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A rich body of literature has emerged that seeks to shed further light on how concepts like globalization and internationalization shape higher education systems and their institutions. This paper examines how the rise of private higher education in various national contexts has engendered global patterns of public financial support for private institutions and particularly the various ways in which public funding is channeled to such providers. A cross-national typology of public/private higher education sectors and a system-level map of how public funding is directed to institutions are both used to explain why different patterns may emerge. This framework is then used to examine the policies and practices in four representative systems: England, Germany, New Zealand, and the state of Pennsylvania in the United States. The available evidence suggests that in systems with weak or newly emerging private sectors, unclear regulations and concerns about quality implies that public funding tends to be channeled into private institutions indirectly (e.g. through tax-abatements and student financial aid). In systems where private institutions play a more substantial role, public funding is channeled to privates using a mix of indirect and direct mechanisms.  相似文献   

Private initiatives in higher education in Kenya   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Africa's higher education crisis has prompted the growth of private institutions. Enrollments are very low and in most African countries do not account for a significant proportion of university enrollments. The largest number of private institutions are in Kenya which is the subject of a case study. Private institutions provide professional training in fields of employment opportunity but also offer an education that emphasizes character building functions of higher studies. Private higher education is expensive to provide and costly to attend. Many private institutions are caught in a dilemma. They can not achieve significant efficiencies by reducing instructional costs without damage to the quality of their programs, and they are reluctant to raise tuition and accommodation charges because of the distorting effects on student recruitment. As long as public higher education is provided at low or no cost and private higher education is entirely self-supporting, the private sector will have a peripheral role in higher education in Kenya and other African countries.  相似文献   

Private for-profit higher education has grown rapidly in many parts of the world. This growth is attributed to many factors, including a broadening of the student population and the recognition that wider access to higher education will be economically beneficial to individuals, governments and society as a whole. In Australia, the number of students in private for-profit higher education is rising, with dramatic projections for the next 10 years. The Australian government has set a target to increase the participation of students in higher education, with a focus on increasing the access and success of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. It is unclear, however, what role the burgeoning private for-profit institutions will play in meeting the government's targets, and what incentives will be provided for them to increase the access and participation of students from disadvantaged groups. This paper analyses the key drivers of growth in private for-profit higher education in Australia, and discusses issues around quality and standards. It examines the strengths and limitations of the sector, and the extent to which it contributes to diversity, access and the participation of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. It argues that the sector needs clear government directions to improve levels of access, and new government policies to encourage public-private collaborations to help ensure sustainability. The paper also briefly touches on the need for a review into the current structure of Australia's higher education sector as a whole, and whether higher education would benefit from the formation of public community colleges with the explicit aim of widening access for disadvantaged student groups. Further, the paper suggests that encouraging such public-private collaboration may be beneficial to ensure access and participation of students from all walks of life, including disadvantaged groups.  相似文献   

Private higher education in Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the post World War Two era and prior to the mid 1980s Australia has been characterised by exclusive public provision, financing and regulation of higher education. The 1980s, however, have been marked by considerable turmoil which culminated in the 1988 White Paper. Circumstances provided by the reform of the higher education system, the booming overseas student market and unmet domestic demand have provided a window of opportunity for private providers. This paper charts the growth of private provision, federal and state government responses and the pressures for subsidy and regulation. The paper concludes that the policies of both levels of government are hastening the development of what Geiger (1988) defines as a peripheral private sector of higher education in Australia.  相似文献   

韩国高等教育规模的持续扩张引发了教育质量的下降,尤其是近年来随着适龄入学人口的下降,使主要经费来源依赖于学生学费的私立大学开始面临财政危机,它们不得不通过合并与兼并等重组的方式以增强生存能力.政府也通过立法或制定政策促使大学,尤其是私立大学进行重组改革,以提高其竞争优势.  相似文献   

