by the dominance of electronics consumer goods demand (rather than public procurement or computer demand) in the structure of demand in these countries. The later technological convergence of electronics final markets (1970s) played a major role in the commitment of the European semiconductor industry to LSI technology. This commitment, however, came too late to allow the European industry to catch up with its American and Japanese counterparts.  相似文献   

突破现有高新技术产业选择与评价研究中仅仅局限于行业分类中二位代码大类的不足,结合国家高技术行业分类和高新技术产品目录,选择69个细分行业作为研究对象,并从产业优势和技术优势两个角度对中部地区优势高新技术产业发展选择进行定量研究,明确了国家在实施中部崛起战略中应该优先给予支持的中部高新技术产业发展方向.  相似文献   

我国国民经济十二五规划和科技十二五规划都建议培育和发展战略性新兴产业。因为战略性新兴产业一般都属于高技术产业,所以分析高技术产业的形成过程对培育和发展战略性新兴产业具有重要的理论意义。从阶段划分、技术特性、投资风险和价值积累四个方面对高技术产业形成过程进行了简要的分析,并且在每个方面的分析之后探讨了该分析对于完善我国高技术产业政策所具有的具体意义。  相似文献   

United States-based companies continue to dominate the global market in packaged software. Although many have predicted this U.S. dominance will wane, particularly as a result of competitive threats from Japan, and more recently from low-wage, developing nations, erosion has yet to be significant. The United States benefits from nine factors that sustain its advantage in this industry: skilled labor, favorable capital conditions, sophisticated customers, close association with hardware vendors, a competitive marketplace, geographic concentrations, first-mover advantage, a strong intellectual property regime, and English as the software lingua franca. Industry-specific strengths and weaknesses vis-a-vis Europe, Japan, and other nations are also discussed. In addition to these nine better known U.S. competitive advantages, two culturally linked assertions are presented that have received scant attention vis-a-vis competitive analysis. First, the industrial evolution of software development is at an immature stage-still a cottage industry practiced by craftsmen in a cultural milieu of artisans-and thus does not track other global high-technology trends. Second, packaged software is part of the copyright industry (e.g., film and music) in which United States-based firms have a sustained advantage. While manufacturing capabilities are significant for technology industries, culturally related factors, such as creativity, are more important for copyright industries. The U.S. ''culture of software,'' which helps explain U.S. hegemony, is introduced and discussed. The three elements of this culture are the culture of individuals as manifested by the individualistic computer hacker; the entrepreneurial culture and its risk-taking ethos; and the software development culture with its embrace of ad hoc, innovation-driven development as opposed to routinized, production-driven development.  相似文献   

United States-based companies continue to dominate the global market in packaged software. Although many have predicted this U.S. dominance will wane, particularly as a result of competitive threats from Japan, and more recently from low-wage, developing nations, erosion has yet to be significant. The United States benefits from nine factors that sustain its advantage in this industry: skilled labor, favorable capital conditions, sophisticated customers, close association with hardware vendors, a competitive marketplace, geographic concentrations, first-mover advantage, a strong intellectual property regime, and English as the software lingua franca. Industry-specific strengths and weaknesses vis-a-vis Europe, Japan, and other nations are also discussed. In addition to these nine better known U.S. competitive advantages, two culturally linked assertions are presented that have received scant attention vis-a-vis competitive analysis. First, the industrial evolution of software development is at an immature stage-still a cottage industry practiced by craftsmen in a cultural milieu of artisans-and thus does not track other global high-technology trends. Second, packaged software is part of the copyright industry (e.g., film and music) in which United States-based firms have a sustained advantage. While manufacturing capabilities are significant for technology industries, culturally related factors, such as creativity, are more important for copyright industries. The U.S. 'culture of software,' which helps explain U.S. hegemony, is introduced and discussed. The three elements of this culture are the culture of individuals as manifested by the individualistic computer hacker; the entrepreneurial culture and its risk-taking ethos; and the software development culture with its embrace of ad hoc, innovation-driven development as opposed to routinized, production-driven development.  相似文献   

Searching for externally available knowledge has been characterised as a vital part of the innovation process. Previous research has, however, almost exclusively focused on high-technology environments, largely ignoring the substantial low- and medium-technology sectors of modern economies. We argue that firms from low- and high-technology sectors differ in their search patterns and that these mediate the relationship between innovation inputs and outputs. Based on a sample of 4500 firms from 13 European countries, we find that search patterns in low-technology industries focus on market knowledge and that they differ from technology sourcing activities in high-technology industries.  相似文献   

以我国国家统计局发布的《知识产权(专利)密集型产业统计分类(2019)》为切入点,结合美国和欧盟2016年最新知识产权密集型产业官方报告,对比分析中、美、欧的知识产权密集型产业认定方法,并对知识产权密集型产业涵盖的具体细分行业进行横向比较。研究发现:我国现行知识产权密集型产业认定方法广度不足、深度不够,具体行业结构单一、特色不明显。研究借鉴美国、欧洲的知识产权密集型产业认定和分类等管理方法,以期为我国制订兼具国际标准和中国特色的各类型知识产权密集型产业认定方法、建立健全产业发展规划提供参考。  相似文献   

中间品贸易隐含能源要素与碳排放所带来的产业发展影响问题已开始引起重视。本文从环境友好全球价值链视角出发,将增加值核算方法与SupSBM模型相结合,分别测算出2000—2014年中国和美国两个贸易强国产业部门整体及三次产业的全要素生产率、要素投入效率及碳排放效率。研究发现:①美国整体产业部门的全要素生产率高于中国,但是这种差距逐渐变小。主要归因于中国第一产业、第三产业国内劳动投入效率的提升。②按年平均统计,中国整体产业部门国内劳动投入效率高于美国,而其他要素投入效率均低于美国。③按年平均统计,与美国相比,中国第三产业发展向环境友好方向演变,但第一、第二产业环境友好发展不显著,有待进一步提高。因此,以政策为引导,补齐产业部门投入产出效率短板,扩大产业链间效率溢出效应,是实现中国产业部门环境友好全球价值链视角下全要素生产率提升的关键。  相似文献   

Previous research into technology strategies and patent portfolios has focused on high-technology firms, whereas low- and medium-technology companies have been relatively neglected. Therefore, we analyze how corporate technology strategy and the size and composition of patent portfolios affect the performance of low-, medium- and high-technology firms. Data from 136 European companies are used to examine four hypotheses relating financial performance to technological diversification, technological aggressiveness, patent portfolio size, and patent portfolio quality. The cross-industry sample allows analyzing the different consequences of these strategic parameters in low-, medium- and high-technology firms by considering technological intensity as a moderator. Our first finding is that the positive impact of technological aggressiveness is limited in low- and medium-technology companies. Secondly, technological diversification has a positive effect in high-technology firms and a negative effect in low-technology firms. Thirdly, patent portfolio size has a positive effect only in high-technology firms. Finally, patent portfolio quality has an equally positive influence on all firms’ performance. In part, these results conflict with the findings of previous research into high-technology companies, and they call for rethinking the role of technology strategies and intellectual property portfolios in firms across industries.  相似文献   

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