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我国南方丘陵岗地旱地资源丰富,种植作物以水稻为主,旱地大多耕作粗放,用养失调,产出效益低,有的处于半荒芜半闲置状态,甚至丧失资源更新能力。枝江县区划办对丘岗旱地农业开发进行了较为系统的研究,本文提出、评价和实施的丘岗旱地农业系列开发模式,为充分利用土地资源,提高丘岗旱地农业开发效益走出了新路。  相似文献   

我国南方丘陵岗地旱地资源丰富,种植作物以水稻为主,旱地大多耕作粗放,用养失调,产出效益低,有的处于半荒芜半闲置状态,甚至丧失资源更新能力。枝江县区划办对丘岗旱地农业开发进行了较为系统的研究,本文提出、评价和实施的丘岗旱地农业系列开发模式,为充分利用土地资旱地农业、模式  相似文献   

旱地玉米稳产高产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旱地玉米生产的限制因子是水,而水的来源主要靠天然降水,因此,旱地农业应引起足够重视。旱地玉米增产的中心环节是纳雨蓄墒,减少蒸发,提高水分利用就要充分利用有限的水资源,首先必须了解水分变化动态。  相似文献   

解决我国西北水资源匮缺发展旱地农业的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
西北地区光热资源丰富,耕地多,人口少,发 展旱地农业有较大潜力。但降水少而变率大,水资源缺乏,因此农业生产有较大的风险性 和不 稳定性。充分利用天然降水是发展西北旱地农业的出路所在,采取收集降水,增强土壤水库 蓄水,防止水分无效蒸发,提高蓄水效率,提高降水和灌水利用效率是西北旱地农业持续发 展的根本途径。  相似文献   

刘厚培 《资源科学》1985,7(4):16-21
旱地在我国南方山区占据相当大的面积,约占其耕地总面积的40%左右。主要分布于川、滇、黔、鄂、湘、赣、浙、闽等省及桂北、粤北、皖中南等亚热带丘陵山区,约占南方旱地总面积的90%。其中川、滇、黔、鄂四省旱地面积最大,约占耕地面积的50—65%,有些山区县和区乡的旱地面积占其耕地面积的75—95%。但目前旱地农业不大引人重视,生产水平很低,低产旱地约占3/4以上,旱粮产量仅占粮食产量的10—25%,特别是旱地作物单产水平远低于水田,旱粮平均亩产只有200—300斤,其中小麦、大豆单产更低,不到100斤;旱地油料作物平均亩产只有30—50斤,麻类作物100—200斤,烤烟200斤,棉花只20—30斤,甘蔗2000—3000斤,一般要比水田作物产量低1—3倍。研究南方山区旱地农业特点、充分合理利用旱地资源、挖掘旱地农业的生产潜力,对我国南方山区农业的发展,搞活山区农村经济具有重大的战略意义。  相似文献   

他是我国著名旱地农业与作物抗旱生理学家。长期致力于作物抗旱生理和旱地农业研究,开辟了旱地农业研究的生理生态领域。在提高半干旱地区农田降水效率综合技术途径、有限水高效利用的生理生态基础、不同作物抗旱机理、逆境成苗机制及调控等方面取得多项重要成果。他提出了作物  相似文献   

四川盆地丘陵旱地,是全省土地资源的重要组成部分,围绕生态平衡而开展的合理利用与综合治理,是关系到旱地农业高产稳产的问题。只有扬长避短,才能充分发挥“天府之国”丘陵旱地的生产潜力。 一、川中丘陵旱地的优势和弱点 四川的丘陵主要分布在东部盆地的中部,海拔多在300—500米之间,相对高差20—200米,是全省粮食,经济作物的主产区。丘陵区的旱地,具有面积大、复种指数高、产量高而较稳、生  相似文献   

宁夏南部山区特色小杂粮资源利用与可持续发展战略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小杂粮是宁夏南部山区的优势资源。积极发展特色杂粮产业对于调整优化该地区种植结构。切实保护和提高粮食生产能力,促进贫困山区生态经济协调可持续发展有着重要的意义。本文通过对宁南山区旱地特色小杂粮生产现状及发展优势的分析,提出了以发展优质高产高效旱作农业为出发点,以建立适应不同降水条件的主要作物优化栽培模式为核心,以高效利用天然降水和提高养分利用率为突破口,促进宁南山区旱地特色小杂粮资源利用和可持续发展的措施与途径。  相似文献   