朱浩 《复旦教育论坛》2020,18(6):94-100
澳大利亚政府对私立高等教育机构监管政策变迁的历史轨迹与公立高等教育占主导地位的国家有诸多相似之处,都经历过从“排斥”或者说“边缘化”到“被动接受”再到“标准化引领”的过程。该文从历史演进的视角慎思澳大利亚政府对私立高等教育监管政策变迁的动因与导向,进而总结澳大利亚政府监管政策的特点:通过间接管理方式控制私立高等教育机构逐利行为的度;通过诱致性制度强化公私立高等教育机构的竞争与合作;通过分类资助引导私立高等教育机构质量优先发展。  相似文献   

纵观历史,南非私立高等教育一直处于主流高等教育之外,在边缘地带发展.20世纪90年代后,在有利的政策环境和经济利益驱动下,主要借助公私高校伙伴关系,南非私立高校获得了新的发展机遇,但南非政府随之加大了对私立高校的监管,政府的政策干预在南非国内引发了激烈的争论.  相似文献   

Private education is a remarkably dynamic area of change in post-secondary education, particularly in Latin America. Evidence of growth in the number of private institutions and enrollment suggests that higher education is becoming increasingly diversified into two sectors – public and private. While this appears to be true throughout Latin America, and much of the developing world, recent evidence from Argentina casts doubt on the degree to which private sector growth trends may actually translate into a significant increase in the impact of private institutions in higher education, where impact is proxied by the relative share of student enrollment and graduates. This study explores the dimensions and impact of private expansion in Argentina, and places the findings in a comparative (regional) and theoretical framework. The analysis shows that, despite unprecedented growth in the number of private universities, the public sector remains the dominant provider of university education. Private institutions, while certainly more numerous and training a growing number of students, do not account for a larger share of university enrollment. They have, however, developed specific niches (e.g., in graduate level training and in urban areas). Significantly, following a pattern of institutional proliferation found throughout Latin America, some private universities offer elite alternatives to prestigious public institutions. The findings serve to qualify apparent `gains' in private higher education and to underscore the need for further research into the relevant intrasectoral (public and private) dimensions of change in post-secondary education.  相似文献   

This article considers the potential role of private institutions in the development of Russian higher education. After decades of a government centralised higher education system, there is a clear trend towards the privatisation of education institutions and the diversification of education practices. Some commentators consider this to indicate that the Russian State is losing control of education; others welcome private initiatives, both in formal and informal education. Russian higher education has also been greatly challenged by the current demographic gap: the total number of secondary school graduates expected in 2012 is half that of 2006. This strengthens the competition for the enrolment of students in private and public (federal and municipal) institutions. Based on recent interviews with senior management at a number of provincial private universities, this article suggests possible avenues for private universities to extend into the education market and considers the implications.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper was to review the contribution of private institutions to higher education in Africa and use Monash South Africa as a case study. A literature search was conducted to gain perspective on the current situation with respect to private higher education institutions in Africa and how they are perceived in relation to public higher education institutions.

In comparison with public higher education institutions, private higher education institutions in Africa were successful in four areas: ? Widening access to higher education in the continent

? Improving the quality of education

? Improving student experience

? Increasing the recognition and marketability of their degrees

However, private higher education institutions in Africa have failed in two areas: ? Reducing the costs of higher education in Africa

? Assisting with retention of skilled human capital in African countries.

In fact, private higher education institutions in Africa, have exacerbated the two situations above.

Monash South Africa was the first foreign university to be established in South Africa and one of over 100 private universities in the continent. As a campus of Monash University in Africa, it has seen a steady growth with over 3,500 students in the past 10 years of its existence. Like other private institutions, the campus was successful in the four areas above and also fails in the area of costs and assisting in retention of skilled staff in Africa. The campus has been successful in blending its private provider status with a public purpose mandate by offering degrees in social science, business and economics, information technology and health sciences.  相似文献   

Policy debate about whether to maintain public subsidies for higher education has stimulated reconsideration of the public mission of higher education institutions, especially those that provide student places conferring private benefits. If the work of higher education institutions is defined simply as the aggregation of private interests, this evaporates the rationale for higher education institutions as distinctive social foundations with multiple public and private roles. The private benefits could be produced elsewhere. If that is all there is to higher education institutions, they could follow the Tudor monasteries into oblivion. But what is ‘public’ in higher education institutions? What could be ‘public’? What should be ‘public’? The paper reviews the main notions of ‘public’ (public goods in economics, public understood as collective good and Habermas' public sphere) noting the contested and politicised environment in which notions of ‘public’ must find purchase. A turn to global public goods offers the most promising strategy for re‐grounding the ‘public’ character of higher education.  相似文献   

Public higher education in the Philippines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Clearly, the national government of the Philippines has decided to increase the number and comprehensiveness of its public colleges and universities. While private colleges and universities are likely to dominate higher education in the Philippines for the remainer of this century, it appears that public, tax-supported higher education will become increasingly available there. The Philippines is not a wealthy country but it is devoting a substantial portion of its national resources to public higher education. In 1983, higher education received 2.85 percent of the national budget, a figure that has been rising for years. Compared with some highly developed countries, this is not a large percentage, but for a country that has traditionally relied on private higher education, it is a major and growing investment in the public sector.While many of the better universities in the Philippines are private, many other private educational institutions are small and struggling. As their financial resources become more limited, and as less expensive, tax-supported higher education becomes increasingly available, a lot of the struggling private colleges will probably close. This process is also being hastened by actions of the government to upgrade quality, for example in the case of the many private colleges that developed after World War II. In an attempt to improve the academic quality of these marginal institutions, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports has been given extensive authority, and while its intrusion into private institutions has been modest by some measures, its requirements are affecting them all and will speed the demise of some. This is bound to lead to a stronger role for public higher education in the Philippines, a country that is striving diligently to improve the education and hence the quality of life of its people.The author is grateful to several officials of public and private colleges and universities whom he interviewed in the Philippines in March, 1983, and particularly to Mr. S.B. Bangug, Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges, and Dr. Amado C. Dizon, Executive Vice President, Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities, who provided major assistance.  相似文献   

我国民办高等学校区域分布、时间变化及其影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民办高等学校数是衡量我国民办高等教育发展状况的一个重要指标。以往的研究证明,经济发展和公立高等教育发展是影响民办高等教育发展的两个重要因素。本文建立了以民办高等学校数为因变量,以GDP和公立普通高等学校数为自变量的回归模型,并利用我国31个省、自治区和直辖市2002年、2005年和2006年的有关数据,对回归模型进行了统计分析,结果表明民办普通高等学校区域分布及其时间变化受GDP及其变化的显著影响;独立学院区域分布受公立普通高等学校数的显著影响;民办高等学校区域分布及其时间变化同时受GDP和公立普通高等学校数及其变化的显著影响。以市为单位进行的分析发现,以省为单位的分析结果会低估公立普通高等学校对于民办普通高等学校的积极影响。  相似文献   

This article begins by tracing the history of higher education in the United States from its origins in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the seventeenth century in private, elite, church‐related institutions to the large‐scale mass higher education situation of today in which well over half the total enrollment is in public secular institutions. The author feels that the State and the Federal governments overly favoured the public sector during the period of massive expansion which began in the 1950's. More importantly, he is very much concerned about the decline in academic standards which set in once total enrollments exceeded 15% of the available college‐age cohorts. The process of decline continues, he argues, as public demand for equal access to higher education has led to equally strident demands for equal results. As results cannot in fact be made equal, given differences in the human condition, the solution to the dilemma has been the adulteration of certification which has as its result the undermining of an essential base of democracy, an educated citizenry.  相似文献   