山仑,1933年1月出生于山东龙口。1954年毕业于山东农业大学。1962年获前苏联科学院植物生理学副博士学位。现任西北农林科技大学研究员、博士生导师,黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室学术委员会主任,兰州大学等6所高等院校兼职教授。1995年当选为中国工程院院士。第九届全国人大代表。 作为最早倡导我国旱地农业科技的专家之一,他长期致力于黄土高原旱地农业与水土保持工作,开辟了旱地农业生理生态研究新领域,提出应同时把水的充分保持和高效利用作为水土保持综合治理基础的论点。在提高半干旱区农田降水…  相似文献   

就农业节水灌溉的新技术和新理念进行了介绍,并对节水灌溉与旱地农业的关系进行了初步探讨,以供参考。  相似文献   

CAS should stick to the principle of rendering service to, and giving impetus for, the development of China's science enterprise by making S&T innovations, said CAS President LU Yongxiang. The CAS president made the remarks in a recent talk to communicate the gist of the winter session of the Party's Leading-member Group at CAS, which was held from 7 to 11 January in Beijing.  相似文献   

Aresearch project on the greenhouse cultivation of Swertia chirayita Buch Ham, a popular herbal drug used by the Tibetan people against liver and gallbladder diseases, recently passed the acceptance check by a panel of experts under the auspices of Qinghai Provincial S&T Bureau. The feat was accomplished by researchers from the Lanzhoubased CAS Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology.  相似文献   

The research into the origins of domestic animals is of significance not only for understanding their development per se, but also for making clear the human society evolution. Although there are evidences to show that pigs were independently domesticated in a variety of places throughout the world, the detailed scenario of the origin and dispersal of domestic pigs in East Asia remains unclear.  相似文献   

Among the galaxy of research and development organizations in northwest Beijing's Zhongguancun district, known as China's Silicon Valley, two are especially well-known to IT researchers: Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA), and, within a few blocks on the other side of the street, the CAS Institute of Automation (CASIA). While most people in Chinese scientific organizations strive to move to a large foreign counterpart, Dr. Stan Z. Li (LI Ziqing) moves against the stream.  相似文献   

With great care, Dr. ZHOU Zhonghe takes out a package wrapped by cotton tissue from a drawer and says: "This is the gem of our collections: the fossil of a bird that lived 125 million years ago!" Then, pointing at a tiny mound, he explains: "Look, this is the claw and that is the head. It was in the egg shell and ready to hatch ... The species fell into a family of waterside inhabitants."  相似文献   

As a key component of the national initiative for basic S&T data and infrastructure development, a nationwide survey on the lake water quality, volume and bio-resources has recently been kicked off. The move marks the systematic implementation of the secondround investigation of the country's lacustrine resources.  相似文献   

Bats, the only mammals known to possess the real ability to fly, have fascinated zoologists for a long time with their long-distance migration. How do they find their way home from an altitude of kilometers above sea level, where their stunt of ultrasonic echolocation does not work? Recent discoveries supported the theory that bats might be able to use magnetic clues to figure out their own position,just like what birds do. However, the latest results from a joint study by a group of researchers from the CAS, East China Normal University and University of Auckland reveal that bats apply an interesting strategy different from the one underlying birds' orientation technique, though they both are believed to derive information about their position from the subtle changes in the magnetic field of the Earth.  相似文献   

<正>On February 12,2014,the international academic journal Cancer Research published an article online entitled"Latency Associated Nuclear Antigen of Kaposi's Sarcoma Associated Herpesvirus Promotes Angiogenesis through Targeting Notch Signaling Effector Hey1",as a result from the research conducted by Prof.LAN Ke’s lab at the Institut Pasteur of Shanghai,Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

<正>Scientists from CAS and the Max Planck Society(MPG)met on May 13,2014 in Beijing to celebrate their four-decade-long ST cooperation and cherished friendship,anticipating further development of the bilateral relation.This partnership formally began four decades ago with a visit paid by then MPG President,Prof.Lüst to CAS,introduced CAS President BAI in his address at the celebration:"During the visit,CAS and MPG confi rmed the basic principles of cooperation,that is equality and mutual benefi ts for both sides,and reached agreement to develop a collaborative partnership."This occurred only two years after the establishment of the diplomatic relations between Germany and China,despite the shadow of the Cold War."Building up a partnership between Germany and  相似文献   

<正>The scientifi c goals of the Partner Group are to utilize large scale genomic polymorphism data to make fi ne inferences about human demographic history and various forms of natural selection in the human genome;and to understand the genetic basis and evolutionary mechanisms underlying the common variations in human facial morphology,both within and between populations.  相似文献   

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