民办高校现已成为我国高等教育体系的重要组成部分,对民办高校进行财政资助是促进其发展的重要举措。基于历史制度主义的分析视角发现,自改革开放以来,我国民办高校财政资助制度历经初步形成、法制化建设、多样化发展以及差别化扶持四个阶段,其制度变迁深受宏观制度环境、民办高校发展受重视程度以及财政资助目标转变的影响,变迁过程中存在路径依赖现象,在整体上呈现出以诱致性变迁为主、强制性变迁为辅的变迁逻辑。后续民办高校财政资助制度的发展,将注重经费投入增加与支出结构优化相协调、充分体现财政杠杆的三重作用、平衡好财政资助的效率与公平。  相似文献   

Higher education policies related to quality assurance are implemented in many countries. The purposes of such policies are to ensure the provision for high-quality education, university accountability and transparency in the use of public funding and meeting the needs of the diverse stakeholders. The current Australian Higher Education Quality Assurance Framework was implemented in the year 2000. It can be described that the framework has been enjoyed by universities, academics and other providers in Australia. This paper provides a brief history of quality assurance, its evolution in higher education in Australia and current changes and trends in quality assurance in other developed countries. It then provides an analysis of the success and deficiencies of the current framework used in Australia and suggestions which may be helpful in the development of the new framework. The analysis includes the thoughts of the three authors based on their experience in managing quality and reviews in seven different institutions and the views of more than 40 participants who are staff members from 25 Australian universities.  相似文献   

Private for-profit higher education has been rapidly expanding in developing countries worldwide since the early 1990s. This global trend has been particularly evident in Ethiopia, where only three public universities existed until 1996. By 2005, about 60 private for-profit higher education institutions had been founded in Ethiopia. This has led to mixed feelings among the Ethiopian public. While some laud the opportunities and advantages these new institutions bring, others are apprehensive that the quality of education might be compromised by an expansion motivated by monetary gain. This article sheds light on these paradoxes and provides suggestions for policy and practices.  相似文献   

私有化与美国高等教育财政的新趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1990年以来,私有化成为美国高等教育发展的主流趋势。众多大学热衷于资助与企业合作的教育研究项目,并且积极参与商业活动。在高等教育领域中,营利性大学呈现出最为积极的发展态势。此外,各种形式的学生经济资助力度的加大使得美国高等教育财政发生了翻天覆地的变化。对于公立和私立大学而言,私有化均意味着市场力量的大力介入。本文从以下三个视角审视美国高等教育财政的发展变化:考察1990年以来高等教育私有化的宏观发展趋势,分析该时期高等教育在校生规模、大学学费及其收入支出的变化趋势,研究当前经济危机对公立和私立高等教育部门产生的影响。大学学费的稳步增长使美国高等教育财政由政府资助转向学生及其家庭分担。学生经济资助,尤其是联邦学生贷款的大幅增长对美国高等教育财政产生了重要影响,而这种影响作用在私立非营利性大学、公立大学、私立营利性大学的表现是截然不同的。最后,私有化潮流对不同性质高等教育机构的财政及其学术研究产生了不同的动态影响。面对高校收入来源及其总额的变化,美国大学的高度自主特质使得各院校必须独立作出适应,这也由此提升了高校对于市场力量的积极响应。  相似文献   

In much of the literature on the privatisation of higher education, it appears as both a relatively recent phenomenon, and one that is homogenous in its causes, forms and effects. Drawing on the case of South Africa, this study challenges these assumptions, suggesting that without a sense of the long history of private provision and its interwoven relationship with public higher education in that country, it is difficult to appreciate fully the effects of global and local dynamics. The paper draws on an empirical study conducted in 2001 to provide a historical sweep of private provision prior to 1990, before tracing the origins and history of contemporary cases. The analysis demonstrates that there are four distinct pathways to the establishment of private institutions, related to global pressures towards the marketisation and diversification of higher education. Distinct forms of private providers are shaped by the complex global, national and historical dynamics and relationships with the public higher education sector described.  相似文献   

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